Who else isn't afraid of consuming fat?



  • symonspatrick
    symonspatrick Posts: 213 Member
    Half my calories in the last five months have been fat. It has helped me to lose 78 pounds so I am loving fat.
  • Handsett
    Handsett Posts: 37 Member
    I eat almonds EVERY day! String cheese...Both are high in fat. Some days my fat intake is off the chart, but as long as I am under my calorie intake and I exercise, the weight comes off. Monitoring Carb, Fat, Protein intake is hard, and confusing. Makes me afraid to eat anything.
  • SwimFan1981
    SwimFan1981 Posts: 1,430 Member
  • joyfuljoy65
    joyfuljoy65 Posts: 317 Member
    Its taken a while but I have realised that butter is better than those low fat spreads, and low fat just equals high amounts of sugar to make it taste OK. For the first time in years I have been eating what I like as long as it is within my calorie limits, and am gobsmacked that losing this much weight has been relatively painfree! Ok I still get hungry occasionally - but I just see where I am and where I was and think....... wow :)
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member
    I eat butter, double cream, full fat milk and full fat everything. I aim for around 100 g fat per day, but sometimes end up at 120g...I find more fat in my macros means I am less hungry and I tend to lose body fat without much trouble. Fat makes things taste better. I do not like the taste of low fat foods, milk, etc.

    p.s. The only thing I do fat free now, is fage total greek yoghurt as it lets me eat more for less calories and get a bigger lump of protein in the process.
  • jemimasmum
    jemimasmum Posts: 249 Member
    I was happily reading through and nodding..then I saw Bulletproof coffee, didn't know what it was then another post revealed the truth.. Way no!! As a lifetime black coffee drinker that sounds like an oil slick in a mug.:noway:
    Please someone help me out with why you would do that to good coffee. Doesn't the coconut oil taste??

    Bring on the cheese and the meat and the nuts and the yummy yoghurt!
  • ClementineGeorg
    ClementineGeorg Posts: 505 Member
    Healthy fat is good... for your body, for your skin, for your hair...
    I don't see any wrong in fat, as long it is from nuts, salmon or a 2% fat yogurt.
  • rluedtke
    I aim for 40/30/30 carb/protein/fat, and do not avoid fat unless it is going to put me much over that.

    That said, I'd rather eat light salad dressing, 0% fat yogurt, and baked vs. fried foods, because I love me some avocado, chocolate, and cheese, and would rather go all out on that stuff that I love :)

    Same here. And I buy full fat cheese since it melts better and has less sugar.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    eating a fried egg sandwich right now. in white bread. with barbeque sauce, made with all the egg yolks, and with spring onions

    eta: it's traditionally baked Arab white bread. but still white
  • JessicaRobin67
    JessicaRobin67 Posts: 275 Member
    I have to eat fat or my blood cholesterol and triglycerides drop low. I try to eat good fats like canola oil, extra virgin olive oil, nuts, seeds, natural peanut butter, etc.
  • apriltrainer
    apriltrainer Posts: 732 Member
    I put full fat creamer in my coffee every morning...(it helps with my daily intermittent fasting) since i don't eat "breakfast" till about 11 or 12.

    It tides me over until then very well!

    AT the end of the day I almost always have an avocado as my dessert! I usually make a pudding of it. I mix a bit of chocolate protein powder, some pb2 and add chunks of half an avocado to it. YUM! My daily bedtime pudding.
  • samsamnojam
    samsamnojam Posts: 34 Member
    I think healthy fats are really important to losing weight. I've done the low-fat or no-fat diets before and end up feeling awful, and the weight loss stops. But I've joined a diet club (for exercise and support) who preach no-fat. I want to do things healthily, my way. So what is the recommended amount of fat? I mean things like olive oil, EFAs in things like Flax and Linseed and Hemp, which I can't live without, avocado, coconut oil, as i KNOW it is wrong to cut these out of my diet.
  • 714rah714
    714rah714 Posts: 759 Member
    I'm not afraid, but my heart is
  • samsamnojam
    samsamnojam Posts: 34 Member
    apriltrainer, your pudding sounds divine!
  • YouAreTheShit
    YouAreTheShit Posts: 510 Member
    Fat does not make the human body fat. Carbs/sugar makes us fat. The animal science community knows this well. When farmers want to fatten livestock, they increase carbs for a period of time.

    We have become fat because of 100 years of our western diet which is full of carbs/sugar.

    Learn to live without sugar and a reduced carbohydrate diet based on foods only available in nature and you will be feeding your body the fuel it was designed to consume. Feed it high carbs/sugar and you end up with new diseases for Big Pharma to make and sell drugs for.

    OP, I'm glad you're not afraid of fat. You're on your way to good health.
  • Nissi51
    Nissi51 Posts: 381 Member
    Consuming too much makes us fat.

    Carbs have a purpose. Fats have a purpose. What they have in common is they both can be used as fuel.

    How much you consume of each should be based on your activity levels and your goals.

    A blanket instruction to everyone to eat low carbs and lots of good fats is not the wisest. Better strategy would be to apply basic scientific ( not subjective) fundamentals of nutrition, personalize them to your goals, check-in & adjust periodicAlly to understand how YOUR body reacts and then you will be in a better position to unlock YOUR body's potential.

    No I am not afraid of fat.
  • Pramps
    Pramps Posts: 23
    Fat is good for me. :)
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    I'm all for a balanced diet. My fat intake is probably higher than the recommendations would be for the "average" person. I'd say I get about 35% of calories from fat.

    I don't believe that high fat, or low fat, makes you fat. I believe excess calories do. I think that varying levels of macros determine how your body turns out, but not necessarily your weight alone.

    No, I'm not afraid of fat basically. Although I do trim the big chunks of fat off pork etc, and I buy bacon medallions rather than the full bacon strips, as I find actually eating the fatty bits disgusting, and always have done - from a taste POV.
  • ObtainingBalance
    ObtainingBalance Posts: 1,446 Member
    I actually set my fat to 35-40% of my daily calories. I love nut butters, avocados, cheese, oils, etc.... lol. I'm not scared of it. I do get picky on avoiding trans fats - though.
  • Pramps
    Pramps Posts: 23
    For TTD (Type Two Diabetics), this is not the case. Empty carbs are the enemy. What is good for me, might not benefit you. :)