Senior Golden Sneakers.....April...We are all young at hear

CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
Here is our Birthday list. Look like Barbs is the only one this month. Happy Birthday Barbs. Might have know you were born close to April Fool, Day. HA HA.... Notice My t in heart didn't get type in and I don't know how to correct it. We all know we are young at heart.

:heart: :drinker: :heart: :drinker: :heart: :drinker:

Beth Feb 24, 1971
Sandy---March 10, 1942
Barbiecat ---March 25, 1946
Birdie---March 30, 1948
Barbs----April 6, 1954
Elli---May 16, 1952
Jersey [ toby } May 18,1946
Phoebe---July 26
Sandie--Aug. 1st.
Jeffrey---Sept. 25, 1953
Jake---Oct., 10, 1945
Marie---Nov. 7, 1930
Gayla---Nov. 20, 1949
viliberty --Sept 1

Posted for April
Here is a list of our members and there Birthday.
And we have quite a few coming up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :heart: :smooched: :heart: :smooched: to all.

    Hope you all had a nice March. And a better one in April. I am so grateful to be up and around as good as I am. But I am going to put more effort in this month. Watch and see.
    W all have all had our ups and down. And it is just wonderful having all of you here helping one and another It is just wonderful one of our member ia going to be Grandma for the first time. Congrats Elli. Hope she is as nice as you and as Beautiful. And Barbiecat reach her goal.. She was so delicated. What a gal.!!!!!!!!!! Gayla had her first Cruise. and so nice she share her pictures with us.
    What other Outstanding event went on here latly? You know My memory is not as sharp as it ahould be.

    Birdie , I am sorry I missed your Birthday Yesterday.
    :heart: :heart: :heart: hAPPY BIRTHDAY:heart::heart: :heart:
    Welcome all to our April Thread young and old.

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    Thanks for the birthday wishes. Just a quick post to put this in my topics. Greetings to all

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :drinker: :heart: :flowerforyou: :love: :drinker: :heart: :flowerforyou: :love:
    Birdie, Happy Birthday a little late........I know you've been tired, overworked, and stressed so i hope you were able to fit some sort of appropriate celebration :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Marie, thank you for starting the new thread

    :flowerforyou: Elli, I am impressed by your going to hot yoga five times this sounds like you're really focused now.

    :flowerforyou: Gayla, congratulations on your anniversary.......what good tips do you have to nurture a marriage and make it last that long ?

    :flowerforyou: Jeffrey, this nice spring weather will be just what you need for all your great exercise.

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, sorry to hear that Daisy had digestive troubles...i hope she's all better now (and cleaned up:laugh: )

    :flowerforyou: Irene, welcome back......we missed you

    :flowerforyou: Barb, how is the job hunting going? how is mom doing? and are you getting enough rest? give those sweet dogs a hug for me.

    :heart: Barbie
  • This is to move this thread to my topics. Hope everyone is well and happy. God Bless. Irene
  • TexasAngelBeth
    TexasAngelBeth Posts: 315 Member
    Hi All,
    I hope everyone is doing well and things are going great in your respective worlds. Things here are going well I will be in Texas in May for my son’s graduation from High School. I am excited as soon as he graduates he is considered 100% legally emancipated and I will not have to worry about drama from his dad about him moving out. (My son moved out in January due to step momma drama) He will be heading to Sam Houston State University in the fall...I am proud of him overcoming all the mess the ex and his wife created for him and sticking it out and school and graduating in the top 15 or so percent.
    Things in Virginia are beginning to heat up I slept with the windows open last night and it was wonderful of course waking up to 50 degree weather… not so much.
    I ran my half marathon 2 weeks ago and did OK and ran a 5K last weekend and did well…let’s hope that carries over to the 8 Miler this weekend.

    Marie - How is the weather there? It better be good I have so many plans for when I get there I want Braums so BAD

    Gayla – Happy Anniversary very excited for you congrats!!! How are things with Neil?

    Jeffrey – How is your training going? The job Hunt? I am signing up for a Triathlon in August and have 4 crazy friends to join me! This could go well or horribly wrong...I vote that it goes well

    Sandy – How is the poor puppy? Better I hope

    Barbie – Happy REALLY Late birthday I hope it was one of the best for you

    Barb – How have you been doing ? I need to get on here more

    Elli – I am impressed Yoga 5X a week I would be asleep at work it is so relaxing and so good for you! I barely make it once a month!

    Vliberty - How are things going for you?

    Anyone I forgot I apologize I am once again way behind. You people type too fast for me!!! Training the first week of March and no break til this weekend is pretty much my excuse but I have missed talking with you all.
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Talk to you all later! Just want to get on the link:wink:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    So I just found out that I am pregnant again!!! APRIL FOOL'S DAY!!!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Thanks for posting the new thread for April Marie. We appreciate you so much, always with kind words and lots of encouragement!! :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Daisy is now on an antibiotic along with lots of other over the counter stuff. Her fecal came back negative, so the doctor said it could be a virus. He said to try this antibiotic for two weeks even if she feels better and if it doesn't help her we will do more tests.
    The odd thing is that the groomer just told me that her dog has had diarrhea for a week, which makes me think Daisy caught something from him. I told the doctor and he said if so, this medicine will knock it out of her. It is so sad to see her feeling bad, I hope she gets well soon. :sad:

    I have my meeting today so I have to keep this short, but wanted to wish you all a wonderful day.

  • I think I feel the need to ramble today. Semi-feeling sorry for myself. But I will get over it. I always do.

    Sometimes I'm doing well, other times not so much. I manage to hold my own with my weight, but it is sooo far above what it should be. I've been walking every day, but it is a real struggle. I walk 15 minute going and 15 minutes coming back (it is uphill on the way). I have to stop several times to get my breath. I am going to keep it up and hope it gets easier.

    Not so very long ago, before major surgery and setbacks, I walked an hour a day, and often walked to the next town (6 miles) and back with no difficulty. In addition I did the cardio glide an hour and recumebent bike an hour each day. It's easy to think things will stay the same, but they never do. Most of the time I deal with this OK, but sometimes I a just feel like a young woman trapped in a seventy year old body, and it makes me MAD!!! :angry:

    I appreciate all the support I get from all of you. And just you wait....tomorrow I will be all cheerful!

    I now have a hundred dollar dog. Actually it is the same old dog, but he got out. He was only gone ten minutes while we were looking for him, but someone picked him up and "turned him in." I had to "buy him back" from Spokanimal. His tags were expired, and I had to prepay for a rabies shot. Stupid Dog! I call him that sometimes because he reminds me of Courage the Cowardly Dog in one of my favorite children's cartoons (Yes, I enjoy watching cartoons with Mariah). Courage lives with an old couple (like Ralph and me) and they unjustifiably call him Stupid Dog, not realizing that he has once more "saved the day."

    Take care! Have a good day! Irene
  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432
    Good Afternoon Everyone!

    Just a quick drop in to say hello! I am heading out for 30 mile ride here is just a few minutes! I will issue a report this evening!

    Enjoy this beautiful God Given Day!

  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    thank you for starting the new thread Marie - sorry i can't post right now.

    I'll be back!:wink:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    Hi Everybody, :flowerforyou: :bigsmile:
    March goals: *do yoga *maintain my weight * redouble my efforts to nurture my marriage
    I did well with my March goals:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: ……I finally found what was blocking me from doing yoga and added it a few days a week to my exercise routine…..I maintained my new weight and lost another pound in spite of a trip out of town and my birthday……..and found some new things to do so that Jake and I spent more meaningful time with each other

    My goals for April
    “Pooga” “Poolates” regular walks with Jake
    all family related activities
    I’d make a goal for the cats but as long as they get fed twice a day, let in and out when they ask, and get the litter box cleaned, they don’t want much more from me.

    My wish for April is that all of you will continue to stay focused on your goals and find the success and motivation that you want.

    :flowerforyou: Beth, it sounds like things are going great for your son.....going to college will be a fabulous and well-earned adventure for him.........glad to hear you're still running and doing well.

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, that was a great April Fool's joke......sorry Daisy is still sick

    :flowerforyou: Irene, sorry to hear that you're feeling down....any exercise you do is better than none...slow and steady wins the race......never, never, never give up

    :flowerforyou: The accountant has finished our taxes and they are on their way back to us to be proofread before being submitted......she always does a great job so I'm sure they're fine, but I'll read through them anyway and hope that I don't find any problems.
    :heart: hugs:heart: Barbie
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :flowerforyou: Beth........Braums ice cream place?. I can walk out to the end of my sidewalk and see our Braums. But have to cross two major roads to get there, So don't walk up there any more. Not that i NEED TO. THE WALK YES BUT NOT Braums. but they do make good hamburgers. Are you driving down?;

    This has been a pretty active thread today. Good to hear from you all. I came in here to shut this PC down but decided to make one more rounds on all the threads. And go to Facebook and see what my family is up to.
    Jeffrey, 30 miles bike ride. Lets see that will take me to Terrell, Texas. A nice little ride. My Brother lives in Terrell and my SIL lives half way to Terrell. and my daughter Kathy lives past Terrell. Yeah quite a little trip.

    Sleep well.
  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Just finished my chicken chili for supper. Great! With skim milk! LOL I rode the bike today, 32.3 miles! The first 19 were into the wind which was blowing about 25 mph. Tough ride! I got home and then did my legs and back workout then the 350 ab crunches. I am tired but all would up mentally! LOL Going to run on the pavement tomorrow and it is also karate day. So that is fun!

    Beth my training is progressing. I am swimming 450 yds for time about 9 minutes now. then I do about 550 more for breathing drills. Those days I run or bike too. I have not backed off the strength training yet but I will before the first "A" race. My running stinks, 4 mile in about 37 min. My biking is decent. 14 miles is usually about 38 min. I think I can trim it down by maybe 4 or 5 min. I hope to be in the front part of the rear end group! LOL Let me know if you have any training tips. Where is your tri at? What distance?

    Sandy I bet your dog did get sick at the place. Our cats got sick from a vet trip. I was mad about that too.

    Marie you sound wonderful! Makes me smile! Maybe I will ride to Texas someday! (I will need to pack a lunch!)

    Irene don't get mad. Stressing over it will make it worse. Just relax and do what you need to do. what you know to do! It will happen. there are some nice articles on the web that deal with Zen training and exercise. It is kind of my new thing now to help me get through the pain in my left knee and it seems to help. It is just mind training. But what ever you do or however you end up is fine with me and I am sure, with the rest of the gang here. Be happy and positive and focus on what is good. don't try to rush weight loss, it just does not work and if some weight does come off, it almost always comes right back. Slow, steady, and postive wins the race everytime! I believe in you!

    Anyone I missed, I am sorry! But I think of everyone here daily!

    By the way, Joe the Cat got into the Jelly Bellies again! Dumb cat! (he seems to be a little partial to the blue ones) Maybe the Easter Kitty will bring him some of his own!

    Take care and I will talk to you all again tomorrow. Sam is coming home tomorrow with her new boyfriend! Dad is excited to see her!


    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    ::laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    Thanks Jeffrey for sharing your exercise with us. Yeah you do that, you and Beth can run down here to texas. I don't know how you find the time to do it all. I am proud to know you both. I got to remember you when I am out walking with Sammy how good your indurance is. I am still not walking as much as I did last year and got to upped it some more. But I seems more active around the house.

    Barbiecat, you are truly an amazing person. Glad you are thru with you income tax and ready to mail.

    Barbs, How are those 3 piggies doing?

    Gayla..... Is the snow all gone up there.? We had more snow this year than usally. We didn't break the records , just liked an inch. But it was all beatiful. Now for spring time. LOve this time of the year.

    Sandy... I sure hope Daisy is feeling better now.

    Birdie, Are things calm down now some?

    Irene, glad you found us. Love hearing from you.

    Sandie, Are you off on your cruise yet?

    Phoebe, Still working.hard?

    I know I must have missed some but will try to do better later. I haven't run my list of members yet and trying to used my memory. Which is not working as good as it used to.

    Have a wonderful day

    Love ya. Marie
  • TexasAngelBeth
    TexasAngelBeth Posts: 315 Member
    Hi All... I am excited about this Sprint tri in August...I am however not so thrilled with my friend wanting me to do one in open ocean...I am way too scared to even think about that one.

    Marie - Dang Skippy I am talking about Braums Ice Cream I am soooooo going in buying a twirl waffle cone with frozen yogurt YUMMMMMMMMMMYYYYYYYY...I miss things in Texas I used to have that for lunch when I didnt want to eat a "real" lunch Braums was less than 10 minutes away! Of course I never gained weight then either LOL

    Jeffrey - I just got a book called Slow Fat Athlete...I heard its funny... I am going to read it and see what it has to say :)
    My run times will be up starting next week I am done with long runs for a while (anything over 6.2 is a long run)
    the race I am doing is the PinkPower Race in Midlothian Virginia (near Richmond)

    Barbie - So glad you made your March goals. I have decided that I am not going to stress the weight issue any more...I am going to concentrate on the working out running and now swimming and everything else will fall into place.

    V- everyone has a bad day :) we still listen no matter what rant away :) and smile later

    I am off to a meeting so I can once again deal with egotistical men who think I know nothing ...Just for that I am wearing the horrid pink hard hat...I need some ugly sticker to put on it next
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Good Morning All!!

    It is Good Friday today and for those who share that day with me, let's remember to be grateful for Our God who died for us on the Cross. Amen

    Our weather has been terrific and we are loving it. We put the patio furniture out and we were able to sit outside while I made dinner on the grill yesterday. It was wonderful!!! :flowerforyou:

    Marie, as long as you are doing a little walking and feel more flexible you are doing great!! :heart:

    Barbie, I mailed in our taxes yesterday. We also have our accountant do them, since my husband owns a few industrial buildings with his brothers. I just hate paying taxes on social security and pensions when taxes have already been taken out.
    It is one sore spot with me. :mad:

    Barbs, how are the parents? Hope all is well with you and your darling little piggies. :happy:

    Gayla, how is Neil and when does he go back to the doctor? Hope your weather is Springlike and getting warmer every day. :flowerforyou:

    Jeffrey, I know I keep saying it but you truly amaze me. You are younger than me but your endurance is not to be matched. :noway: Be kind to your daughter boyfriend, you were once in his shoes. :laugh:

    Birdie, missing you, hope April 15th gets here for you soon. :bigsmile:

    Irene, ditto to Beth's words, just keep coming back. :love:

    Elli, you are so busy lately, we miss you!! Hope you are taking care of yourself before anyone else. :heart:

    Beth, I should have addressed my post to both you and Jeffrey although Jeffrey is old enough to be your father, well almost. :laugh: It is great that you have all that endurance as Jeffrey does, I have a hard time just walking a few miles.
    Congratulations on your son's graduation and if I might, tell your ex to stuff it!!!

    Have a good day!!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Beth that is my faverite too. But it has been well over a year since I have been in there. you make me want one. But the last time I was in there I just had a small one instead of the big one. Oh so good .
  • TexasAngelBeth
    TexasAngelBeth Posts: 315 Member
    Funny news for you all... Out of all the people I know I figure you can appreciate this.
    I was running this morning and the sun was behind me... I can see the shadow on the ground...I normally do not care for Mr Shadow as its a rather blobby nusiance that follows me around....
    BUT... this morning I started to LOVE Mr Shadow because I had a figure... yep its one of those things where the scale isnt moving but evidently the fat is because in the place of Blobby nusience there was a defined waist!
    Must mean that I am doing something right I do so hope that by adding the swimming and the biking I am able to get an even better Mr Shadow :) or is that Ms Shadow?
    And for all you ladies out that that love to go out walking in shorts but the dang things seem to ride up like there is no tomorrow...try running skirts Kind of ugly ol things but they have shorts or panties built in (your choice) but they are ratehr comfy its like running (or walking) in your jamies...I would say drawers but those of you not from the south may question my sanity :)
    Life if good today :)
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member

    Jeffrey and Beth running..............................look at them go!!!!!!
  • tobysjrzgrl
    tobysjrzgrl Posts: 34 Member
    Thanks for starting the new thread. I appreciate you.

    My weight stayed the same this week. I did find Almond Butter at a wonderful store called Whole Foods. I bought Greek yogurt too as I've heard alot about it. Lots of good healthy food ideas today on The Doctors. Lisa (sombody) called the Hungry Girl.

    Enjoy the rest of your day.
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