I quit



  • MG_Fit
    MG_Fit Posts: 1,143 Member
    Quitting isn't allowed.

  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    I've had a hard week.....family members in critical aneurym life threatening surgery among other things and I read something that comforted me and I tried to share that on a thread on here -- rather than reading, deciding it's not for you and moving on - some folks felt the need to make unnecessary comments.

    I get we all have our opinions - on every topic -- but you can respond or not respond. Even when I disagree, I try to be kind. Sometimes, you need to think about the poster and where they may be. It's just been a really heartwrenching few weeks and I could have used some friendly comments - or none at all - as opposed to some that I received.

    I don't need to be 'rescued"....and I'm not manipulative. I'm just a person trying to provide something comforting to those who may be receptive to that - at a time I needed comfort as well.

    Your quitting won't affect those posters, it will only affect you. Then, who will have won? Forget about them. The post, whatever it was, helped you? Good. Put the nonsense that ensued behind you and get on with your original goals. It's not about them.
  • baotzu
    baotzu Posts: 28
  • rsm1972
    rsm1972 Posts: 283
    Quitting isn't allowed.

    Totally Agree:):)
  • kelleygi
    kelleygi Posts: 650 Member
    I must have missed the OPs original thread. I'll take a look for it to see what this is all about. But can someone please explain to me why Ramberta is always so butthurt? Her other thread was ridiculous and now she's trying to hijack this one. Seriously, wtf?

  • caramel1920
    I've had a hard week.....family members in critical aneurym life threatening surgery among other things and I read something that comforted me and I tried to share that on a thread on here -- rather than reading, deciding it's not for you and moving on - some folks felt the need to make unnecessary comments.

    I get we all have our opinions - on every topic -- but you can respond or not respond. Even when I disagree, I try to be kind. Sometimes, you need to think about the poster and where they may be. It's just been a really heartwrenching few weeks and I could have used some friendly comments - or none at all - as opposed to some that I received.

    I don't need to be 'rescued"....and I'm not manipulative. I'm just a person trying to provide something comforting to those who may be receptive to that - at a time I needed comfort as well.

    Praying for you and your family!
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    I utterly despise how frivolously the word "bully" is thrown around.

    OP, if that's all it takes to get under your skin, I suggest you grow some thicker skin.

    Pretty much this. If I quit every time someone disagreed with how I do things, I'd never have accomplished a damned thing. That's not just fitness related either, even though I did get it here for a long time. Even at work, people would often give me lines like "Why the hell are you doing that like that?", or "Boy, are you retarded?" Somehow over the last few years that has changed to me being "The best distributor operator in the state of Virginia", and "Someone who took the ball and ran in a totally unexpected direction, and became great at it".

    TL;DR- get pissed, that's fine. Let that anger drive you. Don't quit just because someone on the interwebz was being a 'meaniehead'.
  • NutellaAddict
    NutellaAddict Posts: 1,258 Member
    This is the internet...if you quit over something said on here...idk....:huh:
  • anifani4
    anifani4 Posts: 457 Member
    thanks for posting this. I never gave much thought to the bully.

    " The following quotes are from this article. http://ilookbothways.com/learn-safety/cyberbullying/ "
  • aqua_girl
    aqua_girl Posts: 17 Member
  • michelejoann
    michelejoann Posts: 295 Member
    Honestly, I'm a big fan of looking into yourself for strength. There are far too many cynics out there that have nothing better to do than put people down, or start an argument or question everything. I take everything with a grain of salt, and there's been times where I'd ask someone a question, being what I thought was constructive and then they turn around and accuse me of judging them and attacking them. In a private message, no less. I mean, seriously...WTF?

    Um, sounds like a poor esteem/image/defensive behavior to me. It takes a lot of different types of people to make the world go round, some are more well balanced with themselves than others.

    OP isn't obligated to tell the entire world what is bothering her exactly to a T. Perhaps this was her way of letting off some stress without divulging what was really bothering her and, as per usual, it got misconstrued and twisted and turned around.

    No, she isn't obligated to, but she also isn't owed fathomless agreement if she posts something rather subjective. She also cannot possibly expect the world to know she is going through "difficult times" without letting said world know until after she's been "offended." Basing one's emotions or feelings off of anything someone else says isn't healthy; fueling existing issues with warped perception of what others have said is even worse.

    It's a shame you think it's bad to question, though. "The unexamined life is not worth living" - Socrates.

    Oh, I question lots of things. Never said it was "bad". But there's a time and a place. For me, this isn't the place. I really don't like starting arguments. I like being a happy little bumble bee and working hard to change my lifestyle for the better. Hope other people feel the same, and if not...oh well.
  • EmmaJean7
    EmmaJean7 Posts: 163 Member
    I did not read the original post so hopefully this is going to be relevant all I know is it was something about God:

    Don't base your emotions on other people especially people In these threads. Sometimes when you start to talk about The Lord esp. On online forums it can be like jumping into a shark tank.

    If you are a Christian and love Jesus- girl base your emotions on Him because your identity comes from Him and who He says you are! Not others around you... Jesus came with an offensive message actually (salvation) which eventually got him crucified. If He said 'no servent is above there master' surely we as believers will encounter forms of persecution as well in our walk with Him just as he and all His disciples did. In the beatitudes The Lord actually says BLESSED are those who are persecuted for my names sake (For telling the message He brought).

    Finally you can't give up because He does NOT give up on people, and He never stops Persuing the lost in love and we are to follow His example. Sometimes this means being hated by the world for His namesake. Remember that His Spirit is strongest in our weakness so just lean on The Lord when things get hard. Often when we quit is the time He finally gets the chance to carry us :) Be encouraged!

    Hopefully this is relevant to what you are talking about. Like I said I didn't read the last thread this referred to so I might have completely missed the point. If that's so haha I guess you can ignor this. Have a great day!
  • jbutterflye
    jbutterflye Posts: 1,914 Member
    A general forum is really not the best place to turn to when feeling vulnerable and sensitive. It's best to seek out some trusted friends or people who have proven to be compassionate and supportive. To interact in a forum like this one needs to have a thick enough skin to let people respond however they respond without taking it personally and making it mean anything. People do have opinions about everything under the sun, and they have every right to. When we're feeling sensitive every comment is perceived 10 times more harshly than it need be, kind of like having a sunburn.. the slightest touch can be painful. Most comments are off-handed and no-big-deal, & may sound more harsh just because they're not sugar coated but blunt. It still boils down to one thing: OPINION. A.k.a. NOT FACT. So if we don't have a thick enough skin to have people disagree with us and criticise our posts, then it's not a good idea to post.

    What's making you quit isn't people's reactions, it's the fact that you give those reactions MORE meaning than you do your own goals and well-being.

    Good luck.
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    If you want to quit, just do it. "Flounce" posts are demands for attention. Usually the poster ends up sorry when they get that attention, because it ends up being negative attention. Sure, there will always be a few people who give you the "You poor thing!" you fished for, but there will always be everybody else.

    Stay and butch up a bit or leave. Pretty simple.

  • Stacimfit
    Stacimfit Posts: 287 Member
    I don't quit when I get tired/frustrated/bored/etc. Those are to be expected. I quit when I am done.

    Love this entire reply!

    Me too!!!!!! Perfect.
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    You're the only one that will lose out.
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    Today I am sore, and tired, but i am not going to quit as I have a goal. Have a day off and chill, then come back tomorrow fighting again. Ignore all the haters, they are just hateful
  • Alex_is_Hawks
    Alex_is_Hawks Posts: 3,499 Member
    the only person I see you hurting in all of this is you.

    so good job on hurting you.

    and thank you for telling all of us about your continued quest to hurt yourself.

    (and I totally do NOT mean this in any way but logically and factually...there is no "mean"ness meant in what I say)
  • Pixi_Rex
    Pixi_Rex Posts: 1,676 Member
    Oh good for you.
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    I suggest you read your own post/thread and find motivation from there.
    ...Realize today, God didn’t make anyone inferior. He didn’t make any person second class. No, you are a masterpiece! You are fully loaded and totally equipped for the race that’s been designed for you!
    Don't let the trolls win.

    Thank you!

    Based on "I quit .. everything" .. I'd say they already won