Senior Golden Sneakers.....April...We are all young at hear



  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone! We have a cloudy and dreary day today. Come on spring!! I went to the Optomotrist today and as I suspected my tear ducts are plugged. He loaded me up on medications, most of which I used to take regularly and I am hoping for a quick recovery. He said that the ones with the capsules with the Omega-3 supplement , flaxseed oil, fish oil and Vit. E may help my skin. I seem to have eczema, my diagnosis but it looks very much like the eczema my youngest son used to get. It is spreading so I do need to make an appt. for my Fam. doc. as well. It just doesn't look nice to be scratching one's butt in public!! The worst of it is in the crook of my arm. It got better, was essentially gone following our cruise. I think the sun and salt water helped.
    I am still thinking about WW. I haven't mentioned it to Dave but I know he would be supportive. He eats anything (except fish and macaroni) that I put in front of him so cooking is not huge. He would like to drop a few pounds so likely would welcome it. If only I could get him to eat fish. Working in a fish plant as a teen ruined him for fish I think. Thanks everyone for the support.

    Marie -- I have lost a few pedometers as well. They always show up eventually and likely yours will as well.

    Beth, Elli, Jeffrey, Barb, Birdie and all the rest. Hope you are getting some sunshine.

    Barbie -- sounds like you and the dogs had a nice day.

    Sandy -- Your grandkids are growing up and I still have none. :cry: I see no movement in that direction which makes me kind of sad. I know, it is their lives and would never interfere but I also know it will be a huge loss for them. How could someone who chose to work with babies not have grandbabies??

    Take care and keep smiling. Gayla :heart:
  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432
    Hi Everyone!

    I am alive and well! We had a big weekend. I will write about it in detail tomorrow. I have been training hard! I have lost another inch around the waist. I Weigh about 185 and I am wearing size SMALL waist shorts! Today I swam 3/4 mile then did my strength workout for an hour then 350 crunches. After that I ran 3.5 miles. I am beat!

    I hope you are all good! I will read and catch with you all tomorrow.


  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432
    Hi Everyone!

    I am alive and well! We had a big weekend. I will write about it in detail tomorrow. I have been training hard! I have lost another inch around the waist. I Weigh about 185 and I am wearing size SMALL waist shorts! Today I swam 3/4 mile then did my strength workout for an hour then 350 crunches. After that I ran 3.5 miles. I am beat!

    I hope you are all good! I will read and catch with you all tomorrow.


    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good hearing from you Jeffrey. You must be pretty looking good. Size small in shorts. That is fatastic. Great job my friend.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Tuesday!!

    No card game today, my friend Lou can't play. :sad: In fact we won't be playing for the next three weeks unless we can figure out another day. Next week I am having dinner with friends and the following week I am off to Minnesota to sit for my grandsons.

    Jeffrey, do you have a before picture to post? It is amazing that you have lost so much weight that you can wear a size small in shorts. :love: Do your friends even recognize you? I hope your weekend was good and not sad.

    Marie, my granddaughter was looking at the profiles of our friends on MFP and was impressed with you and your age that you are being so healthy. She dances so much she is all muscle, so she really doesn't have to worry about her weight yet although she did say she weighs more than I do, which sort of made me feel good. :tongue:

    Barbie, I agree, I prefer to eat at home where I know what to cook to keep me focused. At times I don't have choices, such as on Sunday's when we go to my step sons. :ohwell: This weekend and next are competition weekends so I won't be eating there and if I do eat at a restaurant I will eat healthy. :happy: I love the dog park and can't wait to take Daisy again. The problem with the park I take her is that is it is fenced in but it really isn't that big and so unless I walk the perimeter of the fence that is all the walking I can do. We do have a bigger park but it has water and I am afraid she will jump in and get soaking wet. I am also afraid of the burrs she might pick up and get caught in her fur, but I think I will try it once more after she is spayed.

    Gayla, I also have to go see a dermatologist for itching. I am having a problem with my scalp and I scratch it so much it looks terrible. I am going to try to stop using hair spray to see if that helps but I think it is also eczema. The other area you mentioned is also a problem with me. :laugh: Is this TMI??

    Since I am not playing cards I have no excuse not to exercise so I should get at least 60 minutes on my stationary bike.
    I am done with driving my granddaughter to school at 7am, now I am back to the drivers ed and dance schedule.

    Have a great day.

  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone! We had an early Dr. appt. for Neil. The Dr. was pleased with Neil's progress but still concerned about the infected area so another 10 days of antibiotics and then we will see him again a few days after that. He did pull all the pins so his toes are pin free and he is very happy about that! We are watching a swollen and painful area on the side of his foot and hoping that it was irritation from the pins and will now go away. Of course, the other possibility is some infection there and hopefully that is covered as well.
    This afternoon I am doing the thing I hate more than anything in the world. Give me a colonoscopy before dental work. Yup, off to the dentist to get two old fillings taken out and then refilled and crowned. It is a two hour appt. and I am already quivering. I really would like to say to just leave them but I know that isn't the smart thing. They give me no problem but I know the concerns about old fillings. These two actually turn my mouth guard black so they must be leeching something that is not desirable.

    Sandy -- You make me laugh which is a very good thing. Dave tells me that I do have a tendency to share TMI. Sorry that you are missing your card day, I know how you really like it. It always sounds like fun to me too.

    Jeffrey -- You must be smashing, indeed! I have heard you get 'addicted' to exercise. I, on the other hand, an addicted to not doing exercise. Another few weeks and we can move Neil's hospital bed out of the family room and the exercise bike back in. I am actually feeling good about being able to get back on it. I always liked to watch TV while I ride, otherwise it is just too boring for me. See, I haven't got to thrill of exercise for itself yet. Honestly, I don't think that will happen. I am very impressed with the small size. Way to go, my friend!

    Take care all and keep smiling. Time to go to the dentist. Gayla :heart:
  • Just checking in. I'm still around, but I sometimes don't know where LOL. I've been trying to get some sewing done. My current project is a backpack/bag made from recycled denim jeans. I made up the pattern as I went and so far so good. The last thing, getting the straps/drawstring fastened on is a puzzler. It wouldn't be a problem, except that it is fully lined,and no way to get the straps into the bottom seam. Oh, welll, I will figure it out!

    Ralph bought lumber to make a raised garden bed for me. I love home grown tomatoes. He is bringing in some soil this week so I can get started. My sister-in-law plants seeds early and has enough plants for me, too.

    We came down on the price on our house in Oregon. It is in the midst of the "main street project" and the city is very picky who goes in there and have lots of rules. Everyone who has been interested so far has been "shot down" by the city planners. They want the house torn down. We lowered the price to just cover the land it is on. So maybe that wil get us a sale. If not, we will have to put renters in. It is just too expensive to keep it otherwise.

    I wish all of you the best. God Bless! Irene
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Me again! I got through the procedure just fine. Honestly, it was not the big deal I had set myself up for. I figured a 2 hour appt. meant bad so it was a nice surprise as much as the dentist goes. One more appt. in 2 weeks and then I am good to go for awhile.

    Irene -- Nice to hear from you. I love my raised garden beds, pictures are on my home page. They aren't big but I call them perfect. I wish I had some space for potatoes but can't have everything. I also would like to plant strawberries somewhere but don't really want to give up a whole bed. I may try it this year though. My sil has a greenhouse and gorgeous flowers in her yard but she lives far from me. Have you had your house for a long time? It must be frustrating that the city is making it so difficult to sell it. Good luck to you.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :flowerforyou: :sad: :flowerforyou: :sad: Jake is still gone and won't be home for more than a week. He is staying with friends right now so he doesn't have access to his computer and doesn't have much time for himself. He sends me text messages so I know he is OK but we haven't had much chance to talk on the phone.

    :flowerforyou: I've found lots of time for exercise (I should probably be doing some housecleaning). The dogs are loving our long visits to the park that are part free running for them and part walking on leash. I ride the exercise bike a lot......20 minutes at a time while watching something I've recorded from TV. I have the hide-a-bed open in the living room so the dogs have a comfy place to stretch out or play with their toys.

    :flowerforyou: It got warm for awhile today but before I could change my clothes to go out and pull weeds, it got cloudy, cold, and drizzly

    :flowerforyou: Jeffrey, congratulations on fitting into new skinny shorts,,,,I, too, would like to see a "before" picture of you.

    :flowerforyou: Gayla, I agree with you about the dentist......I pray, meditate, breathe, and sing to myself to pass the time and that seems to help. About 10 years ago I went to the dermatologist with a terrible itching, rash problem and when she said it was psoriasis I was so relieved to find out it wasn't either leprosy or skin cancer. My recent visit was the same.....I have a lot of ugly stuff on my body, but none of it is skin cancer or anything to worry about and since I'm not planning to wear a bikini it doesn't really matter.:laugh: I'm glad to hear that the pins are gone from Neil's foot, but sorry to hear that the infection continues.

    :flowerforyou: Marie, there was a woman riding a trike at the city park yesterday when I was walking the dogs and I thought about you. You would love our park, but Sammy would have to be on a leash.

    :flowerforyou: Elli, are you doing more yoga this week?

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, I guess I'm lucky that I don't have family to invite me over for dinner all the time. I keep getting better at ordering in restaurants (I went to two of them over the weekend). I'm sorry to hear that your card games have been canceled for awhile......using that time for exercise is a great idea.

    :flowerforyou: Irene, all your projects sound great....good luck figuring out the sewing frustrating about selling your house......

    :flowerforyou: I stretched out in bed this afternoon with the dogs and finished reading my book and then napped a bit. The dogs love that and I was fortunate that the phone didn't ring.

    Now I'm off to ride the exercise bike again.
    :heart: :heart: :heart: Barbie
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    ...... I have the hide-a-bed open in the living room so the dogs have a comfy place to stretch out or play with their toys....
    :heart: :heart: :heart: Barbie

    Ok, if there is anybody out there who thinks MY "little piggies" are spoiled, please read above quote!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Doggies with their own hide-a -bed in front of the tv!!!:noway: :noway: That beats anything that happens around here!! I bet Brandy and Sasha enjoy being spoiled. I know my three certainly do.

    BTW, today is my 1 year anniversary for joining MFP. Didn't make my 100 lbs. lost goal, but have definitely come a long way.

    So long for now...

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I agree Barb, Brandy and Sasha are just as spoiled as our puppies. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I love it!! When we leave the house or even to calm Daisy down we put in her own DVD made for dogs. It is soothing and she can watch the other dogs and calm down. :laugh: :laugh: Happy Anniversary!! You have done a great job in one year. It took me that long to lose my weight and I still have that pound to pound and a half to go. I am determined to do it no matter how long it takes. :bigsmile:

    Barbie, you sound like you are really missing your Jake, with how close you are I am sure it is hard to be apart for so long. My son is only gone 5 days and I miss him terrible and he is missing home. :sad: I seem to do better with exercise if my hubby leaves the house and you seem to keep busy with exercise. Sounds like we all need to see our dermatologists and get rid of all that ails us or itches us. :tongue: Glad there was no skin cancer Barbie and I like you ; have no plans for any bikinis. :blushing:

    Gayla, I hate the dentist also but if I have any work done other than cleaning I make him give me nitros along with novocaine so I feel nothing. :wink: I had a terrible experience with dentist as a child so when I came to this dentist I let him know my fear and he has taken care of me like a baby for over 20 years. :heart:

    Irene, glad to hear from you. You are one talented lady, making a backpack sounds really hard to me. :huh: This year we are hardly planting any flowers in our back yard since Daisy will just dig them up. We can hardly wait for the trainer to come tomorrow to see if she can get her to stop jumping and nipping, especially at my husband. :grumble:

    Bingo tonight......remember my rule.

  • TexasAngelBeth
    TexasAngelBeth Posts: 315 Member
    Hi All,
    Checking in to see what is new with y'all, Things in Virginia have been extreemly warm until the day I want to go out and buy plants for my garden and BAM its low 60's. I need to get my butt in gear and get things planted and the yard work done since I will be gone part of May and June... NO deployments all...I am heading to Texas and Michigan to see my son graduate from High School I am so proud of him he is still in the top 10% of his class even with having to "runaway" from home, declare himself homeless to the school system and depend on friends for a place to of the 29th of May he is declared an Emancipated Adult in Texas and it will allow him a lot more freedom...(mind you he couldnt come here to live and graduate with what he needed since VA has different standards...not that I didnt want him here)

    Marie - I will be driving home the northern Route or I would stop in and meet you since I still have yet to put the stuff I got you in Afghanistan in anything but a box!!!

    Jeffrey - I dont have a training plan right now I am just doing this whole tri thing willy nilly...I will have to get it into gear soon I have a guy who tells me he will help me but I wonder how much of that is so he can date me...and I really dont want anything dependent upon that

    Barbie - you sure do excercise crazy when Jake is gone at this rate he will come back and think your a whole new person. Sorry you are missing him so much. But you have done great sticking with everyone on here for a year.

    Gayla - I am glad the Dental appointment was better than anticipated! I had a implant put in and that freaked me out more than anything...thankfully I was so relaxed I fell asleep :) It sounds like things are going Neils way at least a tiny bit.

    Sandy - I think you have done great and you can always say that pound is water :)

    Elli - How is the Yoga going? I am thinking about trying a hot yoga place near the house but I have yet to decide if I really want to go KNOWING I will leave all sweaty :)

    Irene - That is so cool that you know how to just make a back pack... I wouldnt know where or how to start! I think that is awesome.

    Sandy - The fact that the dog has her own DVD is hillarious to me but than again I have a rabbit who when we leave the house for any big length of time I hide candy all over for...he is house trained and thinks he is part goat... he likes candy and fruit more than his food.

    Hope everyone isdoing great I am sorry if I forgot anyone I will keep you posted on the triathlon training...but Jeffrey is beating me hands down...I have yet to swim 3/4 of a mile... its a lot harder than when I was younger :)

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Just dropping in to say that I lost another pound! :bigsmile: It's got to be the exercising because I was a little naughty a few times this week!:blushing: Tax season is almost over (for the most part:grumble: ) so we've been very busy.:noway:
    After the 15th maybe I can spend some time posting....but for now....have a good day!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hello Beth. iI have one question. Why don't you and Phoebe post your pictures on this site. Sandy, Gayla and I have seen you on facebook and you are both very lovely girls.. and I ditto Sandy on Jeffrey posting his before picture.
    Sound like you are going to be busy the next month or two.

    How is everybody else doing.???
    barbs you have come along way in a year. Congrats to you.
    Barbiecat. Enjoy the peace and quite. I know you are missing Jake But it is also nice to have some me time.
    Gayla, I have been on recipezarr this morning and found this recipes I want to try ou.t.

    Sounds good and they say you can freeze it in little bagsafter you shed it with some of the juice. for later used.
    gonna give it a try.

    Happy sewing Irene.

    Sandy, Daisy is amazing. So cute.

    Birdie, You sound in better sprit now.

    Elli, the snow all gone now.

    Lady We missed you.

    I am sorry I forgot one of our new members but my brain is just not working.

    really don't know if I got some of the old members/
    But have a happy day all.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hello All--

    Beth--It was good to to catch up with you.. BTW, your "part goat" rabbit would probably get along really well with my little "terror"--Bradley. On more than one occasion, I have stated that I think HE is part goat because of the fact that he will eat anything that doesn't try to eat him first (as long as it is a food item--otherwise he ignores it)

    Birdie--I just told my tax preparer that I LOVE him!! :noway: :laugh: I recently discovered I would have some taxable income resulting from something that happened last year with an old whole life policy I had. I was afraid I would have to pay, since I changed my w/h for 2009 to compensate for a larger contribution to my FSA. My miracle worker just called to tell me he came up with me owing only $212!!! Considering I was expecting about $1200--I am VERY pleased, and relieved!!

    Thank GOODNESS THAT is OVER for another year!!! I bet you feel the same, but I know it won't be over for you until May due to the deadline extension for Rhode Island this year. Good luck!!

    Well, I need to hit the road for now, lots to do today.

  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone from cloudy Saskatchewan. We have had a couple days of rain which has taken care of most of the snow and the grass is greening up nicely. It looks so fresh and clean. Tomorrow is a work day and I am going out for lunch with my friend. I am going to bring up the WW and see if she is interested as we used to go together. If not I will go on my own but if she is we will find a day that works for both of us. I actually bought WW bread this week and am not terribly impressed. It does serve the purpose but basically seems more like a piece of cardboard. Maybe by the end of loaf I will adjust.

    Barb -- Way to go on your taxes. This served as a reminder to get our stuff in to our tax person. I better make sure that I have everything ready to go.

    Barbie -- I hope this is the weekend that Jake comes home. It must be quiet around there (or maybe not). Hang in there, girl!

    Sandy -- Those childhood dental experiences stay with us forever. The dentist I had as a child (small town, not a lot of choice) didn't believe in freezing and if it got too painful he figured he might as well pull the tooth. So, in the end I not only have a solid dental phobia but a whole lot of teeth missing. I, too, have a very good dentist and it really is not painful. It seems to be the idea of going that causes the anxiety, once I am there it is never as bad as I think it is going to be. When we lived in Edmonton I had a Dentist that would put the freezing in and then sit and talk to me to get me relaxed which was very effective. Dental work has come a long way. Daisy is getting so big, when will she be fully grown? She is big but so cute!

    Beth -- I am glad your son was able to finish school where he was but it must have been a trying time for all. So glad you get to go to the grad, proud Mama!

    Birdie -- Way to go on losing another pound. You are doing great, stress and all!

    Marie -- I hope you enjoy your recipe. Let me know how it turns out and I may give it a try as well. Did you know that on Zaar you can click on cookbooks and looks for low cal., low carb, WW, low fat and get a number of cookbooks show up. Cookbooks are a grouping of recipes that people have gathered which may not necessarily be their own recipes. On my home page you will find a list of my favorites and (I think) cookbooks which are some of the above. Hope that is helpful.

    Jeffrey -- I hope life is ok today and that you and Day are well.

    The pic. is just an old one of my mil and my boys. I just like it so am sharing. Take care and keep smiling. GaylaV :heart: :smile:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :flowerforyou: Yes, the "naughties" are the most loved and most spoiled dogs on the planet.....I do not deny that. They are so cute and irresistible that I can't say "no" to them. When we got Brandy we bought a book about poodles that said that poodles want to be with their people all the time and that was the absolute truth. I hate leaving them alone but I'm not willing to stay home with them all day so I have to make sure things are comfy for them when I can't be with them. Jake spends more time sitting on the couch with them and with him gone they are extra lonely. And of course, I am a sucker. Right now I am sitting on one of the dining room chairs at the computer.....I've moved the soft office chair to the side because Haifa, the older cat, likes to sleep on the office chair and I don't want to disturb him. Not only are the dogs spoiled, the cats are, too.:laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, Jake thinks the dogs like classic country music so that's the satellite music station that put on when we're gone. If Jake knew about a DVD just for dogs, he'd probably get it. :laugh: There was a sheep dog at the dog park today and I thought of you and Daisy when I watched her run and play.

    :flowerforyou: Beth, that is great that your son is in the top 10% of his graduating class. You must be so proud of him and so glad that you'll be able to go and see him graduate. Keep up the good work with your triathlon training.

    :flowerforyou: Birdie, congratulations on losing another pound especially in the midst of all the tax season stress.:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Gayla, that's a great picture of your family.:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Marie, you always have the right kind words to say to all of us to encourage us.

    :bigsmile: Jake might be coming home a day early (Tuesday instead of Wednesday) so I'm pretty excited about that.
    :heart: hugs:heart: Barbie
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good afternoon all,
    Just flying bye again to say hello to

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: another day of exercise (line dance, dog walking at home and at the park, exercise bike), spoiling the pets (they want me to lie down in the hide-a-bed and watch TV with them) and missing Jake.

    What's new with all of you ?
  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432
    Hi Everyone!

    We are fine here. It has been very strenuous on the nerves lately. I will try to get a detailed post up tomorrow. Diane's kidneys have shut down now and her pain meds are very high. It seems it will be over soon. I will miss her a lot. Everything else is going pretty well. Training hard, it is my sane time, and doing quite well with it. Day and the girls are fine.

    Talk to you all soon!

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