
whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
I have seen this question asked a few times but never answered, so I figured I would just go ahead and ask directly. When people are talking about removing toxins in the body via cleanses, juicing, or eating clean...exactly what are these toxins being removed? For the most part "toxins" seems to be more of a buzzword than anything, but I would love to find out more about them if there are indeed toxins being removed so I can understand the process.



  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Well i don't speak french but from the diagram it appears to have something to do with cheerleading and a basket toss. and some kind of giant tampon?


    "basket toss" for reference

  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    Well i don't speak french but from the diagram it appears to have something to do with cheerleading and a basket toss. and some kind of giant tampon?


    "basket toss" for reference

    Came here to offer this advice. Glad to see the bases are already covered.

    Also, because Lumiere is mentioned.. I think this guy has something to do with it:

  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    So (please note I'm not the kind of person that detoxes. I have a cousin who believes in them) the gist of it is every day your body absorbs (thru your skin, lungs, intestines, etc) chemicals that aren't good for the body. Let's say things like arsenic from playing on old wooden jungle gyms, pesticides on unwashed fruit, ammonia from cleaning the cat litter, aspartame from diet coke, etc.

    Now, healthy bodies know how to handle this stuff. Our liver and immune system isolate toxins like these and neutralize them and then excrete the waste from that process. Thru our breath, urine, poo, skin, etc.

    However, we aren't healthy. We aren't efficient at this process, due to all the fast food and meat and other things that are "hard" for our bodies to digest (again, this isn't me talking, just keep that in mind). So since our liver is busy with all the primary duties of digesting food, our bodies stores the "toxins" in fat cells and other places around the body, saying "we'll get back to neutralizing and eliminating that toxin later when I'm not so busy." But we never give our livers a rest. So the toxin store up in our bodies. In our lymph nodes, hell, I don't know where. Somewhere.

    When you "detox" you are giving your liver and digestive tract a "break" from the hard task of digesting crappy food. So since the liver now finds itself an organ of leisure, it tells the body to bring all those stored toxins to it, so it can finally deal with the backlog.

    So all that smelly poo, massive amounts of pee, itchy skin, runny nose or any of the other "detox" side effects are proof that your liver is indeed finally processing all that old, built up toxins, and your body is expelling it.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,719 Member
    It's the "monetary toxins" that the companies are trying to rid you of.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Tagging to find the elusive is as rare a sighting as the loch ness monster or sasquatch!
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    So (please note I'm not the kind of person that detoxes. I have a cousin who believes in them) the gist of it is every day your body absorbs (thru your skin, lungs, intestines, etc) chemicals that aren't good for the body. Let's say things like arsenic from playing on old wooden jungle gyms, pesticides on unwashed fruit, ammonia from cleaning the cat litter, aspartame from diet coke, etc.

    Now, healthy bodies know how to handle this stuff. Our liver and immune system isolate toxins like these and neutralize them and then excrete the waste from that process. Thru our breath, urine, poo, skin, etc.

    However, we aren't healthy. We aren't efficient at this process, due to all the fast food and meat and other things that are "hard" for our bodies to digest (again, this isn't me talking, just keep that in mind). So since our liver is busy with all the primary duties of digesting food, our bodies stores the "toxins" in fat cells and other places around the body, saying "we'll get back to neutralizing and eliminating that toxin later when I'm not so busy." But we never give our livers a rest. So the toxin store up in our bodies. In our lymph nodes, hell, I don't know where. Somewhere.

    When you "detox" you are giving your liver and digestive tract a "break" from the hard task of digesting crappy food. So since the liver now finds itself an organ of leisure, it tells the body to bring all those stored toxins to it, so it can finally deal with the backlog.

    So all that smelly poo, massive amounts of pee, itchy skin, runny nose or any of the other "detox" side effects are proof that your liver is indeed finally processing all that old, built up toxins, and your body is expelling it.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Ok, so here goes my serious reply. When I was getting my face done for my baby shower, my make up artist said to eat nothing but brown rice and veggies after giving birth to get rid of all the toxins created by pregnancy. When I had my back surgery and needed anesthesia and we were worried about that, my godmother said to eat lot's of papaya to get rid of the toxins. That's all I know, those are my only sources. Sersly.

    So I guess I can write a book. I will call it the Godmother Make-Up Artist diet. The end.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    I've also asked the question and the only replies have been the usual vague lists of foods that particular person regards as unhealthy. Food additives, colours, processed foods - all of which would have been tested and deemed safe by food and drugs testing authorities around the world. So really almost by definition not toxins at all.

    Although I might agree that these may not be the best food choices it just seems like classic orthorexia and belief in pseudo science pedalled by companies and individuals to make money out of the gullible.
  • KirstenTheFamilyCoach
    KirstenTheFamilyCoach Posts: 327 Member
    My natruopathic doctor explained it to me this way. We live in a dirtier world than we think and our bodies can not tolerate the amount of junk we inhale, injest and intake. The best way to 'detoxify' our bodies is to pee, poop and slough skin. Which means we need to drink clean water and lots of it, eat healthy fiber in the packaging God provided and use a loofa.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    My natruopathic doctor explained it to me this way. We live in a dirtier world than we think and our bodies can not tolerate the amount of junk we inhale, injest and intake. The best way to 'detoxify' our bodies is to pee, poop and slough skin. Which means we need to drink clean water and lots of it, eat healthy fiber in the packaging God provided and use a loofa.

    How do you reconcile the fact that we are living much longer and healthier these days?
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,735 Member
    I have seen this question asked a few times but never answered, so I figured I would just go ahead and ask directly. When people are talking about removing toxins in the body via cleanses, juicing, or eating clean...exactly what are these toxins being removed? For the most part "toxins" seems to be more of a buzzword than anything, but I would love to find out more about them if there are indeed toxins being removed so I can understand the process.


    if you have Lemmiwinks in your colon, then a cleanse may be useful... otherwise, not so much.

    thus, Lemmiwinks may be considered a toxin.

  • SueGremlin
    SueGremlin Posts: 1,066 Member
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    My natruopathic doctor explained it to me this way. We live in a dirtier world than we think and our bodies can not tolerate the amount of junk we inhale, injest and intake. The best way to 'detoxify' our bodies is to pee, poop and slough skin. Which means we need to drink clean water and lots of it, eat healthy fiber in the packaging God provided and use a loofa.

    How do you reconcile the fact that we are living much longer and healthier these days?

    longer yes, healthier? i'd argue that one...
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Ok, so here goes my serious reply. When I was getting my face done for my baby shower, my make up artist said to eat nothing but brown rice and veggies after giving birth to get rid of all the toxins created by pregnancy. When I had my back surgery and needed anesthesia and we were worried about that, my godmother said to eat lot's of papaya to get rid of the toxins. That's all I know, those are my only sources. Sersly.

    So I guess I can write a book. I will call it the Godmother Make-Up Artist diet. The end.

    That seems like it has more science behind it than many. I say go for it! You never know, you could make a fortune!
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    My natruopathic doctor explained it to me this way. We live in a dirtier world than we think and our bodies can not tolerate the amount of junk we inhale, injest and intake. The best way to 'detoxify' our bodies is to pee, poop and slough skin. Which means we need to drink clean water and lots of it, eat healthy fiber in the packaging God provided and use a loofa.

    How do you reconcile the fact that we are living much longer and healthier these days?

    longer yes, healthier? i'd argue that one...

    People that are still mobile and active in their 70's and beyond is pretty impressive.
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,735 Member
    My natruopathic doctor explained it to me this way. We live in a dirtier world than we think and our bodies can not tolerate the amount of junk we inhale, injest and intake. The best way to 'detoxify' our bodies is to pee, poop and slough skin. Which means we need to drink clean water and lots of it, eat healthy fiber in the packaging God provided and use a loofa.

    How do you reconcile the fact that we are living much longer and healthier these days?

    longer yes, healthier? i'd argue that one...

    People that are still mobile and active in their 70's and beyond is pretty impressive.

    my grandmother's sister is well past 100. in fact, i think she's 103 or 104 years old now. she's still mobile and active, although her memory is not what it once was. i'm pretty sure she's never "detoxified" herself in her entire life.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    My natruopathic doctor explained it to me this way. We live in a dirtier world than we think and our bodies can not tolerate the amount of junk we inhale, injest and intake. The best way to 'detoxify' our bodies is to pee, poop and slough skin. Which means we need to drink clean water and lots of it, eat healthy fiber in the packaging God provided and use a loofa.

    How do you reconcile the fact that we are living much longer and healthier these days?

    longer yes, healthier? i'd argue that one...

    People that are still mobile and active in their 70's and beyond is pretty impressive.

    and I'd argue that MORE people would be mobile and active in their 70s if they ate better foods, and didn't limit themselves to the things that "science" has "proven"

    Beyond all the chemicals and crap that get into our systems, the other idea of any cleanse is that during a typical day, week, month, whatever, you're eating enough foods that there are little bits here and there that go undigested, unabsorbed, etc, because MORE food comes in and takes digestive priority. When you're on a cleanse, there's much less coming in, so your digestive tract gets a chance to actually clean out the whole system. Depending on the type of cleanse, you may get different results. You don't have to buy into it, you can call it pseudoscience, you can call it marketing - it's purely your choice - but I know I feel better after a short 3 day cleanse.

    Interesting how the same people who bash cleanses are the ones who support IF... (psssst, it serves a similar function!)
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    My natruopathic doctor explained it to me this way. We live in a dirtier world than we think and our bodies can not tolerate the amount of junk we inhale, injest and intake. The best way to 'detoxify' our bodies is to pee, poop and slough skin. Which means we need to drink clean water and lots of it, eat healthy fiber in the packaging God provided and use a loofa.

    How do you reconcile the fact that we are living much longer and healthier these days?

    longer yes, healthier? i'd argue that one...

    People that are still mobile and active in their 70's and beyond is pretty impressive.

    my grandmother's sister is well past 100. in fact, i think she's 103 or 104 years old now. she's still mobile and active, although her memory is not what it once was. i'm pretty sure she's never "detoxified" herself in her entire life.

    anecdotes are anecdotes. if mine don't prove arguments, yours don't either. :wink:
  • Shadowknight137
    Shadowknight137 Posts: 1,243 Member

    Interesting how the same people who bash cleanses are the ones who support IF... (psssst, it serves a similar function!)

    Psssssst! No it doesn't.