The foods you must STOP EATING RIGHT NOW...



  • dragthewaters
    dragthewaters Posts: 62 Member
    LOL, what a ridiculous list! So what is left to eat?!

    Seriously, salted nuts? They don't even have that much salt. I have salted nuts every day with lunch and they only have 125mg of salt per serving!!

    This list says to cut out GUM...seriously GUM.

    It says to cut out coffee! Why? Coffee actually probably helps you lose weight if anything, since it speeds up your metabolism (and causes panic attacks, if you're me).

    This is why so many people find it so hard to lose weight. Because they follow restrictive diets like this and then give up and relapse. Junk food is not heroin. With junk food it's all about moderation and amounts.

    I only lost 10 pounds, but during my "weight loss journey" I ate fried foods, fast food, hamburgers and french fries, sugar, honey, potato chips, chocolate, cookies, candy, cake and other baked goods, desserts, salted nuts, sausage, T-bone steak, pasta with white flour, cereal, gum, diet soda, and bottled green tea with sugar. I didn't have this all in one day obviously, but these were all foods I had at some point while dieting. And yet the weight still came off super easily because I stayed in a calorie deficit for the majority of days I was dieting.

    So yeah basically this article is full of it.
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
  • uconnwinsnc1
    uconnwinsnc1 Posts: 902 Member
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
  • Amitysk
    Amitysk Posts: 705 Member
    edited February 2015
    OP, you are awesome. I started reading and noticed that you were the OP and thought... This does NOT sound like Jof! Lol...

    And good for you on reviving the zombie!
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    ROFLOL!!!!!!! all the people who are gullible to believe this is a real article!!! :D
  • scottacular
    scottacular Posts: 597 Member
    jofjltncb6 wrote: »
    Here's an article I found on the internet that I think everyone should know about. I don't know if everything on this list is true, but maybe it will help you. I found it at (Yes, I know, people don't always cite their sources, but I just can't plagiarize.)

    "The foods you must STOP EATING RIGHT NOW when trying to lose weight are…

    You need to stop drinking regular & diet sodas. Quick fact: If you replaced a 20oz bottle of soda with water daily… You would easily lose up to 35 pounds in one year so if you're addicted to soda - go here to see how to stop drinking soda so…
    Drink more water, Drink more sugar-free vegetable juices (like V8), Drink more Green Tea and…
    Cut down on or try to stop drinking alcohol. Quick fact: Alcohol is basically the refined juice of natural foods which makes it a drink of pure concentrated sugar that will make you gain fat easily and…
    AVOID the grocery store snack aisle - Stop eating potato chips, popcorn, cookies, candy, ice cream, cakes, etc. The ingredients in these foods make you want to eat more and the companies who make these snack foods know you'll stay addicted to them (even after you gained lots of weight eating their snacks) but…
    The companies don't care if you gain weight because of their snack products as long as they make their money off YOU and if you're addicted to snacks - Read 30+ ways to curb your cravings for snacks, salt & sugar
    You need to make a strong effort to cut down on your salt & sugar intake because too much salt & sugar causes you to gain water weight making you look fatter than you already are and…
    Avoid processed foods as much as possible because the processing of these foods removes all the stuff that helps you lose weight and replaces it with stuff like sugar, corn syrup and hydrogenated oils to make you fatter so…
    Read food labels and avoid anything that has sugar as it's main source of carbs or has corn syrup & hydrogenated oils as ingredients and…
    Don't be fooled by the term "Multigrain" since it's just a fancy word for processed carbs and choose "Whole Grain" products only and…
    Here's a bigger list of Foods NOT to eat when trying to lose weight…

    Fried foods
    Hamburgers & French fries
    Table sugar
    Plain Jam
    salted nuts
    smoked nuts
    refried beans
    Baked Beans
    Chocolate Fudge
    Boiled sweets
    Mint Sweets
    Honey - Honey has minimal nutritional value & has the same calorie content as sugar.
    Soft drinks
    Tinned fruits
    cured meats
    fatty cuts of steak like T-bone & rib-eye
    Corn syrup
    Fruit juice - It's better to eat raw fruit instead of fruit juice because fruits contain more fiber and the juice will always contain more sugar than the actual fruit.
    Bread made with white flour
    Soda pop, such as Coke, Pepsi, Mountain Dew, etc.
    All baked goods made with white flour
    Fast foods
    Pasta made with white flour
    Canned fruits w/added sugar
    Most packaged cereals
    Alcohol can slow your metabolism down by 73%
    Potato chips
    Ice cream
    All deserts
    Artificial sweeteners like Nutrasweet, Equal, Sweet N Low, Sweet Twin, Sugar Twin, Splenda, Sunett & Sweet One
    Most bottled green teas have more ingredients in it to help you gain weight than the actual green tea itself to help you lose weight.

    They'll all literally make you fat instantly if you touch them, and give you cancer. And make you hate puppies.
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    Thanks for this bit of comedy, OP!
  • HulaHoopLou
    Fun police much
  • AnotherXFitGuy
    AnotherXFitGuy Posts: 58 Member
    jofjltncb6 wrote: »
    Option A: Why are you all so mean? I don't know if everything on this list is true, but maybe it will help you.


    Option B: Maybe it isn't absolutely essential for your success that you don't eat any of the foods on this list. Perhaps I should have done some more reading first.

    In your original post you said " I don't know if everything on this list is true, but maybe it will help you".

    Now you are saying that "I don't know if everything on this list is true, but maybe it will help you."

    With the number of posts you already know, people don't like others posting facts that aren't facts.
  • lizek316
    lizek316 Posts: 76 Member
    So basically all the foods that make life worth living.
  • HeySwoleSister
    HeySwoleSister Posts: 1,938 Member
    Ugh, I've seen that stupid click bait headline dozens of times and always just roll my eyes...AND SOMEONE BRINGS THE CLICKBAIT TO ME. I wish MFP WOULD LET ME SWEAR.
  • meganjcallaghan
    meganjcallaghan Posts: 949 Member
    meh. I eat all those things. in large quantities. I've lost 170+ pounds, have maintained quite easily for a year, had no problem continuing to eat like that and easily lost an extra 10 pounds before surgery so that I could eat normally while sedentary and not end up over my goal weight....and everyone's favourite comeback to that is usually along the lines of "well you might look skinny but that doesn't mean you're actually healthy inside". Well, according to the bazillions of blood tests, 24 hour blood pressure tests, biopsies, renograms, ECGs, ultrasounds, bla bla bla bla that I had to complete for the plethora of doctors I had to deal with in order to be deemed an appropriate kidney donor, I am in peak condition, healthier and in better shape than the majority of the population. I think, considering this, I shall continue to eat those things without a care in the world.
  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
    ana3067 wrote: »

  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    ihad wrote: »
    OMG! Twelve! I've had twelve of these! TODAY!

    This is even worse than bears...

    The OP is out to kill us all with this food denial.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Should definitely not eat anything with carbs in it. Just eat whole vegetables.
  • dragthewaters
    dragthewaters Posts: 62 Member
    edited February 2015
    Serah87 wrote: »
    ROFLOL!!!!!!! all the people who are gullible to believe this is a real article!!! :D

    Well in our defense, who reads through 11 pages of comments before commenting on a thread? And there are some crazy diet plans and crazy self-proclaimed "nutrition experts" out there, I honestly wouldn't be surprised if this had come from some website somewhere.
  • Lasmartchika
    Lasmartchika Posts: 3,440 Member
    OMG!! Just skimming thru that list made me fat!! Thanks JOF!! :tongue: :laugh:
  • hmw4212
    Definitely not realistic. There is a thing called eating in moderation....