


  • etoiles_argentees
    etoiles_argentees Posts: 2,827 Member
    Pu, he want's your email, doesn't come on here much. Send to me and I'll send to his gmail account.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Pu, he want's your email, doesn't come on here much. Send to me and I'll send to his gmail account.

    But the one time he did show up to crush that Taubes zealot, it was pretty epic.
  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member
    So basically, if someone disagrees with you, it means they are automatically following someone else and not thinking for themselves?

    "someone" no, a "group" yes.

    where is the logic here? a group is simply several someones.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    So if your doctor has you go on an elimination diet to figure out which foods are causing you digestive problems, is that a kind of cleanse?

    IMO, no. It is purely to see what you may or may not be intolerant or have a sensitivity to.,

    Because the things you are sensitive to are not really toxins building up, right? Just wondering, because when I read about people describing cleanses it reminds me of my experience. I eliminated all but the most hypoallergenic foods, felt like crap the first week, and then suddenly all the nasty symptoms of the past several years just vanished. Felt very cleansing, but you're probably right in that it doesn't fit the traditional definition of a cleanse...
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    So if your doctor has you go on an elimination diet to figure out which foods are causing you digestive problems, is that a kind of cleanse?

    IMO, no. It is purely to see what you may or may not be intolerant or have a sensitivity to.,

    Because the things you are sensitive to are not really toxins building up, right? Just wondering, because when I read about people describing cleanses it reminds me of my experience. I eliminated all but the most hypoallergenic foods, felt like crap the first week, and then suddenly all the nasty symptoms of the past several years just vanished. Felt very cleansing, but you're probably right in that it doesn't fit the traditional definition of a cleanse...

    Exactly! One of the big issues in these threads imo is that there is no real definition of what a cleanse is and what the OP is meaning. It can be anything from focusing on whole foods and eliminating processed foods all the way to the silly Master Cleanse. Then you get fasts and detoxes thrown in to muddy up the water.
  • etoiles_argentees
    etoiles_argentees Posts: 2,827 Member
    Pu, he want's your email, doesn't come on here much. Send to me and I'll send to his gmail account.

    But the one time he did show up to crush that Taubes zealot, it was pretty epic.

    yeah it was! Digital Steel never sassed me again. Do you remember how he brought on all the guys? It was wild, but fun. He did come on a second time but you ran off to workout! I think I was arguing with that clobercow guy.

    Emailed him at home but I'm in Belize, don't know when he'll get the message. Anyway, ss, you ran away last time he wanted you to take care of it for me, try know. xo!
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Pu, he want's your email, doesn't come on here much. Send to me and I'll send to his gmail account.

    But the one time he did show up to crush that Taubes zealot, it was pretty epic.

    yeah it was! Digital Steel never sassed me again. Do you remember how he brought on all the guys? It was wild, but fun. He did come on a second time but you ran off to workout! I think I was arguing with that clobercow guy.

    Yes, digital posted the entire list of references from a Taubes book and claimed it as his base of research to support his argument in the forums. I then went into the nutmisc on and posted a link to here.

    The most epic part was the .gif that Andrew_S made on after it all blew over.

    To this day it's my favorite event on MFP :)

    I even remember someone quoting Alan on here and saying "strong username brah" not realizing it was actually Alan.
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    If this happens


    Then use this


    And follow up with this


    and all should be well.
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    This thread was a meltdown of epic proportions.

    I liked that flourine was listed in the list of toxins. I should go read it again but that one jumped right out at me. :laugh:
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    If this happens


    Then use this


    And follow up with this


    and all should be well.

  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member

    So basically, if someone disagrees with you, it means they are automatically following someone else and not thinking for themselves?

    "someone" no, a "group" yes.

    So, if lets say, the American Cancer Society (using this as an example and not actually pertinent to toxins or cleanses) disagrees with you then they are a hater and a clique?

    Or is it if a lot of people disagree with you? Perhaps you should look to the underlying reasons why they are disagreeing rather than assuming it is purely because they are part of a clique? Just throwing that bit of logic out there for you!

    If you're in a restaurant you see some cops walk in, then 5mins later you see some other cops walk in. How do you know they're in the same group? Their clothes for one, and another is the behavior.

    The behavior of this "clique" give it away. It's so obvious.
    I vote for matching spandex because I want to see the guys in spandex.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    So basically, if someone disagrees with you, it means they are automatically following someone else and not thinking for themselves?

    "someone" no, a "group" yes.

    So, if lets say, the American Cancer Society (using this as an example and not actually pertinent to toxins or cleanses) disagrees with you then they are a hater and a clique?

    Or is it if a lot of people disagree with you? Perhaps you should look to the underlying reasons why they are disagreeing rather than assuming it is purely because they are part of a clique? Just throwing that bit of logic out there for you!

    If you're in a restaurant you see some cops walk in, then 5mins later you see some other cops walk in. How do you know they're in the same group? Their clothes for one, and another is the behavior.

    The behavior of this "clique" give it away. It's so obvious.

    Oh lawdy. Better tell the po po they are in a clique then.
  • RobynC79
    RobynC79 Posts: 331 Member

    The problem is that you guys are too dependent on research. You guys say, "well this is what the studies say and that's how it is." Or "there is no science to back that up. so it's false."

    I talk to my professors about this, some have PhD's in the field. I live in cali so every professor I studied under went to Berkeley.

    The beginning of the semester i told my professor "studies aren't that reliable" he gave me this dirty look... like, "yes but don't talk about it." Science is far from perfect. It sometimes crosses my mind to drop my field because all of the BS.

    A good example(i'm making this up): I can study a special protein and lets call it protein x and come up with data that states 50grams of protein x will double the growth of muscle.

    Other science can review it and it can be a peer review paper. You guys get a hold of it and start preaching this stuff. "Consume protein x and you will double the rate of muscle growth." What wasn't said was the temperature of the lab. External temperatures and internal temperatures(in the body) usually aren't the same. This can have a huge effect.

    To have a good study you need to control as many variables as possible. You then test something. If it works that's good. Now will all these variables be controlled under normal conditions? NO. so the studies are flawed big time.

    To come to a solid conclusion is a long process.

    I used to debate with labrat about the alkalizing diet. She would say there is no evidence to support it, and the body doesn't work that way. That the pH of blood won't change. Using common sense I believed it did. Now there are papers coming out that what we eat can have an impact on our blood pH. There have been many things, I would state at first that people didn't agree with. I would get bashed constantly for some things. NOw... they're widely accepted. One of the things was IF. I think this was before most of you where even on MFP.

    Woo! I remember your early posting efforts to convince the PhD scientists they were all corrupt and wrong - you would post looooong diatribes about research was all rigged, false, rubbish, etc., then quote from your biochemistry textbook about some physiological process that was only tangentially relevant to the given topic. Fun stuff.

    I really love 'too dependent on research' - what should we be depending on, then if not research? Website info from companies trying to sell things to perfectly healthy people who don't need them? I'd go with professional scientists, personally. Although I will certainly admit to being somewhat biased, there.

    Also, you do know that not all professors residing and teaching in California went to Berkeley, I hope. That would be somewhat beyond their capacity. Also, just being taught by 'professors from Berkeley' does not actually lend your claims any credence.

    The earth-shattering claim the 'studies aren't that reliable' is something that scientists ALL know well enough, that's why we usually couch our conclusions in contingent terms 'current evidence suggests', 'there is minimal evidence of x', based on finding a we conclude b', etc. Its not some secret conspiracy. There are many 'good studies' where every variable is not controlled (and almost none in biology where all variables are), to claim that this makes their conclusions false is wrong. Conclusions are made within the limitations of the system.

    I could go on refuting you point by point, but I seem to have done it multiple times before and it gets tiresome.

    And back on topic: 'Toxins' that are supposedly targeted by mass-market cleanses are usually non-existant. Toxins to the body certainly exist - infectious agents, inflammatory agents, heavy metals, biological compounds and artificial ones. But drinking lemon juice and pepper or shooting cold coffee into your rectum or fasting for 12 hours at a time, or anything similar, is more likely to make you more susceptible to whatever evil shadowy scourge is supposedly besieging your well-functioning excretory organs at every given moment. You body is really quite capable of cleansing itself most of the time. And if not, you probably need actual doctor-prescribed medication, not some dodgy website-marketed overpriced placebo.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Hey guys! I heard we're having a meeting here tonight.

    But seriously, thanks, Whierd, for making this post. It's a question I've been asking for quite a while re these "cleanses". Having read through seven pages here, I see we still don't have an answer about what toxins build up in the body that are eliminated by a dietary "cleanse" that aren't otherwise eliminated without the "cleanse". It's a shame, because I thought this time had promise.

    Oh well. Maybe next time.
  • Jooliebean
    Jooliebean Posts: 57 Member

    if you have Lemmiwinks in your colon, then a cleanse may be useful... otherwise, not so much.

    thus, Lemmiwinks may be considered a toxin.


    Paaa hahaha hahaha...
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Hey guys! I heard we're having a meeting here tonight.

    But seriously, thanks, Whierd, for making this post. It's a question I've been asking for quite a while re these "cleanses". Having read through seven pages here, I see we still don't have an answer about what toxins build up in the body that are eliminated by a dietary "cleanse" that aren't otherwise eliminated without the "cleanse". It's a shame, because I thought this time had promise.

    Oh well. Maybe next time.

    From what I can tell, the only stated purpose of a cleanse is to remove any "toxins" more efficiently than normal. But I poop and pee like...all the time. So I think I'm pretty clean.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    Hey guys! I heard we're having a meeting here tonight.

    But seriously, thanks, Whierd, for making this post. It's a question I've been asking for quite a while re these "cleanses". Having read through seven pages here, I see we still don't have an answer about what toxins build up in the body that are eliminated by a dietary "cleanse" that aren't otherwise eliminated without the "cleanse". It's a shame, because I thought this time had promise.

    Oh well. Maybe next time.

    See the worse part is they're right. When they say "y cleanse that does not include x eliminates x from the body". Yep, because you don't eat x. When allot of the time you need x to live. So for f sakes eat some x. Why do you have to starve yourself over it and make weird poos?
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Hey guys! I heard we're having a meeting here tonight.

    But seriously, thanks, Whierd, for making this post. It's a question I've been asking for quite a while re these "cleanses". Having read through seven pages here, I see we still don't have an answer about what toxins build up in the body that are eliminated by a dietary "cleanse" that aren't otherwise eliminated without the "cleanse". It's a shame, because I thought this time had promise.

    Oh well. Maybe next time.

    See the worse part is they're right. When they say "y cleanse that does not include x eliminates x from the body". Yep, because you don't eat x. When allot of the time you need x to live. So for f sakes eat some x. Why do you have to starve yourself over it and make weird poos?

    I don't mean to be critical, and I realize that you didn't ask for my opinion, but your diet seems remarkably high in single-letter foods. What you eat is your business, but for optimal health, you really shouldn't eat *any* single-letter foods. Ever.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    Hey guys! I heard we're having a meeting here tonight.

    But seriously, thanks, Whierd, for making this post. It's a question I've been asking for quite a while re these "cleanses". Having read through seven pages here, I see we still don't have an answer about what toxins build up in the body that are eliminated by a dietary "cleanse" that aren't otherwise eliminated without the "cleanse". It's a shame, because I thought this time had promise.

    Oh well. Maybe next time.

    See the worse part is they're right. When they say "y cleanse that does not include x eliminates x from the body". Yep, because you don't eat x. When allot of the time you need x to live. So for f sakes eat some x. Why do you have to starve yourself over it and make weird poos?

    I don't mean to be critical, and I realize that you didn't ask for my opinion, but your diet seems remarkably high in single-letter foods. What you eat is your business, but for optimal health, you really shouldn't eat *any* single-letter foods. Ever.
    Not even alphabet cereal?
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Actually the real issue with candida is mycotoxin production not acidosis. Acidosis regulation is, a you mention, a fully buffered system - I don't really see why you are focusing on candidas? Do you have a specific reason to focus on this yeast? Been readding to many fad diet sites on alternative medicine? There are several thousand different yeasts and molds that we live with in more or less symbiosis - why does this one upset you so much?
    Anyway - let's talk about those mycotoxins and acid wastes for a sec. The real issue of mycotoxins is not their pH but their metabolic activity in the liver. pH changes are generally well regulated by systemic changes and the simple act of exercising, eating or having sex creates a pH imbalance that is then restabilized. Are you suggesting that these activities are prone to create cancida related issues. Acid variations in the blood are relatively small (a pH delta of 0.2 or smaller) and one cannot extrapolate pH dependent growth seen in vitro to pH influenced growth in a systemic infection. When I grew cell cultures (you know I know very little about biology...) and we had mold infections and simply buffering a serum solution (BSA at 5% carboxylic) to a constant pH never ever got rid of an infection.
    Standard lab procedure to address is fluconazole - if you are concerned with an infection, I suggest you discuss a treatment.

    What acidic wastes from cancidas do you think are "stored" in tissue?

    If you also concerned about an acidic environment promoting yeast growth, I would suggest that you look into the digestive effects fo the diarrhea you will get from your cleanse. Guess what that does to your digestive system (yep, welcome to acidosis).

    The idea that one is somehow "starving" a yeast by doing a cleanse is again a major biology comprehension issue - do you think that your body can function with zero carobhydrates and that an infection, if present, will not take on its opportunistic load?

    Just so you know, we're specifically talking about the blood. By your last post, i don't think you're aware of that.

    So are you denying the fact that bacteria, yeasts, and mold don’t accumulate in the blood? I am assuming you seen human blood samples of healthy and unhealthy blood.

    You mentioned the issue with yeast is not acidosis. One question then… Is fermentation an acidic or alkaline process???
    What do all these microorganisms feed on? Does that help us or hinder us? (of course are some good microorganisms) I am specifically talking about in the blood.

    pH: are you saying that these microorganisms in the blood can survive in a alkaline environment? You ever test the pH of your blood, urine, saliva? With proper diet it can be come slightly more basic. These negative microforms live under acidic conditions. There are even studies now showing how Sodium Bicarbonate can affect blood pH. I think I mentioned already how calcium can be leached from bones and magnesium from muscles to buffer the acid to keep the blood pH within the 7.35 and 7.45. These resources aren’t unlimited. You would die if the blood pH changes too much. If resources are extinct and blood is getting acidic, what will happen to the acid? Your body will store it In tissue to get it out of the blood. Are cancerous tumors acidic or alkaline??

    I am not sure how you’re getting diarrhea and cleansing to be acidic. I am assuming you’re talking about how fasting can lead to ketosis which is an acidic process. If you are, then you’re going to tell me there are no health benefits to fasting?

    Yeah, I pretty much deny that there is a systemic presence and accumulation of candida in the blood of normal individuals. Oh, look, I'm not alone, Mayo Clinic kind of shoots that one down:

    As to diarrhea, I'll answer your question, since you won't answer mine - loss of essential bicarbonate will result in acidosis. This is a clinically recognized risk and whenever severe diarrhea is present the risk of death from acidemia induced cardiac arrest. It's one of the reason blood gases should be evaluated for long-term diarrhea is suspected.

    The rest is squirminess - let's stick to blood and please provide us a paper on systemic presence of cancidas in normal individuals and the acidic toxins that are tissue accumulated (a nice ELISA assay would be a plus) from a major peer reviewed journal without going of on bacteria, cancers or whatevers...

    I truly enjoy having my education or knowledge turned over - it is a fantastic learning experience but somehow I doubt you are going to prove up to that challenge.