Daily protein too high on MFP?



  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    why is Bill Clinton alive today? He's a vegan. Doncha think he might have access to the very best information out there? If the science supported higher levels of protein, the dozens and dozens of doctors and scientists who support the China Study wouldn't do so. Or am I wrong about that?
    I think it may have something to do with the fact that he's only 66 years old and still SHOULD be alive...

    you realize he had a massive heart attack right? and eating a plant-based diet has been proven to reverse heart disease.

    OR maybe just dieting in general would do that.

    lol not at all true. you can be on a "diet" and eat tons of artery clogging foods. just ask the ketogenic fans on the boards. (though they'll scream that cholesterol doesn't clog arteries)

    So, losing weight does not improve health markers?

    how many athletes dying of heart attacks do I need to list to prove that being a "healthy" weight =/= actual health

    You did not answer the question...as usual.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    why is Bill Clinton alive today? He's a vegan. Doncha think he might have access to the very best information out there? If the science supported higher levels of protein, the dozens and dozens of doctors and scientists who support the China Study wouldn't do so. Or am I wrong about that?
    I think it may have something to do with the fact that he's only 66 years old and still SHOULD be alive...

    you realize he had a massive heart attack right? and eating a plant-based diet has been proven to reverse heart disease.

    OR maybe just dieting in general would do that.

    lol not at all true. you can be on a "diet" and eat tons of artery clogging foods. just ask the ketogenic fans on the boards. (though they'll scream that cholesterol doesn't clog arteries)

    So, losing weight does not improve health markers?

    how many athletes dying of heart attacks do I need to list to prove that being a "healthy" weight =/= actual health

    You did not answer the question...as usual.

    my bad.

    losing weight. it obviously makes you healthier, but not AS healthy as you could be if you did it eating real foods. thus my comment about athletes who are perceived as "healthy" but are at just as high a risk of heart disease as anyone else, unless they eat correctly.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    why is Bill Clinton alive today? He's a vegan. Doncha think he might have access to the very best information out there? If the science supported higher levels of protein, the dozens and dozens of doctors and scientists who support the China Study wouldn't do so. Or am I wrong about that?
    I think it may have something to do with the fact that he's only 66 years old and still SHOULD be alive...

    you realize he had a massive heart attack right? and eating a plant-based diet has been proven to reverse heart disease.

    OR maybe just dieting in general would do that.

    lol not at all true. you can be on a "diet" and eat tons of artery clogging foods. just ask the ketogenic fans on the boards. (though they'll scream that cholesterol doesn't clog arteries)

    So, losing weight does not improve health markers?

    how many athletes dying of heart attacks do I need to list to prove that being a "healthy" weight =/= actual health

    You did not answer the question...as usual.

    my bad.

    losing weight. it obviously makes you healthier, but not AS healthy as you could be if you did it eating real foods. thus my comment about athletes who are perceived as "healthy" but are at just as high a risk of heart disease as anyone else, unless they eat correctly.

    So vegetarians don't die from heart disease? If it's been "proven" to reverse it according to you, then we shouldn't see any die from it, correct?
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    why is Bill Clinton alive today? He's a vegan. Doncha think he might have access to the very best information out there? If the science supported higher levels of protein, the dozens and dozens of doctors and scientists who support the China Study wouldn't do so. Or am I wrong about that?
    I think it may have something to do with the fact that he's only 66 years old and still SHOULD be alive...

    you realize he had a massive heart attack right? and eating a plant-based diet has been proven to reverse heart disease.

    OR maybe just dieting in general would do that.

    lol not at all true. you can be on a "diet" and eat tons of artery clogging foods. just ask the ketogenic fans on the boards. (though they'll scream that cholesterol doesn't clog arteries)

    So, losing weight does not improve health markers?

    how many athletes dying of heart attacks do I need to list to prove that being a "healthy" weight =/= actual health

    You did not answer the question...as usual.

    my bad.

    losing weight. it obviously makes you healthier, but not AS healthy as you could be if you did it eating real foods. thus my comment about athletes who are perceived as "healthy" but are at just as high a risk of heart disease as anyone else, unless they eat correctly.

    That is a wild jump from your response to the comment "OR maybe just dieting in general would do that." with your response of "lol not at all true"

    I am not exactly sure why athletes were brought into the conversation in any event. Also, where are your sources that athletes are at just as high a risk for heart disease as anyone else unless they eat correctly?
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    why is Bill Clinton alive today? He's a vegan. Doncha think he might have access to the very best information out there? If the science supported higher levels of protein, the dozens and dozens of doctors and scientists who support the China Study wouldn't do so. Or am I wrong about that?
    I think it may have something to do with the fact that he's only 66 years old and still SHOULD be alive...

    you realize he had a massive heart attack right? and eating a plant-based diet has been proven to reverse heart disease.

    OR maybe just dieting in general would do that.

    lol not at all true. you can be on a "diet" and eat tons of artery clogging foods. just ask the ketogenic fans on the boards. (though they'll scream that cholesterol doesn't clog arteries)

    So, losing weight does not improve health markers?

    how many athletes dying of heart attacks do I need to list to prove that being a "healthy" weight =/= actual health

    You did not answer the question...as usual.

    my bad.

    losing weight. it obviously makes you healthier, but not AS healthy as you could be if you did it eating real foods. thus my comment about athletes who are perceived as "healthy" but are at just as high a risk of heart disease as anyone else, unless they eat correctly.

    So vegetarians don't die from heart disease? If it's been "proven" to reverse it according to you, then we shouldn't see any die from it, correct?

    yaaaay we've reached the point where y'all are just being intentionally obtuse! :)

    lol that isn't according to me. all sorts of resources for you here. the second link is a conglomeration of a large number of other sources.

  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member

    That is a wild jump from your response to the comment "OR maybe just dieting in general would do that." with your response of "lol not at all true"

    I am not exactly sure why athletes were brought into the conversation in any event. Also, where are your sources that athletes are at just as high a risk for heart disease as anyone else unless they eat correctly?

    I answered your question, please answer one of mine without extra commentary.

    do you believe that a person who eats whatever they want (fast food, junk food, processed foods etc) but stays within their macro goals is EQUALLY as healthy (ie: will have equally good vitals) as someone who stays within their macro limit but only eats whole foods, lots of fruits and veggies, whole grains, and avoids processed foods?

    I know this argument has been had before, but I want your straight forward, no extra BS answer.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    why is Bill Clinton alive today? He's a vegan. Doncha think he might have access to the very best information out there? If the science supported higher levels of protein, the dozens and dozens of doctors and scientists who support the China Study wouldn't do so. Or am I wrong about that?
    I think it may have something to do with the fact that he's only 66 years old and still SHOULD be alive...

    you realize he had a massive heart attack right? and eating a plant-based diet has been proven to reverse heart disease.

    OR maybe just dieting in general would do that.

    lol not at all true. you can be on a "diet" and eat tons of artery clogging foods. just ask the ketogenic fans on the boards. (though they'll scream that cholesterol doesn't clog arteries)

    So, losing weight does not improve health markers?

    how many athletes dying of heart attacks do I need to list to prove that being a "healthy" weight =/= actual health

    You did not answer the question...as usual.

    my bad.

    losing weight. it obviously makes you healthier, but not AS healthy as you could be if you did it eating real foods. thus my comment about athletes who are perceived as "healthy" but are at just as high a risk of heart disease as anyone else, unless they eat correctly.

    So vegetarians don't die from heart disease? If it's been "proven" to reverse it according to you, then we shouldn't see any die from it, correct?

    yaaaay we've reached the point where y'all are just being intentionally obtuse! :)

    lol that isn't according to me. all sorts of resources for you here. the second link is a conglomeration of a large number of other sources.


    From http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/heartdiseasesprevention.html

    Heart disease is the leading cause of the death in the U.S. Over one quarter of all deaths are from heart disease. It is also a major cause of disability. The risk of heart disease increases as you age. You have a greater risk of heart disease if you are a man over age 45 or a woman over age 55. You also are at greater risk if you have a close family member who had heart disease at an early age.

    Fortunately, there are many things you can do reduce your chances of getting heart disease. You should

    Know your blood pressure and keep it under control
    Exercise regularly
    Don't smoke
    Get tested for diabetes and if you have it, keep it under control
    Know your cholesterol and triglyceride levels and keep them under control
    Eat a lot of fruits and vegetables
    Maintain a healthy weight

    From http://www.cdc.gov/heartdisease/what_you_can_do.htm

    Ways to reduce your risk of heart disease:

    Eat a healthy diet. Choosing healthful meal and snack options can help you avoid heart disease and its complications. Be sure to eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables.

    Eating foods low in saturated fat and cholesterol and high in fiber can help prevent high blood cholesterol. Limiting salt or sodium in your diet can also lower your blood pressure.

    Maintain a healthy weight. Being overweight or obese can increase your risk for heart disease. To determine whether your weight is in a healthy range, doctors often calculate a number called the body mass index (BMI). Doctors sometimes also use waist and hip measurements to measure a person's excess body fat.

    Exercise regularly. Physical activity can help you maintain a healthy weight and lower cholesterol and blood pressure. The Surgeon General recommends that adults should engage in moderate-intensity exercise for at least 30 minutes on most days of the week.

    Don't smoke. Cigarette smoking greatly increases your risk for heart disease. So, if you don't smoke, don't start. If you do smoke, quitting will lower your risk for heart disease. Your doctor can suggest ways to help you quit.

    Limit alcohol use. Avoid drinking too much alcohol, which causes high blood pressure.

    I don't see meat or protein mentioned anywhere in either of them - I do see weight though.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member

    That is a wild jump from your response to the comment "OR maybe just dieting in general would do that." with your response of "lol not at all true"

    I am not exactly sure why athletes were brought into the conversation in any event. Also, where are your sources that athletes are at just as high a risk for heart disease as anyone else unless they eat correctly?

    we're gonna do this another way because you're ridiculous.

    I answered your question, please answer one of mine without extra commentary.

    do you believe that a person who eats whatever they want (fast food, junk food, processed foods etc) but stays within their macro goals is EQUALLY as healthy (ie: will have equally good vitals) as someone who stays within their macro limit but only eats whole foods, lots of fruits and veggies, whole grains, and avoids processed foods?

    I know this argument has been had before, but I want your straight forward, no extra BS answer.

    Ahhh...back to form with the insults!

    You did not answer my question.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    why is Bill Clinton alive today? He's a vegan. Doncha think he might have access to the very best information out there? If the science supported higher levels of protein, the dozens and dozens of doctors and scientists who support the China Study wouldn't do so. Or am I wrong about that?
    I think it may have something to do with the fact that he's only 66 years old and still SHOULD be alive...

    you realize he had a massive heart attack right? and eating a plant-based diet has been proven to reverse heart disease.

    OR maybe just dieting in general would do that.

    lol not at all true. you can be on a "diet" and eat tons of artery clogging foods. just ask the ketogenic fans on the boards. (though they'll scream that cholesterol doesn't clog arteries)

    So, losing weight does not improve health markers?

    how many athletes dying of heart attacks do I need to list to prove that being a "healthy" weight =/= actual health

    You did not answer the question...as usual.

    my bad.

    losing weight. it obviously makes you healthier, but not AS healthy as you could be if you did it eating real foods. thus my comment about athletes who are perceived as "healthy" but are at just as high a risk of heart disease as anyone else, unless they eat correctly.

    So vegetarians don't die from heart disease? If it's been "proven" to reverse it according to you, then we shouldn't see any die from it, correct?

    yaaaay we've reached the point where y'all are just being intentionally obtuse! :)

    lol that isn't according to me. all sorts of resources for you here. the second link is a conglomeration of a large number of other sources.


    Lol engine 2 diet site, confirmation bias much?
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    why is Bill Clinton alive today? He's a vegan. Doncha think he might have access to the very best information out there? If the science supported higher levels of protein, the dozens and dozens of doctors and scientists who support the China Study wouldn't do so. Or am I wrong about that?
    I think it may have something to do with the fact that he's only 66 years old and still SHOULD be alive...

    you realize he had a massive heart attack right? and eating a plant-based diet has been proven to reverse heart disease.

    OR maybe just dieting in general would do that.

    lol not at all true. you can be on a "diet" and eat tons of artery clogging foods. just ask the ketogenic fans on the boards. (though they'll scream that cholesterol doesn't clog arteries)

    So, losing weight does not improve health markers?

    how many athletes dying of heart attacks do I need to list to prove that being a "healthy" weight =/= actual health

    You did not answer the question...as usual.

    my bad.

    losing weight. it obviously makes you healthier, but not AS healthy as you could be if you did it eating real foods. thus my comment about athletes who are perceived as "healthy" but are at just as high a risk of heart disease as anyone else, unless they eat correctly.

    So vegetarians don't die from heart disease? If it's been "proven" to reverse it according to you, then we shouldn't see any die from it, correct?

    yaaaay we've reached the point where y'all are just being intentionally obtuse! :)

    lol that isn't according to me. all sorts of resources for you here. the second link is a conglomeration of a large number of other sources.


    From http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/heartdiseasesprevention.html

    Heart disease is the leading cause of the death in the U.S. Over one quarter of all deaths are from heart disease. It is also a major cause of disability. The risk of heart disease increases as you age. You have a greater risk of heart disease if you are a man over age 45 or a woman over age 55. You also are at greater risk if you have a close family member who had heart disease at an early age.

    Fortunately, there are many things you can do reduce your chances of getting heart disease. You should

    Know your blood pressure and keep it under control
    Exercise regularly
    Don't smoke
    Get tested for diabetes and if you have it, keep it under control
    Know your cholesterol and triglyceride levels and keep them under control
    Eat a lot of fruits and vegetables
    Maintain a healthy weight

    From http://www.cdc.gov/heartdisease/what_you_can_do.htm

    Ways to reduce your risk of heart disease:

    Eat a healthy diet. Choosing healthful meal and snack options can help you avoid heart disease and its complications. Be sure to eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables.

    Eating foods low in saturated fat and cholesterol and high in fiber can help prevent high blood cholesterol. Limiting salt or sodium in your diet can also lower your blood pressure.

    Maintain a healthy weight. Being overweight or obese can increase your risk for heart disease. To determine whether your weight is in a healthy range, doctors often calculate a number called the body mass index (BMI). Doctors sometimes also use waist and hip measurements to measure a person's excess body fat.

    Exercise regularly. Physical activity can help you maintain a healthy weight and lower cholesterol and blood pressure. The Surgeon General recommends that adults should engage in moderate-intensity exercise for at least 30 minutes on most days of the week.

    Don't smoke. Cigarette smoking greatly increases your risk for heart disease. So, if you don't smoke, don't start. If you do smoke, quitting will lower your risk for heart disease. Your doctor can suggest ways to help you quit.

    Limit alcohol use. Avoid drinking too much alcohol, which causes high blood pressure.

    I don't see meat or protein mentioned anywhere in either of them - I do see weight though.

    lol I do happen to see "eat lots of fruits and veggies" and "avoid foods with saturated fat and high sodium" ;)
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member

    Lol engine 2 diet site, confirmation bias much?

    yeah you're right... i should really cite studies that don't support my position...

    can you find one for me? that plant-based diets don't reduce risk and/or reverse heart disease?
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member

    Ahhh...back to form with the insults!

    You did not answer my question.

    i answered your first question. you answer my question. notice you dodged it. ;)
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member

    Ahhh...back to form with the insults!

    You did not answer my question.

    i answered your first question. you answer my question. notice you dodged it. ;)

    No you did not answer it at all. Also, I am actually not going to respond to posts telling me to do something when in the same post you call me ridiculous. You really do have a problem not making insults don't you?
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member

    Ahhh...back to form with the insults!

    You did not answer my question.

    i answered your first question. you answer my question. notice you dodged it. ;)

    No you did not answer it at all.

    sorry you feel that way.

    you asked whether i think someone who loses weight is healthier and i said yes, just not AS healthy as someone who does it the right way.

    pretty sure that's an answer.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member

    Ahhh...back to form with the insults!

    You did not answer my question.

    i answered your first question. you answer my question. notice you dodged it. ;)

    No you did not answer it at all.

    sorry you feel that way.

    you asked whether i think someone who loses weight is healthier and i said yes, just not AS healthy as someone who does it the right now.

    pretty sure that's an answer.
    My follow up question, which you did not answer was:

    Also, where are your sources that athletes are at just as high a risk for heart disease as anyone else unless they eat correctly?
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member

    Ahhh...back to form with the insults!

    You did not answer my question.

    i answered your first question. you answer my question. notice you dodged it. ;)

    No you did not answer it at all.

    sorry you feel that way.

    you asked whether i think someone who loses weight is healthier and i said yes, just not AS healthy as someone who does it the right now.

    pretty sure that's an answer.
    My follow up question, which you did not answer was:

    Also, where are your sources that athletes are at just as high a risk for heart disease as anyone else unless they eat correctly?

    cholesterol has very little to do with weight, except that someone who is heavy tends to eat more of it as a byproduct of eating too much in general.

    an athlete who is in top physical form, but eats tons of artery clogging foods, is still at a higher risk for heart disease regardless of being considered "healthy" by folks like you.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member

    Lol engine 2 diet site, confirmation bias much?

    yeah you're right... i should really cite studies that don't support my position...

    can you find one for me? that plant-based diets don't reduce risk and/or reverse heart disease?

    The burden of proof is on the claim maker
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member

    Ahhh...back to form with the insults!

    You did not answer my question.

    i answered your first question. you answer my question. notice you dodged it. ;)

    No you did not answer it at all.

    sorry you feel that way.

    you asked whether i think someone who loses weight is healthier and i said yes, just not AS healthy as someone who does it the right now.

    pretty sure that's an answer.
    My follow up question, which you did not answer was:

    Also, where are your sources that athletes are at just as high a risk for heart disease as anyone else unless they eat correctly?

    cholesterol has very little to do with weight, except that someone who is heavy tends to eat more of it as a byproduct of eating too much in general.

    an athlete who is in top physical form, but eats tons of artery clogging foods, is still at a higher risk for heart disease regardless of being considered "healthy" by folks like you.

    Please do not tell me (incorrectly) what or who I consider to be healthy.

    And, that was not the statement you made. You said that an athlete who eats 'unhealthily' was just as likely to be at risk of heart disease as a non-athlete who eats 'unhealthily'.
    thus my comment about athletes who are perceived as "healthy" but are at just as high a risk of heart disease as anyone else, unless they eat correctly.

    And I am still waiting for that source!
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member

    Lol engine 2 diet site, confirmation bias much?

    yeah you're right... i should really cite studies that don't support my position...

    can you find one for me? that plant-based diets don't reduce risk and/or reverse heart disease?

    The burden of proof is on the claim maker

    you claimed that my sources weren't accurate. prove it.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member

    Ahhh...back to form with the insults!

    You did not answer my question.

    i answered your first question. you answer my question. notice you dodged it. ;)

    No you did not answer it at all.

    sorry you feel that way.

    you asked whether i think someone who loses weight is healthier and i said yes, just not AS healthy as someone who does it the right now.

    pretty sure that's an answer.
    My follow up question, which you did not answer was:

    Also, where are your sources that athletes are at just as high a risk for heart disease as anyone else unless they eat correctly?

    cholesterol has very little to do with weight, except that someone who is heavy tends to eat more of it as a byproduct of eating too much in general.

    an athlete who is in top physical form, but eats tons of artery clogging foods, is still at a higher risk for heart disease regardless of being considered "healthy" by folks like you.

    Please do not tell me (incorrectly) what or who I consider to be healthy.

    And, that was not the statement you made. You said that an athlete who eats 'unhealthily' was just as likely to be at risk of heart disease as a non-athlete who eats 'unhealthily'.
    thus my comment about athletes who are perceived as "healthy" but are at just as high a risk of heart disease as anyone else, unless they eat correctly.

    And I am still waiting for that source!

    I got it from your profile. ;)
