5 Pounds A Month April 2010 Challenge



  • siobhannestor
    Phyllis, I was so, so sorry to read your post. At least you got it properly taken care of right away & are following Doc's orders. Am ditto-ing what others are saying about sitting exercise,etc. I am certain thatbyou having the indomitable spirit that you do, this will end up being a small blip in the general scheme of things! Am sending many good wishes your way this evening.

    Jenn, how did your exercise go?

    Karinf - thank you for sharing that info from the NYT - will have to look it up online - it's really interesting and very reassuring in some strange way.

    Elokyn, I'm sure that you are right in attributing your weight gain to your TOM.

    Rj - I will see if I can find the link to the abs workout on Fitness Magazine online and post it tomorrow.

    So had a good day - ended up exceeding my 600 calorie goal for exercise, too. My sweetie said something very sweet to me tonight after I finished my evening circuit training - that he loved watching my body in movement. I always feel so clumsy when I work out, it was a wonderful thing to hear.

    Tomorrow, am taking the afternoon off to go watch the Yankees play the A's. Never seen the Yankees play in person before so am really excited even though I will still be rooting for the a's. Am taking my own food with me so as not to be tempted by the ballpark food (although may go ahead and get a light beer).

    Anyway, here's hoping everyone has a great day tomorrow!

  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    HI PALS:
    THANKS to everyone for all the words of encouragement. It meant so much to me to feel that you all care and know that you are thinking of me and cheering me on to stronger knees and good health. WOW I do feel very cared for and loved. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :heart:

    I enjoyed sleeping in this morning. I thought HEY this is the life! but my body missed the work out. finally I pulled out a Pilates for dummies DVD that I bought in the summer that was still in the Plastic wrapper! Decided to "watch" it and do what ever moves that didn't put any strain on the knee.It was nice to just stretch and breath. I don't know how to calculate the calories burned from a pilates work out. Does anyone know? I didn't work up a sweat at all but the stretches are intense and harder to do than you would think from watching.:laugh:

    Here is a little info on water that I ran across today. Wanted to share with everyone since you are all sharing good things that you find.
    Drinking water at the correct time maximizes its effectiveness on the Human body:

    2 glasses of water after waking up - helps activate internal organs

    1 glass of water 30 minutes before a meal - helps digestion

    1 glass of water before taking a bath - helps lower blood pressure

    1 glass of water before going to bed - avoids stroke or heart attack

    So drink your water ladies. and have a good day. Phyljen:smile:
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member

    Sad to hear about your knee. Follow doctor's orders so it will heal quickly. Hopefully you can find some exercise that does not put stress on your knee.

    I was just complaining to my husband about why getting is shape hurts so much at times. My outside hip muscles have been so sore this week. The only things I have really done differently is lifting bags of dirt for the garden and allowing the dog to go on walks with me (he sometimes gives the leash a hard tug). Just believe that it is worth it to be healthier!

    On a very exciting note the scale actually said 173 this morning! That is the lowest it has been in almost 10 years! I am within 10 pounds of my lowest adult weight that I can remember!:drinker: :drinker:

    I am beginning to wonder how much snot one nose can produce in a day! I know I have not had a cold like this in years. My husband says I have developed a strong resistance because of all the noses I wipe all the time. When I woke up this morning I was so excited that I could breathe and as soon as I stood up my nose started running again. I look like Rudolph.

    Have a healthy day!

  • bethinagain
    bethinagain Posts: 282 Member
    I DID IT!!!!:happy: :happy: :happy:

    I stepped on the scaled this morning and there it was.......164 in bold beautiful digital numbers!!!! I hit my 5 pound goal for April!!!:drinker:

    SW 169
    GW 164 CHECK!:happy:

    Tomorrow is surgery day for me! :frown: Wish me luck! I guess my short term challenge for the rest of this month will be to maintain the weight loss till May 1st or possibly lose another pound would be great!

    Thanks to everyone for all your support. Definately want to do it again next month. I'll be popping in this thread to see how everyone else is doing till we start again in May. GOOD LUCK EVERYONE!!!:flowerforyou:
  • JABehler
    JABehler Posts: 82 Member
    Bethinagain, a couple of things....big congrats on the weight loss for the month. :drinker: AND you mentioned the DVD couch aerobics, I'd be interested to the name of that. My hubby is handicap and can't do much standing. He has Parkinson's and his balance is serverly compromised along with a bad knee. This sounds like something he could do from his chair. AND lastly, but not least, good luck on surgery tomorrow. I will keep you in my thoughts. Do take it easy and go slow even if you do feel much more energetic after a couple of days. It's so easy to overdue. I know, I did that. I thought I had enough energy for a 2 1/2 hr. car ride to see my mom. Boy, that was a mistake. So do take care.

    Phyllis, take care of that knee. You teach and touch lives forever, those kids need you in good shape. :wink

    Sign me,
    Wonder Womean arms in the making,
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Today is Take Your Daughter to Work Day! So I have my little girl next to me coloring while I type. She wanted to get all dressed up (like mommy) today and looks so cute in her dress and black dress shoes. She has been asking a lot of questions and is impressing the Spanish teachers with her Spanish skills. :bigsmile: So I am a very proud mom today.


    Only 629 left to burn! I can't wait until I get on the scale and see if I made progress. I am doing really well. I did good this past weekend for the most part and I have not been snacking at night all week! :bigsmile: I think the extra exercise is really paying off.

    I plan on doing a long walk today, but I am not sure if I can make it to the gym because I have my daughter with me. We will see, I might be able to leave her with my friend and she can help teach the 6th graders Spanish, lol.
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Great job on working out everyone. I am taking it easy today because of this rotten cold. I feel a lot better now than I did first thing this morning! So maybe later I can get in a walk! Here are my workouts for the week thus far.

    Monday 1207
    Tuesday 1038
    Wednesday 628

    Total thus far 2873 Between the next few days I should be able to make it to 3500. Only 627 to go!

    I need to get more water into my system today after reading the post about water!

    Prayers out for a speed recovery Bethinagain and Phyllis.

    Last day before weekly weigh-ins. And one week left in the month.... Keep working and learning about yourself! That is what this is all about. BECOMING THE BEST YOU, YOU CAN BE!
  • kalmf
    kalmf Posts: 351 Member
    Terri, I somehow didn't register your new pic - WOW!!

    Phyljen, you have the best attitude. It's really inspiring because we will all be side-lined at different times in our lives and if we learn to just accept our limitations and move forward gracefully, we'll be okay. After reading and thinking about your predicament I really have a much stronger and deeper sense of what loving and taking care of our bodies means. Ignoring injuries and pummeling our bodies to death to achieve a certain size is no more healthy than shoveling garbage in our mouths - either way it's abusive.

    Jenn, Jaque, Bethinagain and everyone else - excellent commitment and great numbers!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Hi all,
    So my exercise numbers so far
    Sun - 304
    Mon 1209
    Tue 825
    Wed 1181
    Today 1299

    total so far 4818 I am so hoping it shows up tomorrow on the weigh in. although I made my goal last Saturday I have puffed up this week so I am hoping that the official weigh in still shows the goal met.

    Terri your pix is awesome

    to all of you rockin it out - great job!!!!

    to those injured or recouping - speedy recovery!

    Even though I don't know what life holds for me and I could be scared ( some would say "should be" scared) I just have an uncanny feeling that it is all going to work out and be great. the feeling keeps getting stronger everyday when I should be getting more worried. It seems kind of surreal but I will take it over being stressed out any day.

    As Always
  • Coolbean
    Coolbean Posts: 3 Member
    Count me in, I just restarted again today! Current weight 232.
  • siobhannestor
    Terri, great pic!

    Phyllis, to log in your pilates workout, search for yoga - it will pop up with pilates - same # of calories burned.

    I had a great day today - usually end up working some everyday of the week, but took a whole day off today. Worked out in the morning - long walk along the estuary in Alameda + it was sunny today so I finally did the park workout from Fitness Magazine that I've been wanting to do for over a month. Fiance went with me and also did his regular workout in the park - really, really fun. We're moving in together in July - it was nice to exercise in Alameda and to exercise, if not together (he does all of these very "athletic" activities, sprints and such), at least to do it at the same time/same place.

    Went to see the A's game in the afternoon. They actually beat the Yankees - 4 to 2 - woo hoo! It was pretty darn unbelievable and a lot of fun to watch. Am proud of myself because I took my own food rather than eating the ball park food, pretty much none of which is healthy (except for the pear I bought at the fruit stand at the entrance.

    Am tired after being out in the sun so long, but still have my upper body workout to do this evening. So am signing off for now. Have a great day tomorrow, everyone!
  • fivefatcats
    fivefatcats Posts: 368
    Okay I blew it this week!!

    birthday cake, cheetos, pasta . . . I am up, up and up!

    Hoping to recover by next Friday . . .

    I hope everyone else did better than I did :happy:
  • iwantthis
    iwantthis Posts: 15 Member
    Happy Friday Everyone!

    First things first, Terri - you are an absolute inspiration. You look wonderful. Loving the new pics, you must be so excited! WAY TO GO!

    And congrats everyone on your great calorie burning week! wooo hoo!

    Weigh in:
    4/16: 193.2
    4/23: 192

    Can't wait to be out of the 190s... I owe a lot of my motivation to you ladies! Thanks for being so wonderful, and helping me keep myself in check! You are all wonderful and doing so well!!

    Have a great weekend!
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Hi all,
    So my exercise numbers so far
    Sun - 304
    Mon 1209
    Tue 825
    Wed 1181
    Today 1299

    total so far 4818 I am so hoping it shows up tomorrow on the weigh in. although I made my goal last Saturday I have puffed up this week so I am hoping that the official weigh in still shows the goal met.

    Terri your pix is awesome

    to all of you rockin it out - great job!!!!

    to those injured or recouping - speedy recovery!

    Even though I don't know what life holds for me and I could be scared ( some would say "should be" scared) I just have an uncanny feeling that it is all going to work out and be great. the feeling keeps getting stronger everyday when I should be getting more worried. It seems kind of surreal but I will take it over being stressed out any day.

    As Always

    4818!!!!! That better show in your weigh-in....3500 is supposed to be a pound! Cheers to you that is awesome!:drinker: :drinker:
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Terri, I somehow didn't register your new pic - WOW!!

    :blushing: :blushing: Thank you!:blushing: :blushing: :blushing: Its been a long time since someone has said wow to one of my pictures!
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Happy Friday Everyone!

    First things first, Terri - you are an absolute inspiration. You look wonderful. Loving the new pics, you must be so excited! WAY TO GO!

    And congrats everyone on your great calorie burning week! wooo hoo!

    Weigh in:
    4/16: 193.2
    4/23: 192

    Can't wait to be out of the 190s... I owe a lot of my motivation to you ladies! Thanks for being so wonderful, and helping me keep myself in check! You are all wonderful and doing so well!!

    Have a great weekend!

    Down 4.6 pounds that is wonderful! Keep doing whatever it is you are doing and you will be out of the 190's in no time!:drinker: :drinker:
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Okay I blew it this week!!

    birthday cake, cheetos, pasta . . . I am up, up and up!

    Hoping to recover by next Friday . . .

    I hope everyone else did better than I did :happy:

    Chalk it up as a learning experience! We are celebrating daughter's birthday tonight. I can resist the cake! I can resist the can!:laugh: :laugh:

    Just remember this is your new lifestyle so don't deny yourself an occasional indulgence!
  • oliviab
    oliviab Posts: 4
    I'll take that challenge and I will lose 5 pounds next week! I reached a turning point in my exercise routine and I am really watching my diet and the pounds are dropping off. I'm in my late 50's by the way. :)
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    April 1 weight 177.6
    April 9 weight 175.4
    April 16 weight 175.2
    April 22 weight 173.2

    Down 2 in 1 week! That has not happened in a very long time! Usually it is .5 -1. This is great!

    Month total thus far 4.4 only need .6 to make the 5 pound loss! (Even though I was hoping to be out of the 170's by the end of this month!

    January 1 starting weight for 2010 185.6 Total loss this year 12.4:drinker: :drinker:

    Have a healthy day!

  • PixieGoddess
    PixieGoddess Posts: 1,833 Member
    Official Weigh-in
    4/1 160.6
    4/9 162.2
    4/16 159.2
    4/23 159.0
    4/31 Goal 155

    Can I count my weight from yesterday? :ohwell: I was 158.6 and it just made me feel good :smile: After only one day it's probably just water weight anyways, right....? :tongue:

    Well, at this rate, I'm not sure I'll hit 5 lbs by the end of next week, but I went down and that's still a victory!! :flowerforyou: