200+ (Week 23) Shrinking into Summer begins!



  • dixiegal2484
    dixiegal2484 Posts: 293 Member
    hello ladies!!! i had a great morning. i got up early (which i rarely do on my day off) and went to the park and did two loops around the lake and playground with my friend. it was great then afterward i call the city dept. of parks an leisure services and found out that our route is approx. 1.5 miles long so i have been walking 3 mile each time. i have found that stretching is a very good thing after a walk or run. it makes my leg feel less like jello when i stop. i think i might go after work tomorrow if the weather is nice and take my mp3 player with me and do another 3-4.5 miles (depending on how many loops i can do. then tonight i went to my bf's house where we studied for our exam. we went to dinner at our local steakhouse and i had the most delicious grilled chicken and veggie stir fry. it had squash zucchini broccoli snap peas onions and peppers in it served over rice pilaf.oh it was sooooooooooo good:love: i loved it.

    Kendal- congrats on starting the c25k today

    kristina- i am glad you leg is better

    lacey- that is funny about your 3 year old. i had a good laugh about that and the gym incident.but hey it happens right?

    hope every one had a great day and has one again tomorrow!!!

  • jadegem_2002
    jadegem_2002 Posts: 101 Member
    I dont know if i can really eat this much everyday. i mean before i was just eating bc i wanted to but now that i'm trying to ea better and keep track it's really hard. I hate having to eat when i'm not hungry and i wanna lose weight. it just seems backwards to eat when i'm not hungry you know.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Good morning!!!

    I am so not a night person but I love my mornings. DH and I had a nice walk/ job to mom's last night. We did the first 2 miles in 28 min - this great since dh hasn't jogged in forever. We were slower after dinner and took 34 min to get back to the car - he blames the beer and good food for slowing him down. I think he's just out of shape(wink).

    Kendal - I am so proud of you. Congrats on getting the running bug. The 9 weeks will fly by!!!

    Jadegem - it took awhile for me to realize that you can add some higher calorie things to your foods such as avocado, cheese, butter, regular salad dressing, nuts, etc. This will bump up the calories but not over fill you. Keep trying to eat more for two weeks and see if you lose more.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    DH just paid me a compliment. He said "wow - you're no longer round." Not quite sure what he meant but I must look skinnier to him. I only have about 5 min until I need to be out the door. Catch you later.
  • Nikki143
    Nikki143 Posts: 491 Member
    hey guys, i wont be around much nemore.. my internet is off at home & I have NO hours this month!!! So I'm pretty assed ou!!!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    DH just paid me a compliment. He said "wow - you're no longer round." Not quite sure what he meant but I must look skinnier to him. I only have about 5 min until I need to be out the door. Catch you later.
    Interesting compliment, but a compliment none the less. Congrats! It always feels great when someone notices you've lost weight- especially someone close to you. Often, as they see you every day, it's not noticeable until sort of a revelation occurs.

    Long day today ahead. Will try and hit the rec center after, as when I weighed in this morning, was BARELY under 200. wtf. not cool. Good eating today as well ahead. Let's hope it shows on the scale tomorrow.
  • ejm0306
    ejm0306 Posts: 45
    Morning all!!! I actually got my butt back in the gym last night, and it felt GREAT...definently going again tonight and tomorrow night!!! I might even hit it up saturday morngin (depending on what the nephew wants to do...he's 5)! I need to find a way to switch up what I'm doing though...get tired of the same thing every day. Only bad thing is that when I go right after work you basically take whatever machine you can get. I usually do a machine taht is a lot like the eliptical, but sitting down (not sure what is called) or the treadmill...any suggestions?!?!?! I have tried the elliptical before, but feel like I'm falling (not a good thing for me).

    Thanks in advance for your help...

    Kendall....awesome job on starting C25k!!!!

    Victoria...it is an interesting compliment, but it's a great one too!!!

    jadegem...It takes some getting used to...but don't think of it as just losing weight...it's a lifestyle change and one that is so great for you. I agree with pinbot on adding higher calorie foods as you go.

    Krisina...glad you got to run again!!!! Keep stretching that calf out!!!
  • mish3131
    mish3131 Posts: 276 Member
    Good morning everyone! I am doing well this week. Starting to spend more time outside with my son so I get to do a lot of running around. Not sure if I should weigh in tomorrow or Saturday since next week it will have to be Saturday. We are leaving for a 16 hour road trip early Saturday morning and I don't think I will be up to weighing myself. We shall see.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    My weight has been up all week. Well, really it jumped up on Sunday and its been coming down a little each day. But GRRR. I wish it would come down faster. I'm still higher than my 231.2 from last week (or was that 2 weeks ago..???).
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    When I posted that I was gettin pizza last night there was a story to it but I had to get off the computer and leave work before I lost it. LOL...

    Yesterday when I dropped my daughter off at school she was so excited to show her new wallet (my old wallet) to her friend Avery. Avery is 5. And Avery was not in a good mood yesterday morning and just kept ignoring Gracie. I just stood there and watched and thankfully G is hopefully not old enough to maybe feel bad about the situation, but I did. It broke my heart and made me feel like I wanted to take her out of there forever and keep her with me all day.
    We put her in this school in October. She went from a small in home daycare to a private Christian school that has about 75 students ranging from preschool to 6th grade. It hasn't been an easy transition, she caught every single illness floating around, reverted on her fully potty trained self, etc. etc. etc. One of the major issues we have with the school is that Gracie is the youngest and is often left with older students in the before and aftercare, so she doesn't have any kids her own age at those times. While she seems to do good, daddy and mommy often feel guilty about this and wonder if we shuold have waited another year before putting her in a school like that. You live and you learn.
    She doesn't take change all that great and I hope if we put her somewhere new this summer and fall that she adjusts better. We put her in this school and her birthday is Sept. 7th, they would let her start kindergarten a year early, but what if we switch her say in the 2nd grage, and the public schools or other schools hold her back for legality purposes you know?

    Anyways, Mommy guilt got me, so...I bought us a pizza, her fav, and went home. We ate, got bathed and then I polished her fingernails pink. Girls night.

    I didn't go too far over my cals and should be okay with what I eat today...it will all even out. I am hoping that I at least maintained my weight this week as this is going on week 3 of barely working out. Ga!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Hi! Hope everyone had a good day. Thanks for making me feel welcome! I did well today with food and came in 78 calories under goal. One of my new favorite snacks is tropical trail mix. You don't get much (140 calories for 1/4 of a cup) but it's so yummy! I did not formally exercise today, but I was on my feet and making laps around our 32 bed ICU, so I figure that must count for something. I have a really hard time working for 12 hours, then coming home and exercising. Maybe I will be feeling it more as the weight comes off and the weather gets nicer. Hope everyone has a good tomorrow!:flowerforyou:

    of course being on your feet for 12 hours counts! do you have a heart rate monitor? it would be very interesting to know exactly how many calories you burn at work every day.

    This is true..it wuold be very cool to know how many cals you burn in a day. However, if this is your normal activity level then you can't really count those as extra burned cals I don't. Maybe I wrong, but I would personally just up my activity level instead. Thoughts anyone?
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Hi! Hope everyone had a good day. Thanks for making me feel welcome! I did well today with food and came in 78 calories under goal. One of my new favorite snacks is tropical trail mix. You don't get much (140 calories for 1/4 of a cup) but it's so yummy! I did not formally exercise today, but I was on my feet and making laps around our 32 bed ICU, so I figure that must count for something. I have a really hard time working for 12 hours, then coming home and exercising. Maybe I will be feeling it more as the weight comes off and the weather gets nicer. Hope everyone has a good tomorrow!:flowerforyou:

    of course being on your feet for 12 hours counts! do you have a heart rate monitor? it would be very interesting to know exactly how many calories you burn at work every day.

    This is true..it wuold be very cool to know how many cals you burn in a day. However, if this is your normal activity level then you can't really count those as extra burned cals I don't. Maybe I wrong, but I would personally just up my activity level instead. Thoughts anyone?

    Most nurses that I know that work 12 hour shifts only do it 3 days a week. You could go either way with recording the activity. If you record life as sedentary then you can add the work as exercise. Or, you could count the work for activity in your daily activity level and call yourself active, lightly active, etc. If you don't have a HRM, do you have access to a pedometer? 2000 steps is a mile. A friend on another thread counts days working the floor as exercise but on her supervisory 12 hour days, she doesn't count it. Good luck and I don't think I'd workout on days I did a 12 hour shift running around on the floor.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Good luck on the weigh-in tomorrow everyone!!! I only have a few minutes left of my lunch break then I am back out to see more clients. I love days like to day. When teaching people to progress walking from walker to cane or working on walking distances, we get to go outside and enjoy the sunshine. I love my job!!! I'll check back in the morning.
  • ejm0306
    ejm0306 Posts: 45
    So...I am totally doing the bad thing and skipping the gym tonight, BUT I can workout on the treadmill at home, PLUS my sister came into town with my nephews, and they aren't heading back out as early as expected and she really wants me to meet her at the mall and shop when I get off...so I think I can do that. It's an outside mall and my favorite stores are on opposite ends of each other, so I can speed walk from one to the other and that will help some. I haven't been shopping in a while, at least not for me...took my fiance last weekend. Sorry for the rambling...just excited to see my boys!!!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I am feeling all down for some reason this afternoon. All whimpy and whiny. I have the beginnings of a seasonal sinus headache that I am trying to ignore. However, the girls and I went to Starcucks and I got a shaken black tea lemonaide. For those of you who have never paid $3.25 for this iced tea, I highly recommend it. HIGHLY recommend it. It is the best iced tea I've ever got and it made me feel better immediately. ahh.....
    Now to the gym. Yikes. I can do at least 30 minutes of cardio. I can do it...I can do it. Plus I want to try those planks on that half of an exercise ball thing again.

    Hope everyone had a good day and good luck with the weigh in!
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Pinbot...that would be a good job to have today, it is beautiful outside! I'm on my way out for a wallk...justw anted to say Hello to everyone...I'll catch up on posts when the sun goes down...hope your all well!!

    Hope your feeling better Lacey...I had the sinus thing this week and I hated it...mornings were the worst! Hope it goes away!!!
  • jadegem_2002
    jadegem_2002 Posts: 101 Member
    pinbot- yah i love cheese and avocados. i keep them both around for my breakfast and whenever i want a sandwich. It's really hard getting used to. some days i'm good and other days suck.
  • jadegem_2002
    jadegem_2002 Posts: 101 Member
    ejm0306- Yah it does but i'm keepin up with it.

    Just worked out on wii for a hour now i'm about to do some wii fit. wish me good luck tomorrow ladies. zi have to take my placement test so i can go back to school.
  • jadegem_2002
    jadegem_2002 Posts: 101 Member
    I am feeling all down for some reason this afternoon. All whimpy and whiny. I have the beginnings of a seasonal sinus headache that I am trying to ignore. However, the girls and I went to Starcucks and I got a shaken black tea lemonaide. For those of you who have never paid $3.25 for this iced tea, I highly recommend it. HIGHLY recommend it. It is the best iced tea I've ever got and it made me feel better immediately. ahh.....
    Now to the gym. Yikes. I can do at least 30 minutes of cardio. I can do it...I can do it. Plus I want to try those planks on that half of an exercise ball thing again.

    Hope everyone had a good day and good luck with the weigh in!

    i like planks.
  • jadegem_2002
    jadegem_2002 Posts: 101 Member
    I am feeling all down for some reason this afternoon. All whimpy and whiny. I have the beginnings of a seasonal sinus headache that I am trying to ignore. However, the girls and I went to Starcucks and I got a shaken black tea lemonaide. For those of you who have never paid $3.25 for this iced tea, I highly recommend it. HIGHLY recommend it. It is the best iced tea I've ever got and it made me feel better immediately. ahh.....
    Now to the gym. Yikes. I can do at least 30 minutes of cardio. I can do it...I can do it. Plus I want to try those planks on that half of an exercise ball thing again.

    Hope everyone had a good day and good luck with the weigh in!

    Oh and starbucks has this frozen strawberry lemonade that's not on the menu but it's so good.
    I'll have to try that iced tea your talking about. I make tea at home must of the time and to mix it up a bit i add that POM juice to it. They have different floavors of it to ( strawberry, blueberry, mango , etc.) An on top of it being really good its healthy for you.

    well off to do a mini workouton wii. maybe some yoga.
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