Senior Golden Sneakers.....April...We are all young at hear



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hi toby. Look like your lost numbers are adding up good. Just keep doing what you been doing.
    I like whole food store too. I spen like mad when iam in there.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone from sunny Saskatchewan, 54F with no snow to be seen. Wonderful Easter weather. I did get out and bought my groceries for Sunday. We are having ham with all the usual sides. Ham is not my favorite so even though it is higher fat I likely won't eat enough for it to be a major offender. The chocolate will be a higher risk factor for me.
    Neil's foot is finally healing. It still looks awful but way better than it was and mostly dry. He is having pain just above his ankle and I am not sure what that is all about. He doesn't see his doc. for a couple of weeks but I can always call his partner if the pain persists. As you know Pain = Cranky. The cranky Neil was only around for a brief time and he is now happily listening to his music.
    So proud of you runners and way to go with the athletic shadows. Way to go Beth and Jeffrey.

    Sandy -- Loved your April Fools joke!! It did make me catch my breath for a second.

    Marie -- Are you going to be getting together with family this weekend?

    Toby -- Staying the same is a very good thing, gives your body a chance to adjust.

    Barbie -- You asked about sustaining a long marriage. I have no secrets to share but for us I think the predominating factor would be stubborness. There have been trying times for sure but we were stubborn enough to persevere I guess. Parting was never an option as I think we both knew that parenting Neil was going to take both of us. I do believe that 'living in each others pockets' is not a good thing. We both have very seperate interests and have maintained that even though we do things together as well. I tend to go out with my friends more often than he does but he lunches with his friends every Friday. Our family is so important to both of us and nothing is better than time with all of us together even though we are enjoying getting to be a couple again. Sorry, nothing earth shattering here, just love and respect even when you really know they are wrong. :wink: :laugh: And knowing that men can be very difficult. :bigsmile: Did I mention patience!!

    Neil is wanting some lunch so I should attend to that. Take care and keep smiling. Gayla :heart:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    very nicely said Gayla.
    Alice and Jim is going to New Mexico to see their new grandbaby. Ricky and Kathy going motor bike riding with some friend. So Jerry and I went to the Deli today and got a roasted turkey breast, potato salad. and some baked bean for Sunday, Got Jerry a big slice of chocolate cake. I will have turkey and lots of steam veggies. And I got me a fresh fruit salad for my dessert. So all I have to cook is my veggies. We will just have a lazy day and enjoy each other company.Along with Sammy.
    Jerry left the back gate open and Sammy got out this afternoon, But he was just next door to see the little doggie . Like to have scare Jerry crazy.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :flowerforyou: I have new glasses today......the frames are very different from anything I've ever had...smaller, lighter, no colored edges, and rectangular instead of round.

    :flowerforyou: Gayla, thanks for your sharing.......I don't expect that there are any easy secrets but I love to hear what long married people have to say......patience, stubbornness, and perseverance sound like great qualities.....I'm glad to hear that the news about Neil is better......I'd be grouchy, too, if I were in pain as much as he is

    :flowerforyou: I started a new exercise video
    Pilates with Leslie Sansone (she's the one who does the Walking at Home DVDs)......I'm doing the easier versions of some of the exercises but I'm in better shape than I thought I was.....of course I can't do everything in great form with dogs licking me from both sides and putting their paws on my back or my stomach

    :flowerforyou: Jake is going to California on Monday.......he's been busy packing and doing laundry and making lists...the trip is mostly for business but he'll get to see his kids and grandkids along the way....It's mostly about things he needs to do, so I'll stay home so we don't have to spend a lot of money to board the animals and I won't be wondering what to do with myself when he goes off with his friends or his business meetings

    :flowerforyou: Beth, I'm not all surprised that you are seeing a more shapely shadow after all your hard work, running, and other fitness activities.....don't let the ice cream in Texas send your ticker backwards:laugh:

    :flowerforyou: We bought a boneless leg of lamb for Passover and cooked it with a lot garlic......we had it for dinner three days in a we had matzo ball soup made with some of the broth I froze from the turkey soup I made last has been very good around here lately.....we're hoping for better weather this weekend so we can take some long walks.

    :flowerforyou: When I went out early this morning with Sasha on her leash, I said "April showers bring May flowers".......then I realized that it was windy and turned into rain later and has been raining on and off all day so we couldn't go to the dog park :sad:

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Happy Easter weekend to all of you.
    :heart: :heart: hugs:heart: Barbie
  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432
    Good evening all!

    Sam is on the way home and is about an hour away as I write. We went to church tonight and then out for supper. I think today I finally ran into something that really got me. I was doing "all out" interval sprints and I did 3.5 miles worth. and I HURT! LOL Basically you run as fast as you can for 100 yds then walk for 100yds then do it again. By the time I got headed home I was about a mile away and the legs would just barely jog. I hit a max! I will work on it more next week. Beautiful day here. This morning I mowed and bagged the lawn again. It looks pretty good.

    Barbie hope the glasses work out.

    Sandy I will not work him over too bad! I liked the graphic!

    Beth I will check out the book. Congrats on the shadow! I am very proud of you. Check out this web site It has a lot of good stuff for free on it. Have you started swimming yet? Did you have any suggestions for my workout regime?

    Gayla I hope Neil keeps feeling better.

    Marie are you staying home for Easter?

    Have a great evening everyone!

  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432
    I did post another new weight today! :smile:

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :happy: :happy: :happy:

    Gosh Jeffrey. another lb. How far are you wanting to go?
    I know you will be glad to have your girls home for Easter.
    Wishing you all a Happy Easter.

    We are staying home for Easter, Just Jerry and I And of course Sammy. Went to the Deli and pick up our Easter Dinner.
    As soon as I get dress and have a nice breakfast I am heading out the door for a nice walk.Its beautiful outside this morning.

    Happy Easter to everybody else.

  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone! I am trying to pull my menu together today so I can run to the store if I need anything. I guess I better give my kitchen floor a little wash as well. Other than that I have nothing planned.

    Marie -- Enjoy your walk. I just may do a little walk today as well. Neil got me up very early this morning after a rather rough night so I am feeling a little tired. Dave had gone into the city to meet some old friends for breakfast and I guess it woke Neil up.

    Jeffrey -- Sorry you hit the wall. I hope the legs feel better today. You amaze me working through the knee pain. When my knee hurts I am done.

    Take care everyone and have a Happy Easter. Gayla :heart: :flowerforyou:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hello All,

    I am sitting here with Bradley snoozing next to me in the chair. Pepper finally relocated so I can post instead of just surfing.

    Our weather has been abysmal for several days, with brief periods of sunshine. Most of the time it has been windy and rainy. During the church service I attended at noon on Friday, it hailed like crazy and 10 minutes later when we got ready to leave, the sun was shining. The saying around here is "if you don't like the weather, wait five minutes," and that certainly is true lately.

    Easter dinner will be at my mom and dad's with me doing the cooking. About two weeks ago, I invited my friend Rosemary to join us for dinner, since her husband has to work in the afternoon and evening on Sunday. She originally declined, so I invited my platonic friend/neighbor who recently got the French Bulldog from the folks that gave me Pepper. He accepted, and then Rosemary told me Friday she can come after all.

    So now I have a table that will seat 4 comfortably, and five diners, but since my mom has been eating most meals in her recliner so she can sit on the heating pad, she has no objections to being there for our meal. The living and dining area is one big room, so it's not like she will be isolated from the rest of us.:bigsmile:

    She is doing much better. I am SOO glad I jumped up and down until I got her assigned to a new primary care doctor. I think he is going to work out very well, and she seems much more upbeat than she had for the past several weeks. It must be noticeable, since even my dad, who isn't prone to notice such things, said she was smiling for the first time he could remember in quite a while.

    We are having deviled eggs, courtesy of Rosemary, boneless Australian lamb roast (thank you Costco!!) , potatoes topped with cheddar cheese, French green beans (ala Trader Joes), with slivered almonds and a little Applewood Smoked bacon (thanks Trader Joe's, again) Waldorf salad ( ala Costco), and a red velvet cake with cream cheese frosting :devil: which my neighbor suggested I get while at Costco, so he could pay me for it and save a himself trip. I also made sure their is a bottle of Cabernet/Shiraz for the "cook"--have to keep up my strength, you know.:bigsmile:

    I must tell you a funny about him. We went to Olive Garden last weekend, and had their soup and salad combination. When he discovered it was "all you can eat" he went for the soup with great enthusiasm. When he got to bowl #4, I told him, I apparently SHOULD have said a'll you "should" eat, rather than all you "could.":laugh: :laugh: He joked about how Olive Garden would probably change their policy thanks to him!!

    I had a yummy salmon dinner last night with my other good friend, Thomy, along with a big salad and stir fried veggies. We managed to visit for about two hours without any interruptions from her hubby, who was in bed early due to having to be up by 3am for work--better him than me:laugh: --and no interruptions from her son, who was at a party, or her niece who was at work. It was nice to kick back and reminisce. Though we have known one another for almost 7 years, we both learned some "history" about each other that we didn't know.

    Barbiecat-- You asked about my "job hunting"--I am going to take online courses to re-activate my life insurance license and then Thomy and I will be working together. Rosemary has decided to take the plunge as well, though she will be taking a slower approach as she plans to keep her current job until the end of the summer. Thomy and I both have worked in the industry before, and neither of us have any other employment holding us back.

    I also gave myself an early birthday present. I have been wanting to get some home gym equipment for strength training for some time, and it had to be something that would not take up a lot of space but still provide a wide variety of exercise options. I also wanted equipment that I could use regardless of whether I am having balance issues, as I sometimes still do since my fall.

    I considered a Pilates machine, but decided against it because the ones I saw required more space than I have available. I had done some research on the Total Gym, and I liked the idea but not the price needed to get a new one equipped as I thought it needed to be. Pretty much gave up on the idea, unless I could find a used one.

    Thanks to being up late last night, I solved my problem. QVC had an anniversary edition with every attachment I had in mind and a couple that are new to the machine, and it was less than $350, and set up to bill payments to my credit card. It is scheduled to arrive on the anniversary date of my joining MFP, April 13th. So now maybe by Memorial Day I can be in those size 12 jeans that I bought in January, that I was SUPPOSED to be wearing by my birthday (next week).

    Well, I have to get moving, or the day will be a total loss.

    Happy Easter to all, and to all a "good bite."

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member

    Happy Easter with love from my family to yours!!


    Sorry I am late with this greeting, just found out Passover was March 31st. Blessings to you and yours!!!

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :flowerforyou: Sandy, thank you for the Passover continue to be so thoughtful........we celebrate at home.....this is the one time a year we eat red meat and we bought a beautiful boneless Australian leg of lamb, roasted it with a lot of garlic and enjoyed it for three meals with salad and steamed veggies........on Friday I made matzo ball soup using the broth that I'd frozen from the turkey soup I made when I roasted the turkey last month. Yesterday we went for date night at the Thai restaurant that Jake likes. I had chicken curry :laugh: :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Jeffrey, congratulations on losing another you have a good answer for the people who are telling you that you're getting too thin.......I admire your relentless workout routine. I don't think I'll achieve such a level but you inspire me to continue adding to my fitness routine. Enjoy your family filled Easter

    :flowerforyou: Barb, I'm tired just listening to all your plans.......I'm glad to hear that you are letting Costco and other people do some of the cooking for your festive event. Our weather hasn't been as bad as yours but I've stayed away from the dog park a few days because it didn't stop raining long enough and yesterday after no rain all day, I took the dogs and it started sprinkling as soon as we got there and 30 minutes later as we were driving home it started to rain for real.......there was a big group doing some sort of Easter goodie celebration with a ton of kids and they were all crowded under the picnic is windy but not raining so the Easter bunny should have a good morning. Your job plan sounds great....after your last job, working with a trusted friend will be a great change for the better. Wow, your exercise machine sounds fabulous.....I'm looking forward to the adventures of "The pooches and the machine" or whatever it turns out to be

    :flowerforyou: Gayla, Happy Easter, enjoy your ham dinner :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Marie, Happy Easter, enjoy your Easter dinner from the deli with Jerry and Sammy

    We're doing our Isagenix cleanse day today and Jake is finishing his packing for his two and half week trip to California. He expects to be in a lot of different weather so he's packing a lot of different clothes and shoes.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Just a quick note to say hi!! We are going to the Shedd Aquarium today and leaving early. Will check in with you later.

    I did go over my calories yesterday by 32, but actually lost weight when I got on the scale this morning.:bigsmile: Must have been that 3 mile walk my husband and I took with Daisy. :laugh:

    Have a great Monday.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Just a quick note to say hi!! We are going to the Shedd Aquarium today and leaving early. Will check in with you later.

    I did go over my calories yesterday by 32, but actually lost weight when I got on the scale this morning.:bigsmile: Must have been that 3 mile walk my husband and I took with Daisy. :laugh:

    Have a good Monday!!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning Sandy, I bet Daisy was one tire baby last night after that 3 mile walk. I bet she slept good.
    Thats wonderful for all three of you. Did babe get over his broken bones alright?
    Have a great day.
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    A quick Hi to you all. We are going in to the city to do a little grocery shopping and have lunch. Neil is really looking forward to an outing! We had a great time with the family last night. After dinner we played a board game which is always good family time. It has been a good week, my son passed his probabtionary period at his work and has a permanent job and his wife passed her thesis defence and will convocate in June.

    I better go have a shower so I will be ready to go. I just came online to check a couple of recipes for ingredients before we went shopping. However, I can't stop in without saying hello to my 'peeps'. Have a great day. Gaya :heart: :smile:
  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432
    Hi everyone!

    Just dropping to say hi! Been quite a weekend. had to replace the washer and dryer! I will get on line tomorrow and tell the story. good workout today. Biked, ran, core workout.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    We had quite a storm last night and this morning, but it is supposed to clear up and be in the 70's. :flowerforyou:

    Had a good time at the Aquarium, the 4 kids got along well together and had lots of fun. :love:

    Today is my card day so this will be short but will be back later. Hope you are all well and continuing on your journey to reach your goal. Don't get discouraged and don't give up, take it one day at a time. :bigsmile:

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Happy Birthday Barb!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: No time to talk just saying....hi!
    Busy BirdieM:laugh:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Gayla, seems like everything is running smoothly at your housewhole. Good to hear.

    Barbs,,:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Happy Birthday to you. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Enjoy your day.

    Jeffrey, Been to the hearth doctor and he said everything looks great. Don't have to go back for 6 months, WooHoo

    Beth on the way to the doctor I seen a new braum going in. Its a good thing for this one my me is quite old. All tho this one is further away.

    Birdie good hearing from you.

    Barbiecat, My ticker has remain the same for so long but you all will see a change in it soon.

    Irene,How are you doing?

    Elli, Is the snow all over with now in your neck of the woods.

    Sandy. win in the card game.and enjoy your lunch.

    Phoebe, Don't you ever come home?

    Love to all~~~~~~~~~~~ Marie
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone from sunny Saskatchewan, 47F. When Dave comes in from the shop I am going to go for a little walk. I have a headache and I am thinking some fresh air may help. I have paper stuck in my printer which isn't making me happy. The worst part is I can't figure out how to open it up to get it out so I will have to humbly ask Dave for help. He will likely have is fixed quickly and wonder why I couldn't figure it out. (wonder out loud that is). I am making a pot of soup for dinner with the leftover ham bone. Neil is calling for some Tylenol so I will have to be quick here. We did go into the city yesterday and while were we eating Neil started complaining of pain and it elevated quickly to out of control pain, no yelling but I could see the anxiety in his face. We finished our dinner and made a quick stop at the grocery store then got home. By this time he was cussing and crying. What wsa happening was one of the pins in his toes was working it's way out and was pressing on the boot (removable cast) causing a great deal of pain. I felt bad that we didn't attend to it more quickly but he is such a drama queen you never know how bad things really are. I adjusted his boot putting something under the toe to elevate it so that the pin wasn't pressing on the boot (hoping it wasn't putting anything out of alignment). It did relieve the pain somewhat along with Tylenol and Codeine. I called his Dr. this morning knowing that his doc was away but made arrangements for his partner to see him in Outpatients tomorrow. I am quite sure he wouldn't have the tools to take the pin out in the office and we can make it semi-comfortable for one day. It seems that nothing goes smoothly in this house for more than a day.
    I am wanting to take my sister out for lunch for her birthday so I hope things are under control by Thursday (I think that is her day off).
    Sorry, no personals today except to say Happy Birthday to Barb!!

    Take care and keep smiling. Gayla :smile: :heart:
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