How are you feeling....just vent right now!!!



  • AABru
    AABru Posts: 610 Member
    Estoy frustrada y cansada...muy, muy cansada. I would love to sleep for days and days without having to cater to my family or pets or student or boss or clean my house or do laundry or drive anywhere. Just rest. I never knew it was possible to function and be this tired. It might even explain my plateau. Can you still lose weight with through the roof levels of cortisol?
  • julialla
    julialla Posts: 232 Member
    Hungry; but scared I'm not eating enough or too many confused and frusturated most of the time just want this fat gone and to have the body I imagine!
  • valeriewxy
    valeriewxy Posts: 418 Member
    1. Happy because TGIF!

    2. Excited because meeting my university friends for yummy dinner later.

    3. Upset because dress shopping last night didn't go quite as I'd hoped. I'm wearing a EU38/UK10 in dress-size, which makes me a 'Large' here where I live. I know there are people here who would love to be just an L, but really - after a 30lbs loss, I'd really just like salesgirls to stop hinting that I might rip their dresses if I tried them on :(

    4. Worried because my weight loss hasn't been as linear as it was when I first started. Overall, I have still lost 9 lbs over 7 weeks (which is awesome, I know), but I guess I got used to a 2 pound drop week on week.
  • sundy2603
    sundy2603 Posts: 29 Member
    Feelings: I have lost my first 20 lbs and I feel like I won't lose any more weight. I've been doing really good and eat good but is it me trying to self sabotage my weight lose. I have never lost more then 20 lbs before and I'm really scared i will gain all the weight back.
  • fluffygoodness
    fluffygoodness Posts: 57 Member
    K have 35 lbs of water weight I'm dragging around due to having a kidney disease. I feel defeated somedays other days blessed because it could always be worse. I can't exercise like I want to, steroids oh yea those too added some pounds plus appetite. I jis want to be back to my normal fat so I can get back to attempting to reach my goal weight. I didn't ask for this but this is the cards I got dealt and I'm going to be ok. Angry at this moment but ok nonetheless.
  • daphne_m
    daphne_m Posts: 84
    I'm frustrated with myself. My lifestyle involves too much eating out and too much fast food. While fast food can be managed because the calorie counts are easily available, regular restaurants are another story altogether. Today I went to a cafe for brunch that was in what I'd describe as suburbia. Here in the city $14 worth of corn fritters would not get you an enormous serve that came with two pieces of bacon and half an avocado - I thought it would just be a small snack, you know? I love corn fritters like no tomorrow and the slow roasted tomatoes were delicious but the whole plate was probably well in excess of 900 calories. Did I mention the fritters had cheese in them? Who does that? They could not have been more delicious. So naturally I ended up having McDonalds for dinner and a cream bun for sweets. Oh wait, two cream buns.

    I have only a few months until a long holiday which will see me eating my way through Europe and I cannot imagine how I will keep my weight down while travelling especially as I am not now building healthy habits. And I don't have a job. I don't particularly want a job but apparently that is the only way anyone will take me seriously. Ok, just one person, but his opinion matters rather a lot and I would prefer he take me seriously than view me as some brain dead brat who does nothing but shop and overanalyse her yo-yoing weight.
  • fluffygoodness
    fluffygoodness Posts: 57 Member
    Really the ad at the bottom is for filet of fish 2 for $4?!?!? Who can pass that up?!?!? I better go to sleep before I go to the 24hr McDonald's around the corner.
  • squinz
    squinz Posts: 136
    I'm feeling a bit deflated but more positive than yesterday.

    I've just had a bad few days and gained weight last few weeks. Trying to keep motivated and not revert back to old habits when I get stressed.
  • losbeatlesmolan
    I'm feeling quite frustrated actually ... and anxious about food right now. If it was up to me I would go the kitchen cupboard and eat, eat and eat. It's hard keeping the weight down. and it depresses me a lot to see how I plan/organize my whole life around food :-(
  • MrsRC
    MrsRC Posts: 9 Member
    I feel at a loss tbh. Every night I log onto MFP and decide that tomorrow will be my fresh start, but can't seem to get started. I've lost 24lb and have 27lb to go, but for the last few weeks just seem to lose and gain the same 2lb. Can't seem to stick to an exercise plan- started Jillian Michel's 6 weeks to a 6 pack for 3 days, a few days of tae bo, odd days of zumba, enjoy running but got out of the habit. Don't know what to eat - tried slimming world, low fat, clean eating seems sensible - but if that means organic sounds expensive and can't afford that right now. As I say a loss...thanks for letting me vent!!
  • lambchoplewis
    I want winter to end. We got transferred to the "hell hole" of Ohio - I hate it. The people are stiff and constipated. The scenery is flat. The weather sucks 7 months a year. Can't wait to retire.
  • squatsandlipgloss
    squatsandlipgloss Posts: 595 Member
    A little frustrated.

    It seems like every single time I get to a new lowest weight, there is a day following where it is hard to stick to my healthy eating. When I am with family, I am not going to make a big deal of eating superhealthy, because it causes too much bla.

    I was at a great lowest weight this morning and visited the in laws and as always they baked cakes (I only had 2 slices instead of the usual 3-4) and for diner there was salad (really just lettuce with some dressing) and sandwiches and salmon. Not at all super unhealthy, though it was white bread and I think I had around 8-10 slices. I drank only water and as soon as I got home I drank 500ml water and a cup of green tea. Hope this won't affect my weight tomorrow!
  • angelahammon
    angelahammon Posts: 114 Member
    I feel really low at the moment, it is the end of the time of the month for me and this week i have just chosen to eat the wrong things, my weight has gone up prob due to over indulging. i have been checking the scales everday in despair and this in retun making me feel bad so i am comfort eating, this is the first serious lapse iv had, i feel so disappointed in myself for letting it get out of control.i am scared i wont stop and put all the weight back on that i lost. i am going back to see my parents for a few days and am needing to stop this over eating and watch what i do when away, tomorrow is another day, think i need to stop going on the scales for a few days as its depressing me so much
  • scruffykaz
    scruffykaz Posts: 317 Member
    No means no!!! No, I don't want dessert, no I don't want alcohol, yes I'm sure, no I'm not miserable. Yes I did used to drink and eat a lot more but I also used to weigh a lot more.

    I'm really happy with the changes I've made and I can still have fun. I think my attitude is much more healthy towards food now that I emotionally eat less and actually think about what I am eating....
  • mmddwechanged
    mmddwechanged Posts: 1,687 Member
    I'm loving this French song by Mica. So pretty and they are such a diverse and interesting band. And I haven't been able to use my right arm for the last six months, but I just mopped the kitchen floor the normal way( I could cry!). I also haven't written with paper and pen in six months without pain but I'm going to try that soon. And I'm going to wear my new dress tonight and it's beautiful-sunny out:). I have had two days of either being lazy or taking my girl out (saw a terrific movie yesterday). In a nut shell I feel really lucky and happy!!!!
  • hannakengu
    hannakengu Posts: 79 Member
    Argh, lots of mixed feelings today. I could pull my jeans up without wriggling and twisting into them like before, and I could put a finger between my tummy and the waistline without it being too tight. I wore a peplum shirt I bought last year for the first time today, since this was the first day since buying it I didn't feel like I looked pregnant. So, the morning was pretty good. Then I went to have lunch at my grandparents' house, and came home and logged everything. I tried to be good and thought I made smarter choices but still went over by a LOT. Then, I tried to do a workout video at home, but I've had a sore throat for the whole week that has stopped me from doing anything harded than walking. I wanted to try that video to see how I'd feel working out, since the throat has felt better, but nope - still started burning after a couple of minutes. So, no working out to burn any of those easter lunch calories either. And, tomorrow is a weigh-in day. Frustrating!
  • bethlaf
    bethlaf Posts: 954 Member
    Angry frustrated. and kind of happy.
    the husband too the older kids fishing, im left home with the ham and the twins...
    twins are napping, they are only 3, but still im stuck here at home.. family holiday,,,, right...
    BETH- step away from the peeps, food doesnt cover emotions..
  • jestersand
    jestersand Posts: 61 Member
    This week I lost .5 pounds and I am pretty happy. I've been dieting since I was 19 (I'm 32) now, and I have to say that as much as I push myself down, I haven't gained any of it back due to food or giving up. It's a new outlook in my life I am trying to achieve.
    Anyway, don't be scared into gaining. Set yourself goals each week (NOT EACH MONTH) each week. That's about how long it takes to see change. Treat yourself if you must, or reward yourself, but stick to your diet. Use the fear to keep you on the wagon.
    I also want to punch a guy in the face right now, but that's a whole other issue. :)
  • JeneticTraining
    JeneticTraining Posts: 663 Member
    I feel wonderful! Burned 600 calories and am happy with my weigh-in
  • moontenshi23
    moontenshi23 Posts: 29 Member
    Having one of those days where I just feel fat and gross. I try not to let those thoughts get to me, but it is hard. I have really low self-esteem and I'm not very kind to myself. Part of me wants to just say "*kitten* it" and go drown my feelings by eating a chocolate bunny. I know that will only make it worse though. I need to keep reminding myself that slow and steady wins the race.