What is a MILF? Should I be offended or what?



  • monicalosesweight
    monicalosesweight Posts: 1,173 Member
    I think the problem is that the 'F' word has become quite popular with the younger generations - boys and girls. I'm constantly having to address that particular word in my classroom. I suspect it has something to do with language being used in music and by modern comedians. Basically, it's used EVERYWHERE. I hear it in hallways and the adults constantly address it but it's become part of the youth culture. I'm hoping at some point it'll go away but as long as it's part of music...I don't see that happening.

    As for your son, good for you! It looks like he knows how to respect you and hopefully, his friend learned a lesson about addressing older women using politeness.

  • jbutterflye
    jbutterflye Posts: 1,914 Member

    Thankyou so much for your explanation. Is this simply a generation thing in which the term has morphed into something different ? Has the means for respecting women changed ? I was brought up that if you said anything to a women like that it was no better than hate and disrespect and I can tell you many of us were punished for saying things like this term to a women. The "F" word also brought on punishment and was not considered casual. We were taught to adore women, especially someone's Mother and saying something like wanting to F them brought on dire consequences. The comparrisons are scary because even though we as individuals might believe the thing is not important, someone in power may disagree and act on it. That is how societies are lead to accept behaviour that isn't "normally acceptable" So you may thing my logic is skewed but look at Hitler...a nobody who's "simple" molehill of hate grew and grew, into a mountain and became acceptable to fit in and survive. That itself defies logic. It happens and should not be casually ignored. That's the trap. Anyway thanks again, it is contextual. Cheers

    Foxro, I don't disregard, and in fact very much appreciate, your respect for women. The changes in generations have been pretty dramatic, yes. The changes in the last 100 years compared to the last 1000 have been astounding. It is very helpful to consider the context, not just in the generation in which it's used but in the attitude of the user as well. Every instance is unique and deserves its own objective appraisal.

    I think that what allowed for someone like Hitler to rise to power is a kind of mindset that doesn't question authority or wish to stray from the collective. It can go either way, "positive" or "negative". Women are simply human beings, neither to be demonized nor put on a pedestal.

    Best wishes.
  • bettacheckyoself
    https://www.google.ca/ <--bookmark it...
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Did I just read that "F" might as well be read as "R"? Seriously?

    MFP never ceases to astound me.
  • Cognito1025
    Cognito1025 Posts: 323 Member

    Foxro, I don't disregard, and in fact very much appreciate, your respect for women. The changes in generations have been pretty dramatic, yes. The changes in the last 100 years compared to the last 1000 have been astounding. It is very helpful to consider the context, not just in the generation in which it's used but in the attitude of the user as well. Every instance is unique and deserves its own objective appraisal.

    I think that what allowed for someone like Hitler to rise to power is a kind of mindset that doesn't question authority or wish to stray from the collective. It can go either way, "positive" or "negative". Women are simply human beings, neither to be demonized nor put on a pedestal.

    Best wishes.

  • SwimFan1981
    SwimFan1981 Posts: 1,430 Member
    Why is this thread still alive? :laugh:
  • foxro
    foxro Posts: 793 Member
    Wow what a subject, please understand for an old F like myself the F word meant a brutal or selfish form of sex devoid of love, and in most circumstances a form or rape. That's why yours truly has flogged a dead horse here and that being called a MILF is abusive. If the word has morphed into making love for you or some other grateful complimentary term the next time someone tells me to F off I'll say have a great day and thanks for your concern. Sheesh !!!
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    Being offended is a choice....regardless of the situation.

    Don't understand the context but did the Jews in WWII or anyone else subjected to hate have a choice ??

    We ALWAYS have a choice to be offended or not.

    Yeah I guess we could have said to the Nazis with the machine guns, there's no way I'm having a shower, no offence Heir Hitler. hahah. The issue here is hate and in may cases hate will overpower you regardless of being offended or not. MILF is a hate term. JEW became a hate term, and do I dare say the "N" word. So regardless of your choice of being offended those in power that hate you will continue to hate you. But hey I'm paranoid and think the least we can do is be kind to each other. If being called a MILF is kindness well then .....
    WTF. 1- Godwin's Law.

    B- Wanting to have sex with someone is not hating them. Again, this has everything to do with one's attitude toward sex, and whether or not they think casual meaningless recreational sex with strangers is "fun" or "demeaning" or whatever else. You do not decide that for other people. You do not get to say how everyone else is allowed to or supposed to feel about sex. That is where your attitude is messed up, IMO. That is what the sexual revolution (which happened when I was a kid) was all about. I still see some older people (baby boomers, and some morons in my generation) who think women are *kitten* or sluts if they like sex, and/or that women are somehow 'ruined' by having sex outside the context of love and/or marriage. But that mentality is totally arbitrary and is not universal. It was fueled by patriarchal societies in order to control women, not to empower them. This (at least where I live) is not some crappy backwards culture where women are objects or delicate little flowers who need to be protected by big strong men.
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