

  • neilvv
    neilvv Posts: 146 Member
    Tag for ron,thanks
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member

    advice on weak abdominal wall?


    I did this and saw great results. As you progress increase the length of time and number of reps as you feel comfortable to keep your body guessing

    I'm going to try this.
    But what is. A bridge

    The bridge is when you lie down on your back, bend your knees, feet flat on the floor and lift your butt off the floor, tightening your glutes. :flowerforyou:
  • tricksee
    tricksee Posts: 835 Member
    Dude, who are you?

    That's easy, He's Jesse Pinkman!
    Thank-you! I was trying to place that face :laugh:


    More comments are needed on this.... YO!!
  • tricksee
    tricksee Posts: 835 Member
    extremely entertaining thread, but "Greatest Thread Ever"???? C'mon, not by a long shot.

    Time will tell.
  • tricksee
    tricksee Posts: 835 Member
    after I saw you've met with success with this method (from your profile)
    You once replied to a post i put up about weight loss so it led me to your profile (not a stalker:smile: .

    Not a stalker? Keep telling yourself that, lady. And stay off my lawn at 3am or I'm calling the police...

    Hi Tricksee,I'd like to ask about intermittent fasting!I've heard about it before but I was motivated to give it a shot after I saw you've met with success with this method (from your profile). You once replied to a post i put up about weight loss so it led me to your profile (not a stalker:smile: . and I was impressed by the weight loss results you achieved . i read up on it a bit, bt wanted to hear from someone who'd tried it firsthand!

    What I'd like to know is in the 16/8 method is it everyday or alternate days? Also do you need to meet the caloric requirements in the allowed time, or is it ok to eat only if you're hungry?

    Does it get easier with time? I'm on day 2 eating between 10am and 6pm and I know its ok to have tea and water meanwhile but I'm embarassed to say I feel hungry at around 11pm when I'd usually be having an orange or apple.
    Does the diet have to be 'healthy' or can it be everyday food as long as you meet your caloric requirements.

    I know its like a thousand questions all at once so I really appreciate this ! Thanks

    You can ask me ANYTHING about Intermittent Fasting, sister!

    Welcome to the greatest thread in the history of the universe! Which shockingly, is only going to get better!

    That's right you nay-sayers and other scrutinizing clowns tearing apart my every word, picking out inaccuracies and errors that don't agree with your google-searches... IT'S GOING TO GET BETTER!! Whether you like it or not.

    If you don't like the advice, don't read it and jog on. It's that simple.

    In the mean time, let me back to answering questions!

    So yeah, Intermittent Fasting. Let me break your post down into sections since it looks like a damn NOVEL!!!
    What I'd like to know is in the 16/8 method is it everyday or alternate days?

    The 16/8 method I practice is every single day. Sometimes if I'm not particularly hungry at the start of my eating window, I'll push it forward a little, say 17 or 18 hours sometimes. I'm not really as regimented or anal about the times anymore - I just make sure I get at LEAST 16 hours of fasting in.
    Also do you need to meet the caloric requirements in the allowed time, or is it ok to eat only if you're hungry?

    A bit of both, but for a beginner, I'd say stick to your calories as best you can. Some say they have trouble fitting the calories into such a short period of time. If that happens to you, and you eat UNDER your calorie goal by a few hundred? Don't worry about it. You're not going to go into STARVATION MODE like stupid people will tell you. You will be fine. As you progress and your body adapts to eating schedule, just eating when you're hungry is OK. Some days you'll eat more than others and that's how it should be. YOUR BODY WILL TELL YOU.

    That's what's great about I.F - You'll be so in tune with your body and it's needs that you won't need to track your calories, macros or eat every 2-3 hours like the rest of the people you know who's bodies FALSELY dictate when and what they eat.
    Does it get easier with time?

    Yes. I found it tough at first but after around a week my hunger pangs settled. These days I could do a 24 hour fast and not even think about food. (OK, maybe I'd think about it, but I could resist it for 24 hours If I wanted)
    Does the diet have to be 'healthy' or can it be everyday food as long as you meet your caloric requirements.

    This may cause some conflict, but what would the greatest thread in the history of mankind be without conflict?

    From MY EXPERIENCE, I'm going to say it doesn't matter. I eat rubbish all the time. Just last week I ate 2 packs of caramel waffles plus my usual lunch, dinner, tea etc... I woke up the morning after and still lost a few ounces.

    The good thing about I.F, I find is that the FASTING WINDOW allows you to enjoy the things you'd have to avoid a lot more on any other DIET.

    I.F isn't really a diet though, I don't think. A diet being selecting foods for weight-loss whereas fasting is more of a schedule.
    an 'Eat now and not then' thing. It didn't matter what I ate in my eating window.

    I'd suggest 50/50 though. Eat what you enjoy but a few times a day, make some GOOD HEALTHY CHOICES too. The healthy choices and the fasting period will make you lose weight.
    I'm embarassed to say I feel hungry at around 11pm when I'd usually be having an orange or apple.

    Aw, don't be embarrassed. Have a huge glass of water or cup of tea (No Milk) to fill up the space and look forward to the apple/orange when your eating window opens.
  • Agatha66
    Agatha66 Posts: 13 Member
    At so much, am learning to readjust eating, jacq
  • tricksee
    tricksee Posts: 835 Member
    At so much, am learning to readjust eating, jacq

    I don't understand that. Did you type it with your face?
  • Bubbl3s25
  • spiritedsaviour
    spiritedsaviour Posts: 50 Member
    At so much, am learning to readjust eating, jacq

    I don't understand that. Did you type it with your face?

    LMFAO :laugh:
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    DebbieLynn: Excellent points! I don't know why anyone would prefer misinformation over a slew of easy to use online BMR/TDEE calculators (that are, even with their own erros, significantly more informed than this post). The point you bring up about a 300lb bodybuilder vs. a 300lb morbidly obese and sedentary woman perfectly encapsulates the error in the OP's method. I don't know how anyone could say that certain variables considered in those calculators are irrelevant (age, body fat %, etc). It's just shocking.

    Did you actually read the article I linked before you fell off your chair in horror?

    Sure you can use Miflin St Joer to calculate BMR. Or Katch Mcardle if you know your BF%. Or Harris Benedict if you have a good handle on your activity multipliers.

    The point is that for most people this level of detail is not particularly necessary. They are just estimates. Sure they may be a little more accurate relatively than the 10 cals per 1lb of total body weight method but that is missing the wood for the trees.

    All most people really need when starting off on their fat loss quest is a reasonable starting figure. They can then tweak as necessary depending on progress. So many people become obsessed over whether they are eating the exact number of calories needed whilst forgetting that all these equations generate estimates and calorie needs are variable, from day to day and even from month to month (particularly due to changes in activity levels.) Sometimes obsession may be good (athlete needing to make a weight class for example) but for the average person that mindset can be rather unhealthy.

    So what happens to our 300 lbs lady eating 3,000 calories per day if her weight loss is exceedingly slow? Simple. She cuts calories per week until she is at a calorie sweet spot where her weight is dropping nicely without too much impact on mood and the ability to perform day to day functions or exercise.

    The benefit of starting a little high (which admittedly this does) is that all diets whether you do low calorie or higher have an adaptive component. Your body craves homeostasis. Part of this is a function of loss of body weight, part is due to the suitability of calorie deficits. Therefore if you start high then when this kicks in you still have plenty of calories to cut from. If you start at the lowest intake possible then you don't have much flexibility before you start reaching a calorie level which is very difficult to keep to psychologically and physiologically. More options are better than less.

    Keeping an open mind, keeping things simple and allowing yourself more flexibility over rigidity tend to work very well for most people.

    Shocking innit?

    (*all the above presumes no medical / metabolic conditions as I have stated before*)
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    On the Hussman Fitness site, he explains the 'Rule of Thumb' calculating method for BMR is 9-11 cals per pound of LEAN BODY MASS, not total body weight.

    True you can.

    You could also try Lyle McDonald's starting point as I referenced before.

    More options are better than less right?
  • tricksee
    tricksee Posts: 835 Member

    Sorry, darling. I can't hear you over the sound of how awesome I am.
  • JPal5
    JPal5 Posts: 178
    bump for later
  • rizzaG
    rizzaG Posts: 110
    LOL this thread is getting really funny :) ( chuckles)
  • 89nunu
    89nunu Posts: 1,082 Member

    advice on weak abdominal wall?


    I did this and saw great results. As you progress increase the length of time and number of reps as you feel comfortable to keep your body guessing
    Quoting for later. :)Thanks

    Same here ;)
  • tricksee
    tricksee Posts: 835 Member
    I did 'The Core Challenge' and was scared to cough or sneeze for 3 days because of the pain.

    As you get better at doing it, increase the minute planks to 90 seconds and press-ups by 5 or 10 reps depending on how brave you are.

    Good luck, guys.
  • Microfiber
    Microfiber Posts: 956 Member
    I did 'The Core Challenge' and was scared to cough or sneeze for 3 days because of the pain.

    Is it bam, bam, bam or do you rest in-between e.g 50 crunches, rest, 15 push-ups, rest :laugh:
  • tricksee
    tricksee Posts: 835 Member

    Above thread hasn't had a single post since last year.

    Party's over, kiddo.
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member

    Above thread hasn't had a single post since last year.

    Party's over, kiddo.

    Actually, 'kiddo', it last had a post yesterday, and is the most quoted thread on this entire forum.