My entire town is sabotaging me!!



  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    I like you.
  • stephdeeable
    stephdeeable Posts: 1,407 Member
    Options we go again. If you guys can't be supportive at least don't try to derail this thread. I'm trying to get some real help, okay?
  • AngryDiet
    AngryDiet Posts: 1,349 Member
    Well, start by reporting your manager to the moderator.
  • Hendrix7
    Hendrix7 Posts: 1,903 Member
    Summon the hamburgler

  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    I like you.

    I like her, too.
  • AJ_Pete
    AJ_Pete Posts: 863 Member
    BURN THE TOWN TO THE GROUND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    That'll show 'em.
  • Kelley528
    Kelley528 Posts: 319 Member
    McDonalds shouldnt even be allowed to be classified as food. Just because something is techinically edible doesnt me it is worth consuming. Flowers and insects are edible but you dont see me eating those.
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    You know, thinking about it. Just being around the smell of the food all day would be incredibly motivating for me not to eat the stuff.

    The food isn't sabotaging me, the customers are. You don't have to see the look of glee on their fat faces while they're cramming it in.

    You need to tell them to go sit far away from the cash. It's wrong, and gross, and probably violates some health codes, if they're eating at the cash.
  • stephdeeable
    stephdeeable Posts: 1,407 Member
    McDonalds shouldnt even be allowed to be classified as food. Just because something is techinically edible doesnt me it is worth consuming. Flowers and insects are edible but you dont see me eating those.

    UGH, I had never even thought of eating bugs...why'd you have to sabotage me with your mind control techniques? Also, does anyone know the net carb count for a praying mantis?
  • EatClean_WashUrNuts
    EatClean_WashUrNuts Posts: 1,590 Member
    IMHO....stop feeding the pie hole. It's a Choice. And you apparently are not making the right one.
  • MommaRoseFitness
    MommaRoseFitness Posts: 87 Member
    You work there. Isn't that enough to make you puke at the thought of eating there?

    This is true. I can no longer eat at McDonald's since I started eating healthy.. It makes me sick.
  • Alex_is_Hawks
    Alex_is_Hawks Posts: 3,499 Member
    You've got this all wrong...

    it's are sabotaging the WHOLE town, your little death notes in their happy meals and morose, angry face as you handle their orders is causing them to order MORE foodz to prove you wrong....

    you are aiding and enabling their death rattle as they cram those doom death burger nuggets...

    you are SO REPORTED!
  • chels0722
    chels0722 Posts: 465 Member
    Uh..... try getting a different job??? And zero carbs is probably more of the problem than anything. You're body is craving what it needs. CARBS!!!!! Nom nom nom nom nomnommmmmmmm!

    Did someone say homemade sweet potato fries????
    I know what i'm having for dinner.
  • 1ConcreteGirl
    1ConcreteGirl Posts: 3,677 Member
    I take issue with the title of your post and the use of multiple exclamation marks.

    If you were a more reasonable person, who recognized that "McDonald's" does not equal your entire town and that no McDonald's is worthy of an exclamation point, much less two, you would probably be stable enough to handle your environment.

    That said, more drugs is the only answer.
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    "You ordered diet soda, but your already fat so enjoy the regular"

    That is the funniest thing ever!
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member

    That said, more drugs is the only answer.

    More drugs is always the answer.
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    See, I think the little old ladies at Curves are putting everyone up to this. They held a meeting where they encouraged everyone to go to McDonald's as much as possible in order to derail your progress. Old people suck.
  • SpeSHul_SnoflEHk
    SpeSHul_SnoflEHk Posts: 6,256 Member
    Well, start by reporting your manager to the moderator.

    ^ This!
  • jacalennejax
    jacalennejax Posts: 97 Member
    You cant tell other people what to do. Especially not in the type of job you're in,

    You're there to offer customer service.

    I use to work as HEAD CHEF in a restaurant for two years- while I was on the Atkins. I didn't eat there especially since i could look over my counter and see everyone slammin bacon and sausage and everything in between.

    Your manager is kind of right- Use willpower. Or leave your job.

    You said your in that job because of the choices you have made in life.
    I will tell you what I told other fast food workers.

    This is the life that you chose.

    I am not living your life, MFP is not living your life. You are living your reality. If working at MickeyDs is a hinder to your life style change then YOU need to change it. Take some classes, start browsing other career paths. Do something where you don't have to be around people shoving their face with Death Nuggets.

    Come on- If it's affecting you that you are actually getting enraged- then maybe you need to seek medical and professional help. Talk to someone about your feelings who is actually certified to help you.

    Don't let this affect the way that you support yourself and your family and your livelihood.

    There are plenty of other people who are searching for jobs and would be happy to have a second chance like you did.
  • AngryDiet
    AngryDiet Posts: 1,349 Member
    IMHO....stop feeding the pie hole. It's a Choice. And you apparently are not making the right one.

    Also, raspberry ketones.