Cardio doesn't burn fat!!!



  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    I agree with the OP. Cardio does zilch for burning fat. Diet is the key thing for fat loss. Too many people think because the do cardio, they have a golden ticket to eat junk food.

    Cardio can be used as a means of calorie reduction. You can only reduce calories so much from your diet. Regarding the junk food comment. You're wrong again.
    Wrong about the junk food? What do you mean? Cardio can be used as a calorie reduction but in the grand scheme of things, it's not that much.

    Now cardio does have it's place. If you are doing cardio for the heal benefits or training for a sport, then do cardio.
    There is no such thing as junk food.
  • usernameMAMA
    usernameMAMA Posts: 681 Member

    LOL! I admit, I didn't read either one of these but it made me laugh because it's Duke University vs Burn the Fat Blog...Hahahahahaha!
  • GiddyNZ
    GiddyNZ Posts: 136 Member
    Try being a chick for a week, being allowed to eat say 1200 calories (i.e. that means eating sweet bugger all in the way of food.. even healthy food).. then try being an active chick.. It sucks!! It's not about being able to eat junk food, its about being able to eat 3 meals a day without living on lettuce.

    I burnt over 1500 calories mountain biking today.. will probably eat back about 500 of those so I don't starve tomorrow.. BUT I will still lose weight this week.. I do cardio 3 - 4 times a week and weight lifting twice a week, but have found the weight loss has increased hugely since I added more cardio.

    Exercise burns calories.. if you haven't eaten those calories, then they are taken from fat stores and to a smaller degree from muscle mass.. but this isn't an issue if you continue to weight train.
  • matt2442
    matt2442 Posts: 1,259 Member
    Does cardio burn cake?

    i hear you can light a cigarette with it
  • IronPlayground
    IronPlayground Posts: 1,594 Member
    I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

    I would also like to see any proof God exists if anyone cares to discuss the available evidence. I do understand cardio seems to be a sensitive topic around here, let's just discuss another topic until everyone calms down.

    You, most likely, just gave cause for this thread to be deleted.
  • IronPlayground
    IronPlayground Posts: 1,594 Member

    LOL! I admit, I didn't read either one of these but it made me laugh because it's Duke University vs Burn the Fat Blog...Hahahahahaha!

    I think it would be worth your time to read them both. People like to hold university studies in high regards without taking a look at the parameter or lack thereof. Tom Venuto only points out where the Duke study made mistakes.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Many people seem to just enjoy cardio in a sadistic type of way so much that they miss the whole point of my post. Let me restate it again in a way a grade 5 kid would hopefully understand:

    If by the end of the day you're at an x net calorie intake, it will not make a difference in terms of body composition whether or not you had done cardio that day. HOWEVER, if you do weight lifting while still at that same x net calorie intake, you will end up with less fat, more muscle than if you had not.

    In a sadistic type of way? Do you mean masochistic? I don't know how them doing cardio gives them pleasure if they are being sadistic because they aren't causing anyone else pain..just themselves.

    Not being a grammar nazi or anything...just trying to verify what you meant to make sure I'm understanding everything you are saying. :flowerforyou:
  • Mustang_Susie
    Mustang_Susie Posts: 7,045 Member
  • Game8
    Game8 Posts: 442
    Try being a chick for a week, being allowed to eat say 1200 calories (i.e. that means eating sweet bugger all in the way of food.. even healthy food).. then try being an active chick.. It sucks!! It's not about being able to eat junk food, its about being able to eat 3 meals a day without living on lettuce.

    I burnt over 1500 calories mountain biking today.. will probably eat back about 500 of those so I don't starve tomorrow.. BUT I will still lose weight this week.. I do cardio 3 - 4 times a week and weight lifting twice a week, but have found the weight loss has increased hugely since I added more cardio.

    Exercise burns calories.. if you haven't eaten those calories, then they are taken from fat stores and to a smaller degree from muscle mass.. but this isn't an issue if you continue to weight train.

    Your post really made me think. Cardio does seem like borderline eating disorder in a way too, burning calories and then eating them. It's like binging and purging, except you do the purging before the binging lol
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    All studies done on aerobics show that they don't significantly accelerate fat loss than dieting alone. Why then whenever someone wants to lose fat or "get abs" they jump on the elliptical and start swinging and sweating thinking it's a great idea?? The only benefit is basically allowing you to eat more food. That's it. I doubt they're doing it for the cardiovascular benefits either. So if by the end of the day you're at a caloric deficit, you will lose the same amount of fat with or without cardio.

    Weight lifting on the other hand has been shown to accelerate fat loss by up to 50% than dieting alone or dieting and cardio. I really genuinely feel sad when I see someone doing an hour or two of cardio on my news feed, and it's for all the wrong reasons..

    epic fail. sorry dude.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    A common theme around here.
    I once had a shirtless young man tell me how to best manage menopause.:bigsmile:

    That wouldn't help my hot flashes :blushing:
  • Game8
    Game8 Posts: 442
    All studies done on aerobics show that they don't significantly accelerate fat loss than dieting alone. Why then whenever someone wants to lose fat or "get abs" they jump on the elliptical and start swinging and sweating thinking it's a great idea?? The only benefit is basically allowing you to eat more food. That's it. I doubt they're doing it for the cardiovascular benefits either. So if by the end of the day you're at a caloric deficit, you will lose the same amount of fat with or without cardio.

    Weight lifting on the other hand has been shown to accelerate fat loss by up to 50% than dieting alone or dieting and cardio. I really genuinely feel sad when I see someone doing an hour or two of cardio on my news feed, and it's for all the wrong reasons..

    epic fail. sorry dude.

    Now that's a compelling argument. I seriously can't say I have a response to that.
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    ...Cardio does seem like borderline eating disorder in a way too, burning calories and then eating them. It's like binging and purging, except you do the purging before the binging lol
    So basically you don't get the fact that some people do it for the cardiovascular health benefits, then eat (all or some) of the exercise calories back to avoid creating too deep a deficit?

    I lift. I'm not a big fan of cardio. But I understand that there are benefits to cardio which are not directly related to weight/fat loss.
  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member
    ...Cardio does seem like borderline eating disorder in a way too, burning calories and then eating them. It's like binging and purging, except you do the purging before the binging lol
    So basically you don't get the fact that some people do it for the cardiovascular health benefits, then eat (all or some) of the exercise calories back to avoid creating too deep a deficit?

    I lift. I'm not a big fan of cardio. But I understand that there are benefits to cardio which are not directly related to weight/fat loss.

  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member

    Your post really made me think. Cardio does seem like borderline eating disorder in a way too, burning calories and then eating them. It's like binging and purging, except you do the purging before the binging lol

    Wow, you're quite the little steroidian troll (I rarely use the word troll).
    You're assuming everyone doing cardio is on the very oddly set up MFP...Most of the world doesn't function in the realm of "eat back".
    I suppose we could talk about bodybuilding....
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Cardio does seem like borderline eating disorder

  • scottb81
    scottb81 Posts: 2,538 Member
    Aside from the cardiovascular benefits from running there is honestly no real benefit of running (unless you just enjoy to run).

    There is very little stressed placed on the body due to the availability of oxygen. So the body's hormone response minimal. Yes, you may burn some calories during, but you replace those calories right after.

    This expands on the topic a little.
    According to that article the majority of calories burned while doing cardio comes from muscle. If that is true then how was I able to burn 400,000 calories running in the last 12 months without dying? That is around 650 lbs of muscle using the commonly cited figure of 1lb of muscle providing 600 cal of energy.
  • rezn8
    rezn8 Posts: 263 Member
    Cardio is good, resistance training is good, however you must start in the kitchen. Doing nothing will get you nowhere.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
  • moonlitdreams2
    I enjoy both cardio and strength training. However, as another poster has said - you seem confused.

    And I'm one of those who actually enjoy cardio BECAUSE of the cardiovascular benefits. I love the way my breathing feels after a good run. My entire respiratory system feels clear and healthy for the day. I love the sound of my heart trying to pump out as much blood as it can.

    I also run because I get a high from it. As a recovering drug addict, the high I get from a good run is paramount to staying sober.

    So knock on cardio all you want, but knock on it to yourself, please.

    It's good you enjoy cardio. But I think 90% of people look at it as torture. Ask any random overweight person at your gym how "high" they're feeling while they huff and puff on the treadmill, their facial expression should give you an idea.

    I just started exercising and I do enjoy how I feel during and after using the treadmill and cycle.