Favorite dog Breed



  • krystonite
    krystonite Posts: 553 Member
    Newfoundlands. Hands down.

    We had a bunch of them when I was growing up. Such loyal, faithful dogs. Unbelievably cuddly to boot. It's like snuggling with an actual grizzly bear.
  • willnorton
    willnorton Posts: 995 Member
    no other but the RAT TERRIER....

    R.I.P. "Petie"

    I still wear his little blue collar as a bracelet every single day...only take it off to take a shower...

    I miss my buddy of 12 great years...

    I will see him again one day...I truely believe he is waiting on me.....
  • Pit Bulls :-)
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,749 Member
    Rescue. :heart: I'm also partial to "mutts" and German Shepherds because our old dog was a pound puppy mutt and our current dog is a purebred German Shepherd that someone dumped off at the end of our road. Actually, almost any big dog will do for me!
  • jonnyman41
    jonnyman41 Posts: 1,032 Member
    Labs and Rotties for me. We have both and have had various mixes of the two since we started owning dogs. Labs (the skinny working type) totally nuts and makes us laugh all the time while also being very intelligent and rotties for their love, loyalty and affection.
  • GamerLady
    GamerLady Posts: 359 Member
  • NKF92879
    NKF92879 Posts: 601 Member
    Currently, my favorite is my Brittany (Bentley). He's sweet, silly, loving, and a helluva bird hunter. In all honesty, I'd likely get another Brittany some day, but I just really love dogs.
  • angledge
    angledge Posts: 13 Member
    My mom used to show Giant Schnauzers, & they are still my favorite breed. But I will always be a rescue dog girl, especially after THIS dork found me in St. Bernard Parish, LA just weeks after the BP oil spill started:

    <img src = "http://photos-ssl.myfitnesspal.com/images/photos/503/578/38503578_8325.jpg"&gt;

    Shadeaux is now nearly three years old & is the center of our household.
  • MeMyCatsandI
    MeMyCatsandI Posts: 704 Member
    Why is this even a question??? The best dogs in the world are German Shepherd Dogs. Duh!
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,779 Member
    Rottweilers Rule!

    RIP Lacey, I miss you.
  • oliviabog
    oliviabog Posts: 101
    We have a golden retriever, he's a handsome boy. He's only 10 months so the full coat isn't in yet but itll be stunning when it comes in! He's utterly mental though.
  • Richie2shoes
    Richie2shoes Posts: 412 Member
    Beagles are my favorite with a good old fashioned mutt coming in a close second!
  • 19kat55
    19kat55 Posts: 336 Member
    Could not possibly pick just one. Love all dogs really. For those dog lovers out there, my brother in Chicago is a talented photographer that LOVES photographing the dogs at the dog beach. If anyone cares to take a look, your favorite breed might be in the mix! http://www.flickr.com/photos/hbchicago/sets/72157632407968044/
  • Tatonka_usn
    Tatonka_usn Posts: 433 Member
    I've been a DIEHARD Rottweiler fan for well over 25 years, during which time I've had two of the lovable goofs. My wife, on the other hand, is a German Shepard lover. Hence, we always seem to wind up with (at least) one of each.....
  • sally_jeffswife
    sally_jeffswife Posts: 766 Member
    Our dog is part Cocker Spaniel and part Dacshund he's awesome. Never gets super big and he has the big fluffy paws like a cocker spaniel and the fluffy ears. And he's a major couch potatoe and awesome with kids. Very calm natured.
  • tabbydog
    tabbydog Posts: 4,925 Member
  • jessicas082409
    jessicas082409 Posts: 75 Member
    My baby is a 2yr old Great Dane and I would LOVE to have a whole herd of them!
  • The Weimaraner! I have one and he is the BEST!
  • metaphoria
    metaphoria Posts: 1,432 Member
    We have a black lab collie cross. He thinks he's a lapdog, at 70lb. :) my kids love him to pieces and he's very protective of us but friendly. He's everything you could ever want in a dog.
  • 2credneck208
    2credneck208 Posts: 501 Member
    Newfoundland or st Bernard. I have a miniature weiner dog now, not really a dog at all.