

  • ainslieglen
    ainslieglen Posts: 110
    Gotta drink water, gotta drink water,GOTTA DRINK WATER!!!!! Why is it so hard to remember?:drinker:
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :drinker: Good evening everyone

    :noway: Rose, how awful that you may have lost your wallet. I do hope you have left it at work. On Wednesday I met some friends in the works canteen and forgot to pick up my handbag, I felt sick to my stomach when I realised I’d left it (a whole 15 mins later) I went running back to the canteen and luckily it had been handed in. It made me feel so shaky though so I can imagine how you are feeling.:frown:

    :flowerforyou: Faye & Kackie good luck with losing 3lb before 1st May, I’m sure you both can do it!

    :flowerforyou: Ainslieglen - Welcome, this is a good place to get advice and support and yes you can vent, everyone will soon help you back on track.

    :smile: Barb I too like to hear the stories about your naughty dogs, ours are quite boring in comparison. Mind you with Frankie being so difficult it’s probably a good job they are reasonably good in the house. Tara isn‘t too bad, but Frankie has been known to pinch food if left within his reach. Frankie is much better behaved in the house than when he is outside on walks. It’s just a pity that he can’t be trusted with any one but daughter me and hubby. Oh for a normal dog. If ever we get another dog it has to be normal :bigsmile:

    Robin was there anything in the soil - chemicals to help things grow may be harmful it depends how much was eaten. Best check with the vet just to be on the safe side. :smile:

    :drinker: Denise I’m like you and need to do more exercise. I am pretty active during the day though but feel I need to do what I call proper exercising rather than just rushing backwards and forwards to work and walking the dogs. It was gone 9p.m. by the time we got home tonight and I was just too tired to exercise.

    :bigsmile: Ainslieglen I know, why is it so hard to remember to drink water :laugh: At work we remind each other, but once I am home on an evening that's it I have maybe two cups of tea.

    Well if I'm to make one of my goals (get to bed before 11:30 p.m.) :smile: I'd better say goodnight all

    Goodnight All :heart:

    Viv :smile:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Denise - the picture is nice

    Reb - I so want to get my bike seviced so I can ride. (its been gather dust for 6 years) DH and I used to ride. Don't know what happened.

    Ainslieglen - welcome and just say chug a lug

    Jeannie - Glad MIL arrived safely and I hope you got to the Dr.s appointements okay.

    Kackie - we all know the scale stalls sometimes. Change something up, a new move, a new food, extra water something.

    Amasot - good job starting the exercise thing. it helps

    Laura - sorry your Mom can get so stubborn. But at least you still have her. I would give anything to still have mine.

    Faye - the chicken sounds wonderful. You are really working it out so I guess it doesn't matter so much what you eat

    Edited because it posted before I was thru

    MacMadame - half Ironman? You rock. - BTW ...I don't like spinning cuz I don't have any padding on my butt.

    Viv - sweet dreams

    So Bodi seems fine. nothing in his poop but plenty of it. I love dogs to death especially him but sometimes it can be so frustrating. I ahve been busting out the exercise this week. I am at 5559 for the week. I hope it shows on the scale tomorrow. the sun is shining this afternoon so I actually got a few blocks in place. the wall is slow going but I enjoy it more if I don't push.

    I hope you all have a great evening.
  • rfsahae
    rfsahae Posts: 68 Member
    Mary - Donating blood is worth, like, 500 calories, yes? :wink: I like to donate and encourage others to do so but I can't donate this year because I traveled to one of the malaria counties within the last 12 months.

    Rebel - Very good plan, - - eat pizza, bicycle 20K. You probably came out even, and added some muscle, which will increase your metabolism and burn more calories. Excellent long term plan.

    Barbiecat / MacMadame - - the thing that convinced me that exercise makes a major difference is The Biggest Loser. They eat 1200-1800 calories a day, depending on sex, age, health, and consistently lose 3 to 10 pounds per week. Yes, they are working out 5 hours a day, but in an ordinary person that rate of weight loss would be unhealthy. I know they are pre-screened and are basically healthy, so of course you have to modify everything with your personal situation, but still... their results are amazing. And it's largely exercise.

    Denise - - Yes, cold miserable weather makes me want a cup of hot chocolate. Yay sunshine! :flowerforyou:

    Laura - - Very glad your mom is making progress. Slow forward is still forward. I'm sure that talking to you is a highlight of the day for her, even if she can't discuss Physical Therapy with you. You can still ask about her aches and pains and probably get a rundown on the PT that way. 83 is a lotta years. I hope I make it. :drinker:

    Terri - - It's possible that weight that goes back on quickly is mostly water retention from salt. You might find that your 4 pounds are easier than you think.

    Faye - - I eat a little of my exercise calories as well. Just means you won't lose quite as fast. But that's ok, it's like having a small reward for exercising. I used to have a foot problem too, pulled a muscle in my arch that took A YEAR to heal, because I kept injuring it when walking. The solution for me was an orthotic insert for my shoes. They are WONDERFUL and I never walk without them. I don't get them specially fitted, I just go to Foot Locker and buy off the shelf. I LOVE them. (P.S. They are green, to match your complexion) :smile:

    Viv - - I log my food before dinner so I know what I can eat in the evening. Otherwise I think I would be over every day also. How great that your work offers activities like a walking challenge!

    Rose / Laurel - I hope your wallet is at work. What a hassel. I guess if you called any of your card companies and there was a charge on it you'd know that the wallet probably wasn't at the office. Ouch. :cry:

    ainslieglen - - Welcome. This is a good group. Even if we are old enough to be your daughters. :smile:

    Kackie - - Get a large hammer and give the scale a little tap. I have a degree in engineering from a prestigious university, you can trust my advice. :happy:

  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Amalia – I love Mediterranean food too and was just thinking of how to work it into next week’s meals.

    Jackie – I will keep my fingers crossed that your Mum comes home able to stand and transfer. I will also say a prayer or two in case the fingers don’t work.

    Faye – You got me laughing. Those seats sure are small aren’t they?

    I made it through all the doctor's appointments today. The lunch at Dairy Queen did my calories in, but it was so good. lol
    DD will not be able to do the Run for the Zoo this year, it is too soon. So we will also be looking for another charity run/walk to do. Albuquerque has a lot of them, so it shouldn't be too hard to find a good cause. Thanks for the positive feedback on the suggestion.

    Well, off to cook dinner.

  • heartrw
    heartrw Posts: 187 Member
    Welcome to...ainslieglen, babybluebarbie, skbgogirl (Sharon), memarioz, LollyOllie , Candy and debieanne (welcome back??)...I'm a little slow in welcoming but just as sincere:love:
    Why do little puppy boys chew on everything? DH is upset with me because I didn;t notice that Bodi pulled a tin foil brownie pan off the outside table - it had potting soil in it. He proceded to shred the thing and now DH is all worried about him. I am assuming that he didn't swallow big chunks and that he should probably have some sparkly poop for a day. Do you think I should be more concerned?

    :laugh: We once had a dog (puppy--part pit bull) that ate the metal aluminum slats out of a chain link fence, chewed the wheels off the barbecue, the bristles off a steel bbq brush and chewed through the main electrical wire on a central air conditioning unit to our house...all without any lasting effects...to the dog!!:noway: The mutt was indestructible!! Everything the dog got ahold of, however, was pretty much toast!

    Thank you everyone for your kind thoughts and wishes. I am happy to report that I have no plans to self destruct this coming weekend as I did the last one! I just need to kick my butt back into exercising...speaking of which, I need to cut this short and go jump on the treadmill. I am struggling with the idea of abstinence in OA...I have come to the conclusion that FOR ME, a life without ever enjoying wine, happy hours or the occasional piece of cake is pretty much not something I can commit to. I think I need to allow myself the lattitude to have an hour or so off (at a time, i.e. a happy hour, or a dinner out) without allowing it to stretch into a three night free-for-all as I did last weekend. Also, I've decided that I need to follow the good examples set by so many of you here, which is concentrate on trying to up the amount of time for my dedicated exercise time as well as ramping up my other activities such as gardening and house cleaning. If I keep my level of activity up, then the occasional glass of wine or other indulgence won't be a big deal! Wish me luck!

    Five more days to work this temp assignment. I've been doing good with packing healthy lunches. But you do notice how quickly I fell into that work-reward cycle we talked about some time back on this thread. You remember....treat yourself on Thursday because tomorrow is Friday...treat yourself on Friday because you worked all week and it's Friday...treat yourself on Saturday because you worked hard all week and it's Saturday night and, after all, you deserve it!!...treat yourself on Sunday because tomorrow is Monday and you have to go back to work!!!! And I'm only working a three week job...so I really feel your pain all of you full-time girls!! It is tough not falling into the weekend diet trap!

    Have a good night all! :heart: Terri:heart:
  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    Dang Jeannie, small isn't the word for those bicycle seats. :noway: But I didn't chicken out I stuck out the whole 45 minutes, though I must confess this first time I didn't stand up. I cranked up the tension with everyone else but thought I'd best not push my luck. I'm going to sneak in there and try one by myself and see if I can do it before next class. :bigsmile: I know the instructor was keeping and eye on me. I did make a joke about if my face matched my shirt there might be a problem ( I had on a bright pink top).

    Yup, orthotics can work wonders Randy! Mine is a titanium plate and it works great. I have worn it for two years now after doing 3 months in a orthotic boot. I fell into a deep ditch with a big dog crate in my hands and landed with all my weight on the toe of my left foot. I finally can go without it for part of the day, unless I'm doing something strenous. It's amazing how long ligaments and tendons can take to heal! :grumble:

    Getting in a hurry can make you do stupid things.:embarassed: I was trying to get a dog to the vet and the crate wasn't co-operating. I forgot that I was in our son's driveway not ours and stepped off the drive to set the crate down and landed in the ditch. My driveway doesn't have a ditch that close to the house and I was so peeved at being late I forgot.

    To top it all off, I was taking the dog to be neutered and the family all remind me that I was the one who spoiled all his fun. That's gratitude for doing their dirty work for them. :laugh:

    I'll check out Foot Locker when this orthotic wears out. I didn't know they had them - and green too! :wink: Hopefully it will be cheaper that the one I currently have. The coating on mine is getting ratty but I don't care, it still serves the purpose.

    Well, I sis the numbers on my chicken creation and it figures out to 234 calories per piece. So after I added my family sized portion of veggies - tonight was cauliflower, zuchini and peppers plus 3/4 cup of quinoa my dinner totaled 508 calories. I am still stuffed and have eaten a total of 1100 calories today, which is way under the 1500 MFP allots me, not including exercise. I don't usually eat way under my calories but tonight I may have to make an exception. It can't be good to eat, just to eat. I've been doing that for way to long already on my own!

    I need to find a charity walk/run too. That's a good idea.

    Well goodnight all; I've nattered away for way too long.

  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    :yawn: You'd think I would have a great sleep after a 20k bike ride. :yawn: instead I was awake at 4:30 this morning. :yawn: Yawn
    I love to bike! My club does a regular bike ride on Thurs. and today is our "hilly" route. My last hill workout before my Half-ironman. I'm so excited!

    Oh and add me to the list that loves to spin!

    I did it! I have been working towards this for about 18 months, hoping to get there by late May, and today I swam 1/2 mile, doing the crawl stroke, non stop! If you can't tell, I'm pretty excited about this even if I do swim slower than my swim buddies. (It took me 45 minutes. They swim 2/3 to 1 mile in that time.) I really never thought that I would see the day that I could do this!

    MacMadame, as you pointed out, the triathalon requires the 1/2 mile swim, but with my arthritis, I don't see the running part in my future. I admire you for your dedication, though!

    On the subject of sleep: so this morning, I woke up at 4:30, after going to bed at 11. As I said, the night before was about 3 1/2 hours. I have no clue why. This is not like me. I seldom do this, and if I do, I usually know why, but not this time. I'm hoping to sleep until the alarm goes off at 6 tomorrow. Maybe the swimming will help with that.

    Hope all are doing well. Here's to smart choices!
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    I don't have any padding on my butt any more either. But my bike shorts have built-in padding! :laugh:

    Got my protein tested again -- it's much better!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member
    :drinker: :flowerforyou: I just read two days of posts and laughed and cried and thought great thoughts but have not enough memory to respond........we who continue to post, log our food and exercise, and look for ways to be useful in the world. we are the winners.......the pounds and inches lost are additional treats for us.

    :flowerforyou: If you have been logging your food and exercise for awhile and want to go back and see what you ate or how you exercised in the past, it's really easy........look at your food or exercise diary and next to the place with today's date is a small icon that is a calendar, click on it and use the arrows to go back to whatever date you choose, then you can go forward or back to other days or use the calendar to click to another day. when I started on MFP in February 2009, my first goal was to eat all the canned, processed, and frozen food i had so I could start buying only the healthy stuff......so for a couple of months I ate the weirdest meals until all that stuff was gone.

    :flowerforyou: the dog park is open again......the new chain link fence is in place to replace the useless orange plastic one......we went for a walk at the park and went past the off leash area to see what progress had been made with the fence and were amazed to see dogs playing.......the girls took one look at the chain link fence and figured out immediately that they couldn't get through, over, under, or around it and went to play with the other dogs.

    :flowerforyou: we went on our "date" to our favorite restaurant for chicken curry. I drew a line down the middle of the rice and the curry so I could eat half and take half home....with the veggie/tofu spring rolls with peanut sauce the calorie toll was high and I needed an hour of dog walking, two hour line dance class, and a lot of time on the exercise bike to make up for it.......the sodium was a killer so the scale will tell me that I've gained weight (I know it's just water).

    :flowerforyou: Rose, please let us know the fate of your wallet........my recurring nightmare is about losing my wallet......I hope your story isn't a nightmare.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: when DH came home from his trip he brought a wii sports and hooked it up yesterday so I've had a chance to try it out.......it's fun and exercises muscles I don't normally use, but so far I am a klutz at all the games.:laugh: :laugh:
    :heart: hugs:heart: Barbie
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Randy: Thanks for your "technical" advice concerning the scale. It actually registered .5 loss this morning...YEAH:bigsmile: WITHout the whack! Only ONE WEEK until May 1, so don't know if 2.5 pounds can go away by then...but I will TRY. I am trying to do something different every day. Yesterday I did a bit of a bike ride in addition to a walk/run. Today is the young person's Yoga class. I will hide in the back and try to do everything. It is the "flow" class, which I like but constant moving for 90 minutes and sometimes head stands. I won't be doing those!
    Mary: Way to go on the 1/2 mile swim...that is fantastic!!!
    Barblie: Thanks for advice on how to go back on postings

    Regarding biking and padding: I still have some I would like to get rid of. Any takers?

    take care, kackie
  • arborsong
    arborsong Posts: 98
    Good morning, all!!! It's a beautiful day here in NC and I'm off to lunch with a "blind date". Woohoo!

    Here's my update: I've been MIA for 3 months now due to tax season. I was working up to 16 hours a day and 7 days a week, but I survived the chaos. That said, you can only imagine I got zero exercise and ate whatever was handy. Just before all this began, I had lost 6 pounds. Well, on April 16, I weighed and had put all 6 pounds back on. The good news is....if I hadn't lost the weight first, I would have been up 6 pounds. So, for that, I am counting my blessings. Last Friday, one week ago, I returned to normal life and have been to the gym several times, worked in my yard, walked and paid attention to my food. So the super good news is that it paid off and today I am down 4 pounds. YEAH!!! I'm marching on to victory! Please come with me!
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    A quick welcome back from tax season to Louise.

    A quick WOOT WOOT ( a congradulatory cheer) for Mary on her swimming.

    It's off to work for me.

  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good Morning

    Denver Rainy:cry: cloudy:grumble: mountains getting 2 feet of fresh snow:noway: if I was a skier I'd love it...since I'm not, looks like it will be a good afternoon to head to the basement and get in some exercise:wink:

    Today was weigh in morning and I'm down 1.2 from last week:bigsmile: only about 1/2 lb more and I will have met my April goal as well as be at the half way point:drinker: It's really starting to show in the way the clothes fit, finally:ohwell: and when I told ALL to my hubby (I really didn't want to tell him how much I had to lose:huh: or was it how much I had gained :huh: no..no it was I didn't want to confess how much I weighed when I started:sick: )he was very proud of my progress. Now I'm really motivated to get this excess off and get to some of those clothes just calling to me:wink:

    Only a short day at work today:smile: Peanut is at the Vet for his annual physical, he was not a happy camper:cry: I had to pour him out of his carrier:laugh: to get him on the scale. When I pick him up this afternoon he will be mad at me for the evening:grumble: and will most likely want to sit on hubby's lap for the evening ignoring me:huh: too bad he doesn't understand it's because I love him:love:

    I'll have to catch up with all of yesterday's posts this afternoon after my work out....continue getting rid of all those pounds:drinker: even if they don't want to go:wink:

  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Hello All; It's your resident lurker.

    I am so impressed with all your progress, I wish I had some of my own to report. I continue to burn those cals and watch that intake and am just staying the same. I vary a pound or two this way or that but that's it. I am uncertain what my body is doing but it's healthy so I will be content, and keep working.

    DH and I had a quick trip to Alaska for their Kidz Day event in Anchorage. This is the second time we've been there and we love it.
    Trip was short as this is a very busy season for us, but definitely well worth the effort. I was frisked at the airport on the way home, that was different! There may be a ring of radical farmwife Grammas out there, you never know. Actually it was not a big deal, and as I told the officer " If this keeps a plane in the air, it is well worth the extra bother."

    I am busy in the gardens and busy in the barns, with the animals, and busy with the Grandkids. They came for supper last night. Found them in our closets picking out clothes, they were Gramma and Grampa for the rest of the evening.
    Am not sure of Em's interpretation of Gramma, she had on a Zebra striped shirt, a scarf with a different black and white pattern, which was held in place by her glitter headband. She looked like a little gypsy and told me quite seriously that, "We were just alike." I'd best check the woman in the mirror more closely!

    Take care all, Barbies, Mary, Terri, Kathy, Swissmiss, Louise, MacMadame, Vikki, Birdie, Renny, Laurel, and anyone else I am forgetting to mention, look at how this thread has grown! What a great neighborhood and a wonderful bunch of women.
    Trials and tribulations we all have, but we have triumphs also! I love reading all your posts, thank heaven you're not all lurkers:smile: ((((((:heart: ))))))) Alice
  • mynyddisamrs
    :flowerforyou: Good evening all .... another lovely sunny day . :glasses: I got a bit red sitting in the sun yesterday so will have to be careful. I know I could have been pulling a few weeds but the arm /shoulder still hurts and I'm still being careful. How long can I keep this up ....hope not much longer as things need doing.

    Last nights meal out ...curry ....was good but sadly I didn't stick to the plan and went a bit over . I actually felt so podged out it was uncomfy.Serves me right!:indifferent:

    :drinker: Today ...scales were the same and it's the Moroccan Lamb for tonight. Didn't actually have it the other night. Should be in the calories if i'm careful.

    :happy: Wishing our life away or giving us even more to look forward to was on the agenda today ...we booked another cruise to Alaska. Sept.2011 from Seattle. I liked the way you said you just popped over there Alice!!!

    :laugh: I must just add that You won't see me in the London Marathon this weekend ...... not quite my thing as you can probably tell!!

    :grumble: Mum no better today ...still not eating. What a fuss she made when the nurse tried to get her to take a yakult probiotic drink was nobody's business!!

    :drinker: Oh well ...dinners done, the wines chilled and I'm starving!!!

    Have a good weekend everyone ...including all the Newbies!
    :heart: Jackie
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :cry: Update: FIL indicated he wants to go to Jesus. We are happy to hear that he has made peace to step over that threshold. I just booked a flight for DH leaving Sunday. We are fortunate that space was available given the backlog of people trying to get to and from Europe. May the cloud of volcano ash not interfere!

    :flowerforyou: Thanks ladies for thinking of our family. :flowerforyou:

  • babybluebarbie
    Hi all!

    Life is beginning to return back to normal! My son went back to his own bedroom last night! He asked me the night before how long it would be before he could forget what he saw at the viewing(our little community 13 year old that died), and remember her for the outgoing, social butterfly she was............I told him time would help and had him keep a picture of her on his phone close at hand.

    Having my bed to myself again means more sleep!!! Yeah! So, hopefully, I will have the energy to get back into my exercise routine. I really need that, and am looking forward to it.:flowerforyou:

    Alice: I love your reference to a ring of radical farmwife grammas! I look forward to the days of being a grandma! It sounds like you have such a wonderful time with your grandchildren.

    Laura: You go girl! You'll get that last 1/2 pound I know.

    Gotta get back to class all. Will have to comment again later. Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! I am heading off to Kansas City with my daughter and friend. Shopping time!!!!!:bigsmile: Nike Outlet here we come. My daughter is a fitness director of a gym and she loves the Nike Outlet store.

  • ainslieglen
    ainslieglen Posts: 110
    Hi everyone!

    Ok, right to my gigantic "I'll just show You" tantrum last evening. Completed my diary, hit the enter button, and there was a message at bottom telling me I needed more calories and must get the minimum 1200 a day goal or my metabolism would do whatever metabolisms do and I'd be in deep doo doo. OK......MORE CALORIES? So, in a big snit, I went and got a bag of chips(240 calories) AND a chocolate bar(210 calories) and ate both in about 5 minutes.Grand total 450 calories, thereby cheating myself out of almost a whole day in what would be a good week come Sunday. If I'm really honest with myself, I believe I was grateful for a so-called reason to do it. I weighed myself this morning and am down 3 pounds (hurray!), but, man it's a wake -up call that I'm capable of sabotaging myself at the slightest opportunity. I can't even trust ME!!!! I'll do better after this cr--py performance. As I write this I just want to cry...oh oh....no pity parties Ainsliglen! I always invite Marsbars to them.

    Enough about ME,ME,ME.....I hope all of you have a happy day!

    Kackie I'm glad your scale offered good news this AM. And MIMI/grans, you are an inspiration!

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member
    :flowerforyou: Rebel, I'm so glad to hear that your hubby will be going to see his father.....I know that I am grateful that I was able to be near both my parents at the end of their lives.
    :flowerforyou: Alice, on the subject of flying and airport security, when we went to Phoenix, they searched my backpack (the "strange" items turned out to be bars of hotel soap) and while they were searching my backpack they stopped the carry-on of another "granny" so maybe you're right that the new terrorist profile is farm grannies:laugh: :laugh: I too, willingly submit to all the security procedures and only afterward do I make jokes about it......we just get to the airport extra early.....DH has an implanted defibrillator so he has to be frisked every time.

    :flowerforyou: there was no line dance today so I slept late, spent a lot of time talking to DH, ate breakfast, rode the exercise bike, and only now (10:30 AM) am thinking about getting in the shower

    :flowerforyou: Louise, I'm glad to hear that you survived tax season.....I hope all your clients love and appreciate you as much as we appreciate our wonderful tax preparer.....

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Jackie, we went out for curry yesterday and the scale reflected the huge sodium intake....I brought half of it home for lunch today so the sodium overload will continue....:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    :flowerforyou: Laura, once you tell hubby how much you weighed when you started, then he can celebrate with you as the pounds go away......keep on keeping on......your focus will help you reach your goal.....
    have a great day :heart: hugs:heart: Barbie

    :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: one more thing, we are approaching 500 posts......when we get to 500, the thread will be locked (you'll be able to read but not post) and there will be a link at the bottom of the last post to get you to the new thread (WOMEN 50+ for APRIL part two) :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: