

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Sharon – Welcome aboard. this is an awesome group of ladies.

    Kathy – Sorry to hear about your Mom and the rough times.

    Jackie – Sorry to hear about your h friend you met on Holiday. I have never been able to maintain those relationships. I hope your shoulder still isn’t hurting too much.

    Barbie – I am so happy that your hubs got home safe and that he was making his own meal. Nice!

    Mimi – I love Pasadena. My mom and dad met there and all my brothers were born there. I used to live just over the hill in Toluca Lake. I am glad your visit is going well. .

    Suzanita – W all have rough days, weeks, years. But we just get back up and brush ourselves off again. good luck.

    Kackie – I need a new goal for 5/1 My anniversary is May 2nd and I think that 162 would be nice..

    Rebel – wow, I wish I had some place safe to ride my bike with destination in mind. You live in such a great place. I LOOOOOVE :love: Victoria.

    MacMadame – wow a triathalon. I can't even begin to imagine. I bow to your greatness.

    Kathy – Giving up smoking can be rough. I quit 145 days ago. I got up and did jumping jacks everytime I had the urge. It worked for me. good job.

    Denise - I am so sorry about the trip to Rome. I hope you had travel insurance. I am sure you will be able to work out some time that you can all go in the future. If not go on your own. You deserve it.

    Terri - I want a killer weekend like you had. I love wine and cheese and happy hour. It makes life so much better when you really have something to work off. :wink:

    Okay me. I have just been working out on the treadmill and the Wii. the job market isn't looking up quite as much as I thought it was and I have just not been motivated to push the looking too much. I realize I am living in denial. I will be in serious financial trouble in a couple of months but some deep down part of me says "it will all work out" I don't know how and I don't know why I am so confident but I am. (Wow I think exercise is almost as good as other drugs in creating euphoria:tongue: ) Even the clouds aren't getting me down today.

    I hope you all have an absolutely great day.
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Happy Tuesday Afternoon ~

    Jackie - Glad to read that your Mum and Shoulder are improving:flowerforyou: but so sorry to read that the scale is having it's ups:cry: and downs (but the downs not being far enough:grumble: )

    Barbara - St. Maarten:wink: sounds like fun, seven week away..yep you can reach some serious goals by then:wink: Sorry for your community loss, {{hugs} give your son some extra hugs too:smile:

    Barb - Thanks for the link:flowerforyou: that's more encouragement to all of us to keep us going in the right direction.

    Viv - Hang in there it's bound to pay off:smile:

    Mimi - I guess I'm just going to have to roast more veggies:wink:

    Barbie - glad your hubby is home safe:drinker:

    Kathy (plantlady) Glad you were able to get your Dad settled:flowerforyou: Sorry for the issues that your Mom is experiencing but glad that she has her family to be there for her:drinker:

    Zaza - Welcome Back:drinker:

    Denise - So sorry:cry: to see that Rome got bumped to...:sad: sometime in the future!

    Terri- :sad: Sorry to see your emotions:grumble: all over the place:bigsmile: Hang in there!:flowerforyou:

    Robin- Sorry to read about your job hunting woes:grumble: I'm hoping that things turn around soon...although soon isn't soon enough for many.


    Tried calling Mom last night four times and she never answered her phone, so I have no idea how she's doing:huh: My #2 Son's car was broken into when he was working last night it's the vehicle he's driving to So Carolina in two weeks (for his Army Officer training) and he's really bummed:cry: and my #2 DIL found out today that her grandpa has been given 6 mo :cry: (best case senerio) . So at this time we offer a shoulder and prayers to them:huh:

    Work is the pits:sad: that being said I must get back at it. Everyone continue to fight off all those excess pounds:wink:

  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    rjadams, anotheryearolder & Denise: May 1 will be here soon. glad to have some company on a mini-boot camp!!! We leave for the Bahamas May 1, so I need to be extra vigilant these next 10-11 days!!! It's good to have goals and BETTER to have encouragement & good company! Anyone else??? The more the merrier!

    Mimi: Your vegetable chat inspired me to load up at the grocery this afternoon. I love vegetables but haven't roasted them in a while. It is so easy to get in a rut with cooking the same old way. Thanks for the great ideas!

    I am so sorry to hear about problems with parents, all of you who are in that part of life. (Kathy...plantlady99) Take care of yourselves and I am impressed that you are able to lose weight with that burden. Hang in there.

    And Babybluebarbie: I am so sorry for your community and especially your son...I know you would like to shield him from such pain.

    Sharon: Welcome!! You have come to the right place. I wish you success on this journey!

    Take care all! Kackie:heart:
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good evening all, just dropped by to offer condolences and prayers.:cry: I know the loss of a child and my heart goes out to the family and friends of the little 8 year old that died. I have been reading the post I am just too exhausted to respond, I will say the veggie recipes sound yummmmmmy and I am saving them in my diet folder. I will be sharing them with our Biggest Loser group at weigh in tomorrow. :heart: Love (((Hugs))) and Prayers to all, Rose. Everyone take care.
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I did manage to successfully give blood again yesterday, but it wiped me out so much that I didn't post last night. I went to bed an hour early instead (that's when I usually make time for this.) Anyway, I am fine, well and good, and I think that my challenge for myself for this week is to drink more. I am really bad about not drinking enough - I have never liked to. I don't even serve myself a beverage with a meal.
    I did manage to get a swim in today, and it felt great. Everyone have a good evening! and Here's to smart choices!
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hello All,

    Had a busy day. Haircuts for mom and me, dad's car to get an oil change, and while I waited I scored some new clothes at Goodwill--2 pair of shorts, 2 pair of capris, and 2 summer weight blazer jackets--all for less than $30!!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    My parent's computer has become terminally ill, so I have to go and get a replacement and get the data transferred from the old one to the new one for them.

    Kathy (plantlady) - So sorry to hear about your parents' health issues. I know taking care of them is your priority, but don't forget to take care of YOU:flowerforyou:

    Sharon- Welcome to MFP and this thread. We look forward to getting to know you and offering all the support we can to help you reach your goals.

    Jackie--Sorry you are feeling redundant. If you keep describing food like in your last post, I will have to get you to fly to the States and cook it up for me! Easier said than done with that darn volcano popping off!!:noway:

    The doggies are all munching out on bones I gave them a while ago. They managed to stay out of trouble all day while I was gone--even Bradley!!:noway: :bigsmile:

    Terriw--Sometimes you just have to given in to what life throws at you and get back on the wagon later. Hope the damages from your weekend are not too bad. Drink lots of water and maybe it won't be as bad as you think.

    Well, I have to get something done yet tonight around here, so bye for now.

  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :bigsmile: thanks Barb (Weaklink) for the link on exercise. It makes me want to try harder and step it up. My previous weight-loss was by diet only and when tragedy struck I simply put the pounds back on by eating mindlessly. Now I find that exercise does not make me lose weight, but it will help me keep it off. And I do want to make an active life my life's habit.

    :heart: Thanks to all those who are thinking and praying for my FIL and that DH can't get there to be with him. It means a lot that people care and send messages either in their posts or privately. My heart is warmed because of it. I know that several of you are dealing with similar circumstances. In our age group there is none not affected.

    :bigsmile: Tomorrow is Wednesday and I usually participate in "Skinny Wednesday" started by our fabulous friend "FabulousFifty", but .....BUT....(or butt).....tomorrow is pizza day at work and yes I ordered 2 pieces. huh. So, now I am thinking I will ask DH to drive me to work with bike in van in the morning and then I will ride 20K back after work. :tongue: if the weather co-operates that is :tongue:

    :heart: :heart: Rebel :heart: :heart:
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Now I find that exercise does not make me lose weight, but it will help me keep it off.
    Studies show that too!

    In my case, exercise really did help me lose my weight. Every time my weight loss slowed down, I'd step my exercise and it would pick back up.

    But it's definitely helping with maintenance even more. I can't believe how much I can eat these days!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member
    :flowerforyou: I just went back through my diary over the 14 months I've been on MFP and saw just how much exercise I've been doing......it definitely has made a difference :bigsmile: between my pedometer, the stationery bike in the living room. line dance classes, and exercise DVDs I've made huge changes in how I live my life.........I don't knit and crochet and mess around on the computer as much and I've seen the results.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: yesterday it was warm enough to work in the yard in a cotton shirt and today I wore my winter coat with wool scarf and hat to walk the dogs........I was wrong when I said that spring has come to NW Washington.

    :heart: hugs:heart: Barbie
  • amasot
    amasot Posts: 86
    Good morning everyone! Just dropping in to say hello and assure you that I come to this thread every day and read the posts. You ladies are all amazing! With all that's happening in your lives - good or bad - you still find the energy to stick to your diets, do your exercises and post recipes (thanks, mimi, I'm going to definitely try those roasted vegges!) :flowerforyou:
    I'm a lazy bum myself. I still haven't found the motivation to start my physiotherapy exerises. :sad: Maybe I'll gather some getupandgo and do them this afternoon, cause my legs are staring to hurt pretty bad again and the only thing that helps is the physio.
    I started an experiment yesterday, eating more fish, especially fatty, dark fish, high in omega3 fish. I plan to have fish or shellfish at least 3 days a week for the next month and see where i gets me. Yesterday was sardines with olives, lemon juice and broccoli. I'm not sure about today, I'll have to check and see what's in the pantry or the freezer. I think I have another can of spicy sardines. Yum! Now, I'm not a fish lover unless the fish is freshly caught and grilled or fried, but I don't have the luxury of fresh fish where I live, so it will be cans for a little while. If anyone has any good recipes for canned or frozen fish, please post them!
    Have a great day everyone!
  • smelliott
    smelliott Posts: 120
    Good morning everybody,

    It’s a lovely sunny day here in the north-east of England:smile: . I am glad because the sun seems to make it easier for me to stick to healthy eating. When it’s miserable I just want to eat loads of stodgy food :blushing: .

    Mimi – Thanks for all the veggie suggestions. I am looking forward to trying them out.

    Terri – We all fall of the wagon sometime. Good luck with your weigh in.

    Robin – Good luck with your job hunt. I am a great believer in fate and am sure something will turn up for you. Your positive attitude will stand you in good stead.

    Laura – Sorry to hear about your family’s troubles. Our thoughts are with you all.

    Kackie – Wow, a trip to the Bahamas! What an incentive. I am only a little bit jealous.

    Mary – Congratulations on giving blood :flowerforyou: and reminding me that I should do the same soon.

    Barb – you certainly got some good bargains there.

    Rebel – I’m hoping that the lifting of the flying restrictions means your husband will be able to get a flight soon. Enjoy your pizza, if you are cycling 20k it won’t have too much effect.

    Amalia – Good luck with doing your exercises

    Hope you all have a good day girls. Stay positive!

    Bye for now :heart:
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    PlantLady (Kathy) - My heart goes out to your Mom and Dad. I hope everything turns out OK.

    All of you who post veggie ideas - thank you! Perfect timing too as I have really been trying to use and offer more fresh fruits and veggies.

    DD is still going well with her rehab. I get my life back (or at least 2 hours a day of it) on or around 5/21 when rehab should be over. MIL is coming for a visit today. Hubby just decided to call her up and offer her a paid ticket to come see us. I am glad she is coming even though it means more work for me while she is here.

    This is about all I have time for. I scanned the posts and it appears most are doing well. I'm glad the focus was on veggies and exercise as there was a lot of good ideas on both.

  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    Happy Overcast, foggy :ohwell: Wednesday!

    I had a good food and exercise day yesterday and finally feel that by this Friday (weigh in day) will so some progress with my ticker as it's been looking pretty sleepy lately:yawn: It sure does take a lot of hard work to return to the steady progress when you do a vacation where you throw all your good sense out the window:blushing: I hope I don't do that again! So I will keep my fingers crossed that today and tomorrow continue to be GOOD choice days.

    Kackie - Bahamas in less than two weeks...is there extra room in the suitcase? I'm sure there are plenty of us that would like you to put us in the suitcase and go with you:flowerforyou:

    Mary - Good for you giving blood:flowerforyou: About your drinking more water, you may want to try drinking a glass of water before each meal, it really helps me get mine in and always have a glass around so you can sip all day:wink: I too used to be a non drinker and now I get it in every day. Good luck it's really helpful in the weight loss to drink a lot.

    Barb - You are the shopping Queen:drinker: and a plus that the doggies were good while you were gone:drinker:

    Rebel - Hope that doing the biking will work for you against that evil:mad: but wonderful:love: pizza! We continue to send {{hugs}} and prayers for your FIL and husband.

    MacMadame & Barbie - After checking both of your tickers we can honestly say that if you eat right and exercise you will meet your goals:drinker: and then if you continue you will be like the two of you "Off your tickers":laugh: Congrats on that!:drinker: :drinker:

    Amalia - Today is a good day to start on the exercise:flowerforyou: you know it's good for you and will help you and I know you want to tell us that you are doing it and feeling better:smile:

    Jeannie - Hope you find time to enjoy your MIL visit inbetween the extra work it creates having company:flowerforyou:


    I finally go ahold of my Mom last night and she is sounding like she's making some positive progress:smile: . They don't have to use the lift to get her out of bed now, she does it by herself but can't get into her wheelchair by herself, but I consider that progress :smile: She is talking about when she gets out and the place she will be living so that's another plus in the positive:drinker:

    Everyone have a good day and continue the good fight against those unwanted pounds:drinker: maybe we can donate them to those that are wanting to gain:laugh:

  • heartrw
    heartrw Posts: 187 Member
    Well, I bit the bullet and logged my weight today...even though I didn't want to! I'm back to needing to lose 4 pounds (not 1) to earn my massage:sad: !! Oh well as for my weekend partying I am now paying the price...but I did it, I own it, and now I'm being honest about it!!

    Bluebarbara - I will keep your community and the family of the 8th grader in my prayers...

    Everyone else, I'm sorry but I am not really caught up on all the posts. I will try to forego Farmville tonight and concentrate on catching up on the posts. Until then, welcome newbies!!! We appreciate you joining the thread!

    :heart: Terri:heart:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    ...Barb - You are the shopping Queen:drinker: and a plus that the doggies were good while you were gone:drinker:...


    I spoke too soon. Last night after the little piggies has their treat, I discovered an empty package of chocolate cookies in my laundry area. On one hand, maybe they did me a favor, but I got these at a reduced price in the bakery and at 100 calories a serving and 2 grams of fat, they would have been a nice dessert for quite a while, so I didn't appreciate the "help." One of my "acrobats" got it off the counter and they all managed to polish off a dozen chocolate cookies that were laced with caramel. I wasn't sure if it happened yesterday or not, but no one seemed to be showing signs of illness, so I kept my fingers crossed.

    This morning, we went for a walk and after certain necessary doggy duties were accomplished, it was obvious who ate most of the cookies--Pepper, judging from the "evidence" left behind this morning.

    One other challenging moment was that the treats I gave out (back when I thought everyone was "good") get rather sticky when licked and I have learned not to use them unless it is about time for a groom--which I swore I made the appointment for today, but when I called to let her know I was running late, I found out it was TOMORROW. Well anyway, now I have some doggies with slightly sticky ears from them touching the treats.

    The other problem was that Mai Li spent so much time with her paw in the same position on this stick shaped treat, she got the darn thing stuck to the bottom of her foot.:noway: I attempted to help her remove it, but she did NOT want the help and was most uncooperative. I was trying to locate the muzzle that I used during ear treatments, but before I could find it, she had managed to chew and lick and get it off her foot. I hope she didn't pull out too much hair. Poor baby. :heart: Yow!!

    Amalia--I don't know if they have Tilapia where you are, but if not, any mild white fish will work with this idea. I take a fillet and put peach mango salsa, or regular salsa or some pico de gallo over it and microwave it long enough for the fish to cook. Very yummy!!

    Jeannie--Enjoy your visit with your MIL

    Denise--Nice to catch up with you.

    Well, it is time to go do one of the many things I need to get done today, so BFN

  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    Well, I'm off to the gym - better late than never. Hope I can find a treadmill open. Kackie - I'm doing my best to get rid of 3# by May 1. Yesterday I ate about 1/3 of my exercise calories instead of most of them. I also did a cardio pump class and a pilates class in addition to 45 minutes of walking at 3mph. That's a struggle for me for some reason - I guess I have a short stride. Hopefully I have gotten rid of a pound. I weigh at they gym so I'll know here shortly.

    I will keep with the classes in addition to the walking and try my best to only east 1/3 of my exercise calories and see how that goes.

    It's an eye opener to exercise in front of a mirror overweight and with people 30 to 40 years younger than yourself. But I did keep up! Only thing I can't do is bounce. I injured my left foot and have a plate in my shoe. Darn thing took two years to heal up and I'm not going to re-injure it bouncing at this weight! :noway: Maybe I can do it all when I get rid of some of me.

    You all are going to hear it when I get to 199 - 12 pounds to go. I am so done with being 200+! :angry:

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    :bigsmile: Dropping in to say my weight stayed the same this week. I have been exercising a lot but going out to eat more also....so staying the same was perfectly acceptable for this week.:smile:
    The weather is beautiful today in Rhode Island so we may take out the bikes tonight and take a ride!:bigsmile:

    Welcome to any newcomers! :flowerforyou: Wow! Greece!!! We really are the "world wide web"! Wonderful to have you join us. We are a group of women striving to be healthier and more positive! We all are beautiful ladies no matter what our weight. :wink: Take it "One day at a time" and before you know it....it becomes a week,......and then a month...and for me it's 8 months!
    Good Luck and God Bless!!!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Rebel - my prayers are with you and your family.

    Just had some pumpkin seeds, and now I feel really full. Went over a bit today on the calories (just by 11), but I'm not really concerned because I never add in my exercise (and get more calories) so I'm sure I've at least evened out. Never realized how filling the pumpkin seeds would be!

    It's Sunday. Had some pumpkin seeds. I am so surprised how very filling they are!

    Kathy - 2 pounds but you gave up smoking! Congrats. Keep up with the "no smoking". So what if you gained 2 pounds? You're getting healthier

    Viv - I need to work on not eating so fast, too, and being more mindful of what it is I'm eating. I don't know about you, but it's HARD. Probably something I should have done during Lent is just eaten when I was hungry and being more mindful of what it was I was eating.

    Jeannie - I guess I started dying my hair about 4 years ago. I do find that after dying my hair, I really need to use one of those shampoos for dyed hair. If I don't, the dye comes out faster. I have the same kind of dye -- the kind that washes out. I think coloring my hair makes me, in a sense, feel younger.

    Faye - I don't remember what everyone says. What I do is I create a document, put it there when I'm thinking of it, then copy and paste the entire thing.

    WooHoo - I stopped at this store today to look for a blouse. It's a kind of outlet. Anyway, they had this pair of pants (Dockers) for $14.99 it was 50% off. The tag said it was a 2P. There is no way I fit into a 2P, but I tried it on anyway. It FIT!!!! Was I shocked. Then, because it was Monday I got an extra 15% off. So that certainly worked. $6.88. I really do think it was mismarked. I one time bought a pair of pants that had a ticket in it saying to was a 14P. When I looked at the waist, there was no way it was a 14! So I tried it on, and sure enough, it must have been a 4 because it fit me.

    Did 30 Min of a toning workout DVD, then went to the Y for 30 min on the treadmill (2 min @ 2% incline, 2 min @ 3% incline, 4mph) then 30 min on the StairMaster. I tell ya, when you haven't done it in a while, that is some workout! Since I have a meeting at the Y tomorrow at 7 (yes, a.m., so that means that I'll have to get up at 5), I'll take a spinning class there. Then Wed. I'll take the deep water aerobics class. Thurs I'm thinking that I'll take a pilates class and then Friday I'll do a band workout. Gotta watch my DVD, write down the exercises, then I can go to the Y and do them in front of a mirror. Sat. will most likely be yoga again.

    Carbs are my downfall, too. Once I get in the habit of having a cookie, it takes a while for me to get that craving out of my system. I do find, tho, that when I'm craving carbs, it sometimes helps to have a piece of fruit.

    mimi - I absolutely agree with you. The important thing is to get back on track.

    barbie - How many times when I'm doing yoga and/or pilates, I find myself looking up to see if there are any cobwebs or extra dust. Problem is, I usually forget about it after I do the tape....lol so it doesn't get dusted

    I really should have done some food shopping at WalMart yesterday, but I didn't, I just spent the day lounging around (after doing pilates).

    Viv - those were the same questions I had about roasting the veggies! So I'll be anxiously looking for answers. I've always wondered - don't some veggies take longer to roast than others? Update: thanks for all the great suggestions!

    Mimi - I wonder if you can roast veges that have been cut up on a platter in the store? Guess you can add sweet potatoes that have been cut up into fries. How do you record the calories?

    Barbara - my heart goes out to you and everyone in your community. When ds was in the 4th grade a girl was beaten to death. What they did was plant an evergreen tree in her memory because an evergreen never dies. The kids also wrote their names on index cards then taped the cards to a balloon. Then they let the balloon go into the sky.

    Kathy - you seem to be dealing with your mom's situation so well. Better than I would, that's for sure. I know that bringing your mom home is the best thing you can do. Let her be happy and when God decides it's time, He'll let you know. And if He doesn't want her, no matter what happens, she isn't going. It's really out of your and the doctor's hands.

    Denise - I'm so sorry you didn't get to Rome. I hope the flights are resumed since ds is supposed to be back on US soil in about 10 days. Well, you'll get to Rome, that's for sure.

    amascot - sometimes I think my getupandgo gotupandwent!...lol

    Kacki - if you need someone to carry your bags to the Bahamas, I hereby volunteer......you don't even have to pay me (just the airfare)...lol

    Welcome everyone new!

    Faye - boy, you've certainly been exercising! Pilates, cardio pump and walking. That's wonderful! Whenever I do aerobics, I always do low impact (that's where one foot is on the ground at all times).

    Well, dh JUST had his lunch at about 3:30. He doesn't want dinner until as late as possible. I'm trying to tell him that he really needs to eat lunch at an earlier time. He feels that he was painting the garage and didn't want to stop. What to do with him? There is NO WAY that I'll be able to wait until 7 to eat. Besides that, it's really not good for you to be eating so late. Do I have to be like a mother and constantly remind him to eat???

    Hope everyone has a great day!

  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    Hi everyone :flowerforyou:

    :sad: After a bad weekend I still can't seem to get it right! I know the theory, I just can't seem to put it into practice. I think I am doing okay until I put my food into my diary and then I find I'm not doing too well at all. :frown:

    :ohwell: Barbie I know you (and a few others) have said it may help to enter food in advance. I did try once or twice but found it hard. I'll have to check out those recipe links to get more ideas and plan ahead.

    Back to the drawing board (again) for me I'm afraid. It's a tricky business this dieting lark :bigsmile: but I am determined to do it. :smile:

    :smile: I've just signed up for the race for life (those in the UK will know that it's a charity run - in my case walk ) for women in aid of breast cancer. I did it last year with my SIL Helen and my niece Tracy and her baby Autumn all in the picture on my profile. We had such fun, the weather was lovely and there was such a good atmosphere that we decided we would do it again this year. :happy: I am also in a walking challenge at work starting next month so it will be back to wearing the pedometer non stop for just over 3 months :bigsmile: I am hoping this will inspire me to get into shape. I have about 5 weeks before the race for life and I would like to lose some weight before then.

    It helps to read all your posts, where do some of you get your energy from for all the exercise you do? Going to do 10 mins of bouncing - hope I don't disturb the doggies - they are sleeping and the trampoline is a bit squeeky :bigsmile:

    Take care and BFN

    Viv :smile:
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good evening everyone, just stopped by to say hello.:happy: I am baby sitting my grandchildren at my daughter's house so I will make this short. :smile: The results of my weigh in.......drum roll.......... a whole 4 ounces lost.:smile: But guess what, I will gladly take it. I was afraid after the weekend I had I was up a pound. I am not having a good day though, I think I may have lost my wallet. I won't know for sure until tomorrow when I go to work to see if it is my office. :sick: I'm sick to my stomach and my head feels weird from the stress. If it's not in my office then I guess I will be on the phone cancelling credit cards and praying they don't use my SS card to steal my identity. I will keep you posted. Have a wonderful evening, Rose