The decline of MFP



  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    I think the threads like the OP referenced, where people post patently ridiculous health/diet problems to see who will take them seriously and to let their friends play around, multiplied when innuendo filled, smutty threads started to be modded out of existence. Back then the silliness could be easily spotted. Now posters have to be more more subtle, more posters won't get it, and more of them will get frustrated when they realise their own gullibility. (Plus there are the occasional, late night, real trolls, but they are few and far between.)

    The only times I have been ranted at were: when I posted a thread with a recipe involving a Cadbury's Creme Egg and when I encouraged a girl to eat more and was told I must be fat to eat so much. I wasn't upset by the former, and didn't even bother replying. The latter was more upsetting, as I'm not fat and it took a while to accept I need to eat so much, so I just deleted the critic. Frankly, I don't have the time or energy to fuss about such things. I'd much rather find an amusing thread or two to follow.
  • _DaniD_
    _DaniD_ Posts: 2,186 Member
    That's what I thought. No, you are not a whiner, you don't start threads to cause more drama, you do the work and you do the research, and you understand that no one is out to get you. That's my definition of someone I want to know.

    Well, shucks. I will add you to the small list of people on here who don't think I'm a meanie.
  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member
    I am seriously getting a bikini when I hit my target weight.

    And we will be eagerly awaiting the pictures.

    Somehow I doubt anyone would want to see it! I just don't have the legs for it.

    Never skip leg day. :P
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    That's what I thought. No, you are not a whiner, you don't start threads to cause more drama, you do the work and you do the research, and you understand that no one is out to get you. That's my definition of someone I want to know.

    Well, shucks. I will add you to the small list of people on here who don't think I'm a meanie.

    Just break up
  • SwimFan1981
    SwimFan1981 Posts: 1,430 Member
    Exactly! I seen a profile pic of a woman yesterday in a bikini wanting to lose 20 pounds. She didn't look like she needed to lose any weight. I also seen a guy yesterday that his picture looked like it came straight out of a fitness magazine. And I have noticed people's nasty comments about healthy recipes.

    OOOOOOOOHHHHHHH. I missed the rule where it said you had to have 70+ pounds to lose in ordr to be able to post on this site.

    My bad.

  • deanadimples
    deanadimples Posts: 419 Member
    I think the threads like the OP referenced, where people post patently ridiculous health/diet problems to see who will take them seriously and to let their friends play around

    Yup. Pretty much. Post a problem only to use it to mock the responses.
  • Gladius270
    Gladius270 Posts: 5 Member
    There is an easy way to solve this: stay off of the message boards. I barely ever post here, I'm doing just fine. There are other, much better communities for those trying to improve their lives and live healthier
  • Showmm
    Showmm Posts: 406 Member
    I think the threads like the OP referenced, where people post patently ridiculous health/diet problems to see who will take them seriously and to let their friends play around

    Yup. Pretty much. Post a problem only to use it to mock the responses.

    Well, who does this reflect badly on? The one person who started the thread, or the many many people who gave sincere advice?

    Something about apples, barrels and not letting one spoil the rest comes to mind...
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    The OP is divisive and unhelpful in my opinion. It simply exacerbates a "them and us" mentality.

    Personally if I want something to change, both online and in real life I ask for it politely in positive terms if at all possible. So for example "I understand that a shared joke helps to relieve the monotony of dieting and the work day but please could we remember that some people may have less knowledge and therefore the joke may be taken seriously and set them back in their efforts. Perhaps we can all help MFP members to excel by bearing this is mind in the future."

    I have rarely seen a rant achieve any thing of note other than a locked topic.
  • babyblooz
    babyblooz Posts: 220 Member
    I am seriously getting a bikini when I hit my target weight.

    A+ :laugh:
  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
    I'm sorry OP, but do you see how posting this type of thread does no good and only contributes to the negativity?

    If you find a thread or a post that you don't agree with and causes you to emotionally react, then step away and ignore it. Each of us has the ability to choose how we react to things in life and on MFP. It may be the only thing we really have true control over in life, so I strongly suggest taking advantage of that.

    Good luck, and keep working on YOUR goals!
  • Lt_Starbuck
    Lt_Starbuck Posts: 576 Member
    I think the threads like the OP referenced, where people post patently ridiculous health/diet problems to see who will take them seriously and to let their friends play around, multiplied when innuendo filled, smutty threads started to be modded out of existence. Back then the silliness could be easily spotted. Now posters have to be more more subtle, more posters won't get it, and more of them will get frustrated when they realise their own gullibility. (Plus there are the occasional, late night, real trolls, but they are few and far between.)

    my response is not directed at you, but does have a little to do with the threads you mentioned.

    All anyone has to do to recognize a troll thread is look at the file path of the thread. If it says Chit-Chat, Fun & Games and is a serious question... guess what.

    if it says Fitness & Exercise or Diet & Nutrition, etc - those are legit. If it seems a bit ridiculous and it's in the chat chat forum... just keep walking and don't sweat it if this is not your preferred brand of humor.

    You don't just lynch people, or request that the moderators ban them, just because they have a different sense of humor than you do.

    You wouldn't do that in the real world, would you? punish someone for having a different funny bone. Punish someone for motivating someone else in a way you don't find motivating.

    Would you?

    People say everyone is mean and obnoxious because they can sit behind a computer screen in anonymity. The people who say that are no different.
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    I think the threads like the OP referenced, where people post patently ridiculous health/diet problems to see who will take them seriously and to let their friends play around

    Keywords: patently ridiculous health/diet problem; play around

    Context: typically seen under "CHIT CHAT, FUN and GAMES"

    Result: has many laughing their *kitten* off (which is a healthy activity), and the occasional Grumpy McGrumperson who missed the punch line

    *egad* what is this world coming to.
  • Lt_Starbuck
    Lt_Starbuck Posts: 576 Member
    I think the threads like the OP referenced, where people post patently ridiculous health/diet problems to see who will take them seriously and to let their friends play around

    Yup. Pretty much. Post a problem only to use it to mock the responses.

    and it's always posted in Chit-Chat, Fun & Games

    .... so?
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    I think the threads like the OP referenced, where people post patently ridiculous health/diet problems to see who will take them seriously and to let their friends play around

    Yup. Pretty much. Post a problem only to use it to mock the responses.

    And to enjoy posting silly responses. I agree it can be childish, but if you read the rest of my post, I hope you can see, how, historically, this began. There has to be some silliness somewhere and no one is directly picked on by those threads. It is a form of elitism, which can make me squirm at times, but I am surprised people find it so upsetting.
  • atamrowski
    atamrowski Posts: 417 Member
    I think many here are missing the main point the OP was trying to make; you have to admit, there have been some irrational responses to threads people post, well-deserved or not. The whole purpose IS to be supportive and offer advice but there's that "gray area" on what constitutes constructive criticism to just pure being an *kitten*.

    Now that being said, anything on the internet should be taken as a grain of salt. There will always be confrontational and trolling aspects in any forum. But on the other hand, there are those that offer valid support and advice. It's up to you to digest what you want and take away from it the important pieces of the information in front of you.

    Posting something like this might ruffle some feathers just because of the aforementioned.

    It'll be a never-ending debate that should just really not continue.
  • deanadimples
    deanadimples Posts: 419 Member
    Said thread was under "legit" thread. Motivation & support.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    I think the threads like the OP referenced, where people post patently ridiculous health/diet problems to see who will take them seriously and to let their friends play around

    Yup. Pretty much. Post a problem only to use it to mock the responses.

    and it's always posted in Chit-Chat, Fun & Games

    .... so?

    If that were true it wouldn't be so much of an issue.

    They do get posted on other parts of the site as well.
  • leolin6
    free information or entertainment, which ever comes first
    _SABOTEUR_ Posts: 6,833 Member
    I think it is like any site that becomes popular. You get a mix of the good, the bad and the trolls.
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