How are you feeling....just vent right now!!!



  • SoViLicious
    SoViLicious Posts: 2,633 Member
    Not so fresh?
  • avababy05
    avababy05 Posts: 930 Member
    I'm feeling hungry which is leading to feeling frustrated.I'm follow the exact same menu as I did yesterday.

    Yesterday it was plenty,more than enough.

    Today I'm soooo hungry.

    And the workout was about the same
  • jsd_135
    jsd_135 Posts: 291 Member
    Headachy, fuzzy-brained, low energy. Just one of those days. Trying to motivate to do 30 Day Shred, but it's 3:15, the kids are home from school, and I need to start dinner. <sigh>
  • SF2514
    SF2514 Posts: 794 Member
    I am irritated that after about two years of not having any health episodes I am back at square one with my IIH and now have to deal with seizures as well. I also hate that the medications for it make me horribly dizzy. Things could always be worse though =).
  • MrsDrk
    MrsDrk Posts: 153 Member
    Hormonal, hungry, and excited that in 6 minutes my darling husband is on his way home.

    I'm also in awe of my 2 year old, excited for my 17 year old because he has his first job interview Saturday and hopeful for parent/teacher conferences with my 15 year olds teachers!

    kinda tired too :)
  • Alanakrahenbil
    Alanakrahenbil Posts: 811 Member
    I feel My dad(who goes in for another round of radiation on his brain tomorrow) brought over some tim bits and to hang out, can't say no to that.
  • TBirdColorado
    TBirdColorado Posts: 18 Member
    10 weeks.
    Alternating days of weights/core and treadmill or bike. The past two weeks I've been circuit training during weights day.
    Lots of fruits and veggies - I'm a vegetarian. Healthy proteins.

    BUT... all that work and
    only 4 pounds lost.
    Size 16 jeans still too tight.

    I've gained some endurance, I've gone from a 25 minute mile to a 19 minute mile. I've upped some weights. I've conquered some of the bigger hills on my bicycle.

    BUT ...
    Looking at me, there is no difference.

    TEN WEEKS of sweating my *kitten* off and it's still there.

    I did buy potato chips yesterday. After all, if I'm not losing weight without the chips for ten weeks, what difference could they possible make?
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    I'm feeling increasingly frustrated because I've realized how long it will take to lose this weight and I feel like I've wasted my teenage years being unconfident and hiding away in baggy clothes.

    Realizing how long it will take is often the tipping point to long term success. The realization of just how long it was going to take me completely changed my life, and is a huge reason for why I am where I am today. When you start to see the bigger picture, you start seeing all of this from a different perspective...not a diet (verb) but your diet (noun)...your new life. This is when you really start to find your one with your awesomeness....


    Then I must be AWESOME! :)
    Because I'm feeling the same way..looking in the mirror yesterday thinking..."good LORD, this is gonna take a while"... :sad:

  • miss_believer
    Feeling pretty good today. Satisfied to see the scale consistently moving in the right direction.
  • lorrainea11
    ' I ran a 10 mile race on Sunday and when I got on the scale Monday and Tuesday, it said 178. WTF? I haven't stepped on it since. I was finally seeing some downward movement- and then it jumped back up. I don't get it and it annoys me and makes me want to just eat. Ugh. '

    Hi! Don't be disheartened. You always 'weigh' more when you have undertaken vigorous exercise. I never weigh myself after I have been to the gym.

    I am the same whenever I get tired or down, then all I want to do is eat. That's why this website is perfect.
  • CatToBeKitten
    I have lost 85 pounds in the past year, and just started slimquick to help me lose the last 35. Lost 5 pounds the first week (last week), started my monthly 3 days ago and have been BINGING despite the pills for the 3 days since! Gained 6 pounds according to today's weigh out of curiosity and I am SO FRUSTRATED! UGH!! WHY CAN'T I JUST STOP EATING?? My fiancee says I'm eating because of the feeling the "monthly gift" creates, but mine lasts for a week or better! At this rate I'll gain 20 pounds if that's true! Someone, message me with tips please.
  • KathyPBiles
    KathyPBiles Posts: 292 Member
    I know I stayed under most days this week - but I also know I didn't make the best choices and with not being able to exercise, I should have made better choices. So, I will pay the price tomorrow during weigh in - but I will pick myself back and and do better!
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    I'm feeling awesome as usual....sending awesomeness vibes to every!!! You're all awesome!!! Go to your awesome place and be one with awesomeness!!!


  • jehan
    jehan Posts: 155 Member
    Feeling crappy. I gave birth 4 months ago and I still look preggo. An officemate just reported back to the office after giving birth 2 months ago and she is way thinner than me. I know that I'm starting to exercise and eat right for a month now and I feel like nothing is changing. I know that I'll be back to my pre-pregnant weight but it just feels so far away...
  • Tyandnatesmom
    Tyandnatesmom Posts: 23 Member
    Frustrated...I worked hard the past week and stayed under my calorie goal and worked out 5 days out of 7 and I finally let myself stand on the scale only to see no loss at all.... Nothing!!
  • runs4zen
    runs4zen Posts: 769 Member
    I'm feeling RANDY BABY!!

    Why aren't you?

  • NanaWubbie
    NanaWubbie Posts: 248 Member
    At this very moment I am feeling pretty good! Yesterday was a little more than a little stressful, but sunsets mean the stress in ending, and a sunrise means a fresh new start.....I love it!
  • FitWithTiff
    I currently feel like crap. I have the worst habit of eating through my emotions. I can not seem to get my mind right in order to lose this weight. I currently weigh 131.0; last week I weighed 127.0; this happened because I went on a 4-day binge of pigging out on everything in sight. I am starting fresh tomorrow, but always fear I will mess up again as soon as the situation rises. ://

    I hope none of you struggle with this, because it truly sucks!
  • MissLexiS
    MissLexiS Posts: 22 Member
    I feel horrible right now concerning my weightloss I never last when trying to lose weight :(
  • MissLexiS
    MissLexiS Posts: 22 Member
    this is how i feel.........i binge eat a lot