Senior Golden Sneakers.....April...We are all young at hear



  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    My prayers are with Diane and the rest of the family.

    I used to own an Altima, and it was a good car. I imagine the newer ones are even better.

    Glad to hear about your interview activity. Something is bound to happen in your favor soon.

    Good luck with all your exercise activities--makes me tired just reading about it.


    That is good news about Neil's foot.

    Good night to all. I just stuck my head in here to see what was new.

  • charjeanne
    charjeanne Posts: 12 Member
    Hello Jeffrey, nice to meet you. I'm impressed - a 5k run? Triathlon? :noway: Ha only in my dreams. Well... maybe some day. Thanks for the info on the skin, I am looking forward to being able to exercise soon. I am going to start upper body strength training next week, the rest will have to wait till I get the knees fixed.

    I am sorry about Diane, it sounds like she's fought a hard battle.

    Good luck on the interviews.
    :heart: Charlotte

  • TexasAngelBeth
    TexasAngelBeth Posts: 315 Member
    Hi All,
    Things are great here in Virginia…if you don’t mind pollen you’re in luck however my poor daughter is an asthmatic and things are not going so well for her…there was so much pollen in the air that peoples cars turned green from it…weirdest thing I have ever encountered.
    Barbie and Barb just so you know I meant no disrespect and I apologize and your right I haven’t had a pet other than Fred for awhile due to my job and always being gone. Fritz ( the most mismatched name for a half Great Dane German Sheppard mix was my 3rd child/brat at times)

    Charjeanne – Hi… I am the baby of the group…they just let me play here and they are a great group of people and always have encouraging words for everyone.

    Marie – Nikki (Nichole) is doing great she unfortunately is taking sides in the mess with the ex and I hate to tell him (ex) her loyalties are with her brother and she does not plan on backing down from this one. My count down to Braums has started...Frozen twist yopgurt here I come.

    Gayla – wonderful news about Neil and his foot finally healing the right way that is awesome. Have you been able to start and plant a garden yet? Mom and Dad live in MI or as my cousin complains nearly Canada LOL (I just dont like the snow) they are done plowing and are getting ready to figure out how much they need to plant do to the loss of crops by deer/turkey and anything the likes to eat out of their garden. I think they had issues with the fox as well at one point.

    Jeffery – I hope the job interviews pan out and your one very employed man. I am sorry about Diane I hope that she is able to get peace soon. I know it will create a hole in your family. Winning for your age groups is awesome I am so happy for you that is a sweet feeling. I am still not even swimming I need to get a move on and start or I will be a very sad site at the tri.

    Sandy – Are you able to train a rabbit half as well as Daisy? I can send him to you...the little rat! I would just be happy for him not to eat flip flops of whomever he is ticked at for the moment. I think he was mad at the kiddo for not sharing her jellybeans the other night because we woke up to a big hunk missing out of her flip flop… not even sure how he managed to get a hold of them. I think its great you have managed to get her so well behaved

    Barb – Your stories make me want to never and I do mean NEVER live somewhere with a HOA and definitely never be on it…it sounds more like a baby-sitting job for all kinds of people to whine about things and drive you insane with their inability to grasp a concept. I don’t know how you do it and not just tell him to kiss your bootie. (politely of course) I think you were very restrained in not knocking him on the head.

    Barbie – I loved the pizza…I am a plain cheese kind girl so it’s not as bad for you but I do love homemade pizza the best… not as many calories I control how much sauce (very little) goes on there and I can add a tiny bit of cheddar to my cheese as well… I am not good when I eat pizza but I am finally losing weight again…well inches…I am good with that I can weigh 500lbs as long as I fit in my size 5 I will be ecstatic.

    If I forgot anyone I am sorry
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Hi everyone - I'm trying to get caught up on all the posts in between getting orders out and figuring out stuff for the new business. Sheesh!

    Beth - it's so good to have you keeping in touch with us! Go for the hot yoga! It's AWESOME! It's keeping me young. yea yea - lots of sweat but thing of all the bad stuff that you're sweating out!!!!!!!! Kudos to your son! He's doing GREAT! Your ex sounds like a real piece of work........sorry about Nikki's asthma stuff! I'm with you about the HOA stuff - i'll do the yard work - not have to deal with the people and their silly "stuff"!

    Barb - you're tough to be able to put up with the people HOA stuff! Good thing you have the little piggies at home to listen to your woes! AND good thing you have that sense of humor!

    Gayla - good news about Neil's foot! I like the pic of you with your guys!!!!!!!!

    Jeffrey - congrats on the new car! Always a fun thing. And congrats on the race!!!!!!! That is AWESOME! Your (and Barbie's) level of fitness is something for us all to aspire to! Oh yea - and Beth too. Yea - i had a good calorie burn yesterday with all the outside work and yoga. Thinking about your SIL - I hope her suffering is minimal...........Good luck with the job interviews.

    Hi Marie! how's your garden? I got 3 rows planted and mulched yesterday - i always have a HUGE weed problem. This year i'm trying wet newspapers underneath the straw for mulch. I read about it somewhere. I'll let you all know how it works out. We're supposed to have some rain this evening - which would be good so i don't have to drag the hose friend Jennifer decided we needed to seed some grass - i've never been a big fan - don't like all the watering.............

    Hi Charlotte - welcome to our group! Do you eat any animal products at all? I don't eat red meat, pork or poultry. But i do eat fish, eggs and dairy. I've been doing that for.........i guess it'll be 37 years this birthday. Anyway - i guess i have it figured out. Let me know if i can help in any way!

    I know i missed lots of you - sorry! I better get back to work. Things are kind of crazy work wise - i'm really trying to stick to the old work out schedule! Hope everyone is off to a great start of the week!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Wow, you people have been busy writing while I was at competition. :laugh:

    Char, I also have bad knees but it seems the more I exercise or walk the better they feel. The worse thing is sitting at my computer for too long, then they stiffen up. :tongue:

    Bryanna and her team had another clean sweep, they took 1st place over all in every dance and won their teacher a cruise for having the highest scores of the competition. :bigsmile: They will have some video on the Hall of Fame competition web site so when they are posted I will give you the link so you can see for yourself how great this company dances. :heart:

    Jeffrey, so sorry about Diane, hopefully she is not in any pain. It is hard to let go but it sounds like it is time for her to get some peace. :brokenheart: With Day's mom keeping you busy, I bet you welcome your workouts, I think that is why you are getting so fast in all of your events, you are mentally thinking of all your stress. :bigsmile: Great job on the race, even though you are a young senior you represented us well. :love: Congratulations on the new car, I am getting a new one in September when the new Lexus SUV comes out. I love the one I have but want a few new perks with my new one. :blushing:

    Gayla, finally Neil's foot is getting better, I would be cranky also if I was down as long as him. :grumble:

    Daisy is at groomer, I am doing some wash and then it will be time to pick up Bryanna for her last driver's ed class. :love:
    She has another competition next weekend in Aurora and I am leaving a week from tomorrow for Minnesota. No gin game tomorrow, dinner with friends instead, Wednesday bingo, Thursday my meeting, Friday, Saturday and Sunday competition, and packing next Monday. Do you think I over extend myself??? I forgot about my hair appointment tomorrow, wait until you see my new do!!

    Have a great Monday!!

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Quick Hello to All,

    Just checking in as I let my lunch settle. Had to comment on the suggestion that I should have knocked my fellow board member in the head:noway: ----a tempting thought, but TOOOO many WITNESSES!!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Besides, he is such a hardhead, not sure the message would have gotten through!!!

    Babies and I went out for a 45 min walk, including a stop at the park, where the "three little piggies" THOUGHT they were going to help a family sitting on a bench eat their lunch!!!! I reeled them all in before they could cause too much trouble, and we talked for a few minutes about the infamous Thanksgiving "picnic" episode.

    Well, I have lots of stuff that isn't getting done, so bye for now.

  • charjeanne
    charjeanne Posts: 12 Member
    I've got to stop reading about diets, looking up recipes and preparing grocery lists. Way too much time spent on FOOD. I want to be healthier not make it a career.:grumble: Sorry just venting.

    Hi Beth I know what you mean about the pollen. I live in south Alabama (Mobile) and it makes me want to wear a mask when I go outside to do anything.

    Elli, I don't eat any meat or fish, however I do eat eggs and dairy. I didn't have a problem with it until I decided to lower my carbs and lose weight. Now it's like starting over again and learning a new way of eating.

    Sandy, congrats to Bryanna and her team. How old is she?

    I had arthroscopic surgery on my right knee in December and I've been in pain since then. The surgery fixed one problem but not all. I'm scheduled next week to get a shot that is supposed to cushion the joint. Hopefully that will help and let me start walking for exercise again.

    Barb, I was looking at the picture on your ticker and it brought back an old memory. Years ago my late husband gave me a birthday gift of a Shih Tzu puppy and in the box with her was a Rat Terrier puppy for himself. I named her Lady Christina and he named his Marmaduke Ike, we didn't realize till later - we ended up with Ike and Tina. What a laugh we had over it.:laugh: :laugh:

    :heart: Charlotte
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    Ike and Tina is cute. The Shih tzu on my ticker is :heart: "Dreyfus" :heart: my late great wonderful baby and the first dog I ever had. He died in August 2008 after fighting cancer since April of that year and it about killed me.

    I always said if I got another Shih tzu (male) that I would name him "Winston", and then get another male and call him "Teddy"--but life intervened. I ended up with a a little character that I had to call "Pepper" due to his personality (bouncy and full of "h3LL"and his color (black). Then Bradley, the "Yorkshire terror" came along with a name that suits him perfectly, and of course, Mai Li, the Lhasa in my avatar and on my ticker, was already here.

    BTW, I am told her name (which she already had when I got her -she was 5 yrs at the time) means "beautiful thing" in Chinese. Now that I know her all too well, I think it means "pesky girl" in English!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    One of these days, I am going to get the pics out of my phone and get them on the pc and add them to my profile so you all can see Bradley and of these days:embarassed: :ohwell: .....

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :flowerforyou: I am taking a much deserved break after a marathon dog walking event.........We went to the dog park and it was closed:brokenheart: :brokenheart: :brokenheart: :brokenheart: they have finally gotten smart and are installing a real fence to keep the dogs out of the area that is being reseeded (for months there has been a plastic orange fence which is about as effective at keeping dogs out as crime scene tape or a "no dogs allowed" sign......fortunately I was wearing my Shape Ups shoes and was in the mood for walking so first we walked trails at the city park for 40 minutes, then we stopped at the hardware store so I could buy new garden gloves ( my old pair has a hole at the tip of the right index finger) and resist the impulse to buy anything else (no goodies for the garden until the weeds are pulled or until Jake comes home and breaks my "no new goodies" rule :laugh: ) Then we drove over to the Discovery Trail and walked for another 30 minutes...My "naughty poodles" are just like Barb's "naughty piggies" only much bigger and stronger.

    :flowerforyou: Jeffrey, I'm so sorry to hear that things are so bad for Diane :brokenheart: :sad: I saw some runners and some bicyclists on the walk today and thought of you and your rigorous training.....congratulation on your success in the, car, job interviews, your life is sure busy......keeps your mind off Day's mom and the sadness of Diane's condition.

    :flowerforyou: Elli, I'm glad it's your business, exercise, and garden keeping you busy and not bad health or something like that....I'm glad to hear that you're still doing your hot little 20 minute yoga workouts are enough for me right now...glad you have stuff planted already.:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, congratulations again to Bryanna and her team.....they are the winningest often do they practice? You are right about being busy but you seen to find time to exercise and take care of Daisy and keep in touch with us.

    :flowerforyou: Barb, Jake just drove past Vancouver.....he left Red Bluff, CA at 6 AM and is hoping to drive all the way home in one day. He called me as he crossed the bridge at the state line so we could yell "Oregon
    Washington" as he crossed the state line.....that is an old custom of ours except that we are usually in the car together when we do it.

    :flowerforyou: Beth, you're right about the scale......even though I weigh myself every day, the most important thing is how I fit in my size 4 jeans.....I think about pizza on days like today when I've burned a lot of calories but I don't know anything about eating pizza in moderation and I think once I ate pizza crust, I'd be thinking about flour products too much, so when I got home from this long walk, I got out the cashew butter I bought for a treat and ate a scoop of it right off the spoon.

    :flowerforyou: Charlotte, something that worked for me was finding a few foods that I liked that fit into my eating plan and stuck with them rather than spending a lot of time reading recipes and thinking too much about food.....low carb and vegetarian together are a challenge.....I'm reading a book now that recommends a vegetarian diet with 50% of your calories from complex're right that there is so much conflicting information out there.

    :flowerforyou: It's time now to go use those new garden gloves......I've relaxed at the computer, finished 16 ounces of water, and had my cashew butter snack....time to get back to work.
    :heart: Barbie
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hey its me come mosely in here this afternoon. All is well no Sammy problem , no husband problems. No nothing. Staying on my diet plan real good. Drinking my Hood's chocolate milk pretty regular. Still walking some, We have had some welcome rain. Thats about all going on here. Have a wonderful day.

    Oh I meant to ask Barbie if she knitted the sweater she has on. It is a pretty one.

    Love MArie
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    I got home about 5p, and I can tell you it is VERY fortunate that Jake made it through here when he did. There was a big accident just before 5p that had snarled things up, northbound, on both I-205 and I-5. I ended up taking a roundabout way home as the normal surface streets were also blocked. I haven't been able to find out exactly what was going on. I am just glad Jake missed it, though I wish I had not missed him!!!! I would imagine he ought to be home safe and sound by 8p tonight, assuming he stops to eat at some point between here and your place.

    I managed to change the weather again today. As soon as I headed toward the storage unit, there was a rain shower. It appears to be over for now, so I am off to do some more.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Jake got home shortly before five and has had supper and unpacked all his stuff.......the dogs were beside themselves with joy to see him.

    :flowerforyou: Marie, thank you for the kind words about my sweater, but, no, I didn't knit it......I just finished knitting a green cable wool sweater to send to Afghanistan via a group called "afghans for Afghans"......they will find a child who will wear the sweater next winter.
    :heart: Barbie
  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432
    Good Evening!

    Thank you all for your support with Diane. I deeply appreciate it. The latest update is that the end should come in 48 to 96 hours. Again, I will miss her...

    Weaklink your dogs name in Mandarin Chinese is correct. I speak Mandaring but no where near as well as I used to. But the name interpretation is accurate.

    Marie you doing ok?

    Sandy careful on the SUV with all of their recalls. I am sure that you will have no issues but "crevat emptor!"

    Elli I need to hear a new story from Colorado! Burning anything lately? Any dates? See I did not forget! LOL

    Gayla I hope Neil continues to heal well.

    Barbie you are a special friend! Steady as a rock! I really like that.

    Charlotte how did your day go?

    Beth if you want my training log I can send it to you in Excel format. Just let me know. It is real basic and just a homemade log sheet. But it does track what I am doing.

    My daily workout was a double which is now a "light" day for me. I swam 1000 yds doing just speed and breathing drills. After that I worked on leg strength with a very tough plyometric workout. all in all today about 2500 calories from exercise burned. Tomorrow I am running and working on biking. After that I will have an upper body strength workout followed by an ab workout. Tomorrow will be rough!

    Kids do not try this at home! ROFLMAO!

    Anyway I am on the Triathlon countdown! I feel great and as long as I can train I will be fine! Y'all take care!

  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone! How wonderful to read all your posts! Everyone seems to have Spring fever and busy, busy, busy! We did a trip into the city and had lunch with my son at the restaurant where he is the Chef. It was good, of course! :wink:
    I just changed Neil's dressing again and was hoping the open area would be closed in and it is not. We have a week before he sees the Dr. and if it is not cleared up I will ask him about swabbing it as I worry a bit about MRSA or super bugs. As it is better than it was last week I will continue to watch it for a bit.

    Elli -- the picture is my son's with my MIL taken a few years ago, not long before she died. She was in her late 90's when she died and about 10 years before that she went parasailing in Mexico. When she came back and told us we nearly fell over. She had good health except for quite severe osteoarthritis. She ended up with cancer and was gone in weeks. Thanaks for your comment on the picture, just to clear up that it wasn't me.

    Jeffrey -- You must sleep well!

    Barbie -- So glad Jake is home, I know you and your gang will be very happy.

    Marie -- Good for you staying on your plan. One of these days you will drop a few pounds.

    Sandy -- Yeah for the girls!!

    Beth -- I hope the pollen problem won't last too long. It sounds terrible and for those of us with allergies it is awful. I hope your daughter gets through it without too much problem. Good for her for supporting her brother.

    Darn, I didn't take notes and I don't remember what else I wanted to comment on. I do think of you all and glad to hear you are focused and on the losing train.

    Take care and keep smiling. Gayla :heart:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Good morning all,

    Here is a picture of our beautiful Bluebonnets in bloom here ineTexas, our state Flower. If you look will closely you can see a few re Indian Paint Brushes

    Barbie so glad Jake made it home safely. Now you and your darlings can get back to normal.
    Jeffrey so sad to hear about Diane. A very diddicult time for all. God Bless your Family.

  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    OMG Marie - that picture is GORGEOUS! thanks for sharing!

    Gayla! I'm so sorry about the confusion! I kept looking at that picture and then back at the picture of YOU that you used to have up and thinking that CAN'T be her......but i thought i'd read somewhere that it was you and your boys...........OOOPS! BUT, your mil sounds like she was AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!! How great to continue to have adventures for your whole life!!!!!!!!

    Jeffrey - how's it going? Your family is in my thoughts.
    Nothing burning - although it's a worry with not enough moisture! We didn't get enough snow in march! I've kind of given up on the whole dating thing for awhile - i've gone out with a few different guys - and there's just............nothing going on ya know? It could be me - just too set in my ways and too much other stuff in my life. I had ta "break up" with 1 a couple weeks ago - i'm not very good at that...............
    OH! here's my story - i now (also) have rabbits! I don't know WHY - except i have no cats anymore, no livestock and the dogs don't roam free. I HOPE they don't become a problem 'cause they sure are CUTE!

    Barbie - i'm glad Jake made it home safetly and missed that mess Barb was talking about! That's awesome that you're sending something handmade that will end up on someone who REALLY needs it.

    I was on my way to yoga last night and decided i needed to come home instead and deal with a water pressure issue I've been trying to's still not solved but at least the wheels are in motion now. THESE are the times it would be nice to have a "person" around OR a HOA!!!!!!!!! lolol -

    Everybody have a happy day!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Just a quick note to say hi!!

    I missed a couple of posts the other day and only saw them after mine was posted so know that I am thinking of all of you and all your accomplishments. :heart:

    Marie, I love the picture also, what a beautiful site that must be in person. :flowerforyou:

    Just got done riding the stationary bike, need to shower then go for my hair appointment. Dinner tonight with friends at Maggianos so I hope I find something healthy. :tongue:

    Daisy is doing great in her training and I am so proud of her.

    Take care and let go of your problems and enjoy each day for each day.

  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone! I only have a few minutes as I am off to get my hair cut, washed too, of course (my favorite part). I love someone washing my hair and I especially love when they massage my scalp. They tell me it is really tight and I simply relax. I am looking very shaggy and didn't want to have to go to work looking like that.

    Elli -- I wasn't offended about the picture, just thought I should clarify. I took a picture of my Christmas cactus blooming. It always does a minor bloom for Easter and I wanted to get a picture of one of the blossoms. It was my Mom's plant and she always said it was showing off when it bloomed and it really can be quite magnificent. I am having trouble getting it into my computer, not sure why but after I get some help I will post the picture of this lovely blossom.

    Marie -- I am in awe of your picture. Now I know that when I visit Texas it will have to be in April!! I can't miss seeing that lovely sight. Thanks so much for sharing it.

    Sandy -- Have a nice dinner. Can't wait to see the new 'do'!

    Jeffrey -- Thinking of you.

    Take care everyone. Keep smiling. Gayla :heart:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Gayla, Are you thinking of coming to Texas? You better come to Dallas.
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi Marie -- We want to visit that part of the USA but no firm plans as to when. One of our goals is to visit all states and provinces. I guess it is one of the things in our 'bucket list'. If we get to Texax we will def. be visiting you and Jerry.
    I changed my pic. to the picture I took of my Christmas Cactus as it was 'showing off'.

    There is also a new pic. of our boat. It is painted now and looks nice but I couldn't get the whole boat in as there was not enough space in the shop to do that. For those of you who haven't known me long our family spent much of every summer living on this sailboat which was a great way to raise 3 boys!

    Take care. Gayla :heart:
This discussion has been closed.