Protein?? How do I eat less of it



  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Or we can check the thread when i proved both of them wrong, I don't remember the title of it though. We had a debate about this again. If you want to take the alan aragon approach, he recommends things by a dexa scan which is flawed. So that blows that out of the water.

    What makes one person study more credible than another? You can't pick favorites in science.

    I also offer this question to anyone who is talking about higher protein intake. Are they talking from education or experience? I am speaking from both.

    I wouldn't call them scientifically minded. I would call it pick a favorite guru and parrot him.
    I have never seen such a thread. Not that it matters but I do find Sara and Sidesteel more credible then you. They don't tend to botch things up constantly like I see you do (see example of that thread I posted where you constantly made mistakes). That aside, I don't listen to them unless it makes sense. I've questioned Sara many a times and went out and read my own info...and so far...Sara's usually if not always right lol. I always question things though. And I've questioned Sara many times. And the longer period of time that goes by, the more likely I am to look at her response over someone like you. And after reading sidesteels arms...and then looking at his posts lol...everything he said just made sense to me.

    And terrible to admit it but after doing something for an extended period of time people will trust you more if you look the part. Many people will choose the fit personal trainer over the obese one even if the larger one is a whole lot more knowledgeable and sensible. Perhaps why I've met many dumb ones that are doing so well. Sara and Sidesteel are both in incredible shape. They are both in inspirable shape and practice what they preach and can back it up. Not saying looks should have all baring at all...A friend of mine is incredibly intelligent but never practices what he preaches.

    I'm a terrible parrot. How many times did I ignore and question weights and more protein and increasing calories etc etc etc before I actually did it because I didn't have a doubt left. If I took your side my finger nails would probably still be constantly cracking off.

    If someone says something I can find something on google scholar that agrees with them and it makes sense, I'll believe them. Why wouldn't I?

    They are more credible than a biochemistry major, NASM CPT(National Academy Of Sports Medicine) who has lost 163lbs? okay.
    You never even questioned me, you don't know what I know.

    Big muscles limit performance in a survival situation, as humans we're designed to survive, so bigger muscles are pointless for humans.

    I train some people who look better than both of them combined, just so you know. Advice listen to both sides and make your conclusion, don't be narrow minded.

    To quote you....
    Talk is cheap,
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    Or we can check the thread when i proved both of them wrong, I don't remember the title of it though. We had a debate about this again. If you want to take the alan aragon approach, he recommends things by a dexa scan which is flawed. So that blows that out of the water.

    What makes one person study more credible than another? You can't pick favorites in science.

    I also offer this question to anyone who is talking about higher protein intake. Are they talking from education or experience? I am speaking from both.

    I wouldn't call them scientifically minded. I would call it pick a favorite guru and parrot him.
    I have never seen such a thread. Not that it matters but I do find Sara and Sidesteel more credible then you. They don't tend to botch things up constantly like I see you do (see example of that thread I posted where you constantly made mistakes). That aside, I don't listen to them unless it makes sense. I've questioned Sara many a times and went out and read my own info...and so far...Sara's usually if not always right lol. I always question things though. And I've questioned Sara many times. And the longer period of time that goes by, the more likely I am to look at her response over someone like you. And after reading sidesteels arms...and then looking at his posts lol...everything he said just made sense to me.

    And terrible to admit it but after doing something for an extended period of time people will trust you more if you look the part. Many people will choose the fit personal trainer over the obese one even if the larger one is a whole lot more knowledgeable and sensible. Perhaps why I've met many dumb ones that are doing so well. Sara and Sidesteel are both in incredible shape. They are both in inspirable shape and practice what they preach and can back it up. Not saying looks should have all baring at all...A friend of mine is incredibly intelligent but never practices what he preaches.

    I'm a terrible parrot. How many times did I ignore and question weights and more protein and increasing calories etc etc etc before I actually did it because I didn't have a doubt left. If I took your side my finger nails would probably still be constantly cracking off.

    If someone says something I can find something on google scholar that agrees with them and it makes sense, I'll believe them. Why wouldn't I?

    They are more credible than a biochemistry major, NASM CPT(National Academy Of Sports Medicine) who has lost 163lbs? okay.
    You never even questioned me, you don't know what I know.

    Big muscles limit performance in a survival situation, as humans we're designed to survive, so bigger muscles are pointless for humans.

    I train some people who look better than both of them combined, just so you know. Advice listen to both sides and make your conclusion, don't be narrow minded.
    I really doubt that biochem major is you, or is here to argue what you pulled out of your bum. No, I didn't question you, because I don't want to know what you know, because constantly spit out things that make no sense that you are constantly correcting isn't useful to me. And when you're lying and pulling things out of thin air and making assumptions, I don't see the point of questioning you, or trying to know what you know.

    Who said I had big muscles, I have no idea what you are going on with or why you are going on with it lol.

    And I don't doubt that you train people who look better then both of them combined. I feel sorry for those people though.

    I've listened to the advice on both sides, looked up some biology and chemistry, was on the other side of the low protein fence, made a conclusion, benefited from it and showed results and increased my health. I wouldn't call that being narrow minded.
  • NualaTW
    NualaTW Posts: 205 Member
    My RD tells me that we need about 0.8g of protein per 2.2lb of body weight. I get my blood tests at the doctor every 6 months, and so long as my kidney and liver tests come back fine, then having a little over the RDA of protein would not hurt me, as my kidneys will flush it out of my body.

    So, right now I don't worry too much about going over my protein every day. It's hard not too when protein comes in so many forms other than meat. I get so much from my egg whites, milk, beans, not to mention the chicken and fish I eat regularly...
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    read more carefully we're not talking about gluconeogenesis, read more carefully next time. (Even the gluconeogenesis theory is being challenged just so you're update on research)

    Why people with low glycogen levels suffer wit performance, you thik they can build muscle with crappy performance. think about that one.

    This doesn't even make any sense. You don't know anything about human metabolism, biochemistry, metabolic pathways, or nitrogen balance.

    Talk is cheap, all you say "that dosn't make sense" anyone can say that... Prove it..
    Most people don't waist energy trying to make sense of someone who never makes sense and is constantly messing up and changing his mind on what he said (see link where you changed the study several time). If someone sensible and logical stepped into the form, I'd be happy to listen and argue. Perhaps they could conjure up something that makes sense. Unfortunately, you're not that person.
  • SteveJWatson
    SteveJWatson Posts: 1,225 Member
    Here is food for thought, nothing in science is controlled....

    So, the fact that most studies are (clue: Its called 'the control' in the study) has evaded you?
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    So, is this one of those threads where PU gets has been drinking and argues with everyone or just one of the threads where he just argues with everyone without the drinking part? It's hard to tell the difference.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    LOL this again? The last time I seen you post this people argued with you for 6 pages and noted you had incorrect info from the beginning, changed it again (group info), got the results wrong, and others also noted info was left out (they were also taking creatine) and Acg67 kept telling you why you were incorrect over everything you said. If anyone wants to discuss it they should check out the thread you posted it in:

    Given that those intelligent scientific minded people I know read it still agree the protein recommendations are low, I'm not going to read all that all over again. Not to mention since I upped my protein my nails and hair got nicer :)

    Just ignore him, he's MFP's anti-protein troll. The worst part is, even if he was right, he's got no point. If we pretend he's right, and you don't REQUIRE lots of protein to build or maintain muscle, having MORE than the recommended amount is not detrimental. All of the studies that show that a high protein diet will build more muscle, make better gains in the gym, maintain LBM better, etc will even concede that if you eat more than their recommended amount, there are diminishing returns but THERE ARE STILL RETURNS WITH NO NEGATIVES. Read carefully: (most recommendations were in the 1.2g-2.2g per kg of body mass, I believe averaging out to 1.8g/kg)

    Long story short, there is no downside to eating lots of protein, barring a rare medical condition. I repeat, there is no reason NOT to consume lots of protein. I recommend at least 1g per lb of lean body mass, personally. Even if you never go in the gym a day in your life, at the bare minimum it will help with satiety which can be PARAMOUNT to most people adhering to their diet.
    The only reason I don't ignore people like him is because I've seen so many sweet not so analytical people end up severely depressed on advice of the close minded.

    Also, from the following link
    1.4-2g of protein per kg of bodyweight is beneficial for individuals engaged in intense exercise:

    2-3g/kg is beneficial for athletes:

    Older subjects lost lean mass getting the RDA protein recommendations (.8g/kg):

    Double the RDA outperformed the RDA for individuals in a calorie deficit:

    Triple the RDA outperformed the RDA for individuals in a calorie deficit:

    Subjects with a 1.5g/kg protein intake lost fat and gained lean mass:

    Of people that don't exercise, high protien intake causes less lean-mass loss:

    close minded is not looking it from both angles, i already did the high protein thing, now i am lower. Which angle are you looking at things from? just 1.

    Way to make assumptions. I'm doing the higher intake because 1. when I had low protein my hair was falling out and my nails were cracking off. 2. When I upped my protein that stopped. 3. every controlled study I read on it sides with what happened, and not what you extrapolated very poorly from a drug (not protien) study that you seemed to repeatedly manipulate in that thread.

    It could have easily be a specific amino acid, which can also be found in non animal sources. Just because you ate protein and your nails got better, doesn't mean it was the protein. Could have been something else within the protein source.
    There you go, see that's an argument that makes sense. Good for you. Except that my protein was from the same sources. Complete protein, mostly chicken.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Or we can check the thread when i proved both of them wrong, I don't remember the title of it though. We had a debate about this again. If you want to take the alan aragon approach, he recommends things by a dexa scan which is flawed. So that blows that out of the water.

    What makes one person study more credible than another? You can't pick favorites in science.

    I also offer this question to anyone who is talking about higher protein intake. Are they talking from education or experience? I am speaking from both.

    I wouldn't call them scientifically minded. I would call it pick a favorite guru and parrot him.
    I have never seen such a thread. Not that it matters but I do find Sara and Sidesteel more credible then you. They don't tend to botch things up constantly like I see you do (see example of that thread I posted where you constantly made mistakes). That aside, I don't listen to them unless it makes sense. I've questioned Sara many a times and went out and read my own info...and so far...Sara's usually if not always right lol. I always question things though. And I've questioned Sara many times. And the longer period of time that goes by, the more likely I am to look at her response over someone like you. And after reading sidesteels arms...and then looking at his posts lol...everything he said just made sense to me.

    And terrible to admit it but after doing something for an extended period of time people will trust you more if you look the part. Many people will choose the fit personal trainer over the obese one even if the larger one is a whole lot more knowledgeable and sensible. Perhaps why I've met many dumb ones that are doing so well. Sara and Sidesteel are both in incredible shape. They are both in inspirable shape and practice what they preach and can back it up. Not saying looks should have all baring at all...A friend of mine is incredibly intelligent but never practices what he preaches.

    I'm a terrible parrot. How many times did I ignore and question weights and more protein and increasing calories etc etc etc before I actually did it because I didn't have a doubt left. If I took your side my finger nails would probably still be constantly cracking off.

    If someone says something I can find something on google scholar that agrees with them and it makes sense, I'll believe them. Why wouldn't I?

    They are more credible than a biochemistry major, NASM CPT(National Academy Of Sports Medicine) who has lost 163lbs? okay.
    You never even questioned me, you don't know what I know.

    Big muscles limit performance in a survival situation, as humans we're designed to survive, so bigger muscles are pointless for humans.

    I train some people who look better than both of them combined, just so you know. Advice listen to both sides and make your conclusion, don't be narrow minded.

    To quote you....
    Talk is cheap,

    That's why we show with results :-)

  • SteveJWatson
    SteveJWatson Posts: 1,225 Member
    class time, have fun!

    I do hope you are taking a rudimentary science class....
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Or we can check the thread when i proved both of them wrong, I don't remember the title of it though. We had a debate about this again. If you want to take the alan aragon approach, he recommends things by a dexa scan which is flawed. So that blows that out of the water.

    What makes one person study more credible than another? You can't pick favorites in science.

    I also offer this question to anyone who is talking about higher protein intake. Are they talking from education or experience? I am speaking from both.

    I wouldn't call them scientifically minded. I would call it pick a favorite guru and parrot him.
    I have never seen such a thread. Not that it matters but I do find Sara and Sidesteel more credible then you. They don't tend to botch things up constantly like I see you do (see example of that thread I posted where you constantly made mistakes). That aside, I don't listen to them unless it makes sense. I've questioned Sara many a times and went out and read my own info...and so far...Sara's usually if not always right lol. I always question things though. And I've questioned Sara many times. And the longer period of time that goes by, the more likely I am to look at her response over someone like you. And after reading sidesteels arms...and then looking at his posts lol...everything he said just made sense to me.

    And terrible to admit it but after doing something for an extended period of time people will trust you more if you look the part. Many people will choose the fit personal trainer over the obese one even if the larger one is a whole lot more knowledgeable and sensible. Perhaps why I've met many dumb ones that are doing so well. Sara and Sidesteel are both in incredible shape. They are both in inspirable shape and practice what they preach and can back it up. Not saying looks should have all baring at all...A friend of mine is incredibly intelligent but never practices what he preaches.

    I'm a terrible parrot. How many times did I ignore and question weights and more protein and increasing calories etc etc etc before I actually did it because I didn't have a doubt left. If I took your side my finger nails would probably still be constantly cracking off.

    If someone says something I can find something on google scholar that agrees with them and it makes sense, I'll believe them. Why wouldn't I?

    They are more credible than a biochemistry major, NASM CPT(National Academy Of Sports Medicine) who has lost 163lbs? okay.
    You never even questioned me, you don't know what I know.

    Big muscles limit performance in a survival situation, as humans we're designed to survive, so bigger muscles are pointless for humans.

    I train some people who look better than both of them combined, just so you know. Advice listen to both sides and make your conclusion, don't be narrow minded.

    To quote you....
    Talk is cheap,

    That's why we show with results :-)


    I got my results and getting them, are you?

  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    To quote you....
    Talk is cheap,

    That's why we show with results :-)


    I got my results and getting them, are you?


    Was that a trick question or something? What did THAT even mean? lol.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Or we can check the thread when i proved both of them wrong, I don't remember the title of it though. We had a debate about this again. If you want to take the alan aragon approach, he recommends things by a dexa scan which is flawed. So that blows that out of the water.

    What makes one person study more credible than another? You can't pick favorites in science.

    I also offer this question to anyone who is talking about higher protein intake. Are they talking from education or experience? I am speaking from both.

    I wouldn't call them scientifically minded. I would call it pick a favorite guru and parrot him.
    I have never seen such a thread. Not that it matters but I do find Sara and Sidesteel more credible then you. They don't tend to botch things up constantly like I see you do (see example of that thread I posted where you constantly made mistakes). That aside, I don't listen to them unless it makes sense. I've questioned Sara many a times and went out and read my own info...and so far...Sara's usually if not always right lol. I always question things though. And I've questioned Sara many times. And the longer period of time that goes by, the more likely I am to look at her response over someone like you. And after reading sidesteels arms...and then looking at his posts lol...everything he said just made sense to me.

    And terrible to admit it but after doing something for an extended period of time people will trust you more if you look the part. Many people will choose the fit personal trainer over the obese one even if the larger one is a whole lot more knowledgeable and sensible. Perhaps why I've met many dumb ones that are doing so well. Sara and Sidesteel are both in incredible shape. They are both in inspirable shape and practice what they preach and can back it up. Not saying looks should have all baring at all...A friend of mine is incredibly intelligent but never practices what he preaches.

    I'm a terrible parrot. How many times did I ignore and question weights and more protein and increasing calories etc etc etc before I actually did it because I didn't have a doubt left. If I took your side my finger nails would probably still be constantly cracking off.

    If someone says something I can find something on google scholar that agrees with them and it makes sense, I'll believe them. Why wouldn't I?

    They are more credible than a biochemistry major, NASM CPT(National Academy Of Sports Medicine) who has lost 163lbs? okay.
    You never even questioned me, you don't know what I know.

    Big muscles limit performance in a survival situation, as humans we're designed to survive, so bigger muscles are pointless for humans.

    I train some people who look better than both of them combined, just so you know. Advice listen to both sides and make your conclusion, don't be narrow minded.
    I really doubt that biochem major is you, or is here to argue what you pulled out of your bum. No, I didn't question you, because I don't want to know what you know, because constantly spit out things that make no sense that you are constantly correcting. And when you're lying and pulling things out of thin air and making assumptions, I don't see the point of questioning you, or trying to know what you know.

    Who said I had big muscles, I have no idea what you are going on with or why you are going on with it lol.

    And I don't doubt that you train people who look better then both of them combined. I feel sorry for them though. I've listened to the advice on both sides, looked up some biology and chemistry, was on the other side of the low protein fence, made a conclusion, benefited from it and showed results and increased my health. I wouldn't call that being narrow minded.

    If you're talking about me "correcting things" it was on that protein topic i made. I specifically said I was really tired and I haven't gotten much rest. If you can list something else I "corrected" i would gladly like to hear it.

    Calculus doesn't make sense to a 5th grader. Just because it doesn't make sense to you doesn't mean it's wrong.

    Go look up IGF-1 and life span, and uric acid and pH of blood. Then eat your protein.

    I seem to remember in a certain thread where you got some basic math wrong.....oh...this one!
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Or we can check the thread when i proved both of them wrong, I don't remember the title of it though. We had a debate about this again. If you want to take the alan aragon approach, he recommends things by a dexa scan which is flawed. So that blows that out of the water.

    What makes one person study more credible than another? You can't pick favorites in science.

    I also offer this question to anyone who is talking about higher protein intake. Are they talking from education or experience? I am speaking from both.

    I wouldn't call them scientifically minded. I would call it pick a favorite guru and parrot him.
    I have never seen such a thread. Not that it matters but I do find Sara and Sidesteel more credible then you. They don't tend to botch things up constantly like I see you do (see example of that thread I posted where you constantly made mistakes). That aside, I don't listen to them unless it makes sense. I've questioned Sara many a times and went out and read my own info...and so far...Sara's usually if not always right lol. I always question things though. And I've questioned Sara many times. And the longer period of time that goes by, the more likely I am to look at her response over someone like you. And after reading sidesteels arms...and then looking at his posts lol...everything he said just made sense to me.

    And terrible to admit it but after doing something for an extended period of time people will trust you more if you look the part. Many people will choose the fit personal trainer over the obese one even if the larger one is a whole lot more knowledgeable and sensible. Perhaps why I've met many dumb ones that are doing so well. Sara and Sidesteel are both in incredible shape. They are both in inspirable shape and practice what they preach and can back it up. Not saying looks should have all baring at all...A friend of mine is incredibly intelligent but never practices what he preaches.

    I'm a terrible parrot. How many times did I ignore and question weights and more protein and increasing calories etc etc etc before I actually did it because I didn't have a doubt left. If I took your side my finger nails would probably still be constantly cracking off.

    If someone says something I can find something on google scholar that agrees with them and it makes sense, I'll believe them. Why wouldn't I?

    They are more credible than a biochemistry major, NASM CPT(National Academy Of Sports Medicine) who has lost 163lbs? okay.
    You never even questioned me, you don't know what I know.

    Big muscles limit performance in a survival situation, as humans we're designed to survive, so bigger muscles are pointless for humans.

    I train some people who look better than both of them combined, just so you know. Advice listen to both sides and make your conclusion, don't be narrow minded.

    To quote you....
    Talk is cheap,

    That's why we show with results :-)


    I got my results and getting them, are you?

    Also, we are talking about your other assertions.

    Plus, I am still waiting for that thread you mentioned!
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    Big muscles limit performance in a survival situation, as humans we're designed to survive, so bigger muscles are pointless for humans.

    This is one of the many reasons why no one believes what you post. You say completely random and outlandish things like this. You fruitlessly take two dissimilar statements and try to relate them.

    Yes, big muscles are not optimal from a pure survival standpoint. Muscle is expensive to build and maintain. That's why it's so damn hard to build new muscle. This is obvious but has nothing to do with the latter statement.

    You go on to say that bigger muscles are pointless. Pointless how? People generally build bigger muscles for one of two reasons. Either they want to become stronger or they want to be more aesthetically pleasing (or both). I wouldn't call that "pointless". Here in the first world, survival isn't much of a concern. Those who have to be concerned with survival aren't sitting on their butt on MFP all day, that's for sure.

    Hell, earlier in this thread you made a comment about vegan bodybuilders, insinuating that they can build muscle just fine without protein. Do you know any vegan bodybuilders? They generally supplement their diet with a crapton of protein powder and probably get twice as much as I do on a daily basis. You use an example which contradicts your own statements and then you wonder why no one takes you seriously.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Unless you have some medical condition like compromised kidneys then you'll be fine with more protein. IMO, MFP sets the protein way to low and the carbs way to high in their standards calculations.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    Or we can check the thread when i proved both of them wrong, I don't remember the title of it though. We had a debate about this again. If you want to take the alan aragon approach, he recommends things by a dexa scan which is flawed. So that blows that out of the water.

    What makes one person study more credible than another? You can't pick favorites in science.

    I also offer this question to anyone who is talking about higher protein intake. Are they talking from education or experience? I am speaking from both.

    I wouldn't call them scientifically minded. I would call it pick a favorite guru and parrot him.
    I have never seen such a thread. Not that it matters but I do find Sara and Sidesteel more credible then you. They don't tend to botch things up constantly like I see you do (see example of that thread I posted where you constantly made mistakes). That aside, I don't listen to them unless it makes sense. I've questioned Sara many a times and went out and read my own info...and so far...Sara's usually if not always right lol. I always question things though. And I've questioned Sara many times. And the longer period of time that goes by, the more likely I am to look at her response over someone like you. And after reading sidesteels arms...and then looking at his posts lol...everything he said just made sense to me.

    And terrible to admit it but after doing something for an extended period of time people will trust you more if you look the part. Many people will choose the fit personal trainer over the obese one even if the larger one is a whole lot more knowledgeable and sensible. Perhaps why I've met many dumb ones that are doing so well. Sara and Sidesteel are both in incredible shape. They are both in inspirable shape and practice what they preach and can back it up. Not saying looks should have all baring at all...A friend of mine is incredibly intelligent but never practices what he preaches.

    I'm a terrible parrot. How many times did I ignore and question weights and more protein and increasing calories etc etc etc before I actually did it because I didn't have a doubt left. If I took your side my finger nails would probably still be constantly cracking off.

    If someone says something I can find something on google scholar that agrees with them and it makes sense, I'll believe them. Why wouldn't I?

    They are more credible than a biochemistry major, NASM CPT(National Academy Of Sports Medicine) who has lost 163lbs? okay.
    You never even questioned me, you don't know what I know.

    Big muscles limit performance in a survival situation, as humans we're designed to survive, so bigger muscles are pointless for humans.

    I train some people who look better than both of them combined, just so you know. Advice listen to both sides and make your conclusion, don't be narrow minded.
    I really doubt that biochem major is you, or is here to argue what you pulled out of your bum. No, I didn't question you, because I don't want to know what you know, because constantly spit out things that make no sense that you are constantly correcting. And when you're lying and pulling things out of thin air and making assumptions, I don't see the point of questioning you, or trying to know what you know.

    Who said I had big muscles, I have no idea what you are going on with or why you are going on with it lol.

    And I don't doubt that you train people who look better then both of them combined. I feel sorry for them though. I've listened to the advice on both sides, looked up some biology and chemistry, was on the other side of the low protein fence, made a conclusion, benefited from it and showed results and increased my health. I wouldn't call that being narrow minded.

    If you're talking about me "correcting things" it was on that protein topic i made. I specifically said I was really tired and I haven't gotten much rest. If you can list something else I "corrected" i would gladly like to hear it.

    Calculus doesn't make sense to a 5th grader. Just because it doesn't make sense to you doesn't mean it's wrong.

    Go look up IGF-1 and life span, and uric acid and pH of blood. Then eat your protein.
    The reason it doesn't make sense is because the opposite was proven true and you are saying it's false. From the massive amount of evidence that more protein is beneficial to different types of people...from many studies...where that was the soul purpose. And when I did it, it was beneficial. Therefore, check, I believe that.

    You are showing me something that you extrapolated from 1 drug study trying to prove something else, that you manipulated repeatedly and are trying to tell me I should go back to eating the protein amounts I was eating where I was losing my hair and nails. That doesn't make sense. If you can explain to me how that makes would be...interesting to see you try.
  • Querian
    Querian Posts: 419 Member
    Eat lots of fresh fruits and veggies. They do have some protein but not as much as animal products. :flowerforyou:
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member

    Please answer my questions below.

    1. In that study, what did all of the men weigh?

    2. In that study, what supplements did each of the men take including BCAA consumption?

    3. Are you going to stand there and tell me that each of those men that did the "Exercise + NO steroid injection" all gained 4.5lbs of LBM by consuming only 120g of protein each day? So they all had the same genetics? You do understand that not everyone gains weight and LBM the same right?

    4. How long was the study for?

    5. The study says "Steroid Injections". They are literally dozens upon dozens of different types of AAS. Some do more than others. I find it funny how they just say "steroid injections" but don't give details about which kind. Was it test-p, clen, etc?

    If you have 43 men that are so called "bodybuilders", but all weigh 150 lbs then yea they probably don't need alot of protein ESPECIALLY if they are taking BCAA supplements.

    You cannot stand there and tell me that a 200lb bodybuilder that is at 6% bodyfat can continue to hold onto his muscle mass on 120g of protein. Sorry. Not a chance.
  • 40/40/20 respect it.

    230g+ protein a day BOOM.
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    bumping for later