

  • ainslieglen
    ainslieglen Posts: 110
    Hi everyone!

    I've been reading your posts and just love the exchanges of news, support and caring there. It's going to be really fun sharing with all of you. I, too, am a grandmother. Sadly none of them live close to me, so I've become the "flying gramma". My baby grandson is just about to turn 2, middle grandson is 10, oldest grandson turned 20 yesterday. My only granddaughter is 16. They are situated in Mexico, Calgary and North Carolina, and I spend a month a year with each. The rest of the time we see each other on Skype. Not the same as being able to hug them , but better than the phone.

    Have lived alone since 2001, and was doing fine (weight wise) until 2004 when I faced some major health issues. Along with that I went on a "pity party", and I was the only guest:cry: I packed on the pounds with my buddies.....amazing how friendly Mars bars can be. Now the party is over, and I am SO motivated to drop the weight. I want to be around and be really active ALL the time, but especially when I'm with the grandchildren. Your posts make me feel part of a commited community. Thanks:flowerforyou:
  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    Back from the gym and I'm down a pound - finally. :bigsmile: Roasted chicken and 3 veggies for dinner. It may be my imagination but my complexion is looking faintly green... :noway: Two pounds to go by May 1st!

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Why do little puppy boys chew on everything? DH is upset with me because I didn;t notice that Bodi pulled a tin foil brownie pan off the outside table - it had potting soil in it. He proceded to shred the thing and now DH is all worried about him. I am assuming that he didn't swallow big chunks and that he should probably have some sparkly poop for a day. Do you think I should be more concerned?
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Faye: Way to go on your exercise! I have no doubt you will make our May 1 goal...and all of your other goals! I did the roasted vegies last night and tonight too along with a bit of flank steak. Yum!

    MacMadame & Barbie: You 2 are great inspirations for all of us and I agree that exercise does help boost weight loss. I am trying to add a bit more to shake up a stuck scale. Thanks for your good example! By the way...how do you look back and see what your past exercise or food intake has been?

    ainsllegan: (hope I got that right) WELCOME! I like that...the flying grandma! Sounds like you have some great places to fly to! Best of luck on your goals...this site is certainly very helpful!

    amasot: Way to go with the fish...I think that is a great way to eat. Let us know what you like best as far as recipes. I also hope that your legs are feeling better...did you get in your exercises?

    I would love to have some of you come along on the Bahamas trip. We are going with oldest son, his darling wife and our little grand daughter. They will move to Chicago just after the trip so we will be the built in babysitters so that they can have a nice holiday before their move. Not a bad place to baby sit, I agree!!!

    I did the 30 day shred again today after a few days off. I am still doing level 1 and can finally do the whole thing without stopping. I guess I should go on to level 2. Does anyone know how to compute the calories used? I have just been counting it as jumping rope since I don't know.

    Good evening all and here's to moving that ticker:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I'm really tired - just got 3 1/2 hrs of sleep last night, so just popped in to say hi. Drank a little more water than usual today - could still improve. Good night!
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :bigsmile: Checking in to say that I survived the 20k bike trip home. I am quite tired. A hefty wind that was against me as well as there seemed to be more up than downhills. In addition, I think my gears need adjusting. 4, 5 and 6 appear to be the same and 1 is not 1. No wonder I could not get up that final hill. Anyway, I made it home in 1.5 hours and headed straight for the shower.

    :ohwell: DH is on the phone with siblings to talk about the FIL situation. With 10 siblings there are differences of opinion as you can imagine and there was a bit of a meltdown from the youngest this week. Meanwhile, emotions have become back to a manageable level and we carry on. I so appreciate your comments of support. :flowerforyou:

    :bigsmile: The pizza at lunch today was salty and I thought I would enjoy it more. The calories were actually not too bad. So, no regrets.

    :heart: I read all your posts and they are very meaningful to me. :heart: :heart:

    Supper is calling.
  • ainslieglen
    ainslieglen Posts: 110
    Thanks for the welcome Kackie! So glad I found this place. It gives me somewhere to feel at home and to ask for advice and support and...dare I say?...maybe vent occasionally. I never had a sister, so it'll be a lot of fun having so many all at once. I'll be online every day enjoying the posts. Ainslieglen:drinker:
  • ainslieglen
    ainslieglen Posts: 110
    P.S. My older daughter is 50...so, many of you could be my kids!:noway:
  • smelliott
    smelliott Posts: 120
    Good Morning everyone,

    It’s another lovely sunny day here. I am doing well on the eating front but could do better on the exercise front. I did do some yesterday though. I will have to try harder:blushing: .

    Jeannie - glad to hear your daughter is doing so well and I hope you enjoy your MIL’s visit.

    Laura – it’s good to hear that the news from your Mom sounds positive.

    Terri – well done for getting back on the wagon. I know it’s easy to fall off but harder to climb back on.

    Barb – I love to hear the stories about your naughty dogs.

    Faye – if you keep exercising like that you will put me to shame on the 1st. Well done on losing that pound. I will have to pull my socks up!

    Michele – certainly sounds like you got a bargain with those pants.

    Viv – congratulations on doing the Run for Life (even if you do have to walk). It is such a good cause:flowerforyou: .

    Rose - I hope you find your wallet:heart: .

    Ainslieglen – Hello and welcome. You have some great places to visit. My sister lives in Calgary now and we spent a month in Canada last year and loved it.

    Robin – Why don’t you try ringing your vet and asking advice?

    Renny – I’m not surprised you are tired after 20k on the bike. Well done girl!:flowerforyou:

    Oh, I've changed my profile picture to one of me taken last summer. I'll leave it for a couple of days and then change it back to Hamish, my boxer, as he's much prettier:laugh: .

    Have a good day
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :yawn: You'd think I would have a great sleep after a 20k bike ride. :yawn: instead I was awake at 4:30 this morning. :yawn: Yawn

    :drinker: It's now 6 AM and I am going to put the coffee on :drinker: and make myself some breakfast. :wink:

    Have a great day everyone!

    :heart: Rebel:heart:
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Terri – Don’t let the couple of pounds setback get to you. Spring is here and you will have more opportunities for fresh air and exercise (aka yard work).

    Faye – When you get to 199 pounds I pledge to celebrate with you by doing 10 minutes extra cycling!

    Viv- You gave me an idea for a challenge for our group if some are up to it. We should all pledge to do 1 charity race/walk this summer for what ever our favorite cause is. It might motivate us all just a little. Most events have a short walk available for those who can’t walk/run a 5K. How about it? Any one up for execising for a good cause (besides our own health) this summer? With that said, ours will either be the Run for the Zoo or the Doggie Dash and Dawdle. It will depend on DD’s recovery time tables.

    Ainslieglen – welcome! Your grandchildren are lucky to have you flying around to see them every year. I hope you can keep it up for years to come.

    Rebel – way to go on the bike ride!

    OK, I was bad. I didn’t take good enough notes to know who have been throwing out the fish dishes. They all sound good. I think I will try the peachy sounding one next week.

    MIL arrived safely! I have off today but each kiddo has 2 doctors appointments, so I will be driving back and forth and around and around all day. Well, off to get some exercise in before I start driving around all day,

  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    The scale is stuck...the scale is stuck!!! :cry: I am going for a long walk/run (mostly walk) here shortly to try to shake off another pound. I think my one bad day last Saturday is paying me back. I am eating at home all week in order to have more control over ingredients so HOPE something will give soon. I still have hopes of makes the 3 pounds by May 1!!! Somehow!?!:glasses:

    Rebel: Hope you don't fall asleep today after your long bike ride and early morning!
    Jeannie: I like your challenge that we all find a charity walk/run to motivate us AND help a worthy cause & Viv...good for you for already signing on for yours. I will look around for the right one near me.
    Mary: Good for you for donating blood. I hope that the water intake will help you recover and also just help you in general
    Laura: So glad to hear your Mom is making progress. I do hope that continues
    Terri: Hope those 4 pounds go away soon so you can enjoy a nice massage. It is my favorite treat too. Keep up the good work...your ticker proves you know what to do!
    Barb(weaklink109): Reading your doggie adventures made me tired! Aren't you glad that you called about your appointment before you actually went?
    Rose: Did you find your wallet? Glad to hear about your lost 4 ounces but hope you find the wallet!!!

    I am heading to my walking shoes right now!!! Have a great day all, Kackie:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • amasot
    amasot Posts: 86
    A beautiful, sunny, spring day here in Greece abd I'm starting to feel that we are finally getting out of that deep dark tunnel that was my winter! The temperature is about 20 C and dreams of summer are dancing in my head :love:
    Of course, summer to me means sun, the beach, swimming... uh oh swimming means swimsuits and all my blubber exposed to the world!! :sad: Guess I need to redouble my efforts in this weight loss trip!!! :ohwell:
    At least I did get a bit of exercise on the machine last night and I'll try to up it to 20-30 minutes tonight. It won't help me lose weight but if it helps me walk a little in the summer, I'll be happy.
    The fish turned to shrimp yesterday because that can I thought had sardines in it had different fish that looked like sardines but gosh, it tasted awful! :noway: Luckily, I had shrimp in the freezer and the day was saved!
    About those recipes: I cook very simply because I can't stand around too long making elaborate dishes. I like spices of every kind and like trying new and exotic things - as long as I can get the ingredients locally. I do like the Mediterranean cuisine, especially the herbs and I avoid processed foods as much as possible. I like to taste each individual ingredient in my dishes, not change them beyond recognition. I made guacamole once from a recipe I found online with cream cheese and countless other ingredients in it. It wasn't bad, but I'm just as happy cutting an avocado in half and adding a little salt and lemon or lime juice.
    I hope you are all having a wonderful day!

  • amasot
    amasot Posts: 86
    Amalia--I don't know if they have Tilapia where you are, but if not, any mild white fish will work with this idea. I take a fillet and put peach mango salsa, or regular salsa or some pico de gallo over it and microwave it long enough for the fish to cook. Very yummy!!

    Thank you Barb, but your recipe has 3 ingredients I can't find locally: tilapia, salsa of any kind and pico de gallo. :sad:
  • ainslieglen
    ainslieglen Posts: 110
    Hi everyone

    It;s bright and sunny today, and it sure does lift the spirit to look outside and see spring.

    I do my first weighin/check in on Sunday when I've completed my first full week at mfp, and I really am terrified that nothing will have changed. I'm tempted to find out today, and there's nothing to stop me, but it would be like opening your Christmas presents on Dec.23.......I think I'll wait until Sunday.

    smelliott.....isn't Calgary a fun city? Were you there during Stampede week? I hope you had great weather, and that you got to visit Banff and Lke Louise.

    Kackie.....hi friend and I hope your scale gets unstuck...you know it will!

    I'm about to tackle my day now.....I hope you all get to have a lot of happy moments today....even one is priceles.

  • mynyddisamrs
    :flowerforyou: Hi everyone ..... a lovely sunny, ashless day in N.Wales!!

    Again ... a quick dip in to this great "Club" today.
    :indifferent: I didn't weigh today.... I'm still in with calories and have logged in the Indian meal were just about to have already. A bit of a guesstimate but can't be far wrong!!

    :smile: I can still get in to those UK size 16's .... today I resurrected a bright pink skirt that hasn't seen the light of day for a few years (owing to it shrinking you understand!!) :laugh: I do love bright colours!! It's so much nicer to have sun to wear them in.

    :ohwell: Mum's not much further forward today. Still not feeling well and not cheery. Still not eating and couldn't eat more than two bites of a nice ham sandwich on homemade brown bread. I do fear she'll be home, possibly in three weeks time, unable to walk. We're hoping she'll at least be able to stand and be able to get to a wheel chair without a hoist. Fingers crossed it'll be better than that..

    :drinker: Good luck all you "gals" that have found your charity walk to support. To any of you that are still playing catch up (like me) after see sawing the lbs ....keep trying!! Being aware of what's happening is half the battle I think. At least if you know the lbs have slipped back you can set another goal!!!

    Bye for now...:bigsmile: off out to dinner with DH

    Back tomorrow
    :heart: Jackie
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Greetings all from sunny Rhode Island!!! :happy: Hubby and I took a bike ride last night for an hour. It was real nice. :blushing: I don't know much about bike gear,:embarassed: (even though I've been doing it for the last few years....or trying to):embarassed: but....those helmets!!! I hate them! So uncomfortable!! Maybe the one I have doesn't fit right. (It was my husband's). I have very thick hair and a big head!!! :laugh: :laugh: It looks like someone bobbed me over the head and a big blue bump is growing on the top of it!!!:laugh: :laugh: Also, I have a seat that I keep slipping off of. We've tried to reposition it but I have to keep pushing myself up....back onto the seat!:angry: Quite a sight, I might add!!:laugh:
    But all kidding aside, I have a seat that is in 2 parts (each part shaped like a kidney bean....one for each cheek:blushing: ) so you can seperate them....tilt them etc. It's made especially for women to protect their (privates :blushing: ) from getting sore. Has anyone ever had any experience with this type of seat? I've had it a few years and am still trying to figure it out!:ohwell: Maybe I should just go back to a standard seat...hmmm:huh:
    Hope everyone's having a great day!
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good Afternoon

    It's lunch time and my boss is gone for a few hours so even lunch will be quiet today:bigsmile:

    Terri - Hang in there it's just a mini set back and you will be on top of it in no time.:wink:

    Barb- I guess that will teach us to be more careful in the "praise of doggies":noway: I know that when Peanut has done something he knows is wrong he's usually slinking around and then the hunt is on to find out what he's done:grumble:

    Faye - YOU EXERCISED IN FRONT OF A MIRROR:noway: not too sure that I'd be that brave, I'd be looking to see if I could hide behind some of those "kids" :drinker: Congrats on that pound you got ridd of!

    BirdieM- enjoy that beautiful weather:flowerforyou: it's sure to get to you...this rain and clouds:cry: That bike seat sounds interesting:noway: can't say that I've ever seen or heard of that but on my bike my hubby got me a big seat that's really padded:blushing: and then I have the padded bike shorts...plenty of padding to keep from hurting:blushing: :blushing:

    Michele - Pumpkin seeds...I can't remember the last timej I ate some...probably in my 20's:huh:

    Viv - Good for you doing the race for life:flowerforyou: Last year when we were on our UK vacation we were in Glasgow when a group of Bikers arrived with plenty of fanfare and bag pipes. It was the end of the ride I guess they started somewhere in Ireland, I got lots of pictures, some were really decked out:noway: it was fun to see and be a part of their conclusion. Good luck on the race, if nothing else it will be good exercise:wink:

    Rose -:drinker: all those .4's add up! Keep it up! and your wallet???:huh:

    ainslieglen - Welcome:flowerforyou: This is a great place for plenty of encouragment.

    Robin - How's that puppy?:noway: It's amazaing what those little guys eat isn't it?

    Kackie - good job on that 30 day shed:flowerforyou: I'm amazed at all the people that are able to do it...I guess I'm just not ready to jump to that level:blushing: Sorry to hear that the scale is stuck, :huh: I'm sure it's just a temporary mal function

    Mary - hope you got a good nights sleep for once:yawn:

    Rebel - Wow you inspire me, biking against the wind:drinker: and my bike in the basement only takes me as far as the news:wink: Glad to hear that there is "family" progress as to siblings and such with the FIL situation...continuing to send you all {{hug}} and prayers:flowerforyou:

    Denise - yep noticed the picture change:smile: and the setting looks wonderful.

    Jeannie - good idea about doing a charity walk/run...have never done one before so i will have to start looking in my area for one that rings my bell:bigsmile: Glad your MIL arrived safely, with the busy schedule you have I am so impressed that exercise is on the list first:drinker:

    Amalia - Glad you are getting that "taste of summer, in the weather" Sorry that the can had different fishies, :grumble: but glad you were able to salvage the meal with shrimp.

    Jackie - Do hope that your Mum will continue to improve so that when you get her home it's not more work for you:smile: How was that dinner out last night?:drinker:


    Last night talking with Mom, she was telling me that she had two PT sessions and I said that's good, I think she was hoping I would feed her thought of two is too much and then she said she had that other Therapist and I knew she meant Sean ...she doesn't like him because he makes her work:huh: and I just reinforce that I'm glad he does...so she clams up and says she's not going to tell me anything about PT anymore .....but she doesn't know that the nurse social worker will call me and tell me anything I want to know about Mom's care or if she's cooperating with them:wink: Boy do I hope I don't get this stubborn if i live to be her age (83):ohwell:

    Tomorrow is weigh in day and I'm hoping for 4/10 to go away:wink: of course more would just be a bonus.

    Everyone have a good afternoon and evening and may tomorrow be another day where we are all a bit smaller:drinker: :drinker:

  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    Just a quick post before I head out to the gym. Tonight it's spinning, which I haven't tried yet, and pilates. I will get my 45 minutes on the treadmill before the classes so I can get home by 6:30 to warm up the dinner I have just made.

    I was in NYC a couple years ago and had a wonderful chicken dish that I tried to replicate today. It's pounded chicken breast that had rappini and some other ingredients rolled up inside it like a pinwheel. I got 6 big breasts on a killer sale, pounded them really thin and cut them in half. Then I sauted 12 portabello mushrooms and a onion added rosemary herb seasoning, garlic salt, garlic pepper (everything I cook that isn't sweet has garlic in it) and put that in the food processor to mince it up fine. Then I added a bunch of cleaned blanced rappini (brocolli rabe) chopped up fine, a cup of grated asiago cheese and 1/2 cup shredded parmesan cheese. Seasoned the breasts with the pepper rosemary mix, put a dollop of the stuffing on each one and rolled it up and secured with skewers. Gave the tops a spray of olive oil and baked for 40 minutes. They sure look and smell good. time will tell. There is about 3 ounces of chicken in each and just 2 Tbs of oil for sauteing. IT shouldn't be too hard to figure out the protein and calories for the cheese and meat. I'll do that when I get home.

    Kackie and smelliot – Thanks for the encouragement! That's what is so great about this place. May 1st will be here soon and I'm pedaling as fast as I can. :bigsmile: I have a looong way to go, but I'll get there.

    Jeannie - I love your idea of a celebration - exercise. Now there's a good mindset! :drinker: I'll let you know when it's time for your 10 extra bike minutes. I've seen those skinny seats on the spinning bikes...... hopefully I can walk tomorrow. :blushing:

    Well, that wasn't so quick - gotta go.

  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    :yawn: You'd think I would have a great sleep after a 20k bike ride. :yawn: instead I was awake at 4:30 this morning. :yawn: Yawn
    I love to bike! My club does a regular bike ride on Thurs. and today is our "hilly" route. My last hill workout before my Half-ironman. I'm so excited!

    Oh and add me to the list that loves to spin!