5 Pounds A Month April 2010 Challenge



  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    Hi to everyone, i'm finally feeling better :laugh: but my pain was nothing compared to Kidney Stones ....Ouch!! hope all is sorted soon!!! Well I have managed to lose another pound Yah! and now at 138 so great news

    start Weight with mfp on 1/12/10..............164.5

    Weight on 4/1/10.........................................145

    Weight on 4/9/10.........................................143

    Weight on 4/16/10 .....................................141.5

    Weight on 4/23/10......................................139

    Todays Weight 4/30/10.............................138

    So I have lost 7 pounds in the month of April WOW. Thanks to you all for your motivation :flowerforyou:
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Welcome to all the newcomers!

    Barty, you are doing awesome this year!

    Phyljen 1 pound at a time is how we put it one and its the best way to take it off!

    January 1 weight 185.6

    April 1 weight 177.6
    April 9 weight 175.4
    April 16 weight 175.2
    April 23 weight 173.2
    April 30 weight 174 up a little but after the lousy week I have had I am not surprised.

    Total lost this year 11.6:drinker: :drinker:

    Back to doctor yesterday. New antibiotic and this doctor took me off sudafed (I have prehypertension and sudafed makes it go higher...) Told me to use Mucinex. Wish the doctor last Saturday had told me that rather than giving me the lecture about diet and exercise for controlling blood pressure. It was back to almost normal this morning!

    Off for a quick walk!

    Have a healthy day

  • bethinagain
    bethinagain Posts: 282 Member
    Hello everyone!

    tcasmey - Great job!
    barty - Awesome!
    Phyyljen - Thumbs up!

    Congrates to everyone else who has lost weight for the month of April! And welcome newcomers for the month of May!

    Well, it was tuff with surgery, the flu and TOM all in one week but here are my stats:
    Januarary 1st 186

    SW 169 (April 1st)
    GW 163 (April 30th)
    CW 162.4 (April 30th) :drinker: :happy: :drinker: :happy:

    Ultimate Goal 140:love:

    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member

    We will do it again in May! I will post a link first thing in the morning for the month of May!

    Congrats on almost 7 pounds for the month!:drinker: :drinker:
  • iwantthis
    iwantthis Posts: 15 Member
    Well good morning!
    Congrats everyone!

    Here are my April stats:
    4/1 : 196.6
    4/9 : 194.0
    4/16 : 193.2
    4/23 : 192.0
    4/30 : 190.8

    I was at 190.2 ALL WEEK LONG. I was so hoping to be under 190 this morning. It's frustrating. But then, I look at how I've made progress over the month, and I can't get too down on myself! 5.8 lb loss for the month.

    As always, thanks so much for all the support!
    Good luck to everyone else. Looking forward to see what May will bring us!

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    April 1 170.4
    April 2 170
    April 9 167.6
    April 16 166
    April 23 164.6
    April 30 162.8

    another 1.4 pounds I am on a roll. April was a great month. 7.6 pounds!!!!! I have hit my goal of over 1000 calories each day this week as well so I will end the week with somewhere around 6200 cuz I didn't work out on sunday and I will take it a little easy tomorrow. Its working for me right now.

    Way to go to Beth, Terri, Phyljen,Barty and Megan so far. I am sure there will be more. I look forward to May!!!!!
  • PixieGoddess
    PixieGoddess Posts: 1,833 Member
    Official Weigh-in
    4/1 160.6
    4/9 162.2
    4/16 159.2
    4/23 159.0
    4/30 158.8
    TOTAL LOSS: 1.8 lbs!

    I also looked at my measurements, and I've lost 0.5" from my waist and neck (each) and 1" from my hips!!! It also said that I lost 1.5" from my band (where my bra sits) but I'm wondering if I measured wrong at some point...that seems like a lot...although my bras are fitting better again and I've been considering putting them on a tighter hook...

  • Elokyn
    Elokyn Posts: 448 Member
    I didn't keep track of what I weighed on what day like ya'll did....but I lost 3 lbs this month :) Not the 5 I was looking for but it's better than 0!
  • kalmf
    kalmf Posts: 351 Member
    I'm on the run so couldn't read everything - but I saw Kidney Stones - exactly the appropriate reaction - but at least they will pass(oh sorry - that was so uncalled for)

    Phyljen - hang in!!

    I'm 127. Happy, happy. I can't remember - I think I may have started at 129 or 129.5 this month - but that's good enough for me.

    Have a great Friday everyone!
  • tres1967
    tres1967 Posts: 177
    I don't remember where I started but today is 188, and I'm in for May
  • julster324
    I was 4 lbs down at the beginning of the week but one creeped back. I swear I have the metabolism of a turnip. It is so hard for me to keep weight off I lose and one cheat(even a small one)and I am up a pound or more. I am grateful for the total for April to be down at least an official 3 and unofficial 4.

    I am going for 5 lbs in May as well. A bigger challenege because of parties for end of the school year stuff etc. Keep Going!
    Congrats to all those who did well this month.
  • Arianna52
    Arianna52 Posts: 36 Member
    I was very good and lost 1-2 pounds, but then helped in a bake sale, and brought cookies, that I though would not eat them, but that was so wrong, I think I lost control and without knowing I gained all the weight back.

    CW 165 :grumble:

    I'll keep trying.
  • JABehler
    JABehler Posts: 82 Member
    I finally did it. Lost 5 lbs in the month time! Started in Jan. (9th). weighing 150ish +. Clocked in 138 on April 1 and today (insert drum roll here), I weighed 133.2.
    I changed a couple of things this week - I drank the full glass of water at bedtime and the full glass first thing in the morning. And I've been reading "French Women Don't Get Fat" by Mireille Guiliano. Gave me pause to readjust my view of foods and eating.

    RJ, very thankful on the outcome of your hubby's condition. This, too, shall pass. (Sorry, couldn't resist)

  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Hello friends!

    Ok so I guess I just need to not weigh on Mondays! :laugh: I thought I had lost progress over the last weekend but I must have just been holding water, yay.

    4/1............150 (back up from 146)

    Lost one more lb this week and that means I lost 5.5 lbs this month! Hip hip hoooooray! If I am good in May I will be in the 130's for my Birthday! I need to keep my hands busy tonight folding laundry so I don't snack, Friday nights are the worst! :tongue:
    So far my exercise calories burned are 3,659 and I am not even done for the day. :bigsmile:

    Terri, I know I have said this before, but thank you so much for starting our little group! I really enjoy talking with everyone everyday and I know I would not have been so strong without you guys! :love:
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Woooo whooo to you all!!! My weigh in is every Sunday, so I haven't weighed myself officially for the final month totals, I will have them up on Sunday. I'm in for sure for May :) Thank you all again for being so inspringing and welcoming to us noobs. xoxoxo, see ya again this Sunday :)
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Hello friends!

    Ok so I guess I just need to not weigh on Mondays! :laugh: I thought I had lost progress over the last weekend but I must have just been holding water, yay.

    Jenn, when I weigh in on Sat I usually lose a good amount from Friday. but come sunday and monday I am up. I spend all week until thursday aiming to get back to that saturday weight and then Friday I have plus a little. So in short Monday is always higher for me but I know it is water and such.
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Thanks Robin, I think I am like you and just weigh a bit more on those darn Mondays. I have been weighing on Fridays and Mondays. I look Monday because I know the weekend is my biggest issue and I get scared. But I am going to pass it up this time and that might make it easier.

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Happy May Day :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Robin, I love your smooching pic. What a happy day it must have been. Phyljen:heart:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Robin, I love your smooching pic. What a happy day it must have been. Phyljen:heart:

    Thanks. Its my favorite wedding photo. It was a glorious day in Sedona. One of the best days of my life.