5 Pounds A Month April 2010 Challenge



  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    good morning all

    April 1 170.4
    April 2 170
    April 9 167.6
    April 16 166
    April 23 164.6

    So it is official. I made my goal on an official weigh in day.

    Cats= don't sweat it we all have bad weeks

    Megan good job.

    Terri - you rock girl. 2 pounds is awesome. and yes the calories burned are showing in my average of 1.5 pounds because my calories alone would only have me loosing .6 pounds a week so I think I am averaging 1.5 with the exercise.

    Pixie - a loss is a loss so good job.

    I hope every one has an awesome weekend. It is Sunny this morning!!!!!!!!!
  • ainslieglen
    ainslieglen Posts: 110
    I lost 3 pounds!!!!!!! YAAYYY!!
  • kalmf
    kalmf Posts: 351 Member
    I would like to be the first to officially congratulate myself - .5 down = 128.5

    I am totally happy!!!

    RJ - congrats - see, what the heck was the NY Times article talking about?? Obviously exercise = weight loss. I'm so confused. I think they were suggesting that when women exercise they tend to not only eat back the calories, but even more. But that's not true here. I'm going to go with your results - Awesome!!!

    I realize I can't handle the 3500 challenge - I feel too pressured and flustered - so I'm just going for 60 minutes, 5 times a week and stick with that.

    I bought a Leslie Sancon DVD at Target because it was ridiculously cheap and I gotta tell you - I worked up a sweat and it was very short so I slipped it in while waiting for a phone call. Very cool!

    happy Friday everyone!:drinker:
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Hello Pals,
    So far my 3500 number is 3,620. Yay! :love:

    Now for my weigh in...


    A 1 and a 1/2 lb loss!:happy:

    I have not EVER seen 145 as an adult. I remember feeling like I was so fat when I weighed 145 going into 8th grade. If I only knew then what I know now. I have hit 146 many times this past year, just to eat bad for a few days and lose some ground, going back to 150-153. This time I am not letting myself go back up! I love seeing 145.5 so I know I will love 144 even more! At least 10 more to lose before the end of July, 20 more to lose total! It's in the bag!
  • kalmf
    kalmf Posts: 351 Member
    Wow Jen!! that's great - you've done fabulously this month.
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Wow Jen!! that's great - you've done fabulously this month.

    :blushing: Thank you! I feel really great. My guy has even been telling me how good I look and he is not one to gush over things like that.
  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    Hello everyone, Hope you have all had a good week! I have not been feeling very well this week :sick: ;but starting to feel better now :smile: I have had a good week weight wise though!! and i'm down 2.5 pounds.

    Start Weight with mfp..............164.5

    Weight on 4/1/10......................145

    Weight on 4/9/10......................143

    Weight on 4/16/10 ...................141.5

    Todays Weight 4/23/10...........139

    Have a great Weekend
  • JABehler
    JABehler Posts: 82 Member
    Congrats to Jenn, Karin, and RJ on the weight foss for the month. I'm huffing and puffing, and hope to make it this next week.

    Welcome Olivia. I, also, am in my late 50s. Better late than never. Older means we must work harder but can still do it. I think there are others here around our age. Am I right?

    Here's my numbers:
    4/1 - 138
    4/3 - 137.2
    4/9 - 136.4
    4/16 - 136.4
    4/22 - 135.6

  • bethinagain
    bethinagain Posts: 282 Member
    Hello everyone!

    I'm back, sugery went great and I got to keep my ovaries! :happy: I'm in alot of pain......Thank God for Vicodin!!! The bad news is I have really bad endo in my utterus.:frown: I will be needing a hestorectomy (sp?) later in life. Oh well!:ohwell:

    Thanks for all the Good Luck and Get Well wishes!:flowerforyou:

    Everyone seems to be moving right along witth their weight loss. Keep it up!:drinker:
  • kalmf
    kalmf Posts: 351 Member
    I completely forgot to congratulate Pixiglen, Ainsley and barty and maybe some others - Go team!!

    Bethinagain - I'm glad the surgery went well - take care of yourself. Endometriosis is a tough thing to hear. A dear friend suffered with it, was told the same thing as you and ended up with two beautiful children. She did a lot of research about it and worked with (I think) a naturopath. The hystorectomy (yah, I screwed up the spelling too) is not an inevitability so don't let it freak you out. Just get better. In the mean time at least you can keep Phyljen company on the wounded bench!
  • Arianna52
    Arianna52 Posts: 36 Member
    Checking my weight.
    \CW 163
    GW 160

    I am still munching.
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Good morning all! I am waiting til the clinic opens to go see a doctor. My chest hurts this morning and my sinuses are going to explode. Terrible nights sleep with 5 extra girls in the house for my daughters birthday. I have so much to do today, but may end up just resting and taking care of myself!

    Have a healthy day!

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Terri - Sorry to hear you are feeling so bad. That really sucks. I hope you get better soon.

    Bethinagain - glad the surgery went well I hope you have a speedy recovery.

    congrats to all of you who have lost.

    Last night was a binge night. I went over on calories by about 400. No big deal since it doesn't happen very often. I will just bust it out again this week. So my morning after weight was 163.8 so that is my goal for next friday. I hope you all have a great day.
  • siobhannestor
    Jenn, You are just melting away – congratulations! And congrats on doing it now, when you’re younger, rather than waiting until your older when it becomes so much more difficult! I have this really cute picture in my mind of you and your daughter going to work together, dressed similarly.

    Terri, I was about to write that I am glad to know that you’re getting better! Now I just hope that the Doc says you are ok! Again, your photo is wonderful! And congrats on a full two pounds this week!

    Fivefatcats, I think that I read recently, perhaps in the “Real Age” newsletter, that one of the biggest secrets of successful dieters is that we pick up and keep going, even when we have setbacks! I am sure that you will do well this coming week!

    Megan – maybe we can both get out of the 190s this month? That is my goal, too. Even though I still have 2 pounds to go for next week.

    Olivia, hello from one 50-something to another. It may be slower for us but we can do it!

    PixieGoddess – I say count the 158.6. The weight gain might also be water weight!

    RJ – wow! That’s over 5 pounds. And the month isn’t over! Woo Hoo! (I think occasional binges are good for one’s metabolism.) Oh, here is the link to the band workout I mentioned earlier in the week. It’s really more of a “core” rather than an “ab” workout – just be careful with the bands. I think the first time I tried it, I was using some bands that were too thick for me – ended up with bruises on the side of my arms.


    Ainslieglen – 3 pounds? I am officially jealous! That’s wonderful!

    Karin, congratulations on your weight loss!

    Barty – 2.5 pounds in one week! Yes! glad that you’re feeling better!

    Jacque – based on your sig, does that mean that you are almost to your goal? That’s great!

    Beth – I am so, so glad that you kept your ovaries and that your surgery went well. Here’s to a speedy recovery

    Arianna – woo hoo! 3 pounds! BTW, love your avatar :D

    So, here is my weigh-in and exercise count for the week (am counting from Friday).

    Total exercise calories = 3296 – almost 3500

    April 1 – 194
    April 19 – 192
    April 24 – 191

    3 pounds. I would like to break 190 this month, but we will see. One good thing – actually got enough sleep this week! My bad ankle (I have PTTD), is hurting a lot today so I think I need to avoid heavy exercise this weekend but will do some stretching an slow walking.

    Have a great weekend, everyone!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    shivaun thanks for the link. and good job on the weigh in. I hope you make your goal.
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Well I am being treated for a sinus infection that was even worse because of seasonal allergies. Three days of strong antibiotics and then hopefully feeling better. I know my eating is going to be lousy this weekend because the doc said the sinus that was the most full of fluid is one that only drains into the throat. Which make me queasy if I do not put something into my belly every 1/2 hour or so. Can't wait to feel better.

    Taking it easy today and my pedometer is already at 13,000+ steps. When you have three kids it is so hard to take it easy.


    Glad they left the ovaries. That way you do not start perimenopause any sooner than needed. I had a hysterectomy a few years ago because of a fibroid. I was slowly bleeding to death so it was needed but they left the ovaries. I do not miss the doubling over with bad cramps periods at all.

    Looking forward to a nice quiet dinner with the family (though quiet never happens) and then relaxing in front of the tv and then going to bed early. Maybe watch the rest of the Avatar movie we started Thursday evening!

    Have a healthy rest of the weekend!

  • jbest73
    jbest73 Posts: 18 Member
    Great job! Kickboxing will kick your butt! Woah.
  • jbest73
    jbest73 Posts: 18 Member
    Hi Pals,
    I am so sad tonight. :cry: I was at aerobics class tonight and did a wrong move. It was just too much for my old knee I guess and as I moved I heard a POP and my knee immediately started to throb. I couldn't even stand on it. another teacher went and got me some ice and I iced it for about 15 minutes and then hobbled to my car and drove to the doctor office. Got an x-ray... NO breaks. Thank goodness. Went to the Orthopedic specialist and he says I need an MRI tomorrow but it appears that I have torn my minuscus. Don't know it that is the correct spelling. anyway has suggested I stay off my knee for about 3 days. SO i am making sub plans and won't be going in to school tomorrow. Just as I was on a roll getting fit now i am injured! DANG DANG DANG! I guess I can still possibly do yoga and smooth moves that don't hurt my knee.
    anyway. I will see what I can do while I recover and get my knee back. ICE packs and elevation and a knee brace will be my life for a few days anyway. BOO HOO:cry::cry:
    Going to bed. Phyljen:yawn:

    Oh no! Please take it easy, follow doctor's orders.
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Hi Pals:

    I have been kind of silent the past few days. I know you are all on the week end so you are probably just livin it up and didn't even notice. And I hope you are enjoying your week end. REALLY!

    The past few days I have found out a lot about myself, because of my little injury. I was devastated when I got hurt and couldn't imagine what I was going to do without doing my regular routine work outs. but I did take it easy and it has paid off. However, I found out that there are other alternatives to exercising besides the high impact aerobic types that I was doing. Pilates has become my new friend and I even ventured back in the pool and found that I could do a lot without putting strain on my knee. But the biggest discovery was that my body really wanted to EXERCISE. In my past life, an excuse NOT to do any exercise would have been a welcome invitation to just chill and be still and sit back and be a regular couch potato with a bag of chips! but I didn't want that at all. I was screaming to get moving and so I was able to figure out ways to MOVE slowly but at least to move! I didn't burn billions of calories but I gave it my best, and while you were all pumping IRON and working up a heck of a sweat, I was moving to the beat of a slower drummer. I was a little depressed too and figured that my weight loss was on hold and in my mind I was going to be stuck at 143 FOREVER and EVER! but when I weighed in today I had lost a pound and so I was mighty excited to see that the scales had moved in the right direction. I am not sure that I will make 5 pounds this month but I do have a few more days so I will give it my best effort and celebrate any ounces that fall off. And inches do count too and I am anxious to measure again on Friday to see what has melted away!

    So my late weigh in as of today is SW 159
    and current weight is 142. YIPPEE!
    o.k. go back to you lovely week ends or what you have left of it. Thanks for reading my entry and hope that you all have a great day. Phyljen:smile: REALLY YOU ARE THE BEST PALS AROUND! and Thanks again for all the support and for making me smile
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Isn't it amazing the life style changes we have made. I can't imagine not moving either. I have to force myself to take it easy one day a week and it is hard to do. I was also thinking the other day about how I used to mindlessly eat. Now that I know how much sodium, how many calories etc. are in the food I used to consume without thinking about it I can't imagine ever eating that way again. I can't unknow what I now know. It was a relization I had when I went a little over this weekend and last night with my first night out in forever. I know I can do it because I couldn't possibly eat everything served like I could before so I know that I have control. I love the way I feel when I move and I love the way I feel when I eat well. So it boils down to the fact that I LOVE ME. Anyway thanks for letting me ramble. Have a great Sunday all.