Senior Golden Sneakers.....April...We are all young at hear



  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432
    Good Evening all!

    Happy Birthday Barb! and many more!

    Marie! what wonderful news! I am very happy now! Keep up the good work!

    Gayla hang in there! My thoughts are with you.

    Got a good workout in today. Washed windows down stairs today got 10 of them done about 10 more down stairs to do yet. I did the screens too! Ran 4 miles and did my core workout too.

    This weekend wihen Sam was home the washer went out while I was doing her laundry. What a mess. We went and bought a new set. all ended up well. We Got to spend time with Kyle, Sams boyfriend. I approve! Very nice young man. Poor Guy! LOL

    Not alot else right now to report. I am sure there will more!

    Be well! God Bless you all!

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :flowerforyou: Easter was not my weekend challenge was helping Jake get ready for his the last minute he found out how rainy it was where he's going so he decided to leave his golf clubs home----since the clubs were already in the car and his golf shoes were packed in a suitcase, it required some major repacking. He got on the road about 8:30 Monday morning planning to stop after about 400 miles, instead, he felt so energetic that he drove the whole 620 miles and stopped to see his son before heading to the motel. The dogs, friends, and the exercise bike have kept me busy since he left. Jake and I have also been in touch by Skype (video call on the computer), e mail, cell phone, and text message

    :flowerforyou: Gayla, I'm sorry to hear about more bumps in the road for Neil....I hope the doctor can give him some relief.

    :flowerforyou: Jeffrey, sorry about the old washer and congratulations on the new one :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Marie, I look forward to good news on your ticker soon......what's the word on getting out on your trike again?

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, what kind of cards do you play? You talk about your card day, but I just realized that I don't know what you play.

    :flowerforyou: Birdie, glad to hear that you're around even if you're busy.

    :flowerforyou: Barb, Happy Birthday......I hope you're having a great time celebrating and being smart with your food.

    :flowerforyou: I had such a busy day planned that I decided to take the poodles to the dog park this morning instead of waiting until late afternoon. When we went it was sunny and there were birds everywhere. I got a good strength workout while walking the dogs on their leashes. They wanted to chase the birds and I wanted them to behave. Just before they started to pull on the leash and go crazy over the birds, we walked past three women who said "Your dogs are so well behaved".......little did they know what the "naughties" were about to do.

    I have to go to bed early so I can get up early and take Haifa to the vet at 7:30.. He gets his teeth cleaned and they'll check his blood glucose while he is there. The worst part of the morning will be not feeding the cats in the morning. Haifa can't have any food after 8 PM so I locked him in the den with his food from 7:30 to 8:00 and then put the food away. Both cats will be very cranky in the morning with no breakfast and I won't let them go out.
    :heart: hugs:heart: Barbie
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Thanks to all for my birthday wishes.

    I had a busy day. Lunch with my friend Thomy, and then she came with me for a quick visit to my parents' place. Did some errands and went back to mom and dad's and looked up the takeout options for Olive Garden, which is about 1/4 mile away. We ordered some seafood dishes along with salad and bread sticks. This way, I had my birthday dinner without having to COOK it!! My mom is a smart cookie, it was her idea!! Anyway, no sooner did I order than my cell phone rang and the caller id said "BARBIECAT" so I answer, and "you know who" was on the line singing "Happy Birthday!!" It was a wonderful surprise. I think she must have smelled the Olive Garden Food:noway: Too bad she is too far away to have joined us for dinner!!:laugh:

    Anyway, I have to get an early start tomorrow, so good bye for now.

  • TexasAngelBeth
    TexasAngelBeth Posts: 315 Member
    Happy Birthday Late!!!! Barbs Hope it was a great one
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member

    Happy Belated Birthday Barb!!! Hope you had a wonderful day and all your wishes come true
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Barb - Happy Belated Birthday! Hope it was great!

    Sandy - you're down to TWO pound to GO That is SO great. I'm so proud of you!

    Jeffrey! Another pound! Right on. I hope you're no longer sore - and enjoying the new washer/dryer!

    Hey Beth! how's things going?

    Gayla - is Neil pretty well healed up now?

    Barbie - Happy belated Passover!

    Hope everyone had a great Easter weekend. I took a smart dog over to my friend's bar b q/4 year old grandson's birthday. Great afternoon!

    We're still having snow/rain/wind - typical springtime in Colorado!

    I'm doing unlimited yoga for April - which means i can go as often as i want for a pretty low cost - so i'm trying to go 5 times a week. Not easy as it's a 3 hour commitment with all the driving. It's good though - makes me feel great and burns lots of calories! The weekend will be the challenge. Saturday i have to take a friend shopping then babysit my 2 little girl buddies in the afternoon. Saturday i THINK my son is coming to till the garden (if he doesn't have to work) and i have a lunch thing at 2:00. I'll have to try and hit the gym those days.

    My weight is still fluctuating between a few pounds a lot highher than where i want to be. All i can do is keep on keeping on.

    I've signed a counter offer on a new business - go down to denver Friday morning to go over the binding contract.:noway: scary and exciting! If anyone is interested the website is:

    OK! i'm off to yoga! Have a great wednesday night all!
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Beth, Elli, Sandy, Marie and anyone else I didn't mention--Thanks for the birthday greetings.

    Just stopped in for a sec. Have to sit here in my chair and get Bradley mellowed out. He went to the vets this morning to have a blood test for liver function. Unfortunately, older dogs can have problems with liver function and we are trying to decide if that is a problem for him. He didn't get any food since last night, then went to have a test in the morning. Then they fed him and took an additional test. He also has a cyst on top of his head, which got infected after he scratched it, so he ended up with a shaved patch on top of his head, and I have medication to put on it.

    After I paid his "ransom" we went out to the car and when I opened the passenger door, before I could stop him, he tried to jump in the front seat, which had several empty plastic garbage bags sitting on it, as I had been working at my storage unit. He slid off the seat and landed in a heap next to the car. When he stood up, he was favoring his right front leg, so back in we went. Fortunately, it was only bruised, so no long walks for a few days.

    When I picked him up, he started howling, as he does when it is time to go for a walk. The nurse started it by asking him "Do you want to go home?" When you say THAT, you BETTER be ready to go NOW, or you will hear about it--at length!!:laugh: When I commented that they were all probably looking foward to peace and quiet with his departure, she told me it was the FIRST time he had opened his mouth since he had arrived in the morning!!.:noway: :noway: What a character!!

    Anyway, as I have been typing this, he has settled in for a nap, and Pepper is on my left, sitting on the arm of my chair and leaning on my left arm. Mai Li is snuffling around looking for any crumb that she might have missed. I am trying not to lose my momentum as I have to get back to the storage unit to take a load to be donated. Since I am no longer tied to a desk, I am trying to take care of projects that have been put off for too long.

    BTW, Elli, I took a quick look at that website for your new biz, and I can see one item I might be able to use--the"12 volt bed shaker" (available with one of the alarm clocks)--sounds like just the thing to get one out of bed if a bouncing Shih tzu, a barking Lhasa Apso and a slurpy Yorkie aren't enough to get me up.:laugh: :laugh:

    Take care all.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :flowerforyou: veterinarian report #2---Haifa went to the vet this morning to get his teeth cleaned.......he didn't get them cleaned because the vet detected a heart murmur and didn't want to put him under anesthesia under those circumstances......also the blood test revealed that his blood glucose was normal but there was some question about kidney function so she sedated him slightly to a bit of a manual teeth cleaning which resulted in a cracked tooth and took a urine sample to get more information about his kidney was 5:30 before I was able to pick him up and he was delighted to be here....."ransom" is a perfect word to describe what it cost to take him home

    :bigsmile: I took the "naughties" to the dog park where they escaped to the "stay out" area several times and Brandy growled at each of the other dogs before playing nicely with them.......we went for "walkies" until they started to pull away to lunge at the birds.

    :flowerforyou: Elli, I checked the site for your new business and bookmarked it for Jake. He wears hearing aids and there might be something he can use. Your "unlimited yoga" sounds great although the drive back and forth doesn't sound so good. I've been doing unlimited exercise bike reading......I ride for 20 minutes then go do something else and then come back for 20 more's a good excuse to watch TV.

    I'm reading a good book so I think I'll go lie down with dogs and read for awhile and maybe nap a bit.
    :heart: hugs:heart: Barbie
  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432
    Good Evening!

    Quiet day here and that it a great thing! Good workout again. 25.5 miles on the bike then a good 45 minute run. The knee is so much better now. I can't believe it! I get to start swimming again next week and I can't wait. I am running in my first 5k on the 17th. should be fun. Day's mom has been acting up again and really has Day down, so I am dealing with that. Diane (SIL) is slipping now and loosing strength. She asked to see me and Day so we will be heading down soon. The hospice people have done very well for her.

    I am trying to talk Day into another cat, but I am not having any luck! LOL A little black long hair female with blue eyes. I am a sucker for rescue animals.

    Talk to you all later!

  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Good Morning all!

    Barb and Barbie - so sorry you had to pay "ransom" on your pets! I know what you're talking about though. When my kids were young and we had every critter imaginable i used to joke with our vet that i supplied his kids with shoes!

    Barbie - bike riding and reading sound nice! I love how you do lots of little things during the day that adds up to this great calorie burn! Plus i love the idea of guilt free tv watching! Once i get the business if Jake wants to try some waterproof hearing aid seals let me know! That's the main product.

    Barb - i'm sorry - if those 3 little piggies can't get you out of bed i don't know if the bed shaker will!:laugh:

    Jeffrey - i'm blown away that your knee is better already! Mine has been bothering me for about 2 months now. And now i seem to added low back to the pain.:tongue: Maybe Day just has too much going on right now to think about another cat........I'm sorry about your SIL - i'm glad hospice is involved. They're always amazing.

    I did yoga last nite for the 3rd day in a row - shooting for #4 tonight if my back is all right. I walked the dogs before yoga yesterday too. I feel like i'm on a roll - hope it will last. One day at a time!!!!!!!!

    Have a really good thursday everyone!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Thursday!!
    Check out my ticker, one pound to go!!!! I always wait a few days before posting a new weight and although my scale said I reached my goal yesterday it is back up today. I will continue to do what I am doing to shed this last pound and then as Barbie did, will set a new goal after enjoying my first goal for a little while. :laugh: I would love to get down to 125 so that I have room to play since I do go up and down a couple of pounds each week. I don't want to look sick but I would feel great at that weight and even though my old body still has all these wrinkles, I hope to be able to wear a swim suit without feeling too embarrassed. :noway:

    Jeffrey, sorry about Day's mother, are her problems physical or emotional? Glad your knee is better, I wish I could get mine to work so I could bowl or play tennis. :ohwell:

    Marie, you are missing in action again, where are you? Marie, Marie, ali ali ocean, come out and play with us.

    Barbie, it is cool how you do a little of everything to keep exercising, you are one disciplined lady. Hard to believe your little puppies would misbehave, I thought Daisy and Bradley were the brats of the crew. :laugh:

    Elli, you are doing terrific on your yoga, keep up the good work. Congratulations on the new adventure, I will check out your website when I am done posting here. :flowerforyou:

    Barb, I too know what you mean about the ransom for the pups. If I told you what we spent on our animals you would fall over. Most non animal lovers think we are crazy, but those who love them like we do, understand. Having had two dogs that both had amputations I am sure you could figure it out. I don't think there isn't anything we wouldn't do for our pets. :heart:

    Meeting today and then tonight dinner with my son and granddaughter. My son leaves for London Saturday morning and will be gone for three weeks. :sad:

    Have a good day,


    P.S. I play gin rummy on Tuesday Barbie.
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    SANDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:happy: :happy: :happy: 1 pound to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so proud of you and happy for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Thank you Elli, you will be with me soon. :bigsmile:
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    thanks Sandy - i hope i can keep up the momentum! I seem to be on a roll right now.......of course, the weekend is coming up. I feel like i can do it though!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :flowerforyou: :drinker:
    Sandy, I am so happy to see your ticker down another pound:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: ......I'm sure that next one will be gone for good and you can record it soon. I played gin rummy a few times and it was wonder you like your card dates with your friends.

    :flowerforyou: The news from the vet about Haifa is good but there's still one more set of test results to come back.....I'm going to be gone a lot this weekend and have my neighbors coming to walk the dogs and feed all the pets and I'm so glad the news from the vet didn't include insulin injections or pills.:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Jeffrey, that's great news about your knee and not such great news about Day's mom and your SIL.......I echo the good sentiments about hospice....what a blessing to have their services.

    :flowerforyou: Elli, three days of yoga and maybe are on a great roll....I've heard that repeating good behavior over and over makes it easier to do again.

    :flowerforyou: I was very cranky last night with my cousin and I had to call her this morning and apologize for my terrible behavior. She thanked me and apologized for all the complaining she had been doing during our call and then we talked awhile about some friendly topics so I guess all is forgiven and we will continue with our weekly phone calls.

    :flowerforyou: Jake has been having nice visits with his kids.......last night he bought dinner for son, DIL and grandkids and today he went shopping with his daughter and bought three cute sleepers for his youngest grandson (one set had frogs, fish, and peace signs :laugh: )

    :flowerforyou: Gayla, I copied what you said about sustaining a long marriage and e mailed it to a young friend who is trying to figure out the balance in her marriage between togetherness and separateness......she calls me often with "how to be married" questions so I figured that your comments would be perfect for her.

    :flowerforyou: there was huge wind overnight and most of the day......when I was walking the dogs at the park, someone told me that I was lucky to have the dogs so I wouldn't blow away.......the temporary fence at the dog park had half blown down and then closed the off leash park to fix the fence.....fortunately we'd been there almost 20 minutes when they told us to leave.

    :flowerforyou: phone just rang, gotta go
    :heart: hugs:heart: Barbie
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning everybody, Sorry to have been missing. No excuse just forgetfulness. and busy walking.
    The weather has been georeous here. A little cool yesterday. . Got down in the 40's last night, Had our Heater on But neally nice during the day. Had my 3 walks around the don't actually go around the block for I don't want Sammie out on the street in front of our house Our side street that we walk on is like a circle. So If i go half way and turn around and come back it is the same distant as if we walk clear around the block. Beside that the dog catcher may catch Sammy without a least.

    My eyes are really getting worst. can't read the TV guide now even with my glasses. Have to use a magnifying glass. I keep my computor up on 150 % and still have prpblem seeing.
    Well enought of my whinning.

    Sandy, I am so proud of you, Well actually I am proud of all of you. What a wondergroup group.

    Have a wonderful day my friends. Always think of each of you.

    Love Matie
  • Well, looks like a found a group of like-minded people. I'm a retired Grammy who is an avid walker. I love to get my 10,000 plus steps in daily by either walking or rocking out dancing to video concerts. My Itouch is my favorite thing. Isn't it wonderful that we live in such a high-tech world that offers us such great resources as this?!!

    I was very ill last year with thyroid problems and unable to do my usual walking, so very glad to be back in the game. My diet program is basically low carb. I'm dong gluten-free to see if that helps with my stomach 'challenges'.......seems to be so far.

    Looking forward to getting to know all of you. I'm in wild and wonderful West Virginia, anyone nearby?

    Make it a good are worth the effort!!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:Welcome, Ladyhyjinx, this is a good friendly group.........we are all committed to good health and exercise......some of us exercise more than others but we all challenge ourselves to the best we can do. I have a pedometer and aim for 10,000 steps a day.....I have two standard poodles who need a lot of exercise so I walk them and take them to the off-leash dog park where I walk while they run......I go to line dance classes three days a week. Best wishes on your journey....I hope your new food plan helps you.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Welcome Ladyhyjinx, glad to have you join us. :heart: As Barbie said we are all striving for the same thing, to reach our goals. Some of us are not as good as others (Barbie, Jake and Jeffrey) but we do the best we can. :tongue:

    Marie, happy to hear from you, but sorry to hear about your eyes. Have you been to the eye doctor? I have the beginning stages of macular degeneration and my eye doctor was telling me how they have new things to help with my condition. It is ok for now and I really don't have to go back for a year but I am happy to know there are new things out there. :happy:

    Barbie, don't you just hate it when you are crabby and take it out on the wrong people? I just did that with my granddaughter and also apologized to her. :blushing: I am glad Haifa is doing good and hope the rest of her tests are good news.

    Had to get up very early this morning to take my granddaughter to school. She is staying with me until Tuesday while her mother vacations in Florida. Her dad leaves tomorrow for London for 3 weeks and I will miss him something awful.
    Daisy is at the groomer, my husband is at the doctor's taking a test and I better get on my stationary bike to get rid of some of those calories I had last night at dinner. :angry:

    Have a great day and a great weekend.

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    :noway: I totally blew it last night!! :mad: I was angry and frustrated:grumble: and searched the house for something sweet, (which is hard because I purged my house of those things:flowerforyou: ). But alas, I remembered that my daughter bought some peanut butter chips to make cookies with :tongue: and there were some left over! I ate ½ cup of them….640 calories and then ate a couple tablespoons of coconut along with a few extra rice cakes! :noway: :noway: So I ended up 800 calories over!!! OMG I haven’t done that in 8 months! (Emotional eating…that is):sad: :sad:
    Today, I got up and exercised and the urge is there to eat very little today:huh: (just for today) but I need my strength for work.

    I have been working 6 days a week since the beginning of Jan (or Tax Season, as I work in a bookkeeping office) and am getting pretty tired and stressed.:yawn: :grumble: NOW because of the flooding that happened (in Rhode Island), the tax deadline has been EXTENDED to May 11 !!! :noway: This is a nightmare! :angry: People (Not the flood victims, of course) are going to just drag this thing out as long as they can simply BECAUSE THEY CAN! The correspondence from the IRS is going to start flooding in with penalties for people who owe money because the Federal and State computer system, does not know the difference between a late payment and a last minute extension! :explode: This could go on for 2 years! (Adjusting penalties, that is).:mad:
    I thought Tax Season was coming to and end :flowerforyou: and now it’s like a bag of worms has been opened up and there’s not a darn thing I can do about it (Think Serenity prayer!!)

    I really feel for those victims of the flood,:cry: but I hate the thought that tons of Rhode Islanders are going to jump on the coat tails of those victims just because they can.:angry:

    I mentioned on an earlier post, that our office is looking to relocate in the next town. We were looking forward to April 15, so we could make some serious decisions regarding this…and now….we need to hang in there until May 11 for basically all the procrastinators.... as not one of our clients (that is waiting until the 11th) is a flood victim. :grumble:

    Got it off my chest! Now back to work.:frown: least I HAVE a job! And in this economy that's a blessing! It reminds me of a sign I saw once...."Lord, help me to endure my blessing" :laugh:

    I will eat sparingly today within my calorie limits.:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

This discussion has been closed.