Senior Golden Sneakers.....April...We are all young at hear



  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hello All,

    Welcome Ladyhyjinx. Hope you are successful in your efforts. MFP is a great resource and this is a friendly group.

    Marie, I agree, get to the eye doctor. When I discovered my late MIL, who was far from poor and had excellent medical coverage, had not had an eye exam in ELEVEN YEARS(!!!) I had her there so fast it was not funny. Unfortunately, my suspicions were confirmed. She couldn't see doodly swat, AND she had been experiencing macular degeneration, which of course had gone untreated. We were able to save her remaining vision, and even get a cataract removed, but it still makes me sad that she didn't get treatment earlier, as she would have likely had better results.

    Birdie--Sorry your tax season nightmare has been extended. At one time, I fancied becoming a CPA, but stories like yours confirm that I made the right choice to move in a different direction.

    I have lots to do and the morning has not been very productive, so see you later.

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Someone just came in the office with a box of Godiva chocolates! :noway: Another woman made a tray of Italian cookies:tongue: .....AND I'M IN THE OFFICE ALONE!!!! :noway: :noway: Any other closet eaters out there???:laugh: :embarassed:
    So, before I get tempted, I will commit to NOT touch ANY OF IT.:flowerforyou:

    BTW I am trying to keep up on the posts as best I can but don't have sufficient time to address each one of you! Welcome to any newcomers, hugs for all who are struggling and cheers for everyone doing well!!!

    Got to get back to work!!!:happy:

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    Be strong. Sit on your hands!! :noway: Wait a minute--that might make working difficult, unless you can type with your toes!!:laugh: :laugh: Good luck, and remember "lead us not in to temptation" :flowerforyou:

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    Be strong. Sit on your hands!! :noway: Wait a minute--that might make working difficult, unless you can type with your toes!!:laugh: :laugh: Good luck, and remember "lead us not in to temptation" :flowerforyou:

  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Good afternoon to you all from snowy Saskatchewan. We have very high winds and they are closing the highways all around us. I didn't realize it was so bad until Dave called me from the city to see if I needed anything. I didn't and he said he wanted to get on the highway before it was closed. He is now home safe and sound but as I look out the window I see that our trees are really getting a workout.
    I am not sure if I posted after Neil saw the Dr. Sorry to repeat myself if I did. The Dr. took out the one pin that was giving him so much pain. He wasn't happy with how yucky the open area continues to be and gave him another 2 weeks of antibiotics. I do think it looks better today. He will see the Dr. again next week and hopefully get the rest of the pins out. He is feeling very confined and not very happy about it but doing ok.
    I don't seem to get much done as I spend far too much time with Neil. However, the work seems to always wait for me. I have been having terrible headaches the last while and not really sure while. Perhaps I need to examine my diet more closely. I am about ready to take some more Tylenol and hit the couch.

    Marie -- I hope you can get some help for your eyes. I remember how frustrating it is not to see well.

    Welcome to Ladyhyjinx -- love your name. You will find this group very friendly and welcoming.

    Everyone else, take care and keep smiling. Gayla :heart:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Welcome Ladyhyjinx , glad to have you join us. You sound like you really do enjoy life.
    I am the Granny in this bunch. Also a Low Carbers eater One of the new thing I found is Hoods countdown chocolate milk, it is so rich and cream and only have 4 net carbs and 90 calories per cup. I drink at least 2 glasses a day now.You will come to love this bunch,They are just great.
    Do you have any pets? My Jack Russell, Sammy is keeping me busy walking. However at lunch when we went he heard a big truck on the other street, got scare and headed home. He is a wimp.When it comes to big truck, lawn mowers, and weed eaters.
    I am baking me a squash casserole for Dinner tonight. A good low carb meal.with low fat cheese on top. I will have a salad to go with it. Then a SF Jello. and Ice tea. We all been together now for over a year now. That is most of us have. .We always enjoy the newcomers.
    Ladyhyjinx , I hope you will become a regular here. So we can get to know you.
    :heart: :drinker: :heart: :drinker: :heart: :drinker:
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    hi friends - happy friday night!

    Marie - bummer about your eyes. I'm on board with the rest of the gang for sure - get to the eye doc! Yum - the squash casserole sounds good!

    Gayla - headaches are awful! You're drinking plenty of water aren't you? I guess we'll have to send you off to the doc as well if they don't quit!

    Birdie - good job resisting the chocolate and office treats. Don't beat yourself up about blowing it. I know how HARD that is - i've been known to prowl the pantry looking for ANYTHING sweet! The GOOD news is you counted what you ate! I think that's awesome! When i "blow it" it's all over..............katie bar the doors ............i don't record anything. So i think you did a good job!

    Welcome Ladyhyjinx - i sure am sorry about the tragedy in your state. I'm keeping those miners and their families in my thoughts and prayers.

    Today was my 5th day of yoga in row. I don't know if i'll make it over the weekend - for sure i can't tomorrow. Going baby shopping in the morning, baby SITTING in the afternoon, and putting in some seed after that.

    Everyone have a great weekend! Stay STRONG!!!!!!!!!!

    Sandy - you ROCK!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :flowerforyou: Marie, get to the eye doctor.....doctors know so much that you may be surprised by what can be done.

    :flowerforyou: Elli, you are amazing with your yoga

    :flowerforyou: Birdie, don't worry about a small know how to keep on keeping on:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Gayla, OMG snow.....I guess our 40 degree temperatures aren't a big deal......

    :flowerforyou: We have beautiful cold windy weather here..........:flowerforyou: Gratitude is the word of the day for more......I have no dramatic story. I am grateful for my sweet neighbor who walked my dogs and fed the critters.....and I'm grateful that the woman sitting next to me at the dinner at the restaurant tonight said "there's nothing on this menu that I can eat" so after talking to her a bit, we found something by asking the waiter a few good questions
    I had a grilled chicken breast with nothing on it and a salad with Italian dressing on the side........and I had a chance to ride the exercise bike at home before I headed for the meeting and another chance to walk for 45 minutes in the afternoon :bigsmile: :bigsmile: so for today I could stay in the right calorie range.......oh, and I brought my own snack to eat while everyone else was having ice cream at the end of the meeting.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Tomorrow I have to be at my friend's house at 6:30 AM to head off to another day of meetings. I already have my snacks packed and now I have to get to bed and sleep fast.
    :heart: :drinker: hugs:drinker: :heart: Barbie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Good Morning,

    It is a beautiful day with temps going into the 70's today.:flowerforyou: To bad I will be inside at the casino instead of enjoying the sunshine. :tongue: I am meeting some friends for a few hours of fun and winning. Please don't wish me good luck, that seems to bring me bad luck. :noway:

    I have my granddaughter for a long weekend but she spent the night at a friends. I will be picking her up and then she has dance practice all day so I won't see her until this evening. Tomorrow we are going to a charity brunch but again she has an all day dance practice so I really don't see her much. :sad: She loves to dance though and it keeps her happy and out of trouble. :love:

    Barbie, you are so busy and you still manage to get your exercise in everyday. I am so proud of you!! :heart:

    Marie, glad you are walking in sunshine. :flowerforyou:

    Elli, have fun shopping and babysitting. :happy: I am so proud of you for 5 days in a row of yoga, you need a day of rest for your body to catch up. :laugh:

    Birdie, you know the motto, one day at a time. No one is perfect and you didn't touch the sweets so give yourself a pat on the back. :love:

    Gayla, I can't believe you still have snow, when does Spring come? Hope Neil feels better with the one pin removed.

    Barb, are you saying you can sleep late with your three little doggies in bed with you? Daisy would wake me up by licking my face until I was up and about.. :laugh:

    Speaking of Daisy, I have hired a trainer to come to my house to help train her better. She is a jumper and it has become really bothersome. She jumps on everyone but especially my husband and even nips enough to hurt to get attention. She has been through puppy class and a couple of the next level, but I quit taking her because I thought she would be going into heat which she still hasn't done. So my groomer was telling me about this trainer who trains with no treats and no physical contact, only positive re-enforcement. Daisy won't let me sit at my computer either she barks and jumps on me until I stand up.
    She is a brat, but because she is so big we need to get this problem corrected now. Will let you know how it goes, the trainer is coming Thursday. The first day is 2 to 3 hours of getting to know each other and then the training. Wish us luck ( maybe not, whenever I am wished luck I lose).

    Have a great Saturday.

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    ....Barb, are you saying you can sleep late with your three little doggies in bed with you? Daisy would wake me up by licking my face until I was up and about.. :laugh:

    Speaking of Daisy, I have hired a trainer to come to my house to help train her better. She is a jumper and it has become really bothersome. .....

    My two littlest piglets often stay in bed until after I get up. The most likely culprit to wake me up is Mai Li. She doesn't sleep on the bed with the other two. Sometimes her "tummy" gets up before the rest of us, and if her food dish is empty when this happens, a "wake up call" is guaranteed!!:laugh: :laugh: Fortunately, this is an infrequent occurrence. What is more likely to happen is for her to decide that when the rest of us go to bed, someone (namely ME) needs to pay attention to HER. She doesn't like to get up on the bed too often. Instead, she will sit or lay next to the bed and wait for me to stick my foot out. I usually wear socks to bed, so she will try to paw them off of me,:noway: all the while rubbing her head and body against my leg. She is a goof!!:laugh: :laugh:

    Well, I wish there was a way I could stay on here all day and have the storage unit clean itself, but no luck, so see you later.

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    ....Barb, are you saying you can sleep late with your three little doggies in bed with you? Daisy would wake me up by licking my face until I was up and about.. :laugh:

    Speaking of Daisy, I have hired a trainer to come to my house to help train her better. She is a jumper and it has become really bothersome. .....

    My two littlest piglets often stay in bed until after I get up. The most likely culprit to wake me up is Mai Li. She doesn't sleep on the bed with the other two. Sometimes her "tummy" gets up before the rest of us, and if her food dish is empty when this happens, a "wake up call" is guaranteed!!:laugh: :laugh: Fortunately, this is an infrequent occurrence. What is more likely to happen is for her to decide that when the rest of us go to bed, someone (namely ME) needs to pay attention to HER. She doesn't like to get up on the bed too often. Instead, she will sit or lay next to the bed and wait for me to stick my foot out. I usually wear socks to bed, so she will try to paw them off of me,:noway: all the while rubbing her head and body against my leg. She is a goof!!:laugh: :laugh:

    Well, I wish there was a way I could stay on here all day and have the storage unit clean itself, but no luck, so see you later.

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Well, looks like a found a group of like-minded people. I'm a retired Grammy who is an avid walker. I love to get my 10,000 plus steps in daily by either walking or rocking out dancing to video concerts. My Itouch is my favorite thing. Isn't it wonderful that we live in such a high-tech world that offers us such great resources as this?!!

    I was very ill last year with thyroid problems and unable to do my usual walking, so very glad to be back in the game. My diet program is basically low carb. I'm dong gluten-free to see if that helps with my stomach 'challenges'.......seems to be so far.

    Looking forward to getting to know all of you. I'm in wild and wonderful West Virginia, anyone nearby?

    Make it a good are worth the effort!!

    Welcome ...Welcome..... I'm way over in RI but ....with this you say....we can ALL consider ourselves neighbors!!!:laugh:
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Hi everybody - hope you're all having an awesome sunday! It's SO pretty here in northeastern colorado!

    Sandy - If i had gotten online yesterday i would have told you "break a leg!" to see if that worked any better. Hope you had a good casino day! I think of your granddaughter when i catch moments of that show dancing with the stars - maybe someday we'll see HER on there!!!!!!! She could be one of the dancers who partners with a star! I hired a trainer to come to the house once for my son Dakota's great pyrenees - it was really a positive experience! I think kota was only 6, blizzard was about a year old - those 2 were SO close 'till the day blizzy died.

    I didn't get to yoga at all this weekend - but yesterday we worked in the yard - planting some shrubs and raking and seeding and stuff - today i'm waiting for Dakota to get here with some heavy equipment so we can till the garden, move rock, till up THAT area and haul mulch. Then i'm fixing dinner for him and his katie. So it's been a busy physical work weekend anyway, plus i walked the dogs both days.......better than nothing. Tomorrow back to yoga - i figure i better get all i can in now before we close and start figuring out the new business!

    Love you guys - hope you're all having an excellent weekend!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    HELLO, HELLO PHOEBE, Good to see you around again.
    Glad your Kitty is doing fine.
    How are you doing.
    Sammy and I are walking quit a lot now that it is warmer. But I misplace my pedometer. I don't know how I lost it this time. But I did.

    Sandy you are such a busy girl.Bit you seems to have lots of fun.

    Gayla, Glad to hear Neil is getting better, We haven't planted anything yet. we had such a rotten year last year . Kind of took the fun out.
    We did plant some turnips but the did not come up.

    Beth, Keep us inform on your races. And wish you the best of lluck.

    Jeffrey, I know you will do just fine in your bike, swimming and all the others. I am looking forward to hearing all about you and Beth.success.

    Barbiecat, Hope all is going well for you,

    Barbs, I sleep in my socks too. To keep my feet warmer.

    Lady, How are you this fine Sunday?

    Birdie---hope you work load has ease some now.

    Elli, What all are you going to Plant???????

    Toby, Its great having you here.

    Irene hoping you are in the best of spirit.

    Have a happy Sunday

  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone! Ok, I will admit it, I am feeling a little jealous of all the gardening when I look out and see white!! I expect it will be gone in a few days and I do hope that this is the last of winter. We had been having very Springlike weather and am more than ready to get back to it. I am so lazy and such a procrastinator. I keep planning my Spring cleaning and then find other, more fun, things to do. It doesn't feel like Spring, maybe that is why! I think I have made a decision though and it is a biggie. I THINK that I have decided to go back to Weight Watchers. It really is the only thing that has helped me keep the weight off long term. I wish that I could be like all of you and be disciplined without the trappings of a program that I have to pay for. I love the NoS philosophy and do well when I stay focused but I never hated WW either. As you can see, I am still rolling it around a bit. I have been to the WW site and looked for meetings close to me. Now that the weather is getting better I see no reason not to take my lazy butt out of the house and go to a meeting. I am not sure what is holding me back from making the final step but it will happen very soon. I just want to find out who the leaders are as there are a couple that I would rather not pay to be involved with.
    sorry for the long diatribe but that is what is on my mind today. :heart: :smile: :heart:
    Take care and keep smiling. Gayla
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Gayla, WW is a very good program. I don't know there program now. I was doing core last time I went to a meeting. But I didn't lose anything on it.
    If you decide to go I know you will do real good. You did here awhile back. And you can do it again.

    Alice still goes to the meetings but do not follow the diet plan. She was going by South Beach diet but going in to weigh in at WW.
    She was losing real good at first. But now she is not. Don't know if she went yesterday or not. I don't think it would work for me now Just too many issues with me. Too much medications.
    I don't think any diet would work for me. But just as long I keep my sugar down and have a good balance diet, I should do just fine.
    The best of luck to you. Keep us informed.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning all,

    we went out to Kathy and ricky farm yesterday/ We took sammy and he did not like all of them dogs. They wouldn't leave him along. so we had to take him in the house. Kathy shut them up in their pen so Sammy could go outside and do his business. And we stayed out and Sammy had a ball.

    So I don't think he would like it at a dog park. which we don't have anyway. They are getting them in some parts of Dallas so maybe one of these days we will geet one close by. And have one for small dogs.

    Barbiecat, I done it again. misplace my Step counter. Womder where it will show up now?

    Today is one of my grandaughter birthday. The 30 th one. Hey my grandkids are getting older.

    Just wanted to drop in and say hello.

    Hello everybody

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Monday!!

    Marie, I never took any of my dogs to the dog park before Daisy, but because I started her young I think that makes the difference.
    Sammy is set in his ways and he doesn't want to play with the other dogs so that is fine and he ended up having a great time.
    It is also my grand daughter's birthday today, she is 20 and I find it hard to believe I have one a year older than her. Where does the time go? :noway:

    Gayla, if weight watchers worked for you why not try it again? I say what ever works best for you is the way to go. It is just too bad that most woman are on a diet their whole lives and a lot of men can eat anything and never gain an ounce. :grumble:

    We went to a charity brunch yesterday and yes, I did go over my calories for the day. :explode: The good thing is my hubby and I took Daisy for a long walk along our new river walk and I think we might have walked close to 5 miles. I forgot my pedometer so I am guessing but all three of us were tired when we got home. :laugh:

    Although the scale says I probably gained a pound I am not changing my ticker unless it holds for three days. I feel it will be back to needing one pound tomorrow, at least I hope so. My weight is such a yoyo,, that is why I want to get down to 125 so I have room for it to yoyo. :tongue: I will be exercising today so back on track. :heart:

    Have a good day!!

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: We just came back from the dog park.....Brandy and Sasha play with each other so it doesn't matter what other dogs are there. Sometimes Brandy barks at the other dogs, but that doesn't last long. They both like to sniff the other dogs. They also like to chase the birds. I take them so they can run around off leash. We don't have a fenced yard and without a fence, they would keep running until they got lost.

    :flowerforyou: My good news is that I went to the dermatologist today and even though I have a variety of strange things on my skin, none of them is unusual or evidence of cancer and since I'm not aiming for a bikini body :laugh: it doesn't matter.

    :flowerforyou: I weathered the weekend of sitting at meetings and eating restaurant meals. I managed to find time to do some walking on Saturday so I got some exercise and stayed under my calories. On Sunday I spent the whole day with the dogs.....I took them with me when I did my errands, took a nap with them, and stayed home the rest of the time to make up for being gone so much on Friday and Saturday

    :flowerforyou: Gayla, the best diet (food plan) in the world is the one you'll follow, so if WW is best for you, then I join the others who are encouraging you to go. WW doesn't appeal to me, but I found something that does.

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, I find that eating at home is best for me primarily because everyone else (restaurants, friends, etc.) uses too much salt so even if I stay within my calories, the scale always says I've gained weight because I am retaining fluids from the sodium. I have a granddaughter who turned 20 in January, but since she is my stepson's stepdaughter, maybe it doesn't count:laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Marie, did I tell you that we found the step counter that Jake lost? Of course, we found it after we bought a new one so now we have three of them.:laugh: I hope you find yours soon.

    :flowerforyou: Phoebe, it's good to hear from you again, even if it's only for a day.:bigsmile:

    Jake is enjoying his trip, but wishes he were home. He'll be staying with friends for a few days rather than in a motel so he may not be able to get to his computer and he certainly won't be able to call me as often as he has been since he left.:sad:

    I'm trying to decide if it's time to ride the exercise bike or take a nap
    the dogs are voting for the nap:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    :heart: hugs:heart: Barbie
This discussion has been closed.