5 Pounds A Month April 2010 Challenge



    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Hi Pals:

    I have been kind of silent the past few days. I know you are all on the week end so you are probably just livin it up and didn't even notice. And I hope you are enjoying your week end. REALLY!

    The past few days I have found out a lot about myself, because of my little injury. I was devastated when I got hurt and couldn't imagine what I was going to do without doing my regular routine work outs. but I did take it easy and it has paid off. However, I found out that there are other alternatives to exercising besides the high impact aerobic types that I was doing. Pilates has become my new friend and I even ventured back in the pool and found that I could do a lot without putting strain on my knee. But the biggest discovery was that my body really wanted to EXERCISE. In my past life, an excuse NOT to do any exercise would have been a welcome invitation to just chill and be still and sit back and be a regular couch potato with a bag of chips! but I didn't want that at all. I was screaming to get moving and so I was able to figure out ways to MOVE slowly but at least to move! I didn't burn billions of calories but I gave it my best, and while you were all pumping IRON and working up a heck of a sweat, I was moving to the beat of a slower drummer. I was a little depressed too and figured that my weight loss was on hold and in my mind I was going to be stuck at 143 FOREVER and EVER! but when I weighed in today I had lost a pound and so I was mighty excited to see that the scales had moved in the right direction. I am not sure that I will make 5 pounds this month but I do have a few more days so I will give it my best effort and celebrate any ounces that fall off. And inches do count too and I am anxious to measure again on Friday to see what has melted away!

    So my late weigh in as of today is SW 159
    and current weight is 142. YIPPEE!
    o.k. go back to you lovely week ends or what you have left of it. Thanks for reading my entry and hope that you all have a great day. Phyljen:smile: REALLY YOU ARE THE BEST PALS AROUND! and Thanks again for all the support and for making me smile

    Most days I am proud of what my body is becoming. Some days I feel thin and sexy and some days I feel like a bloated fat thing. My body is becoming healthier and I am slowly becoming friends with where my body is at from day to day. I think if we have been looking at ourselves negatively for a long time, it will take some time look at ourselves positively. I think some days that can really be influenced by our moods!

    I have missed you and its good to see you finding new avenues to keep moving even with an injury! I know from experience that even if you are moving slow with an injury you are moving. You are not reverting to the sedentary lifestyle but an active lifestyle. If you walk slowly you are burning more calories than if you sit down and watch tv. Keep up the awesome work!

    Maybe when I get back from taking the boys to swim lessons I will get on my shoes and go for a walk.

    As a side note, when I was at the doctor yesterday I asked about the bump on the front of my leg. She said tendonitis. She looked at how I stand and walk and said I pronate a lot more with that leg and that is what is causing that bump in my leg! It has improved since I stopped walking with my easytones so I hope they made me pronate even more and eventually my leg will go back to normal. I could see a sports medicine doctor if I wanted to but want to give it time to see if changing shoes heals it!

    Time to go sit by the pool and watch the boys swim!

    Have a healthy rest of the day!

  • ainslieglen
    ainslieglen Posts: 110
    I hear you!!!
  • ainslieglen
    ainslieglen Posts: 110
    Thanks Siobhan.....2 more pounds by April 30, and I will have met the 5 pound goal. I'm confident I can do it. You all inspire me to TRY.
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Ainslieglen- I'm way impressed with your loss the past few weeks. As well as your confidence in knowing that you can keep it up. Good for you!

    Terri- Never told you that I love your new pic too. It is GREAT! you look wonderful and you are wonderful the way to cheer us all on and keep us going with new info and facts. Keep those tid-bits coming. Hope that you are feeling better too.

    Robin- I know what you mean about taking it easy just one day. It is becoming such a good habit. and WAY COOL that you have lost 15 pounds Congratulations!

    I just totaled up my exercise calories from Sunday to yesterday JUST for fun because I was sure I didn't make the challenge and found that I had accumulated 3035 for the week. I was even impressed with myself because of the knee injury that I even got that many. Of course I was not down and out until Wednesday! LOL So although I didn't make the 3500, I at least gave it a good shot!

    We had a walk a thon at school today with the Third graders to earn money for a "poorer school" here in Egypt. I walked for 30 minutes of the hour WALK with a few of my students that needed company as they walked. It was HOT walking even in the morning hours. After wards we bought them each an ice cream bar and they were thrilled. Chocolate faces on 9 year olds are so cute! I passed up the ice cream this year and that was a major accomplishment for me. I usually would sneak a couple bars and keep them JUST FOR ME! But I bought a bag of pop corn and ate it while they licked and dripped their ice cream!!!

    Time to get back to work. I could just hang out on MFP all day and read post but better get something done. PHYLJEN:heart:
  • Elokyn
    Elokyn Posts: 448 Member
    I don't know if I'm gonna make it :( Down 3 and I've been stuck for a week. I'm gonna give it my all though!!!
  • ainslieglen
    ainslieglen Posts: 110
    Thanks for the kind words Phyljen! We'll see what April 30 brings......be nice to hit the 5 pound goal!!!!! GOOD LUCK >:flowerforyou:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    \Welcome to Monday. a new day and a new week. I actually really did take it easy yesterday I didn't do anything. It was weird and I am really ready to bust it ou this week. I want to do at least a 1000 calories per day burn. I hope you are all doing well and are ready to have a great week.
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I was very active this weekend, however my eating was not the best. I was just fine during the day but had a bunch of junk Friday, Saturday, AND Sunday night. I am just going to move past that though, no point on dwelling on it. I know my biggest issue is night eating when I am not even hungry. Just who I am. I guess being more active is the best thing to do because it seems I am bound to eat crap on weekend nights. At least when I move more it burns the calories a little bit. Just hope the scale stayed the same.
    I took the kids to the pool after a long hot walk to the park and back Sunday and I am not sure how much I burned but we sure had fun. I tossed them around in the COLD water and we really enjoyed our first pool trip of the season. Next time I will bring some little float toys. I also went for a walk/jog last night around the lake where my guy was fishing with the kids. That was really fun. I ran around the whole pond then also walked around once. My guy got 3 fish and my daughter even got one also! Her fish was a big one and I think it made my honey a little proud that his little girl was so happy. "I got the biggest fish, even bigger than Daddy's!" I made fish for dinner and it was really tasty. My son would not eat it though. He kept asking "Daddy's fish?" "This Daddy's fish?" "It no swimming?" I think he couldn't get over seeing it come out of the water but end up on his plate. :tongue: Glad I made 4 big artichokes also.

    My 3500 for the week of 4/17

    3500 this week, so far...
    Sunday: 842
  • amesnc
    amesnc Posts: 32
    I am still truckin' along, slow and steady. I lost one lb this week which was a nice change from my half pound week plateau I was stuck on! Only 2 lbs lost this month but with my crazy schedule I will take it!

    Hope everyone had a nice weekend!
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Good afternoon everyone! My new little guy started this morning and it has been hectic to say the least. I am sitting next to my 4 year old waiting for her to fall asleep and then maybe a few minutes of quiet time for me. I forgot how much work it is to have a little one and then 5 other toddler/preschoolers. We will see what the afternoon brings because we will add to the mix a 6 month old. I did burn 350 calories pushing the stroller around the yard.

    Still not feeling back to my old self. The icky green snot is gone but I am still so congested. May have to go see the doctor again. I am done with the antibiotics as of this morning I will give it a day or two and then call again. I just do not like feeling this tired! The one good thing that I have going today is that I am not really hungry.

    13 years ago today I married the most wonderful man in the world! I met him on a blind date set up through a mutual friend! What do we have planned for our special day? I am working and 11 hour day then we are running opposite directions. Daughter has swim club tonight and youngest son has baseball practice. So not much chance for a relaxing evening.

    Idea of the day.....

    A local news station is doing a Biggest Loser type competition with people from the area. Today's challenge was to eat off a plate in a quiet relaxing atmosphere. If you are constantly eating standing up or in front of the television you tend to overeat! If you put your meal on a plate go sit at the table and eat in a relaxed atmosphere you tend to eat less! (I am so guilty of eating on the run because of my schedule and the kids sports schedules..I need to change this habit.)


    Have a healthy day!

  • fivefatcats
    fivefatcats Posts: 368
    I worked this weekend - which means a lot of sitting around doing nothing. Usually it is when I catch up on my blogs/topics, but I never even logged into MFP because I knew I was blowing it all weekend.

    That said - the only way I will make my goal is via amputation of a limb, and I'm not even sure an arm would do it, have to be a leg.

    My weight this morning was a shocking 185.6, up from 180.2 on 4/1 and 177.8 mid month.

    So, back on the wagon I go! The good news is that even though I was eating poorly, I never considered skipping my Monday morning run . . . thank goodness something stuck!

    You are all doing so well, losing weight, fighting battles with bad days, fighting battles with injuries . . .

    you all inspire me so much!

    Terri - you and I are (were) near the same weight so I kind of gauge myself after you - you look great and I am honored to be your friend.

    Thank you all!

  • seventeenlucky77
    seventeenlucky77 Posts: 92 Member
    SW: 240
    CW: 233!!!
    GW: 235

    Still in the gym everyday I can be and watching what I'm eating and down a total of 7 pounds so far this month!!

    Oh congrats on wedding anniversaries.. my 1 year was yesterday!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Happy anniversary Terri. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :heart: :heart: :heart: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    I hope you can celebrate sometime soon.

    Mine first wedding anniversary will be this coming Sunday. One year to the most amazing friend I have ever had. The third time really is the charm. (plus the fact that I lived with him for 10 years before I married him:wink: )
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Happy anniversary Terri! Hope you can find some time together. :flowerforyou:
    I eat while standing all the time. :ohwell: When I do sit, I hear, "oh can you please...." and I am up again!

    Traci- "So, back on the wagon I go! The good news is that even though I was eating poorly, I never considered skipping my Monday morning run . . . thank goodness something stuck!"
    I am with ya! I was very active this weekend but still up 5 lbs! :cry: Just over this weekend! I hope it is water weight or we might be cutting our leg off together! :laugh:

    RJ- You have given me new hope! I am working on year 10 with my guy and still no ring. Two kids, but no ring. We have lived together for 9 years, BUT NO RING! :sad: Have you seen the movie He is Just Not That Into You? Jennifer Aniston plays ME in that movie. Well me with two kids and more belly bulge. I keep telling myself that "things" are not important and I know he loves me and he treats me like his wife. But I would love for my family (Grandparents and one Aunt) to not treat me like a *kitten* because I am "still single" with two kids. ARG! Maybe year 11 is the lucky number!

    I am out of crap to eat at my house, so if my guy behaves himself and doesn't buy anything this week I will make it through!
  • fivefatcats
    fivefatcats Posts: 368
    You should have seen the look on my mother's face when I threw out the rest of the chocolate cake I made for her birthday last week. :noway:

    I was having too much trouble walking past it without grabbing a forkful every time.

    I mean, it either goes to waste or it goes to waist . . . and I don't want any more of it on my waist!!!
  • fivefatcats
    fivefatcats Posts: 368
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member

    RJ- You have given me new hope! I am working on year 10 with my guy and still no ring. Two kids, but no ring. We have lived together for 9 years, BUT NO RING! :sad: Have you seen the movie He is Just Not That Into You? Jennifer Aniston plays ME in that movie. Well me with two kids and more belly bulge. I keep telling myself that "things" are not important and I know he loves me and he treats me like his wife. But I would love for my family (Grandparents and one Aunt) to not treat me like a *kitten* because I am "still single" with two kids. ARG! Maybe year 11 is the lucky number!

    Well it was my dad that made the difference. After my mother passed and my dad moved up to this area he asked Doug how he planned on taking care of me as he aged. His retirement, his social security etc. Did he think it was about time to marry me since he had been living as my husband for 8 and a half years? And if he didn't think so then maybe he should convince me to leave the relationship. (Dads can be a bit pushy) When doug figured out that his exwife would get his social security if he passed and I wouldn't he decided we should probably get married but it still took another year and half engagement. :smile:
  • PixieGoddess
    PixieGoddess Posts: 1,833 Member
    TODAY IS GOING TO BE A WONDERFUL DAY!!!!!! (can't you just feel it?!?)

    I missed my regular DVD workout this morning (long story) so when the bus pulled up to the station, I decided to walk the 10 blocks or so to my office building instead of taking the shuttle. It's lovely and cool out today, the sun is shining, and now I am PUMPED UP!!! I've also almost completely drained my nalgene (32oz) in about 30min, which is huge since drinking water is one of my toughest daily challenges.

    I just wanted to share my contagious happiness with all of you!! Don't forget that we can decide that....

  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Hello friends,

    Last night I got home and took the kiddos for a walk to the park. Once there we ran around in the grass and played tag, it was really fun to just play with them. We got home around 8, oops bed time is 8! So I made a fast dinner and got them into bed by 9:15. They didn't get a bath, which made my 3 year old son very unhappy, but he was so sleepy that he was out before I finished reading him his first bedtime book. We all had a hard time getting up this morning but I think every now and then a late night is ok. We really did have fun just running around chasing each other. I saw a few other mom's watching us and I could tell they wanted to run and play also. I use to be that mom, sitting on the bench thinking that I wish I could run and play with my little ones like that. I wanted to yell out "you can, you can run just get up and do it and next time is will be easier!" But instead I kept it in and kept having fun running and chasing making "scary monster sounds" as we played.
    My guy went fishing again, I wish I could send a fish to you all via the internet. :laugh: we have 7 now! I guess I just better make more fish! He comes home with 3-4 a night now. I love that he fishes because he comes home to me all happy and less stressed. Plus I get to go exercise with the kids without feeling guilty about leaving him out.
    Anyway, I had a good Monday, burned 658 calories which makes my total 1500! Only 2000 to go!

    Oh, and Pixi, I really like your quote...
    Reach for progress, not perfection.
    That says it all!
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    You should have seen the look on my mother's face when I threw out the rest of the chocolate cake I made for her birthday last week. :noway:

    I was having too much trouble walking past it without grabbing a forkful every time.

    I mean, it either goes to waste or it goes to waist . . . and I don't want any more of it on my waist!!!

    :laugh: Great job! I have said that in the past also, much better to waste it than to waist it! :laugh: