Over 200 New Year New Me Part 14



  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Oh Momma! You son is going to be just fine because he has the most amazing mother in the world! I know it's hard for you to see him struggle but I also know it has to be so amazing to watch him improve so much over time. :smile: Have you considered a montessouri type school for him? I wonder how he'd do in that kind of learning environment. ?

    Thanks for the kind words. We live in a very small community and my options locally are small as well. We live by a bigger city and I believe they do have a Montessouri school, but I thought it was only pre-school aged. I will have to look into it. Someone told me there are activities that I can do with him that are not abc's 123's, but they help them with that. I wished they would have explained more. I think he said something about ping pon and games that would help them to track. I am just so confused. I have gone to the school , I am working with him. I just think if we go too much he will rebel and Hate school. His Doctor says he has a delay, but that it is NOT autism. His speech therapist was leaning towards autism then I took him to a center and they observed him and said No he is not autistic. He talks like a 2-3 year old. When I ask him questions he just repeats the question. Today we were in the car and I asked "What was that noise" He said " It was Sara's seatbelt on her seat" That was HUge. I know that it seems small but for him it was huge. He actually answered my question the first time. Thanks for reminding me that he has made huge strides in the right direction and I need to focus on that and not the hard parts. Someday I am going to look back and wonder why I was so upset.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Momma: I'm sorry to hear you had a rough time today. As someone who has worked with kids with disabilities for years, I do understand how huge it was for your son to answer your question in a sentence. That's amazing! One young lady I've known for several years who rides in the therapeutic riding program has a delay and when I first met her, she could only repeat certain words. As she got older, she could give one word answers and repeat what I said. Now, she can have "normal" conversations with the exception that she occasionally needs an extra few seconds to form her thoughts and words. She's an amazing girl who seems "normal" to everyone. It took a while to get there, but the leaps and bounds she's made are huge because of her phenomenal, caring parents who took (and still do) the time to work with her and see that she has every opportunity they can give her. I'm sure your son will make great strides, too. Just be patient and keep doing what you're doing!
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    With you on his side he will get there. I wish I had any advice for you but know nothing of such things.
    I'm just sure that you are a strong woman who would give anything and do anything for your son and because of that he's going to be OK.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Momma - I feel for ya. Where my older one doesn't have speech problems ,she can do all the work it is just her unwillingness to do anything she doesn't want to do breaks my heart. I just want her to do good, have passion and want to suceed...it breaks my heart when she says she hates school, just wish i could change it.

    My little one though doesn't talk very good, made me sad the other day another little girl asked me why she didn't talke very well. She is starting to i think a little bit better since her tubes, i think she cane hear me say things better. The thearpist says she doesn't qualify for therapy, so we are just keep working with her. All we want as parents is our kids to succeed and be happy it is very hard when they are struggling, you just want to fix it all for them.

    I have a really stupid question.

    When you say like protien at 40% is that 40% of your calories?
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Hi ladies,

    It looks like you are a very well established group, but I would love to join and get the added support and accountability. Do you have room for one more? If so, what's the expectation for reporting?

  • jesyka
    jesyka Posts: 141 Member
    bluenote............................-2.0% .47%
    jenn....................................-3 = 1.2
    Littlespy/jlb.......................-2.0% = .97%
    snowflakes.......................-1.2%= .65%
    momma............................-3.8%= 1.45%
    mari....................................-0.4 = 0.17%

    I have a bad habit of weighing myself midweek and recording it so I lose track of how much I really lose. Going back to last week and seeing a 2lb loss was awesome :D Looks like I'm joining the other 210ers :)
    Jess and Littledeb happy birthday :flowerforyou:

    Momma-I really don't know what to say in regards to your son, but he's got a great mama and he's just developing in his own time :) I'm sure he's going to have a happy successful life

    Awestfall-4lbs!! you're awesome :bigsmile:
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Hello elmox/ Lauren! We always have room for one more!

    This thread moves each week (and were' close to the move time) so keep an eye out for the last message from Awestfal as it will have the link to the new thread! We seem to lose some of our newbies when we relocate! There are two or three threads on MFP that are similar names so that can make it confusing too...

    Every day we check in and report to the group the following:
    Calories - over or under - you can put as much or as little detail as you like here
    Water - did you get your 64 oz of water in today? More?
    Exercise - what did you do for exercise (if anything):ohwell:

    Proud - Here we have to come up with one thing we're proud of for the day - sometimes it's tough to figure that one out if you've just polished off the girl scout cookies...:sick:

  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    :brokenheart: Just got back from registering my son for Kinder. They wanted to do an assesment to see where he stands. He was unable to do most of the tasks. I work with him and I take him to speech, it just breaks my heart to see him struggle so much. He is bright and sweet. I just wished I could help him. I sat on the side of the road and cried before I came home:cry::cry: I am not dissappointed in him I just want him to be able to go to school, make friends and have some success. He does not have to be an honor student, just a regular kid. I want him to make friends and not have to struggle so hard. I just love him so much. He is my sweetheart. :love: :love:


    I am so sorry for what you are going through, but like everyone said. You are a great mother and strive to do you best to help your son, or children for that matter, suceed...don't worry. each child learns and develops differently. Please don't put too much preasure on yourself {{{HUG}}}. he will come around and everything will fall into place and you will think back and say..why was i so worried...but it us as mother to worry so much...take care of yourself and you are a great mother:heart::flowerforyou:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Welcome Elmo...we always have room for more contestants...lol
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    elmox: Welcome to the group, Lauren! Hopefully you'll love it here as much as I do. As you probably saw from earlier posts today, we weigh in on Friday and the person who loses the highest percentage of weight loss has to come up with a challenge for everyone for the following week. Examples of past challenges are: trying pilates, drinking more than 64 oz. of water per day and visiting a State Park. Participation in the challenges isn't required, but we'd love it if you'd try it with us! We're a chatty group, so be forewarned that sometimes it takes a bit to get caught up on posts if you're gone for a bit (like an hour! j/k).
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Great job losers!

    Not bad job not-losers :ohwell:

    OK so this morning was my Week5 Day3 of the 5K101. Unlike the C25K (Couch to 5K) training program the 5K101 does not torture you with a long run on day three- just the same as the first two days, three 8 minute intervals with 2 minutes of recovery between them. I've been struggling with the last interval in that I seem to need more than the allotted 2 minutes of recovery (FIVE minutes works great!). So today I was determined to at least attempt the last 8 minute interval after just 2 minutes of recovery.

    UNFORTUNATLY nature called about half way through the second interval (I know - TMI! but that does explain why I seemed to be up in weight this AM :ohwell: ) I finished the remaining 3 minutes when I was done, walked for two minutes and started the last interval feeling fine (actually I felt GREAT and LIGHT :laugh: ) I felt SO GOOD that I decided to keep jogging at the end and I jogged all through the 5 minute cool down. I still felt fine so I let my mp3 player keep going and it started playing Week 6 and I jogged on through THAT 5 minute warm-up walk. Let me STRESS that I was not RUNNING this whole time - I was jogging and I'm guessing I was going about 3.5 - 3.8 mph at 120 steps/minute ish pace. But it WAS a jog and I did pick up the pace for a lap every now and then! After the 5 minute warm-up I was still feeling OK so ((ARE YOU SITTING DOWN?)) I kept jogging through next week's 12 minute jog!!!:noway: :drinker: :bigsmile: :blushing:

    OK OK OK - I admit it! A "race walker" lapped me twice. FINE but STILL I was JOGGING and she was just walking REALLY fast.:angry:

    When you add the first two intervals with the last one that makes 46 minutes of jogging. OMG. Me. Yeah. ME!

    Makes me want to happy dance right over top of that walker :wink:
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Great job losers!

    Not bad job not-losers :ohwell:

    OK so this morning was my Week5 Day3 of the 5K101. Unlike the C25K (Couch to 5K) training program the 5K101 does not torture you with a long run on day three- just the same as the first two days, three 8 minute intervals with 2 minutes of recovery between them. I've been struggling with the last interval in that I seem to need more than the allotted 2 minutes of recovery (FIVE minutes works great!). So today I was determined to at least attempt the last 8 minute interval after just 2 minutes of recovery.

    UNFORTUNATLY nature called about half way through the second interval (I know - TMI! but that does explain why I seemed to be up in weight this AM :ohwell: ) I finished the remaining 3 minutes when I was done, walked for two minutes and started the last interval feeling fine (actually I felt GREAT and LIGHT :laugh: ) I felt SO GOOD that I decided to keep jogging at the end and I jogged all through the 5 minute cool down. I still felt fine so I let my mp3 player keep going and it started playing Week 6 and I jogged on through THAT 5 minute warm-up walk. Let me STRESS that I was not RUNNING this whole time - I was jogging and I'm guessing I was going about 3.5 - 3.8 mph at 120 steps/minute ish pace. But it WAS a jog and I did pick up the pace for a lap every now and then! After the 5 minute warm-up I was still feeling OK so ((ARE YOU SITTING DOWN?)) I kept jogging through next week's 12 minute jog!!!:noway: :drinker: :bigsmile: :blushing:

    OK OK OK - I admit it! A "race walker" lapped me twice. FINE but STILL I was JOGGING and she was just walking REALLY fast.:angry:

    When you add the first two intervals with the last one that makes 46 minutes of jogging. OMG. Me. Yeah. ME!

    Makes me want to happy dance right over top of that walker :wink:
    Awesome job jogging for 46 minutes.See I knew you would catch up with me.You go gal!!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I have a really stupid question.

    When you say like protien at 40% is that 40% of your calories?

    It's not a stupid question at all!! The short answer is yes!

    I don't know the long answer. :laugh: I think it's basically that the 3 "Macronutrients" (which are protein, fat, and carbs) make up 100% of your calories. Different ratios of the 3 macronutrients seem to work better for different people. 40% would be kind of high for protein for most people, I think, but I know that was just an example you were giving. :wink:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    mstahl -- YOU'RE A ROCKSTAR!!!
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Welcome Lauren, You will love it here.

    I just got back from grocery shopping (Please tell me that burns a ton of calories, shopping with a 4 yo) I am feeling better especially after reading all the posts from my fave bunch of girls. You guys are so very wise a sweet. I thought I was over this having a hard time about my son, with all I went through last year. It was just a reminder today just how far he is behind. But I took everyones advice and I started recalling all that he has accomplished in the last 6 months. He has developed 35 verbs and knows how to use them. Our goal was 100 new words by May. He has already surpassed that number. I think his therapist said he has developed over 200. He is really starting to put together sentences. He is growing all the time. The principal at the school at his meeting for trasitioning into kinder speech, said Mrs. R, we already know that your girls come to school well prepared and ahead of the game, It is okay that you let us have one that is a blank canvas." That made me smile. I really love you guys, thanks again. I am going to be gone cleaning house and doing yard work. I have to do a ton of exercise. We are having what my husband calls pillow burritos for dinner because you want to lay down and go to sleep after you eat one. Don't worry I am making them and I am doing it the more diet friendly way!!!!

    By the way I changed my profile pic to my son to remind me that he is one of the reasons I want to lose weight.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    I have a really stupid question.

    When you say like protien at 40% is that 40% of your calories?

    It's not a stupid question at all!! The short answer is yes!

    I don't know the long answer. :laugh: I think it's basically that the 3 "Macronutrients" (which are protein, fat, and carbs) make up 100% of your calories. Different ratios of the 3 macronutrients seem to work better for different people. 40% would be kind of high for protein for most people, I think, but I know that was just an example you were giving. :wink:

    Well that is what i was thinking and think that is why i am soo confused. I have never changed , i just took what MFP gave me

    My cals are 1560-

    it has my Carbs -215 which is like 14% , fat - 52 - 3%, and protien of 59 - 3%

    So that together is only 20% of my cals..Maybe i am calculating this incorrectly?
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Okay I can't seem to keep up with all the posts today! There is so much going on at work today! Hopefully I can catch up before I head out tonight!

    Heather I did want to tell you. I downloaded that Carrie Underwood song...freaking hilarious! That's so meeeee!! Makes me giggle!!

    Momma I'm sorry to hear about your son. But all the ladies are right. He has a wonderful mother that is going to help him along! He will get there!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I have a really stupid question.

    When you say like protien at 40% is that 40% of your calories?

    It's not a stupid question at all!! The short answer is yes!

    I don't know the long answer. :laugh: I think it's basically that the 3 "Macronutrients" (which are protein, fat, and carbs) make up 100% of your calories. Different ratios of the 3 macronutrients seem to work better for different people. 40% would be kind of high for protein for most people, I think, but I know that was just an example you were giving. :wink:

    Well that is what i was thinking and think that is why i am soo confused. I have never changed , i just took what MFP gave me

    My cals are 1560-

    it has my Carbs -215 which is like 14% , fat - 52 - 3%, and protien of 59 - 3%

    So that together is only 20% of my cals..Maybe i am calculating this incorrectly?

    I guess I left out this part.

    Each gram of macronutrient has a certain number of calories.

    Like, 1 gram of fat has 9 calories or something like that. (that's why people lose weight when they're on a "low fat" diet. It's not because they cut out the fat, it's because cutting out the fat cuts calories!).
    1 gram of carbs has roughly 4 cals.
    1 gram of protein has roughly 4 cals.

    215g carbs x 4 (calories per carb gram) = 860 calories from carbs
    52g fat x 9 (calories per fat gram) = 468 calories from fat
    59g protein x 4 (calories per protein gram) = 236 calories from protein

    860 + 468 + 236 = 1564 calories
    So, that's pretty close!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Littlespy: Thank you for being our group's mathematician. I certainly wouldn't want that job! I dislike math, yet I do some accounting at work...I think there is something wrong with that...

    mstahl: I'm proud of you for jogging that long. I sure can't make it that long jogging!

    Jess: I'm glad you liked the Carrie Underwood song. When I was single, I'd sing it but edit dog with cats or horse. Now I have a fantastic boyfriend, so I don't have to edit it anymore.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Littlespy - Thanks !!! I knew there had to be something i was missing :smile:

    I am really debating the 2 doctors diagnosis of me. Not that i know anything about medicine or disesase but....I looked at these pics of people with shingles and they have like this huge section of there bodies that are covered in sores/blisters. I have 2 little places...honestly it does not look like shingles at all to me. Looking at several of these pics like there was lots of them not 2. And it has only been 2 for 2 days now, one medium sized and one little.