How to target back fat?



  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    Don't listen to these men. Hire a FEMALE personal trainer and talk to her. Men don't understand a woman's body. It's not the same. Women's bodies are even designed to hold on to fat in preparation for childbirth. It doesn't know there isn't a famine around the corner. Women even have certain days of the month they should be buffing and certain days of the month they should be boosting. It's based on hormones. Your diet and your workouts should be based on that. How many men can explain that one?

    1. Lose more weight.
    2. Start strength training
    3. If you have a back, chest, arms and shoulders, upper body strength training is probably a good idea.


    So, what is the miracle it takes to make me lose weight since old-fashioned diet and exercise won't work? And don't tell me patience and dedication....I am about fed up after 13 months.

    She told you Already: strength training
  • ChinaLexie
    ChinaLexie Posts: 37 Member
    Strength training will definitely help firm up your back! Even pushups. :) Yet, for me the best thing has always been running. I know people say "it's all about strength training" and I do incorporate that into my regimen, but I just love the high of running outside and the effects on my butt/leg. I run about 25 miles a week (outside) and it's a full body workout. When I run, I make sure to be pushing my body forward with my legs AND arms, while keeping my core tight and stable. Then I can start to feel my body using muscles it doesn't normally use in my arms and back.

    On more thing, each woman holds onto fat in different areas. Some women gain weight easily in their upper body and it's hard to shed. For my case, it's my thighs so I am JEALOUS of girls with skinny, little legs! :) So maybe if running hasn't or doesn't help you, really think about investing in some serious strength training. :)
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    So, what is the miracle it takes to make me lose weight since old-fashioned diet and exercise won't work? And don't tell me patience and dedication....I am about fed up after 13 months.

    If you've really been at it for 13 months, you should know by now that there are no miracles when it comes to long-term successful weight-loss. You should also know about how consecutive under-eating (not saying you do this, as your diary is private) can have counterproductive effects when it comes to losing weight and cause you to 'stall out'. You should know that if that's not the case and you get lazy with calorie counting/portion measuring, you may be eating hundreds of calories more than what you record, also inhibiting weight loss. You should know that if you are truly madly deeply at a plateau with your weightloss, you should be changing up your routine, your caloric intake, your macros, the way you breathe, etc. to get the scale moving and/or the tape measure giving you smaller numbers.

    At least, this is what I've learned after 13 months.
  • mrsmustgetmuscles1
    mrsmustgetmuscles1 Posts: 57 Member
    Don't listen to these men. Hire a FEMALE personal trainer and talk to her. Men don't understand a woman's body. It's not the same. Women's bodies are even designed to hold on to fat in preparation for childbirth. It doesn't know there isn't a famine around the corner. Women even have certain days of the month they should be buffing and certain days of the month they should be boosting. It's based on hormones. Your diet and your workouts should be based on that. How many men can explain that one?

    1. Lose more weight.
    2. Start strength training
    3. If you have a back, chest, arms and shoulders, upper body strength training is probably a good idea.



    1. What in the HALE is buffing and boosting??
    2. OP if you want guidance as to why you haven't lost weight during a year of exercising, you should open your diary, providing that it is accurate.
    No one can really comment

    ^ Another vote for strength training from a woman. The basics are the same for males and females.

    Cant help without seeing your diary but I would add:

    4. Small calorie deficit

    5. Enough protein.
  • Amoravy
    Amoravy Posts: 86 Member
    Strength training will definitely help firm up your back! Even pushups. :) Yet, for me the best thing has always been running. I know people say "it's all about strength training" and I do incorporate that into my regimen, but I just love the high of running outside and the effects on my butt/leg. I run about 25 miles a week (outside) and it's a full body workout. When I run, I make sure to be pushing my body forward with my legs AND arms, while keeping my core tight and stable. Then I can start to feel my body using muscles it doesn't normally use in my arms and back.

    On more thing, each woman holds onto fat in different areas. Some women gain weight easily in their upper body and it's hard to shed. For my case, it's my thighs so I am JEALOUS of girls with skinny, little legs! :) So maybe if running hasn't or doesn't help you, really think about investing in some serious strength training. :)

    I run 25 miles a week as well! I LOVE having nice, thicker legs though. My badonkadonk is always complimented on. No white girl has my butt...however, It would be nice to not have a fatty back with it!
  • CrimsonDiva7
    CrimsonDiva7 Posts: 171 Member
    Jumping jacks...yes that's right jumping jacks. It worked for me along with diet and cardio. I started doing them every night before bed and I swear after a month I noticed a significant difference. Start slow with 50 the first night then add 100 to it every night after that.
  • nz_deevaa
    nz_deevaa Posts: 12,209 Member
    Don't listen to these men. Hire a FEMALE personal trainer and talk to her. Men don't understand a woman's body. It's not the same. Women's bodies are even designed to hold on to fat in preparation for childbirth. It doesn't know there isn't a famine around the corner. Women even have certain days of the month they should be buffing and certain days of the month they should be boosting. It's based on hormones. Your diet and your workouts should be based on that. How many men can explain that one?


  • Reema_capricorn
    Reema_capricorn Posts: 1,032 Member
    yoga did it for me!! I've got a toned back thanks to yoga! My bra fat disappeared due to side stretching. And yoga is alsoa good core workout. I have only only lost 5 kgs in the past year. But I have body definition.Know what I mean. I look sculpted!
  • Reema_capricorn
    Reema_capricorn Posts: 1,032 Member
    Jumping jacks...yes that's right jumping jacks. It worked for me along with diet and cardio. I started doing them every night before bed and I swear after a month I noticed a significant difference. Start slow with 50 the first night then add 100 to it every night after that.

    ^^^ totally agree!!
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Don't listen to these men. Hire a FEMALE personal trainer and talk to her. Men don't understand a woman's body. It's not the same. Women's bodies are even designed to hold on to fat in preparation for childbirth. It doesn't know there isn't a famine around the corner. Women even have certain days of the month they should be buffing and certain days of the month they should be boosting. It's based on hormones. Your diet and your workouts should be based on that. How many men can explain that one?

    1. Lose more weight.
    2. Start strength training
    3. If you have a back, chest, arms and shoulders, upper body strength training is probably a good idea.


    So, what is the miracle it takes to make me lose weight since old-fashioned diet and exercise won't work? And don't tell me patience and dedication....I am about fed up after 13 months.

    Since you enjoyed my first post so much I'm back to offer you seconds.

    If women can't lose weight, someone should inform all the women on my FL that they are special snowflakes. You're talking about old fashioned diet and exercise not working. I suspect your diet and exercise are both suboptimal. You've already said that that you've neglected strength training for over 60% of your body. If you're reading information that tells you that cardio cardio cardio if the solution to fat loss, any other training information you've gleaned from that source is also suspect.

    I'd be happy to help you improve your training and diet, I really would...... but it seems my penis disqualifies me from further assistance. I guess you should keep keep listening to that woman that says it's impossible for women to lose fat. At least then, 6 months from now when you still haven't shown progress, you can blame your sex.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member

    I was lured in here by the topic title and intended to provide the same solid advice that has already been given. Nice to see good advice being offered.

    However, now I see that OP has already rebutted the solid advice and doubled down by declaring her unwillingness to let go of the major tenets of her current fitness regime...the plan that has led her to still having this problem.

    SMH indeed.

    - I wish you nothing but success in all your fitness and health goals. :flowerforyou: - ©2013

    Edit: for typo...because proper spelling matters, even in a resignation post.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Popped in earlier. Saw good replies.
    Checked back again, and total farking trainwreck.

    Heavy lifting. Light to moderate cardio. Calorie deficit and good macros. This is what works for human beings. Doesn't matter if your male, female, or transgendered.

    But carry on making excuses and rationalizations if that's what will make you feel better.
  • nz_deevaa
    nz_deevaa Posts: 12,209 Member

    I was lured in here by the topic title and intended to provide the same solid advice that has already been given. Nice to see good advice being offered.

    However, now I see that OP has already rebutted the solid advice and doubled down by declaring her unwillingness to let go of the major tenets of her current fitness regime...the plan that has led her to still having this problem.

    SMH indeed.

    - I wish you nothing but success in all your fitness and health goals. :flowerforyou: - ©2013

    Edit: for typo...because proper spelling matters, even in a resignation post.

    Also, you have a penis so you are disqualified.
  • Lift_hard_eat_big
    Lift_hard_eat_big Posts: 2,278 Member
    You can not "target" specific areas on your body, this is a complete myth.

    Not without specific drugs you can't.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member

    I was lured in here by the topic title and intended to provide the same solid advice that has already been given. Nice to see good advice being offered.

    However, now I see that OP has already rebutted the solid advice and doubled down by declaring her unwillingness to let go of the major tenets of her current fitness regime...the plan that has led her to still having this problem.

    SMH indeed.

    - I wish you nothing but success in all your fitness and health goals. :flowerforyou: - ©2013

    Edit: for typo...because proper spelling matters, even in a resignation post.

    Also, you have a penis so you are disqualified.

    I wish people would be more specific in their OP about who is and is not qualified to provide responses. (And just a few decades ago, I was convinced that that was the only thing I needed to accomplish anything. How times have changed.)
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    1. Lose more weight.
    2. Start strength training
    3. If you have a back, chest, arms and shoulders, upper body strength training is probably a good idea.

    Yeah, if losing weight was that simple maybe I wouldn't be posting my question in the first place? I eat right, exercise, and havent lost anything in months. I have been doing this for a year and am down only 15 pounds. The scale wont budge.

    Thread Translation: I've been following a regimen that's proven to be ineffective. I will keep doing this ineffective program no matter how many people that have had success tell me that I should try something that has been proven to work. I'm asking for advice but what I really want is someone to tell me it's not my fault. Because I'm a woman. And women have it hard.
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member

    So, what is the miracle it takes to make me lose weight since old-fashioned diet and exercise won't work? And don't tell me patience and dedication....I am about fed up after 13 months.

    Right here:
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    You can not "target" specific areas on your body, this is a complete myth.

    Not without specific drugs you can't.

  • mrs_joshica
    mrs_joshica Posts: 275 Member
    Honesty is, you can't spot reduce, you can do weights to strengthen muscles and increase tightness, but to lose in one area you've got to lose all over :( Pick the weights up targeted for your back area to firm and tone, and continue what you need to lose all over. If you do it right it will align.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    1. Lose more weight.
    2. Start strength training
    3. If you have a back, chest, arms and shoulders, upper body strength training is probably a good idea.

    Yeah, if losing weight was that simple maybe I wouldn't be posting my question in the first place? I eat right, exercise, and havent lost anything in months. I have been doing this for a year and am down only 15 pounds. The scale wont budge.

    Thread Translation: I've been following a regimen that's proven to be ineffective. I will keep doing this ineffective program no matter how many people that have had success tell me that I should try something that has been proven to work. I'm asking for advice but what I really want is someone to tell me it's not my fault. Because I'm a woman. And women have it hard. a woman and someone who has followed the advice of Taso, DavPul and others of both genders.....

    I've been at 178-180lbs since Sept..but in that time, I got more into weight training (thanks to the two guys I mentioned) and although I'm still fluctuating at that weight...I have gone down from a size 18 to 14 in pants and XL to L in shirt size.

    So, call me a traitor to my gender, but I'll back these two guys any day.