Over 200 New Year New Me Part 14



  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Momma: I love hearing about your sweet husband. Being with someone who "enhances" you is exactly what we should all be looking for!

    Mari: You're right, love does show up when you aren't paying attention.

    Littlespy: Thanks for sharing the story about how you and your boyfriend met. I love hearing love stories!

    Jess: I love the cute dress and you look adorable in it!

    lildebbie: Please share the crockpot taco recipe. It sounds delicious.

    bluenote: Congrats on the 70 lbs. lost!!

    Yesterday I went over calories because I had four servings of chocolate milk. I'm addicted to the stuff! For exercise, I spent time catching, grooming and riding my horse. I didn't get to the C25K last night because I spent 40 minutes at the barn catching another horse who had escaped from her pen and the barn owners were not home.

    As for my weigh in, I still haven't gotten rid of the weight gained from sodium and sore muscles. I'm going to change my ticker because I feel bad about it being a liar ticker for almost three weeks now and I think it might hold me more accountable. We'll see, I may end up changing it back! My current weight is 194.4 which is so disappointing after seeing 190! But, I have been getting exercise every day and am thinking my body is simply in an adjustment period. I may also cut back some of the calories to see if that does anything; I don't think my body wants more calories since I already eat a lot!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Happy Birthday lildebbie and Jess! Gotta love the April babies!
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    I just scoured my reports and the only difference this week from past weeks nutritionally is that I ate less fiber and more protein.
    Could it be that I'm just full of crap??!!:happy: :tongue: :noway: :grumble: :ohwell: :embarassed:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Cris: me and your ae the same weight...i was 209.6 last week and today i weighted 210...

    Hope your little man get bette soon girl!:flowerforyou:

    It's like 210 is the hump to get over. I've pretty much struggled for every pound I've lost since 216, but getting over (under?) 210 was the worst.

    And of course, my tip for getting over a plateau is to increase your exercise intensity and *EAT MORE*! :wink: Or, if you're already eating a lot (like 2000 calories a day), I would recommend eating a little less. People hit plateaus for different reasons. It could be "starvation/survival mode," it could be you're eating too much (but again, that would probably only be if you're eating over 2000 calories a day & not exercising), or it could just be your body readjusting & maybe the plateau is going to break itself on it's own.

    Either way, whether you change anything or not, you should probably go into it not expecting to lose anything for about 4 weeks (that way, you'll be really excited if the plateau breaks earlier!). For me, I increased my calories the 2nd week of both plateaus. The first time, I started eating roughly 1400 calories (from 1200). I started losing weight again about 2 weeks after that. Lost weight for 3 weeks & then hit another plateau. I started eating more again -- now on days I exercise I usually eat 1500-1700 calories & days I don't exercise I usually eat around 1400. AGain, I started losing weight about 2 weeks later. I've lost 5.8 pounds in the last 3 weeks since my last plateau... eating 400-500 calories more each day than I used to. To me that pretty much confirms that my body really was slowing down my metabolsim to cope with me not eating enough before & that's why I had stopped losing weight.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    lol, meokk. It could definitely be that you're full of crap.

    I'm pretty sure that I am right now, too & that's why I lost 1.8 pounds between last Friday & Saturday & only 0.2 pounds between last Saturday & today. :laugh: Stupid poop.
  • MariSama44
    MariSama44 Posts: 340 Member
    happy birthday jess and debbie! :flowerforyou: :drinker:

    Bluenote! Congratulations on your amazing weightloss! Well that makes me feel like I can do it too. Hooray! :bigsmile:

    Meokk, Spy - lol :laugh: actualy, i think I'm full of crap today too. I've been steadily moving away from the upper 230's but its not fast enough darnit! More fiber, more water! :explode:

    Check in for yesterday real quick...

    Calories: over by 80
    Water: over =)
    Exercise: stairs, some walking
    Proud: I stopped snacking at night and forced myself to track what I had already eaten so I didnt go to the kitchen for more. It took alot of willpower, but I did it. Yay!

    bluenote............................-2.0% .47%
    jenn....................................-2.6% = 1.04%
    Littlespy/jlb.......................-2.0% = .97%
    snowflakes.......................-1.2%= .65%
    momma............................-3.8%= 1.45%
    mari....................................-0.4 = 0.17%

    Looks like a bad week for most of us...hopefully that means next week will be better!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Cris: me and your ae the same weight...i was 209.6 last week and today i weighted 210...

    Hope your little man get bette soon girl!:flowerforyou:

    It's like 210 is the hump to get over. I've pretty much struggled for every pound I've lost since 216, but getting over (under?) 210 was the worst.

    And of course, my tip for getting over a plateau is to increase your exercise intensity and *EAT MORE*! :wink: Or, if you're already eating a lot (like 2000 calories a day), I would recommend eating a little less. People hit plateaus for different reasons. It could be "starvation/survival mode," it could be you're eating too much (but again, that would probably only be if you're eating over 2000 calories a day & not exercising), or it could just be your body readjusting & maybe the plateau is going to break itself on it's own.

    Either way, whether you change anything or not, you should probably go into it not expecting to lose anything for about 4 weeks (that way, you'll be really excited if the plateau breaks earlier!). For me, I increased my calories the 2nd week of both plateaus. The first time, I started eating roughly 1400 calories (from 1200). I started losing weight again about 2 weeks after that. Lost weight for 3 weeks & then hit another plateau. I started eating more again -- now on days I exercise I usually eat 1500-1700 calories & days I don't exercise I usually eat around 1400. AGain, I started losing weight about 2 weeks later. I've lost 5.8 pounds in the last 3 weeks since my last plateau... eating 400-500 calories more each day than I used to. To me that pretty much confirms that my body really was slowing down my metabolsim to cope with me not eating enough before & that's why I had stopped losing weight.

    Thanks litspy for the infromation.

    question: it is very hard for me to come close to my calories w/o going over on fat, carbs, and sodium. DO you have any suggestions/tips that would help me go over calories w/o going too much over the rest?

    here are my food information : 1200 cal, 120 carbs, 33 fat, 105 protein, 25 fiber, 1700 sodium

    one more thing...i never reach 105 protein..at most i hit 50g. I tried the slim fast, powder mix, shake with 2% homemade yogurt... but for some reason everytime i drink a slim fast shake i beginning to shake before the 4 hours...so i need to add protien but not sure how..

    Any advice is greatly appriciated:heart::flowerforyou:

  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Oh yeah, AND
    Calories: 1504
    Exercise: 20 minutes stationary bike and W1D1 of Freeway to 10k! Holy moly, that was some fast running for me. 20 minutes total at 5.0mph. My short little legs normally run at 3.7-4.2!! I almost puked a couple times but I kept going! :laugh: (Unless you puke, faint, or die, keep going!) My right shin/knee hurts today though. Not used to the higher impact of running faster.
    Water: a whoooooole lot. I bought a new bottle to keep on my desk at work. 2.2 liters! :laugh: I'm actually a little embarrassed about it, but screw it.
    Proud: I shaved 5 minutes off of my 2 mile time. I ran 2 miles in 27 minutes last night and about 2.75 miles in my whole 38 minute workout with warm up/cool down. I normally run 2 miles in about 32 minutes. That's HUGE!! I had let myself get so comfortable with running. I wasn't even getting out of breath running 2 miles. The pace of F210k is definitely going to be challenging for me. But I need a challenge. :wink: I expect to see rapid improvement in my running times pretty quickly with this program. :bigsmile: I also expect to be in some pain most days for the next 10 weeks. :laugh:

    I'm going out with some old coworkers tonight. The last time we saw each other was 4.5 months ago. I had lost about 30 pounds then, but it wasn't very noticable. I'm excited about seeing them tonight. :smile:
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    OMG I just looked at my weigh in from last week to this weeks and I have lost 4 pounds since last week.WOOOOOOHOOOOOO!!!
    Weigh in last week-227
    Weigh in today-223
    Percentage-1.76% (I think this is right someone can check for me)

    bluenote............................-2.0% .47%
    jenn....................................-2.6% = 1.04%
    Littlespy/jlb.......................-2.0% = .97%
    snowflakes.......................-1.2%= .65%
    momma............................-3.8%= 1.45%
    mari....................................-0.4 = 0.17%
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Speaking of big babies...my babies are big no matter what...no little ones of me !!! I blame it on 6'3 hubby :), not that i am small i weight 10lb when i was born and i am like 5'7. My first one was 8lb 12oz born on her due date and the 2nd one was 10 lbs 6 oz. almost 2 weeks early. They were anticipating her be at 13lbs full term....

    Littlespy - have fun tonight and show out your new bod !!! YOu should wear that awesome skirt :) WTG on the running too.

    I am hoping i am not putting my boday in starvation ..i have had such low cals, but maybe it will put it in shock since i am used to eating 1500-1600...who knows. I need to find some more nutrious snacks...to up my cals. I did havce some carrrots and pb yesterday and i know that upped my cals and protien...oh well i will figure this out one day.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    question: it is very hard for me to come close to my calories w/o going over on fat, carbs, and sodium. DO you have any suggestions/tips that would help me go over calories w/o going too much over the rest?

    here are my food information : 1200 cal, 120 carbs, 33 fat, 105 protein, 25 fiber, 1700 sodium

    one more thing...i never reach 105 protein..at most i hit 50g. I tried the slim fast, powder mix, shake with 2% homemade yogurt... but for some reason everytime i drink a slim fast shake i beginning to shake before the 4 hours...so i need to add protien but not sure how..

    Any advice is greatly appriciated:heart::flowerforyou:

    Are you vegetarian?
    If not, just increase your lean protein portion sizes. I normally eat 6-8oz of chicken breast (that's about 5-6oz cooked). That increases your protein loads and hardly touches fat & adds like 0 carbs. Do that at every meal and you've increased your calories by about 300, your protein by about 75g and your fat only by about 3g & carbs by nothing. 96% lean ground beef works the same way. I do typically go over your allotment of carbs every day but I'm always pretty far under my own carb goal (I'm set at 45% carbs though). :ohwell: Another way I bumped my protein a bit is that I add 1/4 of a scoop of vanilla protein powder to my oatmeal each morning. It only adds 7g or protein but it's also only 35 calories for 1/4 of a scoop (which weighs 8g).

    You can make really yummy smoothies with a scoop of protein powder (mine is 170 cals & adds 28g protein), a cup of frozen strawberries (about 50 cals), 1/2 banana (50g is about 50cal) and 4oz fat free greek yogurt (60 cal) & some water for a thinner consistency if you want. I just added a smoothie like that to my food diary to check the totals & it's 285 calories and 38 grams of protein! I guess a little high on the carbs because of all the fruit (32g), but it would make a delicious summertime breakfast! Or a snack after a really hard workout. Yum.

    I don't think my food diary is an awesome example or anything, but you're welcome to look at my food diary to see how I've managed to increase my protein. Yesterday is a bad example because I made falafel for dinner. But, an example of bumping protein is that I brought leftover falafel pita stuff for lunch today & added 2oz roasted turkey to it to increase the protein in the meal. I did that because I knew I'd be at a restaurant with friends later & I want to DRINK my calories & not be hungry at a restaurant that is known for ribs & wings & cheddar fries. :noway:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    AWESTFALL: Congrates on your 4 pounds loss...you go girl!!!

    Litspy: thanks so much for the info. your a lifesaver..i will try the chicken breast..i do grill some extra so i might just have more than one piece...Have fun wiht your friends..knock them out with your New body!!!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    I just have to give me 2 cents.I have noticed since I have upped me protein and fiber (not necessarily my calories) I have started to lose weight again.I love it!! I feel full and energized all day .I wake up now at 4 am everday and thats something I haven't done in awhile.So for me more protein and fiber is really working.Wish me luck tomorrow the hubby and I are going to try to trade my car in for a bigger vehicle we are going on vacation this year and its so cramped in my car with 2 carseats and a 15 year old in the back seat so we are trying to make things more comfortable for the girls.Please pray that we can get approved for something since are credit isn't all that great we are relying on God to help us get what we need if he thinks we need it.So please pray.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    I just scoured my reports and the only difference this week from past weeks nutritionally is that I ate less fiber and more protein.
    Could it be that I'm just full of crap??!!:happy: :tongue: :noway: :grumble: :ohwell: :embarassed:
    Literally Meook you could be full of crap.Fiber does this to me.But its easy for me to get rid of because I have no Gallbladder so it just runs right through me get it RUNS right through :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    Woot! I actually lost 3 pounds this week, I had the wrong number for last week.

    bluenote............................-2.0% .47%
    jenn....................................-3 = 1.2
    Littlespy/jlb.......................-2.0% = .97%
    snowflakes.......................-1.2%= .65%
    momma............................-3.8%= 1.45%
    mari....................................-0.4 = 0.17%
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    WOW!! I have been crazy busy at work this morning for once and my phone is blowing up with people calling and texting! LOL I haven't gotten to read everybodies posts but I did see some big numbers! Congrats to all the big losers this week! :tongue: Those of us at 0's...we're coming for ya next week!! :bigsmile:

    Thank you all for the birthday wishes and the compliments on the dress. I was really dreading my birthday this year but today has been an amazing day so far!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Woot! I actually lost 3 pounds this week, I had the wrong number for last week.

    bluenote............................-2.0% .47%
    jenn....................................-3 = 1.2
    Littlespy/jlb.......................-2.0% = .97%
    snowflakes.......................-1.2%= .65%
    momma............................-3.8%= 1.45%
    mari....................................-0.4 = 0.17%

    Hey what happen to my name on the list?

    I quess me and Heather posted around the same time so mine name got dropped for the list...i just added..

    Jenn congrates on your 3 pound loss..great job!
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    :brokenheart: Just got back from registering my son for Kinder. They wanted to do an assesment to see where he stands. He was unable to do most of the tasks. I work with him and I take him to speech, it just breaks my heart to see him struggle so much. He is bright and sweet. I just wished I could help him. I sat on the side of the road and cried before I came home:cry::cry: I am not dissappointed in him I just want him to be able to go to school, make friends and have some success. He does not have to be an honor student, just a regular kid. I want him to make friends and not have to struggle so hard. I just love him so much. He is my sweetheart. :love: :love:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    I forgot to check in for that last couple of days...

    Wed: 4/14/10
    calories: over by 1177...I ate 2 1/2 oz of cashews so that put me over my limit big time...
    exercise: shred and walked... 30 and 20...
    water: not much for what i consumed
    proud: that i was honest with myself and everyone on this board and confessed that i went over my calories..double my norm :(

    Thrus: 4/15/10
    calories: up by 385 , but not over my exercise calories
    exercise: walked 14859 steps...2.55 miles around my community and walked the trail walk with hubby and son
    water: yup, 13 cups...maybe it will flush out my system from all that i have eaten
    proud: that i got up first thing in the morning to burn off what i ate on wedn. and i didn't go over board today

    calories: on target..1200
    exercise: not yet, busy day with my son (youngest) I am going to take a walk in a bit before the big thunderstorm we (PA's) are expecting.. plus i might do some kind of dvd
    water: not all but i will do by the end of the day
    proud: i didn't let the scale get me down..because it was my own fault for eating so much on wednesday...

    I will check back later...see ya later
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Oh Momma! You son is going to be just fine because he has the most amazing mother in the world! I know it's hard for you to see him struggle but I also know it has to be so amazing to watch him improve so much over time. :smile: Have you considered a montessouri type school for him? I wonder how he'd do in that kind of learning environment. ?

    Edit: Momma, this is the school my little 3 year old neighbor goes to http://harmonyschoolsc.com/
    He blows me away he's so smart!! It's a little on the hippy dippy side for montessouri. There is also a more traditional Montessouri school in my city. Both are relatively inexpensive as far as private schools go. If I had a child while I lived in this city, I would definitely send him to a montessouri school. The highschool district I live in is HORRIBLE. Bordering on being one of the worst in the state (and keep in mind I live in South Carolina!). It's really really really sad.