

  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Good Morning Lollie Ollie!

    Great to have you here. This is a great group of people who do care about one another. Lot's of folks to give you encouragement.

    When I turned the big "50" I too wanted not to weigh so much. There is something about that number that causes people to want to change and think about where they are in life. I still struggle with life issues but realize it is a journey and my problems cannot be solved overnight. I weigh 10 to 15 lbs more than I would like and just haven't figured out what is holding me back at the present. I just keep on trying to eat sensibly and get in my exercise.

    I heard a long time on the show Gary Collins was hosting that if you just add walking 1 mile a day to your routine then you don't have to change anything else to lose 10 lbs in one year. That takes about 20 min max a day to do and I know from experience this works. The other great thing about it is after you get 1 mile down pat you will be energized to do more and 2 miles becomes a piece of cake!

    Have a great day!
  • debieanne
    debieanne Posts: 85
    good afternoon its 12:29 pm having a slow morning rainy here in mass. i want to say hi to my old fp friends i have miss talking with yous and hello to new fp family trying to get back to everything this weekend lost myself again for for awhile. its been a pretty emotional mth.ok grandson stevie is coming in his going to be four in a few weeks so me time is over for now i will stop back latter on my water break hope everyone has a blessed and safe day debi
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Afternoon everyone,

    It's a beautiful day here in NC.

    I'm going to be doing some gardening this afternoon.

    My son helped me upload some pic's of my doggie. His name is Bandit and came to live with us 2 1/2 years ago when he just showed up and never wanted to leave. I really believe someone just came and put him out in our neighborhood. We live just far enough out of town for the city folks to think they have made it to the country and they seem to think this is a good place to abandon their animals. But in this case it was a good thing for me because I couldn't have asked for a better animal. He was completely trained: sits, lays down and comes when you tell him to. He even will stand at the door and wait until you tell him he can come out. And he loves to fetch! I just cannot understand why someone would give up this dog.

    Well I hope you all have a good afternoon and great weekend.


    Cindy - We must be neighbors. Our neighborhood is where those city folk dump their dogs too. So far I'm at 42 dogs rescued from the road. Some I've kept and the rest I spayed/neutered and found homes for. Please give Bandit a pat for me. I know what you mean about the good dogs that are just abandoned. All the dogs I've rescued were good dogs.

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    If you know anyone with a metal detector, maybe they can search the area you were gardining in and find your earring!! That would be nice.

    Hello to all. Below is a "rerun" so if you already "read" me on the Golden Sneakers thread, save your eyes and your time. For everyone else, it will be a new story:


    Well, good morning to all. I am recovering from the HOA meeting we had last night for my condo. I am on the board, and we have a board member who made a last minute attempt to derail the success of a special election we have been working diligently to make a success for the last two months. The details are too complicated to get into. The question relates to a legal issue that affects the development of the remaining property that is part of our complex, and right now the HOA has authority and an interest in how this is done. I ended up telling this guy he has a conflict of interest and needed to recuse himself from voting while we had a board meeting prior to the membership meeting. He has a conflict of interest due to a business dealings that are indirectly related to the question we were voting on, and he deliberately withheld information from other board members about a question raised by a homeowner. He received the information almost a week ago and used it to question a decision the board made at a prior meeting that he didn't attend, but didn't see fit to inform us of what he was told or his views until two hours before the general membership meeting!!!

    During the membership meeting, another person asked a question and proceeded to make a speech. She would not take a breath and began using inappropriate language. Our HOA manager, who is a paid person and not a board member, is a very professional and experienced real estate agent and property manager, and was trying to handle her tactfully and getting nowhere.

    As I saw the meeting was imploding, I stood up in the middle of her yammering and loudly requested that she shut up!! That got her attention and everyone else's!! Then I reminded her that the language was not needed and that if she had a question, in order for it to be answered, she had to take a breath in order for it to be answered!!

    That brought things back to a dull roar, the manager was finally able to finish the answer to her question and we moved on to the business at hand.

    As for the board member who is working at cross-purposes with the goals of the HOA,--he sent an amazing email after the meeting in which he took the position that the board had cut him out of decision making by not telling him about our last board meeting in March. Fortunately, I never delete emails (that's why there are about 10,000 of them in my yahoo account!! This made it very easy for me to pull up two of them that were sent to him from two different sources with specific reference to the issue at hand and the upcoming meeting. I composted a literary masterpiece to put the accusation to rest but haven't yet sent it. I asked another to review it to make sure I am not over the top. As I don't want to win the battle and lose the war in the process. And after agreeing to recuse himself from the vote, and stating the same in the membership meeting, when our votes were tallied, there WAS a vote in there from him!! I managed to call him a liar in a very polite and sarcastic way in that email that I haven't sent yet!!

    Thank goodness we are having board member elections in the next 30 days and I am NOT running for the board. I already resigned from it once, after serving for several years, but when we had two board members leave and having a special election in the midst of some legal negotiations would have delayed their completion, the remaining members came to me and asked that I return. Under our bylaws, since I was previously elected and resigned for personal reasons, rather than being voted out, I was the only person who could be appointed temporarily, and I was familiar with the legal issue at hand, so reluctantly, I agreed. I am looking forward to the day when I can walk my doggies again without being approached by a neighbor with an axe to grind!!

    Well, enough about that. I made a shocking discovery this morning. My belly is actually GOOD for something and when (not "if") it is gone, I may have to find a more creative solution to using my laptop when my two canine "laptops" are "helping". This morning, with Bradley in his customary spot to my right on the chair, and Pepper with his behind on the left side of my chair and the remainder on my hip, I realized that the laptop PC rests on my belly as well as on my right knee, so if I have no belly, not sure how that is going to work out. At the rate I am going it will be SEVERAL months before it becomes an issue so we will cross that bridge when we come to it.

    I am supposed to be getting ready to go do more storage unit work, but as you can see, I am not. So long for now.

  • mynyddisamrs
    :flowerforyou: Good evening All ..... nice here again.
    Hi to all our "Newbies"

    :frown: My morning started in agony ...before the co - codamol Kicked in!! . not much better having taken it today so maybe we'll need to up the strength !!.... I didn't tell you ...:laugh: the doctor laughed when I said that I thought all my pain stemmed from the exercise DVD and the Salsa Dancing!!!

    Then .... it was ..hunt the smell!!! :frown: Lying in bed I got a whiff of ...something very unsavoury! I'd smelt it yesterday but thought it was perhaps something to do with the volcano fallout! Then ...memories from a rat infestation in a place I had worked in, came flooding back.The rats were poisoned but went to ground and died in the walls .... lovely!! The bedrooms were unusable because of the smell.
    So... there we were sniffing here and there! I thought it was coming from the plant pot in the conservatory and Peter had to re - pot the jasmine!! Then, bending low I saw the culprit ...hidden beneath the heater pipe in the conservatory, cooking slowly under the low heat!! ...a large mouse. Dead a while and humming quietly away to itself!!! :laugh: Neither Sapphy or Chaz have owned up to leaving it there, I may add!!

    My start to the day is no excuse I know but ...:ohwell: I've not managed to keep in the calories today. I am, however, drinking more water...because of the tablets I have to take! " Feeling sorry for myself food" took over and I've had cream, ice cream and wine . probably 200 + calories over .

    Mums a bit brighter today ...her hair's been done but she's still not eating. I took in a trifle and a banana which she demolished so no loss of appetite... just being naughty I think!!

    So ...tomorrows another day. We had planned to do a Car Boot Sale tomorrow whilst Mum is in hospital but with my arm as it is ....:noway: I don't think So!! We still have a few boxes of china, glasses etc. from Mum's house ...they've been in the garage for three years now. Plus we have our junk from several house moves over the years. Maybe next week if the weathers good.

    :drinker: I hope you've all been making better choices than I have this weekend ....have a good Sunday
    :heart: Jackie
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    I hope "mum" decides to be a good girl and start eating. Sorry she and your shoulder are giving you such a trial.

    I guess that totally delightful "car boot sale" is your region's term for a good old American "garage sale." Though, I am confused. I thought the "boot" was the trunk and the "bonnet" was the cover over the engine comparment, and a place where you put the car was a "carpark." Maybe I don't know as much as I think I do:noway: Wouldn't be the first time THAT happened!!:laugh: :laugh:

    I still haven't been to the storage unit. I ended up working on my final version of the HOA email. I knew I wouldn't get it off my mind until I sent it, and I don't want to waste my whole weekend contemplating HOA business. It is not like I get PAID for being on the board!!

    Doggies and I need to go get some lunch, see you all later.

  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    Happy Rainy Saturday Morning...now Afternoon:flowerforyou:

    I started this 6 hrs ago:blushing: and am going to finish this this time. Got up and got ready to go shopping with DIL #2 and grandson, it was time for his annual spring/summer clothes shopping trip. We had a fun time and found some cute matching outfits for when his brother arrives in July (although my DIL thinks it will be June). Found matching "Big Brother / Little Brother" outfits that will look cute for pictures. At 2 1/2 he's quite the busy boy and keeps all of us on our toes, and his form of help in the shopping was to take the clothes that were at his level and put them in the stroller...so we had to make sure only what we really wanted and in the right sizes were what we were paying for.

    Mimi- Getting a temp membership at a gym when away from home, you are so dedicated:drinker: , hope it inspires your daughter to join in, it so much better for them if they can get a handle on this weight, exercise, and lifestyle change when she's young ... then she won't be like the rest of us.:cry:

    Denise -Glad that the sun is shinning over there:smile: , hope that means that your trip will still be on.

    Jackie - Sorry you Mum is not wanting to eat:sad: , although it sounds like if it's something yummy she will. My Mom keeps telling me that when they bring her tray of food it makes it gag...too much food and it doesn't look good to her:noway: ..can't say that I have that problem.

    Barb- So sorry about your HOA woes, I admire you for being on the board:flowerforyou: Glad that you found a use for your belly...:drinker: here's to making it go away!:laugh:

    Cindy - Cute dog pic, so glad that you came to the rescue. Sorry about the earrin:grumble: g, maybe you will find it during the harvest:wink:

    Michele - Sounds like your volunteering at the Y is finally working out and that someone is listening and putting you in an area that works to your strengths:smile:

    Robin- "all you want to do is exercise":noway: WOW do I need you to rub off on me, unfortunately that is NOT how I feel:grumble:

    Rose - "Amen" to your prayer:bigsmile: and great new pic:flowerforyou:

    Rfsahae - Will pray that your son realizes the problem of why he's not getting hired. Sometimes it's hard for us to realize that people do look at the outwasrd and not just on the inside:flowerforyou: Hope you are an inspiration to him,

    Memarioz & Lollyollie :flowerforyou: Welcome this is a great place to be and lots of people to hang out with,

    I better go get something done,maybe the kitchen, a little laundry, although Peanut would rather I'd just sit down with a book and blanket so he will have a lap to sit on:bigsmile:

    Good Evening to all. Keep fighting off those munchies:laugh:

  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Welcome to everyone new!

    Jackie - When my Dad stopped eating when he was in the nursing home, we had to go feed him and bring him food. Between his weakness and the terrible food they had, I fed him breakfast before I went to work and either my hubby or I brought him dinner with a milk shake. When we moved him home, he started eating again. There is medication they give the elderly to boost their appetite. It's called rimeran or something like that. That helped, but still we had the fact that the food they served for lunch and dinner wasn't anything Dad would eat. Good luck with all that you are going through. I know how hard it is.

    Update on life without a big freezer: I don't even remeber how long it's been, but I do believe we are eating better this way. I bought a chicken for today and I have something defrosting for tomorrow. It only gets hard when I forget to plan what I am doing.

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    NEWSFLASH!! Headline reads: "Woman in Washington state finds a way to control the weather."

    Here is how. Look outside at sunshine. Marvel that the weatherman finally made a prediction that came true--sunshine and warm. Decide that you will take dogs for a walk in the next half hour. Finish what you are doing. Dress in a t-shirt and a summer skirt and sandals, since it is, after all, 70 F outside.

    Start walking, get about 10 minutes away from home when you hear the first thunder from quite a ways away. Notice clouds and decide they will pass to the west, so keep walking. Hear next batch of thunder, MUCH closer.

    Remember stories of people struck by lightning. Decide I would prefer to watch the 6 o'clock news rather than be ON the 6 o'clock news. Turn self and doggies toward home. Within 3-4 minutes, feel some "sprinkles." Thunder continues. Have no difficulty convincing all doggies, even stubborn old slowpoke Mai Li, to pick up the pace. We get to condo driveway and the "sprinkles" are becoming more "enthusiastic" AKA "RAIN." We break into a jog and get home before we are drenched. We all decide it is much better to look out on the patio at the rain from INSIDE.

    So much for 40 minutes of doggie walking. They have recovered nicely. All hands are now sleeping, and the storm is over.

    Farewell for now.

  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :cry: no end in sight to the plight for a flight to a dying FIL :cry: There is not a thing we can do about it. So we have resigned ourselves to the inevitable.......

    I am taking some quiet time today, reading and resting.

    :heart: Rebel
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Rebel, I am sorry. You are in my prayers. Be safe!
  • rfsahae
    rfsahae Posts: 68 Member
    Hello All

    Barb - So instead of logging "walking the dogs" as exercise, you can log "running with the dogs" - - yes?

    Rebel - - Very very sorry about your FIL. How is your husband taking it?

    Hello to all. Feeling good today. "Scale" was good to me today.
    :smile: :wink: :laugh: :happy: :tongue: :love: :ohwell: :flowerforyou: :heart: :drinker: :bigsmile:

  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616
    :cry: no end in sight to the plight for a flight to a dying FIL :cry: There is not a thing we can do about it. So we have resigned ourselves to the inevitable.......

    I am taking some quiet time today, reading and resting.

    :heart: Rebel

    Hi Rebel, I'm thinking about you. I'm sad for you that you and your husband can't get back to see your FIL. :heart: :heart:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :flowerforyou: Welcome to all the new members on the thread....If you are looking for encouragement, motivation , friends, and support, you have come to the right place.

    :sad: Rebel, I am sorry to hear that going to see your FIL isn't working out for you.

    :flowerforyou: debieanne It's good to hear from you again....sorry for the tough times. I hope you're back on track now.

    :flowerforyou: I pulled more weeds today, went to the dog park, vacuumed the whole house and then promptly tracked grass in and made a new mess:laugh: also rode the exercise bike and spent some time with friends. I tried to take a nap with the dogs in the hide a bed but the phone interrupted with the news from the vet that Haifa the cat got a clean bill of health from his recent urine culture.:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Only three more sleeps until DH gets home......we're all ready to see him.

    Will I get to bed early tonight? I hope so :bigsmile: :heart: Barbie
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good Evening ladies':noway:Thank you for all your encouragement and comments on my picture. I hate to admit it but my prayer didn't work. It wasn't as bad as it could have been though.:wink: I did Leslie Sansone 3 mile before I went. :love: My sisters came up from Baltimore for the baby shower and after the shower I drove with them 2 1/2 hours to my sister Lee's house and then went to the Gym with my sister Cathy and did the tread mill for 15 min. and then did the circuit of 4 different machines. Hopefully when I weigh in on Wednesday it won't have hurt me toooo bad. Well it is 1:07 Sunday morning and I have along day ahead of me.:heart: Love((( Hugs))) and prayers for all, Rose
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    Good morning Ladies,
    :heart: Rebel-you are in my thoughts and prayers. I know how hard it is to watch someone you love in the end stages of life. All you can really do is pray and share your fondest memories with those who want to talk. It really does help to ease the pain. Remember the joy, love, good times and rejoice in their life. I am hugging you in spirit ((((Rebel))))).
    :love: I have been up for a few hours and decided to take my sister's Black Lab for a 2 mile walk/jog. It was wonderful, Buddy is a very good exercise companion. My sister lives about a mile from the water and it is absolutly beautiful. I have to go get a shower and get ready for my grand daughter's dedication ceremony. I will check in later, Everyone have a glorious Sunday, Rose
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • mynyddisamrs
    :flowerforyou: Good afternoon everyone .... quick nip in today!!
    Scales were the same today, :frown: I'll be over on the calories again today too ...just. :sad: The arm and shoulder 's still not playing ball and letting me do simple stuff like hold a knife !!! :bigsmile: Hasn't stopped me eating though!! We have ways !!
    :heart: Mum brighter today and readily ate soup and a trifle this afternoon.... more like her old self. Her physio will start again tomorrow .... here I am moaning about a bad shoulder... what her pain will be like I can't imagine.
    Anyway .....:drinker: hope you all have a great week ahead of you.
    :heart: Jackie
  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616
    I see so many of you staying on track with weight loss despite all sorts of stresses in your lives. Congratulations on sticking with it. Staying on track despite stress has got to be one of the biggest factors in making the weight loss last. I'm glad to be on this boat with you! :love: RebelRenny, you're a great example, staying on track despite your FIL's condition.

    I'm continuing to follow Mary's advice to weigh and measure every bite and to exercise if I go over my calories. Yesterday, with my daughter, I tried (operative word, "tried" :laugh: ) to do the baby level of 30-day shred. Jumping jacks? Are you kidding? Then we did Leslie Sansone's 1-mile walk (we could do this one - and still felt like we got a workout :happy: )

    Seeing the calories burned from these exercises made me aware of a pitfall of the "exercise if I go over my calories" policy. I figured the 20-minute 30-day shred as "calisthenics - vigorous" and got a whopping 285 calories credit for it. But, I don't think I actually burned that many calories because I couldn't keep up (even though I tried :tongue: ). On the other hand, I did get a good workout with the Sansone 15-minute 1-mile walk but got credit for only a hundred and some calories. (It was a 4 mph walk).

    Bottom line, I'm going to take the exercise calories with a grain of salt and not use them all, especially now that I've adjusted my target calories (I do this every 10 pounds, and I made it to 30 :blushing: - I love seeing that on my ticker! I'm really doing this!!!), to 1100 for the day. Yikes. That is no way enough for moi. :wink: I plan to use exercise to supplement so I have about 1400 calories for the day, but I'm going to be careful not to overestimate.

    It's the beginning of the day for me here in California, so I'll wish you all a good day (even if it's night where you are!) and send hugs your way if your day is not so good.

  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Hi everyone. It's been a while since I posted.

    LOTS of new people! Welcome to you all!:flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou:

    I went up 2 pounds in the past week but I am not going to change my ticker. I quit smoking :happy: and I consider 2 pounds to be an acceptable trade-off for not smoking any cigarettes!

    I'm getting a handle on the Snack Monster :devil: that is trying to move in with me--he has been evicted and is not welcome back!

    I have stocked my fridge with lots of fresh fruit and vegetables and am going to keep reminding myself that I want to be HEALTHY!

    I have also upped my cardio workouts because they have been making me feel SO good (I get plenty of strength training at work!:laugh: ).

    The sun is out and I am going to go finish working on my lawn and hopefully get some planting done in the front garden.

    Have a great day, everyone!:heart::heart: :heart:
  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616

    I went up 2 pounds in the past week but I am not going to change my ticker. I quit smoking :happy: and I consider 2 pounds to be an acceptable trade-off for not smoking any cigarettes!

    I'm getting a handle on the Snack Monster :devil: that is trying to move in with me--he has been evicted and is not welcome back!

    I have stocked my fridge with lots of fresh fruit and vegetables and am going to keep reminding myself that I want to be HEALTHY!

    Wow, Rose. Quitting smoking :smokin: is awesome. If it costs you 2 lbs you are still way ahead for your health. And lots of good snacks are the way to go. About once a day, I'll eat a huge platter of veggies. (My mom keeps reminding me of "portion control." I keep telling her "Hey, it's working!!!) I'm so glad to see you being so good to yourself! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    - Mimi