200+ (Week 23) Shrinking into Summer begins!



  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    Thanks for the advice pinot!! you are the best!!

    Not feeling the workout today, but the scale is still hating me. it read 204 this morning. could be the damn doughnut i ate...no.....wolfed down last night. what is wrong with me? they had extra at dh's work and he brought them home and i ate one down like a friggin woman possessed. Telling myself, whatever.....bad choice, new day! Onward and upward!

    Kendall....those quesadillas sound fantastic!! i may have to make them for dinner tonight with some salad. I had chicken out to make my yogurt breaded chicken, but the quesadillas are calling to me. I'll check the expiration date on the yogurt and decide what to do. So they make 16 total?? wowza!!

    Family is on board for Easter dinner. We will have ham (and lots of water to combat the sodium), but i am going to make baked yogurt breaded zucchini, and spinach salad. for dessert we are having German chocolate cake (my dad's request for his birthday), but i am also making angel food cake with fresh berries for myself. I can't have nuts of any kind, so the GCC is out for me!! so much easier to say no, when you know you'll get a migraine from eating something.

    Deb--so proud of you and your family. Dh says that he's going to start working out when we get to Spokane. He's on the whole "i cant exercise when im stressed", so as we know you can't change someones thinking. He has been bugging me to get p90x, so i ordered it to be delivered to our new address as a surprise. I think it is going to be quite the challenge, but i am up for it.
  • ejm0306
    ejm0306 Posts: 45
    Things have been crazy for me this morning. I am just now going through my workload for the day. I usually start that right at 8, BUT I interviewed for a new position yesterday, and crosstrained for it some this morning. I am hoping to get it!!! Much better job security there than in the spot I'm in now.

    I made a crockpot chicken recipe last night and had brussel sprouts and a broccoli cheese rice thing and a itty bitty baked potatoe. That sounds like a lot, but I did really good on all the portions, and was full after for the entire night!! Woo hoo!!

    Everyone was busy positing yesterday and I haven't been able to read through all of them, but hope to get to that soon.

    Have a great day!!!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Morning ladies!
    My 3 year old daughter farts louder than both her parents combined. It is such a crack up. We only pray she keeps the joking and tooting inside our house and doesn't bring it to school with her..lol.

    A few years ago when I was in college I took a yoga class. I hated it. I could never relax and just go with it...until she had us all do this funky position (which I so wish I could remember) and afterwards she goes "well any time now you will all be mortified because that position helps move the gases through and out of your body. No one farted in the class, but OMG I was gasy for two days afterwards. And when I got pregnant and had stomach aches from all the air that couldn't move around due to lack of room...I'd get in that position and feel SO much better. Now if only I could remember what it was....

    I mean, yeah what are you going to do...lol. It happens. That is the second time I've done that at the gym. The first time I don't think anyone heard me as I was the only one in the weight room...but last night.. WOW. Usually I can laugh it off but I couldn't. Until today :)

    That quesadilla looks yummy!

    Deb glad you are all good with health results. Always a nice thing to be reassured of.

    Cds- if it ain't broke, don't fix it. Until you stop losing weight...then play with cals again. I wish my gym would do a P90X class. That would be awesome. I cannot do videos at home. I have to be at a gym.

    Yeah Mish for weight loss!!

    Pinbot - (yummy shots of booze) NumNum...
  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    I just got back from the store where i bought ingredients for blombies quesadillas. Can't wait for dinner.

    not changing any of my eating habits for now, not until i lose more weight. i may not be jumping for joy each friday, but i have kept losing weight over the past few months. 28 pounds isn't so bad in 5 months. besides, my mini goal for us moving was to be at 197. i'm at 202, so not bad....could be worse.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Haven't had a chance to read over everyone's entries yet, but just wanted to check in quickly.

    Today has been a busy day for not having done all that much work-wise. Went to psychiatry grand rounds... interesting topic, had to pick up materials for work, then there was a manic meltdown of a patient that I needed to help troubleshoot. I"m just now eating lunch after 2pm and still have a lot of work to do for the day. I splurged (which I totally don't need to be doing this week) and got drunken noodles with tofu which I have been craving for WEEKS. One container of it though will last at least 2 meals if I portion it out right. Sodium will be ugly though- must pound the water.

    Calf muscle is feeling much better today. Plan to go for a run- no 4+ miles or anything- I'll do at least one small loop (about 1.5 miles) and if I'm feeling okay, I'll do a second. Victoria- you might be right about increasing the distance too quickly. My body felt like it could handle it, but perhaps it was too fast. I wasn't planning on increasing the distance any more for a while- just working on my times. But yeah, it's gorgeous out today (70s, sunny), so want to get outside as I've been a lazy *kitten* today. It won't be a good weigh-in this week for me. :grumble:
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member


    I think these two topics are interesting today. And frustrating to me as well..but that is another matter. Why would you not log calories burned while doing strength training or circuit training? Do any of you guys/girls not log them?

    To me, calories burned are calories burned. I want recognition of my hard work and I want to see it in numbers.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I just got back from the store where i bought ingredients for blombies quesadillas. Can't wait for dinner.

    just be aware that there is a lot of fiber in each quesadilla....don't make it TOO spicy cause it can be painful later lol :blushing: :laugh:
  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    Thanks for the tip Kendall! that is always an ugly situation :)

    lacey--i agree. i read both posts and i always log any strength training I do. I don't do it as much as I should, but everything i have read talks about how good it is for you, so i log it! Hell, if i take my son for a walk i map out how far we went and log it as a leisurly stroll....
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    I definitely try and log any strength training I'm doing.

    Well, ran today-it wasn't as long as I ultimately would have liked, but I'll take it. Did just one loop instead of 2, so 1.87 miles total in 24 minutes I'll take it. I would have liked to go longer more so just for hitting the 30 minute mark, but it was harder today to do, probably cause it had been since Saturday since I'd run, my calf was still recovering (stretched well today like a good girl!), and there was a serious wind out which made it even harder. Plus, I'm not used to running outside in the 70s- this might be about my limit cause I'm totes sweating like a pig. Eww. I'll take it though. I really would like to get some cardio in tomorrow, but I just don't know if I'll have the energy after my therapy group ends at 7:30 (lots of energy!), but if I do, I hope to hit up the rec center for at least some cardio.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I have 280 cals left over from yesterday and 490 left for today. I am getting veggie pizza for dinner for my daughter and I.
  • jadegem_2002
    jadegem_2002 Posts: 101 Member


    I think these two topics are interesting today. And frustrating to me as well..but that is another matter. Why would you not log calories burned while doing strength training or circuit training? Do any of you guys/girls not log them?

    To me, calories burned are calories burned. I want recognition of my hard work and I want to see it in numbers.

    i totally agree with you.
  • jadegem_2002
    jadegem_2002 Posts: 101 Member
    I have 280 cals left over from yesterday and 490 left for today. I am getting veggie pizza for dinner for my daughter and I.

    so if you dont eat what you were suppose to the day before you can make it up the next day?
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg

    I started c25k today!!!!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Bff and I decided to go to yoga tonight (at 7pm) so I figured I would go to the gym earlier and get a little cardio in beforehand. Fear of failure has definitely been keeping me from starting it sooner. I was so scared that those measly little 60 seconds of jogging would defeat me. HOLY COW IT WAS AWESOME!!!

    *flips twirls and spins around*

    *maybe even a little booty dancin too*

  • spfraser
    spfraser Posts: 17
    Hi! Hope everyone had a good day. Thanks for making me feel welcome! I did well today with food and came in 78 calories under goal. One of my new favorite snacks is tropical trail mix. You don't get much (140 calories for 1/4 of a cup) but it's so yummy! I did not formally exercise today, but I was on my feet and making laps around our 32 bed ICU, so I figure that must count for something. I have a really hard time working for 12 hours, then coming home and exercising. Maybe I will be feeling it more as the weight comes off and the weather gets nicer. Hope everyone has a good tomorrow!:flowerforyou:
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I have 280 cals left over from yesterday and 490 left for today. I am getting veggie pizza for dinner for my daughter and I.

    so if you dont eat what you were suppose to the day before you can make it up the next day?

    I personally believe in the law of averages, and as long as you track seven days a week (which I Have NOT been good about lately) then it all works out in the end and I still lose weight.

    Now. I ended up going over by a bit and it is going to be super duper hard not to eat my Skinny Cow Icecream tonight. I look forward to them all day.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg

    I started c25k today!!!!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Bff and I decided to go to yoga tonight (at 7pm) so I figured I would go to the gym earlier and get a little cardio in beforehand. Fear of failure has definitely been keeping me from starting it sooner. I was so scared that those measly little 60 seconds of jogging would defeat me. HOLY COW IT WAS AWESOME!!!

    *flips twirls and spins around*

    *maybe even a little booty dancin too*


    Woo woo! Woo woo!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I definitely try and log any strength training I'm doing.

    Well, ran today-it wasn't as long as I ultimately would have liked, but I'll take it. Did just one loop instead of 2, so 1.87 miles total in 24 minutes I'll take it. I would have liked to go longer more so just for hitting the 30 minute mark, but it was harder today to do, probably cause it had been since Saturday since I'd run, my calf was still recovering (stretched well today like a good girl!), and there was a serious wind out which made it even harder. Plus, I'm not used to running outside in the 70s- this might be about my limit cause I'm totes sweating like a pig. Eww. I'll take it though. I really would like to get some cardio in tomorrow, but I just don't know if I'll have the energy after my therapy group ends at 7:30 (lots of energy!), but if I do, I hope to hit up the rec center for at least some cardio.

    Take it easy and don't overwork your calf!! Enjoy that food. YUUUMMM
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Hi! Hope everyone had a good day. Thanks for making me feel welcome! I did well today with food and came in 78 calories under goal. One of my new favorite snacks is tropical trail mix. You don't get much (140 calories for 1/4 of a cup) but it's so yummy! I did not formally exercise today, but I was on my feet and making laps around our 32 bed ICU, so I figure that must count for something. I have a really hard time working for 12 hours, then coming home and exercising. Maybe I will be feeling it more as the weight comes off and the weather gets nicer. Hope everyone has a good tomorrow!:flowerforyou:

    of course being on your feet for 12 hours counts! do you have a heart rate monitor? it would be very interesting to know exactly how many calories you burn at work every day.
  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg

    I started c25k today!!!!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Bff and I decided to go to yoga tonight (at 7pm) so I figured I would go to the gym earlier and get a little cardio in beforehand. Fear of failure has definitely been keeping me from starting it sooner. I was so scared that those measly little 60 seconds of jogging would defeat me. HOLY COW IT WAS AWESOME!!!

    *flips twirls and spins around*

    *maybe even a little booty dancin too*


    CONGRATS!!! warning....it becomes addictive to see what your body can do. I always think of something i hear jillian michaels say about how we completely underestimate our bodies. it is a machine, and will push farther and adapt more than we can ever believe.
    so proud of you!!!
    BTW, the quesadillas were AWESOME!! definately going into our dinner rotation. had that with some salad...yum!!!

    gonna get my fudgesicle and chamomile tea and watching jeopardy!

    AKA--if you did nearly 2 miles in 24 minutes, i bet you can do a 12 minute mile too! You should push yourself and try and see where you are at. i bet you can kick my *kitten*!!

    love to all!!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Kendal- I'm so happy for you for starting c25k and it went well! *twirls* it's completely addicting- and it's great to have a goal to work towards. It's amazing what a body can do. I NEVER thought I'd be able to run ONE mile, never the less the up to 4 I've run at a time now. And remember... just started c25k at the beginning of the year- just 3 months ago- you can totally rock it!

    Carolyn- I probably could do a 12 minute mile if I did a shorter run. Today wasn't a good example as it was super windy and I wasn't at my best physically, but I absolutely have faith that I could do that. I'm hoping for another run on Friday (or Saturday) at the latest and pump it back up to a 5K (I've got a race (eep!) in just 2ish weeks). Need to continue to feel comfortable at that distance as the race is just under 5K and hilly (ew).

    I know the sodium in the food I ate tonight won't help, but I stepped on the scale this morning, because I'm a glutton for punishment. I know it'll be down at least a pound in the morning, but it was 202- seriously. Am i EVER going to permanently be out of the 200s? What the heck, yo? I know it's been a low exercise week and not the super best eating for me, but geez... give a gal a break already. I want to move fully into my next 30 pound goal weight loss- say that first 1/3 of my weight loss goal adios.