No Homo?



  • mistikal13
    mistikal13 Posts: 1,457 Member
    I guess I dont read the forums that much, I have never seen or heard this being used. But it's not a phrase I would use myself, I can understand how it makes you feel : (
  • Juliejustsaying
    Juliejustsaying Posts: 2,332 Member
    This seems like something that calls for a parade.

    I've seen about 40 parades this week. I'm over that

    No parade is needed. A small dinner party will suffice.

    You're a hoot..I'll bet you're hella fun to hang out with...but back to the point at hand, there will always be something to be butthurt about...people are offensive...generally speaking. Stay true to yourself, correct those you love for a happier life...and let the interwebz be its usual offensive self...not much you can do about it anyway. :ohwell:

  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    As a Pansexual woman, I don't get offended by any slang terms. They are trends, fads, and not always used in the sense that some find derogatory. It offends people who are easily offended. I sometimes say "that's gay" and it's not meant in a derogatory way, it's just a word. I mean gay stood for happy before it even stood for homosexual..

    And why the double standard or people being able to label themselves but when someone else does they get all upset? Major pet peeve!
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    In summary can someone state they aren't homosexual without implying its bad to be homosexual?

    You can call yourself a "breeder". Then it's OK.

    Been called that a number of times by my gay friends. No problem. Proud "breeder" here. :wink:

    "Breeder" is a term for cattle ranchers, not parents. Ergo, I'm not a breeder.
  • amwoodruff
    amwoodruff Posts: 54 Member
    There was an article on about that saying, where it came from, and what the author thought of it.
  • babydiego87
    babydiego87 Posts: 905 Member
    Most straight men don't wanna be called girls...I why on earth would they want another dude to think they were gay?Nothing wrong with clarifying your manliness when in question......
    because gay men aren't 'manly'? LOL wow, expand your horizon's beyond glee please.
    Okay...if my man wanted to be called gay or a girl...I'd dump him so fast...I don't know what glee is me are NOT manly...part of being a man in ALL lifeforms involves chasing the FEMALES..I'm only being honest...
    You're not being honest, you're spouting homophobic, ignorant falsehoods. Don't mistake your misguided opinion for fact, honey.
  • AliciaStinger
    AliciaStinger Posts: 402 Member
    Coming from the guy who said fake boobs are a bait and switch?! REALLY?! :tongue:

    Believe it! I can still flirt with the ladies, just don't expect to come home with me.
    I'm not referring to your so called "flirting" with women.

    I am asking why its ok for you to say something rude about women who've had cosmetic surgery, yet guys should tiptoe around something that is offensive to you?!

    Because COSMETIC surgery is optional, and being gay is not. Debate it all you want, but there's a huge difference between shelling out a boatload of money to buy a bigger bust, and knowing that you just don't feel the same way about the opposite sex as you do about the same.
  • carlom18
    carlom18 Posts: 174 Member
    It's just another internet meme. They're always offensive to someone.

    This. my friends and i say it to each other as a joke and don't really mean anything by it. never say it to people i don't know though
  • jbutterflye
    jbutterflye Posts: 1,914 Member
    In summary can someone state they aren't homosexual without implying its bad to be homosexual?

    You can call yourself a "breeder". Then it's OK.

    Been called that a number of times by my gay friends. No problem. Proud "breeder" here. :wink:

    "Breeder" is a term for cattle ranchers, not parents. Ergo, I'm not a breeder.

    Apparently it has different meanings depending on who uses them. I have no problem with that. I prefer to not get huffy about slang. My identity doesn't depend on a silly word.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    Who cares if your gay who cares if you aren't!!
    The problem is that society is not at this time unified in that attitude. Many people don't care at all and feel free to joke about it. There are also many many people who care very much, are openly and proudly against homosexuals, and are taking political action. For example I used to belong to the American Legion, until they sent me something asking for support in fighting the end of don't ask don't tell. And they were doing it under the context of "promoting Americanism." There are people who think it is patriotic and doing their country a favor to oppress gay people.

    So it can be confusing to people when they don't have a context to put things into, to know how it was meant. Some people I'm sure would say it because they don't care, don't mean anything bad by it, and don't expect anyone else to take it as a bad thing. Some people would say it because they are homophobes. And some people would say it to mock homophobes.
  • K_Serz
    K_Serz Posts: 1,299 Member
    In summary can someone state they aren't homosexual without implying its bad to be homosexual?

    You can call yourself a "breeder". Then it's OK.

    Been called that a number of times by my gay friends. No problem. Proud "breeder" here. :wink:

    "Breeder" is a term for cattle ranchers, not parents. Ergo, I'm not a breeder.

    Apparently it has different meanings depending on who uses them. I have no problem with that. I prefer to not get huffy about slang. My identity doesn't depend on a silly word.

    Breeder? OMG, Im totally offended. Reported to the FBI now.
  • AliciaStinger
    AliciaStinger Posts: 402 Member
    I just don't get everyone that gets "hurt" or "offended" at comments not directed at you or anyone in particular. Some people hate the word retarded and yes it is insensitive but someone that looks at a sculpture and says wow that is retarded is not intentionally trying to hurt anyone it is not the same as insulting and mentally handicapped person. People need to quit being some damned sensitive about everything.
    Its called "common sense"...those who have it are not offended by every shortened word people say/type..

    It would be outrageously offensive if people regularly said things like "I want some fried chicken - no nig." It uses a stereotype and a shortened version of a seriously offensive term. It is equally offensive when someone says "you're looking good - no homo." It's a derrogatory and completely unnecessary comment and should be treated as such. People with common sense and the capability of reasoning understand that.

    Edit - I hope I don't get banned for this, because I certainly wouldn't call someone that. It was just an example, used to indicate that even though SOME people don't see this as offensive/think people are being too sensitive, nobody should be surprised when people ARE offended by said phrase.
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    When I come across important topics like this...ones that to and for me are not "my way or the highway" where opinions are as varied and different as noses--various quotes come to my mind, such as these:

    It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society. ~Krishnamurti

    It's a sad and stupid thing to have to proclaim yourself a revolutionary just to be a decent man. ~David Harris

    We do not have to visit a madhouse to find disordered minds; our planet is the mental institution of the universe. ~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

    If you're not outraged, you're not paying attention. ~Author Unknown

    One of the misfortunes of our time is that in getting rid of false shame, we have killed off so much real shame as well. ~Louis Kronenberger, Company Manners, 1954

    We create an environment where it is alright to hate, to steal, to cheat, and to lie if we dress it up with symbols of respectability, dignity and love. ~Whitney Moore, Jr.

    Most of the change we think we see in life Is due to truths being in and out of favor.
    ~Robert Frost, "The Black Cottage," North of Boston, 1914
    _SABOTEUR_ Posts: 6,833 Member
    Also, if you are saying people are oversensitive maybe we should use a different phrase that is aimed at another minority.

    If I went to someone, 'I like your big booty. No n***a' would you think I was racist?

    Just to be clear I would never utter the above phrase and have used it only as an example in the context of this discussion.

    Homo is short for homosexual is it not? Since when is calling someone a heterosexual or homosexual derogatory?

    If this is what the world has now come to. Please kill me now.

    Did you know gay means happy? F*ggot is minced offal and n***a used to be the accepted PC term for for black people?

    Language is not static but fluid and the term homo has become derogatory and does not have the same connotation as the term homosexual.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I hate when people feel the need to say "girl crush" or "man crush" on someone of the same sex to not sound gay. If you have a crush, you're attracted in some way. I have a crush on Zoey Deschanel. Still straight. Get over it, world.

    OMG! I have a crush on her too! :heart:
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    Most straight men don't wanna be called girls...I why on earth would they want another dude to think they were gay?Nothing wrong with clarifying your manliness when in question......
    because gay men aren't 'manly'? LOL wow, expand your horizon's beyond glee please.
    Okay...if my man wanted to be called gay or a girl...I'd dump him so fast...I don't know what glee is me are NOT manly...part of being a man in ALL lifeforms involves chasing the FEMALES..I'm only being honest...

    You sound like a peach.
  • SeaRunner26
    SeaRunner26 Posts: 5,143 Member
    Okay...if my man wanted to be called gay or a girl...I'd dump him so fast...I don't know what glee is me are NOT manly...part of being a man in ALL lifeforms involves chasing the FEMALES..I'm only being honest...

    I had no idea I wasn't a man anymore because I don't chase females Last time I checked, I had all the right parts to qualify as male. So just for future reference, when I'm filling out a form that asks for gender and the choices are male or female, which do I pick? Your sage advice is desperately needed.
  • wntrbreez
    wntrbreez Posts: 32 Member
    Oddly, I heard that comment for the first time last week from a friend of mine. I didn't find it offensive, I just thought it sounded weird. It takes away from the compliment a little when a phrase like "no homo" is attached to it.
  • RobfromLakewood
    Also, if you are saying people are oversensitive maybe we should use a different phrase that is aimed at another minority.

    If I went to someone, 'I like your big booty. No n***a' would you think I was racist?

    Just to be clear I would never utter the above phrase and have used it only as an example in the context of this discussion.

    100% agreement on this example. It has basically been proven that our sexual orientation is genetically predisposed (and not necessarily one or the other, but on a sliding scale). I had no decision making process in being heterosexual, any more than my hair and eye color. I would no more say, "That's so gay" or "No homo" than I would say, "That's so black, so Jewish, on and on. It is an embarrassment that comments like these are accepted by people who would find racist comments offensive, as though they aren't engaged in the same behavior.

    I also think one day, the denial of gays to marry will be looked back on with great shame. To deny people a basic civil right that in no way hurts anyone is right on par with a time in our country when interracial marriages were against the law. It shames and saddens me to know that if I was born in a different era, I would not have been able to marry my wife. I am shamed that this basic right is denied to so many others still in this country.

    I will now get off my soapbox and get back to work.
  • BeeElMarvin
    BeeElMarvin Posts: 2,086 Member
    I don't care who it comes from... a compliment is a compliment.

    Somebody straight says "would bang" - that's a compliment, somebody gay says the same thing - it's still a compliment.

    There let's see who that offends!