Treadmills --- why do people hold on to the rails?



  • leopardjunkie
    I personally like the extra germs :) I am all like the longer I hold the rails the more germs I can get YEAH ILLNESS!!!

    Ok I just really am like a camel in skates its not pretty, but the treadmill and EFX are the only machines I like. so I use them the safest way possible for my lack of balance. Here I thought people were just looking at my butt, now I have to be like are they judging my work out too!! geesh!!
  • Lift_hard_eat_big
    Lift_hard_eat_big Posts: 2,278 Member
    I notice regular looking people (not old or overweight people) holding on to the rails while walking on the treadmill. Why do they do that? Doesn't even look like they're walking fast either.

    What's the the point of walking if you need a rail to hold on to? There's no rails in the real world.

    The fastest I can walk on a treadmill, before I have to start running, is 4.4 mph. I don't need to hold on to anything either.

    Why do people hold onto the rails when walking up stairs, or traveling up the escalator?
  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member
    Mind your own business
  • Joreanasaurous
    Joreanasaurous Posts: 1,384 Member
    I notice regular looking people (not old or overweight people) holding on to the rails while walking on the treadmill. Why do they do that? Doesn't even look like they're walking fast either.

    What's the the point of walking if you need a rail to hold on to? There's no rails in the real world.

    The fastest I can walk on a treadmill, before I have to start running, is 4.4 mph. I don't need to hold on to anything either.

    My, aren't you a judgey special snow flake.

    I do that all the time. Slow crawl with my hands on the rails. I do it after a really brutal workout session so I can unwind and cool down.

    So glad there are treadmill police out there who worry about crap like this.
  • I_love_frogs
    I_love_frogs Posts: 340 Member
    I notice regular looking people (not old or overweight people) holding on to the rails while walking on the treadmill. Why do they do that? Doesn't even look like they're walking fast either.

    What's the the point of walking if you need a rail to hold on to? There's no rails in the real world.

    The fastest I can walk on a treadmill, before I have to start running, is 4.4 mph. I don't need to hold on to anything either.

    Well good for you. I'm so glad that everything in your world goes perfect and that you don't need to do anything like that. Must be nice to have balance and no knee or joint issues, or even vertigo.

    Honestly what business is it of yours whether or not people hold on to the rails? Not a bit, tbh.

    Get over yourself already and pay attention to your own life and leave others to do what they want to do with their workout time. As long as it doesn't impact you you should be just fine.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    nobody on a treadmill has any right to judge anyone for anything. You're walking and not going anywhere, ffs!

    I agree, it's nothing but a human version of a hamster wheel

    I walk on my treadmill, and I even call it a hamster wheel (climate is too hot and humid where I live to walk very fast outdoors in the summer, and my treadmill comes with air conditioning) and sometimes I hold on to the rails, because I want to and I can't see any logical reason not to if I want to. Other times I don't hold the rails, because I don't want to, and I don't see any logical reason to hold them if I don't want to.

    Really, it isn't a big deal.... and as someone mentioned already, some of them have heart rate sensors on the handles, and if you want to monitor your heart rate, you have to hold the rails.

    Additionally, some people may not have such good balance as others, you don't know by looking at someone if they have any medical issues that might affect balance. This can affect people of all ages, and many disabilities are invisible. If you veer slightly to one side in real life, you still have ground to walk on. But if you veer sideways on a treadmill, you fall off and hurt yourself. I'd imagine that anyone who has a medical issue or invisible disability that affects balance, would be well advised to hold onto the hand rails on the treadmill.
  • RunningMannn
    I bought a treadmill that goes up to a 40% incline...I hold onto the rails all the time..Anything over 15% I pretty much hold on..One day last week my average heart rate was 141 in the last 20 minutes of an hour workout. That was walking at a 22-28% incline at 3.2 - 3.6 mph holding onto the rails..So you can get a great workout even when you hold onto the rails. I don't think I could jog 20 minutes at no incline and keep my heart rate at 141 for 20 minutes..So whether you hold onto the rails or not..If your heart rate is at a high level..Your getting a great workout..
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    OP: Why on earth do you care so much about what other people are doing on their treadmills?
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    There are others at the gym? I'm usually sweating my own *kitten* off so much I can't see anything.
  • SugarBoomBoom
    OP. You should not judge what others are doing. Some people might be recovering from an injury, or may have balance, muscle or joint problems. As long as you are able to do your workout the way you want to - why worry about what others are doing? Live and let live - everyone has to start somewhere.

    I have just come back from a very short run the park after breaking a big fear of mine - running outside at my snails pace for five minutes. I am trying my best. I would hate to think people were judging me negatively.
  • ekalexm
    ekalexm Posts: 73
    I've just purchased a treadmill. I have two young children, and my wife works during the evenings so it fits my lifestyle as going out for a walk or jog obviously isn't an option most nights. As was said above, everyone should work out in the way that suits them.
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    nobody on a treadmill has any right to judge anyone for anything. You're walking and not going anywhere, ffs!

    I love you.

    There I said it.
  • bluefish49
    bluefish49 Posts: 102 Member
    I HOLD ON TO THE RAILS! OMG!!!!! Ya know, when I first hopped on a treadmill years ago, I did 15 minutes at a 2.0 pace and it kicked my *kitten*. I was a big boy, and could feel the belt slip if I exerted too much force forward while the belt was trying to move in the opposite direction. I don't need to be blowing out my knee.

    Today, I've lost two pounds (don't know where they went), and the other 134 of them are piled up on the floor behind the treadmill.

    Ive been doing 5K events on the street. No rails, but little chance of the belt slipping either. My 5K on the pavement is about 4 minutes slower than one on the treadmill. Many times I am dead last in those events. But I'm still running circles around everyone sitting on the couch. And I keep looking at that big pile of pounds that are on the floor behind the treadmill.

    Positive RESULTS!

    BTW, why do you hate SUVs ?????
  • hendongirl
    hendongirl Posts: 156 Member
    Because. This:


    Yes. This!
  • bacamacho
    bacamacho Posts: 306 Member
    Treadmills are awesome training tools when you can't get outdoors. I did a lot of my half and full marathon training on one. When your only training time is late at night when the crazies are out, treadmills will do.

    As for holding the rails, I've had friends tell me that they are afraid they're gonna fall off, or they don't know what to do with their arms. Some may have issues with vertigo, like my cousin.
  • BamsieEkhaya
    BamsieEkhaya Posts: 657 Member
    errr because I want to/can do/ have the god given right to hold onto rails whether its up/down the stairs or on a piece of equipment built with rails to hold on to...suck on it if you don't like it :smile:

    (actually I only do so to check my heart rate every so often!)
  • TLTucker80
    TLTucker80 Posts: 123 Member
    I'm really overweight and I don't know if that is the reason or not but I have to hold the rails. well not really hold them I have to at least touch them because I have tried not to and I just can't walk on the treadmill with out touching the rails. I haven't been doing the treadmill long so maybe I might get to the point where I can do it with out the at least touching the rails. But that doesn't stop me from walking fast I walk at 4.0
  • K_Serz
    K_Serz Posts: 1,299 Member
    You're right!! I never realized what a total loser I am!!!

    Forget it! I quit. There's really no point in trying to exercise anymore, or lose weight, or live for that matter.

    I seriously need to die. Thanks for letting me know...unless, you have further opinion of what I should do and how I should accomplish the rest of my life.

    Make sure you go out holding the rails.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    This many people fell for a fishing/troll thread.

  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    :laugh: :laugh: Here we go.