Weight loss army!!



  • jennmcpherson
    jennmcpherson Posts: 263 Member
  • jennmcpherson
    jennmcpherson Posts: 263 Member
    Ok challenge time!
    Everyone has been doing so well at the water challenge, so well in fact I'm going to up it!
    9 glasses of water a day at least. That's 2250 mL or 72 oz.
    Exercise well, I think we'll keep that at the 210 minutes this week but please feel free to up that yourself. I'm personally aiming for 300 minutes of exercise this week.
    Fruits and veggies seems to be everyone's hardest challenge so we'll keep that at 6 servings per day. On thing I find that really helps is to eat one of your meals as only fruits and veggies.
  • blondie76
    blondie76 Posts: 552 Member
    Ok challenge time!
    Everyone has been doing so well at the water challenge, so well in fact I'm going to up it!
    9 glasses of water a day at least. That's 2250 mL or 72 oz.
    Exercise well, I think we'll keep that at the 210 minutes this week but please feel free to up that yourself. I'm personally aiming for 300 minutes of exercise this week.
    Fruits and veggies seems to be everyone's hardest challenge so we'll keep that at 6 servings per day. On thing I find that really helps is to eat one of your meals as only fruits and veggies.

    great goals Jenn!!

    And thanks for all you do!
    Its only tues and I am already at 128 mins of excersise lol! And I have done nothing yet!

    I like you one meal as all fruits and veggies, what do you normally do?

    Sherri :)
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    allislefttogain – Wowzers! So close you can taste it I bet, haha! Was it you who did the no drinking for a couple of months? I’m thinking about doing that. I don’t drink a lot but I find that whenever I do it’s just a pile of extra calories and when I do my next weigh-in I’m always choked about it.

    Jenn, that was me! I didn't have any drinks from March 19th to May 29th! It was kind of an accident at first, but then I used it as a motivator to lose more pounds and I know it definitely helped me lose faster. I wasn't drinking much before, but I know it helped for sure.

    I personally think it's easier to just work 2-3 servings of veggies in with every meal. If you do one meal of just veggies, you're not getting much protein and then I think it's MUCH harder to make it up at the end of the day. I currently have blackberries and blueberries for breakfast, apple and carrots for lunch and then two veggies for dinner (potato/carrots/broccoli) and then have others as some of my snacks throughout the day!
  • chgraham
    chgraham Posts: 122
    Seeing this chart is great. Thank you for doing this.

    I haven't had a drink since February, I think. I usually have a drink when I visit the in-laws and when we saw them 2 weeks ago, I had my water and that was enough for me. Didn't really even miss the alcohol : )

    I am going to attempt to up my water to about 10 cups per day, I usually drink 9-10 already, but lately I have been able to do the 9 for sure.

    The veggies are no problem I have them for 4 of my 5 meals a day.

    I need to work on the exercise bit. I exercise in the morning, but that has been about it lately, need to get back to the gym and do a good workout. If the weather is nice this weekend, might actually get the bike ready and go for a bike ride.
  • jennmcpherson
    jennmcpherson Posts: 263 Member
    blondie76 – I’m glad you like them, why fix it if it’s not broken right?! Don’t thank me, thank you for showing up week after week. That’s great about your exercise! What is your goal for exercise minutes for this week? For my veggie meal, I usually have a huge bowl of celery, carrots, broccoli and cauliflower with some hummus. Some yummy and filling and it usually knocks off about 3 servings for me. I try to add veggies and fruits to every meal but I like to bang out a bunch in one meal, it doesn’t work for everyone but I like it.

    allislefttogain – I was thinking 2 months for myself as well. I’m not a big drinker either but I think it will help for sure. I never thought of the protein, I’ll have to check mine and see if it’s affecting my daily totals. Thanks for the tip.

    chgraham – The chart has really motivated me! Thank you for joining the group otherwise it would just be me on there and that might look a bit sad, haha. Great idea to push yourself on the water intake. I’ve really been trying to up my exercise lately. Last week I really pushed it and ended up down 2.4 pounds so if that’s not motivation, I don’t know what is!
  • kizzym
    kizzym Posts: 250
    is it too late to join?
  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    Hello Jenn and All, Well i am another pound closer to my target :laugh: only 3 more to go !!!!!! Really pleased with that as I have had a Wedding Reception on Friday Night and a BBQ on Saturday Night.

    start weight (and heaviest weight) with MFP on 1/12/10 ....164.5 pounds
    Last weeks weight ......................................................................130 .pounds
    current weight ..............................................................................129 ..pounds
    final goal .......................................................................................126 ..pounds

    On the puppy front .......I have had lots of very early mornings this week but have not got as much exercise in as puppy watching is very time consuming :bigsmile: Hubby is now besotted with puppy so all is well ATM.
    Good Luck to you all with your weigh- ins
  • chgraham
    chgraham Posts: 122
    Current Weight = 186.5 lbs
    Last week Weight = 189.5 lbs

    3lbs gone this week. I hope next week is just as good.

    My water intake was pretty good, some days were better than others. So far this morning I have already had 3 cups of water. The veggies are no problem, I have them with almost every meal except breakfast.

    Getting to the gym was still an issue this past week. At home no problem, just getting out. Managed to walk the bikes to the gas station to put air in the tires, then rode home in the rain showers.
  • bowbee
    bowbee Posts: 77 Member
    Really good week. Lost 3.6lbs. CW 216.6

    running late...will reply later with how I did with this week's challenges!

    Take care!
  • melbhall
    melbhall Posts: 519
    Okay, I GAINED! Big Time =( =( =(

    Current weight: 175.4

    After reading several posts I'm thinking I seriously need to cut my alcohol down. Hubby and I have a glass or 2 of wine several times a week after we put our son to bed and then we sit around and watch tv. I really want to lose weight and when we drink wine we then snack on any and everything available. Last night it was potato wedges...UGH. We have Margarita Tuesday every week with friends and we so look forward to it. My goal for this week is to only have 1 margarita (no matter how many extra calories I have) and not to drink anything else!!!

    *Just a side note, I feel really guilty and horrible about this so I am not going to change my ticker that says I've lost 7 lbs. I'm just going to leave it the same even though it should only say 5. I promise to get my act together!
  • blondie76
    blondie76 Posts: 552 Member
    Lol another half a pound for me! so 177 now!!
  • metfanlisa
    metfanlisa Posts: 29 Member
    Happy Monday Troops! I hope the weekend was good to you all.

    I'm weighing in today at 150.6, a slight gain but can I blame it on TOM coming this week? lol

    I'm not feeling bad that my bar hasn't moved much this week because I succeeded in beating a goal I set for myself this weekend. I ran a 10k on Saturday and had a goal time of 1:14.33 and made it in 1:13.47!! It's not a big time gap but I'll take it! Woo Hoo!!

    I haven't been good on my fruits/vege's these last couple weeks, however my water intake is on track and I did manage the 210min of exercise but did not reach my own personal exercise goal for the week. :ohwell:

    On to a new week and a better commitment to myself and the Army! Next week I start training for my 2nd Half Marathon so hopefully I can stick w/ALL the workouts and break the 150lb plateau!!!

    Have a great week everyone!
  • enromero
    enromero Posts: 104
    Just a quick note, as Im busy around the house at the moment... I lost 1 lb this week makin my CW 208....Idid start sat morn so I was pleasantly surprised with the 1lb!! I did work my *kitten* off in the gym last week (I actually had a workout buddy last week and we push each other, wish we could do that every week but she lives an hr away from here lol)

    On a side note, last fri when I went to pick my 5 yr old up from daycare he runs to me and hugs me around the waist...stopped, looked up at me, grabbed my stomach and said "mommy you are getting skinny again" I wanted to cry, but instead I just smiled and said I know honey :-) If u read my profile, u would understand that he is my biggest motivator!!

    SW 3/1/10- 241
    LW 5/30/10- 209
    CW 6/7/10- 208

    *8 lbs to go and I get a meeting with a personal trainer!!!!!!! <- super excited about this!!!
  • sweet148angel
    sweet148angel Posts: 27 Member
    Gained this week with all of the family get togethers. However back to the grind again thsis week.
    Weight this am was 234.4
  • jennmcpherson
    jennmcpherson Posts: 263 Member
    kizzym – It’s never too late to join, we’d love to have you in our army!
    barty – Congrats on the pound closer, you are so close, only 3 pounds! Great to hear that everything with the puppy is going well, what kind did you get? What’s his/her name?
    chgraham – 3 pounds, look at you go! I love riding my bike and it’s great exercise!
    bowbee – 3.6! Wowzers! Very impressed! Keep up with the hard work!
    melbhall – Oh Mel, big hug for you. I think I’m going to cut out alcohol for a bit too.
    blondie76 – Fantastic! That’s what I like to see!
    metfanlisa – I think blaming it on TOM is more than appropriate. Congrats on A) the 10K and B) beating your goal! I’m sure you’ll do great this week, you sound very empowered!
    enromero – Great work on the 1 pound down this week. Kids are the most honest people in the whole world (I’ve read your profile, it made me thank my lucky stars that the twins aren’t even 2 yet). What a perfect compliment coming from him, you know he’s telling the truth, haha.
    sweet148angel – That darn family coming to visit and have fun with you! Kick some butt this week! I know you will!

    I'm so sorry but I wasn't able to weigh-in this morning. What is up with me not getting up on Monday mornings anymore. . .

    I had a great weekend. Yesterday my husband and I threw a surprise birthday party for his Mom. So much fun! Hopefully the bbq doesn't reflect on tomorrow's weigh-in!
  • bowbee
    bowbee Posts: 77 Member
    Happy Monday Troops! I hope the weekend was good to you all.

    I'm weighing in today at 150.6, a slight gain but can I blame it on TOM coming this week? lol

    I'm not feeling bad that my bar hasn't moved much this week because I succeeded in beating a goal I set for myself this weekend. I ran a 10k on Saturday and had a goal time of 1:14.33 and made it in 1:13.47!! It's not a big time gap but I'll take it! Woo Hoo!!

    I haven't been good on my fruits/vege's these last couple weeks, however my water intake is on track and I did manage the 210min of exercise but did not reach my own personal exercise goal for the week. :ohwell:

    On to a new week and a better commitment to myself and the Army! Next week I start training for my 2nd Half Marathon so hopefully I can stick w/ALL the workouts and break the 150lb plateau!!!

    Have a great week everyone!

    Awesome!! Way to go Lisa!
    Fantastic job on the 10K..you should feel proud!!
  • KaySaver
    KaySaver Posts: 92 Member
    Hello! Noobie here!

    I am all in for this weight loss army.

    SW 220
    CW 212
    1st GW 200
    Ultimate GW 130
  • kizzym
    kizzym Posts: 250
    sw: 180 ibs
    gw by end of this month: 175

    so what all do we need to do on here?
  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    So much going on this morning that I never got on the scale.
    Not that I lost anything, but I gotta keep it real...early tomorrow.
    See ya then.