Who is the most obnoxious person at YOUR gym??



  • TheLuSir
    TheLuSir Posts: 1,674 Member
    I must be pretty oblivious... I don't really notice anyone being obnoxious at my gym. I think I'm in my own world though with my earphones in and my iPod blasting!!

    I like this.
  • Penelope2738
    Penelope2738 Posts: 66 Member
    I have an older guy at my gym.. He is in good shape, but he often finds an open area in the gym and does Karate with an invisible friend... and makes sure he gets everyones attention with loud "Yas and Has" and other crazy noises when he kicks or punchs.... and then he runs around the indoor track and "pumps" him self up loudly, raising his arms like he just won something....
    This made me laugh, I want to go to your gym!
  • KeepCalmNGetyaSweatOn
    KeepCalmNGetyaSweatOn Posts: 361 Member
    Ok, I'm not one to rag on anyone. I typically mind my own business and just do my own thing at the gym, but... there is this guy who wears the same shirt everyday to the gym that has the phrase "I'd hit that!" He struts around making passes at anything that passes him by. It really, really, annoys me. I just want to make a shirt and wear it. It would say "I'd hit you with a baseball bat!" hahahaha Skeezbag.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    If you can't set your 75 lbs down quietly you are lifting above your level. It just shows you are crass to drop your weights. Weight lifting also includes CONTROL of said weights.

    lol. okay.
  • JezziedotM
    JezziedotM Posts: 31 Member
    Not obnoxious but just a little weird. A guy on the treadmill gives the occasional loud "yeah!" Like he's pumping himself up. But what do I care, I've got my headphones on. And sometimes in between songs when I CAN hear him I like to pretend he's cheering me on. :)

    Love it!! I wish I had my own cheerleader on the treadmill next to me :)
  • bermudamel
    bermudamel Posts: 212
    I go to a smaller gym, meaning they have about 5 treadmills. I went in there the other day and this woman is on there on her phone talking trash and her kid (who was about 8 or so) was next to her on another treadmill and the kid kept turning it on and running it at various speeds and while it was going she'd jump on it, run and then jump off and straddle the sides. After that fun, she was jumping back on it and almost walking sideways entirely then started turning around in circles on it while it was moving. The mother never even looked over and the owner had left for the evening. Every treadmill was busy and there were people waiting to use them. Finally after about 20 mins she ran to the back to her dad who was lifting weights and did not wipe off the machine. The mom was still on the phone!

    Here's the thing, first off there is no childcare offered at this gym, why would you bring them in know what time the owner is not there and let them screw around on the machines? Secondly she could have gotten hurt if she lost her footing. I don't know if they mom needed 'time away" but this isn't the place to do it, hang up the phone and watch your kid!. My mom would've smacked me if I acted like that at that age!
  • drea85an
    drea85an Posts: 130
    Lots of characters at my gym - I enjoy getting a laugh. More interesting then annoying. Usually.

    The old man who dances in front of the stretching area mirror.
    The lady who comes to work out in her jeans and puffy winter north face coat.
    The man who works out in jeans.
    The 17yo girls with pounds of make up, no sweating, and walking past all the guys 100 times who I never see work out
    The really buff dude who wears his running shorts SO short I can see more then anyone should, and that there isn't much to see
    This older, clearly ED woman with hair so long it touches the floor while she uses the weight machines (incorrectly I might add)
  • drea85an
    drea85an Posts: 130
    me. i'm the one that'll go up to people and give them tips on their form, and call them out when they're doing it wrong, especially if they're about to hurt themselves.

    also, i overhead press in the squat rack. i dead lift there too. i grunt, i sweat like a beast, clang my weights, and i look good doing it.

    F*cking NYers :wink:
  • Tatiyanya
    Tatiyanya Posts: 255 Member
    2 very large girls, they play the music from their phones with no ear buds, talk about sex and birth control all of he time, act like they are 12 and are very sarcastic. UGGGH

    >.> That hit unconfortably close home...
    But i always wear earbuds and I come solo, now in size M.
    Instead of sex/birth talk i repeat "penis" to my self frequently and giggle. If I feel frisky I might add "willy" for a good taste or "badunkadunk".
    Activities performed naked, especialy with other , preferably breathing human beings are very motivating to me, so I use code words to push myself further..

    My god, am the "crazy" at my gym.
    Well, I would be if I had any money for it ;_;
  • Mutant13
    Mutant13 Posts: 2,485 Member
    I don't care if I don't agree with your clothes, makeup, exercise routine etc. whatever you want to do Is fine by me.

    It's when people do things that inconvenience MY workout that I get pissed. There a two inconsiderate chucklef*cks in my gym who come in and NEVER put their weights away. These two dudes will do something like stand in the rack, with a bunch of dumbells and barbells all around them on the floor that they've just used and chucked, then do squats or whatever and just leave everything there.m! So not only do I need to take their weight off if the bar in the rack, I have to do it whole navigating around all the other crap that they've left there! Puppy eating b&stards.
  • _noob_
    _noob_ Posts: 3,306 Member
    The weight dropping thing gets annoying. I don't like doing my warmup sets with bent dumbells.

    So if you guys would not drop them, I'd appreciate it.
  • dstromley1
    dstromley1 Posts: 165
    If you can't set your 75 lbs down quietly you are lifting above your level. It just shows you are crass to drop your weights. Weight lifting also includes CONTROL of said weights.
    Dumbest comment ever....
  • dstromley1
    dstromley1 Posts: 165
    I don't care if I don't agree with your clothes, makeup, exercise routine etc. whatever you want to do Is fine by me.

    It's when people do things that inconvenience MY workout that I get pissed. There a two inconsiderate chucklef*cks in my gym who come in and NEVER put their weights away. These two dudes will do something like stand in the rack, with a bunch of dumbells and barbells all around them on the floor that they've just used and chucked, then do squats or whatever and just leave everything there.m! So not only do I need to take their weight off if the bar in the rack, I have to do it whole navigating around all the other crap that they've left there! Puppy eating b&stards.
    ^^ this. Half of my gym does this and it drives me insane. When i have to walk to otherside of gym to go get the other matching dumbell i get a lil irritated. i also love when some dumb 17 yr old bad *kitten* leave 1000lbs on the leg press they were just doing half reps with.
  • Cheri_Moves
    Cheri_Moves Posts: 625 Member
    Probably me...

    The old ladies get frustrated with me because Im "loud" (with the free weights and heavy plates... two 40 pound dumbbells get pretty heavy after hoisting them over and over what can I say!) and like to give me a piece of their minds. SMH.
  • Cheri_Moves
    Cheri_Moves Posts: 625 Member
    If you can't set your 75 lbs down quietly you are lifting above your level. It just shows you are crass to drop your weights. Weight lifting also includes CONTROL of said weights.
    Dumbest comment ever....

    I second that. Thems fightin' words...
  • JessicaPasieka
    JessicaPasieka Posts: 149 Member
    There is this one girl who goes to my gym. She always has 10 lbs of make up on and her hair all done up like she's going out to a night club of sorts. She doesn't even break a sweat. She'll jump on the treadmill for maybe 2 or 3 minutes. And wander around doing a couple reps of a machine. Come on, you're at the gym. Get all that make up off, get your hair in a pony tail and actually work out. The only person who is going to pick you up is the juice monkey with the tiny penis. So cut it out.
  • Keto_T
    Keto_T Posts: 673 Member
    i hate these damn threads. every time someone wants to start lifting they post how they are scared to go because they don't want to be judged. and i come in, along with tons of my "mean" friends, and we encourage them to just go work out and that no one is judging them, no one is thinking about them, no one is saying mean things behind their back.

    and right as they start to believe it, they will come in an read bull**** threads like this one and wonder if someone is going to be making a post and laughing about them. thanks for making a liar out of me.

    Just post so i can see your ticker. I love shoulders.
  • YoungDoc2B
    YoungDoc2B Posts: 1,593 Member
    If you can't set your 75 lbs down quietly you are lifting above your level. It just shows you are crass to drop your weights. Weight lifting also includes CONTROL of said weights.

    I'll assume this was directed towards me. How in the HELL do you set down two 75lb dumbbells quietly? Next time you're in the gym, I urge you to try it..
  • crazydaisy15
    I swear if I say that I don't like brussel sprouts, people will start b*itching about how I'm hating on the brussel sprouts. This topic really isn't about whether or not someone is a "good" person or a "bad" person. Nowhere has it been mentioned that fat people (me included) are to be ridiculed or intimidated at the gym.

    Rather, it's about basic gym etiquette and how some people are inconsiderate to their fellow gymgoers.

    I was just thinking this. No one is really being judgmental or even making fun of others. Some are legitimate gripes, and others are amusing stories. I don't think I've read every reply, but from what I have read, I haven't seen anything about anyone being made fun of because they are walking too slow, or only lifting light weights. The thread ask about who is obnoxious, not who is the most ridiculous, or anything like that.
    I do find people on their phones annoying. I don't care so much that they do it, but they usually feel the need to talk really loudly, and for a very long time. I listen to music, and when I can still hear them, when my music is playing, that is obnoxious.
    I don't care if people want to work out in full make up, or blue jeans, or whatever, as long as they don't care what I look like.
    I don't like seeing people walking around the locker room naked, but I realize this is my issue, not theirs. Good for them for being comfortable with their bodies. It is a locker room, after all. So while I will walk around with a towel around me, if someone else chooses to be free and easy, that's their prerogative.
    I always wipe down my machines before I use them. I have seen too many people not bother to do it, and in this cold and flu season, I will just take that extra precaution. And I always wipe them down when I'm done too.
    I don't care if people are socializing rather than working out. As long as they are not in anyone's way, or messing around on machines when others are waiting, I tend to go during the least busy times, so I have never really seen this be an issue, but I have heard it can be a problem.
    And I imagine I would be annoyed if people were watching others or seemed to be making fun of others, but honestly, I just do my thing and don't pay a lot of attention to what others are doing. I am polite and will acknowledge people I'm not there to get in anyone else's business.

    edited to add that maybe there are a few ;'exercise snob' type of replies. But I still think most are fairly legit complaints.
  • ashleyrg
    ashleyrg Posts: 85 Member
    1. people who wear heavy perfume
    2. the girls with loads of make up on and hair done all up
    3. people who just stare at you
    4. people who pretend they are working out but actually are talking away on their phone