Any chubbies at your gym?



  • MsLadyVirgo
    MsLadyVirgo Posts: 160 Member
    i know the feeling. i use to be a member of LA fitness, but now i'm a member of a smaller local gym. the gym offers a silver sneaker program, so there's an eclectic membership base.
  • that_Va_chick
    :wink: you shouldnt care what everybody else looks like in the gym..its your stepping stone to getting the healthy body you want. Throw on some headphones..rock to some good tunes and get it done.
  • KarCrib
    KarCrib Posts: 39 Member
    Me! I have about 60 lbs to lose. I have to say most of the people are so self involved, checking thjmselves out that they don't have time for me. And to be honest, I don't care what people think, if they even are thinking. I go for myself. I have made some good friends along the way as well... don't judge a book by its cover, I have gotten a lot of help from those trim young folks!
  • Lisah8969
    Lisah8969 Posts: 1,247 Member
    I am the fatty at my gym. So what. I go and do what I need to do and if someone wants to look at me and judge me, then I can't stop them. They would be judging me if i were at the gym or walking down the street. I just do what I need to do and go. I don't worry (too much) about what others are thinking. If I did that, I would never leave the house.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    I feel your pain. I have anxiety, that at its worst is kind of a paranoid anxiety. It's prevented me from going in public many times, bars, mall, restaurants thinking that people are judging my appearance. I started working out a few months ago at our local rec center as it was always quiet, I joined planet fitness with some friends who were going to work out last night and it was pleasant, I don't agree 100% with their rules but I felt comfortable there. Each time I have MADE myself go to a gym, I always leave feeling better about myself.
  • RECowgill
    RECowgill Posts: 881 Member
    I'm a fat guy in my gym. You have to just decide to go, it's not about them it's about you.

    Whenever I get nervous about going I just remember that I wouldn't need to go if I wasn't fat. Other people wouldn't be there either if they didn't have something to improve. The whole point in going is self improvement.

    Keep this in the front of your mind and you won't have any more difficulty showing up.
  • That_car_is_full_of_balloons
    You should've researched other gyms in your area and found one with a small clientele. I'm fit but I have severe claustrophobia, so I found a small gym where I can feel comfortable doing supersets lol.

    Everyone has their insecurities.

    Honestly, I would say just from all the gyms I've been in, the majority of gym-goers are focused on their workout (get in, get out, go about their day). There is a small minority who like to oogle at others but those are the same as people watchers in real life -- harmless lookers. Don't think they are judging you because you made eye contact while they were letting their eyes wander. Even then, they are probably just thinking, "Damn, homegirl sweats like a hog....... I wonder what workout she did so I can try that!" :D
    Then there are the really fit people.... these are the people who know what hard work can do. They sacrifice a lot of their time to be in the gym day in and day out. Believe me, if they could give you their body (while keeping theirs) they would do it. Those are often the most helpful people.
    So basically that leaves ONE person in the gym, who once every blue moon comes in, and judges people harshly. I only say this because I know how awful society is and so there has to be one of them in the gym, right?
    Does all of this still make you feel insecure now? Just get your workout on. You are at an age where a lot of people have to take prescription drugs or finding out their cholesterol is too high or they're getting arthritis in the knees. Be that healthy aging person that sets a bright example for the younger generation!
  • markymarrkk
    markymarrkk Posts: 495 Member
    Let me just say that, I've earned my spot at my gym ... I'm not top dawg or anything but I handle business and everytime I see a person just starting their journey, when I see them struggling, working their *kitten* off.. I got nothing but MAD respect!!

    especially when I start seeing them show up on a regular basis, MAD love ... so don't be shy, show up, work hard and bust your *kitten*.
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    <--- still needs to lose at least 40 lbs. I figure if someone is in the gym wasting their time judging me because I'm not perfectly fit already, they are a$$hats anyway and what do I care about their opinion.

    AMEN! :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • kbtuohey
    kbtuohey Posts: 1 Member
    Honestly, I don't think people pay too much attention to others at the gym. I work on a military base so being a female, I do get a little bit of stares when I first walk in but really people are just in there to work out. When I work out, I am personally only focused on myself, making my goal for the day, and then leaving to get home. If by chance I ever see a larger person working out in the gym, I always think "good for them for getting out and doing something!" I think it's great when people, no matter their size, work out to better their self!
  • ajones1227
    ajones1227 Posts: 180 Member
    I'm one of the chubbies at my gym. From what I've seen the year I've been going is everybody getting there workout on and too busy to worry about anybody else. We're all there for the same reason and most of the trim ones didnt start off that way.
  • joycebug
    joycebug Posts: 309
    The gym I go to has a mix of all sorts of people...young, older, heavy, fit...You've got to think we're all there for the same reason - for OUR health. Yeah, you see people there staring every now and then, but for the most part no one really cares cuz they're busy doing their own thing. You just need to tune it out...headphones work for me. And if I catch someone staring, I just smile at them and keep doing what I'm doing...
  • elizak87
    elizak87 Posts: 249 Member
    My partner is 44 and 270 pounds. We go to the gym together. I enjoy it when he is there. He looks damn sexy when he lifts weights and he is a great spotter.
  • mq68
    mq68 Posts: 118 Member
    yep, that is me:) but now after going for 9 months of the gym I am down 65. So still chubby but less than I was! AND that is b/c I use weights @ the gym! now get in there and crush all your goals!!!
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    I was like that the first day I went to the Y - it was overwhelming that first day but I ran around the track and hit up the treadmill. This week, I slowly started lifting around other people and going on the weight machines. I don't consider myself chubby (but rather with the potential to tone) anyway, there are people there of all ages, sizes.. I don't think anyone is really judging cause we are all there doing something about our health. I think the only time I pay attention is when a hot guy walks in the room or is all sweaty on the stationary bike :laugh: but even then I don't stare.
  • halffullpgh
    halffullpgh Posts: 74 Member
    I feel a little insecure each day when I walk into the gym but by the time I am done I feel one step closer to my goals. We just have to keep on keeping on.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    I was by far the chubbiest person at my gym when I joined. No, let me be honest, I was the fattest. And I was by far the fattest person walking in my neighborhood and on the nearby trail.

    If I'd let that stop me I wouldn't now be one of those skinny-ish people I used to glare at resentfully for running all over the treadmill and the street without jiggling and gasping and turning alarming shades of red. :bigsmile:
  • KarenJean91
    KarenJean91 Posts: 283 Member
    Honestly, whenever I see people who are bigger at the gym, it makes me so happy. I give them SO much credit for trying to change their life around. If anything, people will look up to you rather than down on you.
  • lachesissss
    lachesissss Posts: 1,298 Member
    Put your big girl panties on, go in and get your sweat on. It won't hurt and it's not scary. Promise.
  • Monica_has_a_goal
    Monica_has_a_goal Posts: 694 Member
    NOW that i'm married and have an adult daughter, I have enrolled us all at the nearest gym. "I" am the fatty there.

    We love going and exercising together!

    Don't worry about what others think~ take care of you and do it while holding your head up high! :happy: