Who is the most obnoxious person at YOUR gym??



  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    I work out at home, so there are a few. The kids are in bed when I work out, so they don't bother me. But there's a cat who runs between my legs and sniffs weights while I am trying to lift them. Equally as obnoxious is the guy who tries to grope my *kitten* while I am doing squats.
  • RobinV_Seattle
    RobinV_Seattle Posts: 191 Member
    My personal trainer. The *kitten*.
  • chatterbox3110
    chatterbox3110 Posts: 630 Member
    The person who decides to offer these cheap promotions to pull more people in....... our gym isn't big, but when they do these three months for £30 promotions, a) I'm paying a lot more than that, b) the gym ends up full of people who think three months will do the trick, and c) most of them stand around talking as they only went because their friends are there and the equipment makes a nice seat or something to stand on while they chat!

    I know a gym is a business, and some do go on to take full membership, but its really ruining it for those of us who need to get in there and are serious about exercise, half the time I can't even get in the car park..... yes I do have to drive there as it is too far away to walk

    It took me a long while to raise the confidence to walk into a gym at my all time high of 375lbs, now I really want to get back in there but because of these stupid promotions the serious exercisers can't get in.

    Don't even get me started on the swimming pool, currently shared with another pool due to roofing works, so all the free time sessions are taken up by swimming classes.......................
  • wendybird5
    wendybird5 Posts: 577 Member
    At my old gym it was:

    The girls in full makeup and designer workout wear posing on machines that I needed to use while chatting with each other or they would slow walk on the treadmills while texting away.

    The muscle heads that felt the need to drop weights all the time and make more noise than really needed just to impress their friends and the girls in full makeup just how much they were working out.

    Mario Lopez and his stupid sweatband.

    At my current gym:

    No one. There is a guy in sunglasses who never takes them off in the gym. But that is the extent of it.
  • giggitygoo
    giggitygoo Posts: 1,978 Member
    My dog barks at me when I jump, and tries to lick my ears when planking. That's pretty obnoxious.


    - Roscoe the dog
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    The person who decides to offer these cheap promotions to pull more people in....... our gym isn't big, but when they do these three months for £30 promotions, a) I'm paying a lot more than that, b) the gym ends up full of people who think three months will do the trick, and c) most of them stand around talking as they only went because their friends are there and the equipment makes a nice seat or something to stand on while they chat!

    I know a gym is a business, and some do go on to take full membership, but its really ruining it for those of us who need to get in there and are serious about exercise, half the time I can't even get in the car park..... yes I do have to drive there as it is too far away to walk

    It took me a long while to raise the confidence to walk into a gym at my all time high of 375lbs, now I really want to get back in there but because of these stupid promotions the serious exercisers can't get in.

    Don't even get me started on the swimming pool, currently shared with another pool due to roofing works, so all the free time sessions are taken up by swimming classes.......................

    How far is too far away to walk? Anything less than 6km and well, it's not far at all. EVERYONE is entitled to go to gym, if you can then others can as well. Simply put, they run a place where people exercise & I don't know many people who spend $$ not to do just that there. That means the gym can have an many ppl in there as they like, it's not exclusively for 'serious exercisers' whatever that means. I only use my gym 2 or 3 times a week if that..... does that make me not 'serious'? I work my *kitten* off while there & then do a workout at home as well..... plus I'll walk the 4km there & the 4km back, and then still do a workout a day at home anyway.

    Guess I'm not a 'serious exerciser' cause I only joined cause they gave me a month free..... 3 weeks go.
  • jimmie65
    jimmie65 Posts: 655 Member
    I work out at home, so there are a few. The kids are in bed when I work out, so they don't bother me. But there's a cat who runs between my legs and sniffs weights while I am trying to lift them. Equally as obnoxious is the guy who tries to grope my *kitten* while I am doing squats.

    My wife can relate.
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    I don't go to this gym anymore, but when I went to Gold's there was this guy that wore head to toe spandex....he had these wrist weights he would put on and do these TOTALLY BIZARRE dance/lift type moves WHILE he was on the treadmill...

    I mean...it was a cross between free weights and ballet and interpretive dance. And he huffed and puffed REALLY loudly... unnecessarily loud. I'm talking everyone in the gym could hear. Ugh.

    Not to mention he showed up one day with a rather large hole in his spandex pants...in a rather inconvenient place. Yikes..
  • AverageUkDude
    AverageUkDude Posts: 371 Member
    its a real pet peeve of mine that everyone who goes to the gym thinks everyone else at the gym is a 'juicer' who lifts heavy weights or is 'big', there are a **** of natural guys at my gym who are extremely dedicated and get overly annoyed when people instantly think their on roids. There also salt of the earth nice guys who have helped me tons with advice on form and spotting. I would like to hope that when im eventually where i want to be that people dont instantly assume you take steroids.
  • moonsforeyes
    This award goes to two equally braindead individuals where I go:

    1. Airhead who wanders the gym aimlessly chewing gum and looking at herself in the mirror, only to occassionally get on a cardio machine to make a phone call

    THIS! The girl is in amazing shape, but just based off of what I ever see her doing, i don't know how!!!!! She drive me insane.
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    Yeah...I see a lot of people sitting on weight benches or standing in front of the mirror dinking around on their cell phones...Or staring at themselves in the mirror.

    One guy at my gym does weights for literally a few seconds, then walks around the gym. Then stares at his arms...really?
  • MurphysLawTD
    MurphysLawTD Posts: 310 Member
    Also the old women who go in the hot tub naked. There should be rule against that.

    Your gym has a hot tub??!
  • SmileyFaceGuy
    Everyone at my gym is pretty inconspicuous. Sometimes it gets quiet... too quiet.
  • MurphysLawTD
    MurphysLawTD Posts: 310 Member
    its a real pet peeve of mine that everyone who goes to the gym thinks everyone else at the gym is a 'juicer' who lifts heavy weights or is 'big', there are a **** of natural guys at my gym who are extremely dedicated and get overly annoyed when people instantly think their on roids. There also salt of the earth nice guys who have helped me tons with advice on form and spotting. I would like to hope that when im eventually where i want to be that people dont instantly assume you take steroids.

    Truth! My bf is one of these guys. All natural, even when he competed. What used to offend him is now almost a compliment b/c it’s almost to say you can’t get there without the help of drugs, but he did. I used to get pissed when people ask if I have collagen in my lips, now I just take it as a compliment!
  • morningmud
    morningmud Posts: 477 Member
    That foam piece that you put over the bar, someone keeps putting it on a wide section of the squat rack, which has stretched it out so much that when I put it on the bar, it just falls right off. There also seem to be a large number of people lately that are not wiping down.
  • Lt_Starbuck
    Lt_Starbuck Posts: 576 Member
    This award goes to two equally braindead individuals where I go:

    1. Airhead who wanders the gym aimlessly chewing gum and looking at herself in the mirror, only to occassionally get on a cardio machine to make a phone call

    2. The guy who is SO JUICED UP his eyelids are puffy and look like slits. He talks to himself and looks around to see if anyone else is watching his lifts. (Clearly, I am. You can't miss this dude.) Another thing he does that I LOVE is lifts his shorts up so he can observe his quads in the mirror.

    Am I the ONLY one who has this problem?? I can't be. I just can't!!

    The guy that walks into the gym, watches what everyone else is doing and then posts gripes about strangers on the internet, that have nothing to do with his goals or the topic of Fitness and Exercise, and just likes insulting harmless demographics because he enjoys bonding with other judgmental people.

    People who pretend to never be judgmental as they make a judgmental post about others.

    edited for spelling. Because people will judge me on that. :tongue:

    ZOMG you're so clever I could just fall over. I was most certainly judging - but not anyone in the gym - and yeah - since one of my goals is to get people to go to the gym and not worry that others are watching them and criticising them WHILE they work out, it does actually hinder my goals when the haters all unite for a group gripefest in print.

    People show up here and say whatever they want to say - in the open forums - and are responsible for what they put out there. If you don't want responses from the general public, then you don't post the question to the general public.

    But by walking into a gym and doing your workout, you are not presenting yourself for public criticism on the internet where you are not afforded the option to defend yourself.

    In the forums, we can elaborate our points and defend ourselves. The people you are all hating on, cannot. That's all.

    just once I would love to see a thread about something wonderful that happened in your gym, friends you made, someone who you found that you can look up to. Not - who is the most obnoxious person that pays to go to your gym that you don't know.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member

    ZOMG you're so clever I could just fall over. I was most certainly judging - but not anyone in the gym - and yeah - since one of my goals is to get people to go to the gym and not worry that others are watching them and criticising them WHILE they work out, it does actually hinder my goals when the haters all unite for a group gripefest in print.

    People show up here and say whatever they want to say - in the open forums - and are responsible for what they put out there. If you don't want responses from the general public, then you don't post the question to the general public.

    People post these threads to blow off some steam and have a little fun at the expense of some of the weirdos they have to deal with every day. Yeah it's in public, but if you have to get butthurt and make it all about yourself you can certainly not read it. It's pretty obvious what a post entitled "who is the most obnoxious person at your gym" is going to be about.
    And it's not like there haven't been a dozen others just like it.
    But by walking into a gym and doing your workout, you are not presenting yourself for public criticism on the internet where you are not afforded the option to defend yourself.

    People are pretty much banging on people who go to the gym and DON'T work out, but strut around making pathetic attempts to get attention. if you're getting so bent out of shape because you're one of those people you should probably rethink your behavior in the gym.
    just once I would love to see a thread about something wonderful that happened in your gym, friends you made, someone who you found that you can look up to. Not - who is the most obnoxious person that pays to go to your gym that you don't know.

    I'm sure there are. But you're choosing to read and object to the ones that aren't. Lighten up.
  • Lt_Starbuck
    Lt_Starbuck Posts: 576 Member

    ZOMG you're so clever I could just fall over. I was most certainly judging - but not anyone in the gym - and yeah - since one of my goals is to get people to go to the gym and not worry that others are watching them and criticising them WHILE they work out, it does actually hinder my goals when the haters all unite for a group gripefest in print.

    People show up here and say whatever they want to say - in the open forums - and are responsible for what they put out there. If you don't want responses from the general public, then you don't post the question to the general public.

    People post these threads to blow off some steam and have a little fun at the expense of some of the weirdos they have to deal with every day. Yeah it's in public, but if you have to get butthurt and make it all about yourself you can certainly not read it. It's pretty obvious what a post entitled "who is the most obnoxious person at your gym" is going to be about.
    And it's not like there haven't been a dozen others just like it.
    But by walking into a gym and doing your workout, you are not presenting yourself for public criticism on the internet where you are not afforded the option to defend yourself.

    People are pretty much banging on people who go to the gym and DON'T work out, but strut around making pathetic attempts to get attention. if you're getting so bent out of shape because you're one of those people you should probably rethink your behavior in the gym.
    just once I would love to see a thread about something wonderful that happened in your gym, friends you made, someone who you found that you can look up to. Not - who is the most obnoxious person that pays to go to your gym that you don't know.

    I'm sure there are. But you're choosing to read and object to the ones that aren't. Lighten up.

    I am allowed to be here representing the other side. You are not singling out any other person objecting on this thread. Only me. I ask you kindly to stop singling me out and allow me to have a differing opinion than yours, and to stop with the insulting.

    I never started a conversation specifically with you - you brought my post from the beginning back up and I responded, just like I have been responding every 3 or 4 pages to let any silent readers know that not everyone is going to feel this way. Like other posters who have objected, we just want people to know that not everyone is watching them.

    We are keeping a balance here. And someone (or 5 or 10) usually object in the other 12 threads posted about making fun of people working out, just as they have here. it is not just me.

    Also feel free to put me on ignore - as I am not insulting you, but you are pointing a finger at me in particular, insinuating that I don't workout when I go to the gym and that I am one of the attention seekers that should be ridiculed, telling me to stop being butthurt and to not participate in this thread just because I don't agree with you- even though others have responded similarly.

    I post almost exclusively on information and motivational threads - but I was moved to speak up here, more than once, as others have done, on behalf of those that aren't going to think badly of what other people do in the gym.

    kindly do not respond to me again or it will be considered personal. I also promise not to post here anymore, because I am derailing this thread from it's original purpose of having a little fun at the expense of others.
  • lrbassmom
    The guy that walks around and talks to people instead of actually working out. Or people who sit on the machines and chat it up with the guy that walks just walks around and talks. And sometimes there is 2-3 of them at a time!
  • NewKeriSept2014
    NewKeriSept2014 Posts: 170 Member
    LMAO hahhaha i am dying laughing