Can't BELIEVE this guy said this about a size 8 / Medium!



  • calisunrise
    calisunrise Posts: 307
    isn't 8 a large though?
  • runs4zen
    runs4zen Posts: 769 Member
    It got me thinking... If I were her what would I have done or said to him? In hindsight she said she wished she had said "Our company is all about encouraging people to live a happy, healthy life. Your comment is disrespectful towards women. A size 8 is a perfectly healthy size and I am very offended by your comment. You can either apologize to me as a size 8 woman, or leave my store immediately."

    I was with you up to this point: If the *kitten* bought something then, you won because you took his money. I can't imagine being his girlfriend though. Good Lord. As far as this being a feminist issue...come many more important things to worry about than one individual's clearly ignorant commentary. Who cares what he thinks? Not me---especially if I was taking his money!
  • ninakir88
    ninakir88 Posts: 292 Member
    No, I don't consider a size 8 a large, lol
  • MagicalLeopleurodon
    MagicalLeopleurodon Posts: 623 Member
    I laughed. My papaw.always said he'd divorce my memaw if she ever got over 120lbs. She was 95 when they got married. Now? Shes well over 120lbs, and theyve stayed together. even if ita just because they dont enjoy irritating other peopke.

    my fiance said hed leave if i ever got fat, and i told him ill leave if i ever bench press more than him.
    neither one of us dares risk it ;)

    Lighten up :)
  • mackemom
    mackemom Posts: 277 Member
    some people are just *kitten*
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member

    A lot of people have made comments like "Wow! His poor girlfriend!" Or "No wonder he's not married" etc. etc. and are using this comment to form an immediate opinion about his relationship with his girlfriend and no one seems to have a problem with that.

    So the guy has a preference on what he likes and finds attractive. So he cracked a joke that went over like a wet fart in church. Why does any of that correlate to his relationship and why are we automatically assuming that it's bad, that we need to feel sorry for his GF because of his comment? No one knows him and again, assumptions are being based off of this one comment.

    My husband and I have told each other that if either one of us gets fat, no effort is made to lose the weight and the attraction is gone and wants to leave then go. I'm perfectly fine with that. Our relationship is solid and our 'pact' has no bearing on the way he treats me and vice versa.
  • jeslaughter
    jeslaughter Posts: 131 Member
    It got me thinking... If I were her what would I have done or said to him? In hindsight she said she wished she had said "Our company is all about encouraging people to live a happy, healthy life. Your comment is disrespectful towards women. A size 8 is a perfectly healthy size and I am very offended by your comment. You can either apologize to me as a size 8 woman, or leave my store immediately."

    Yeah, your friend probably shouldn't work in customer service without having thicker skin.

    I disagree with your completely about having a thicker skin to work in customer service industry. My entire working career had been in customer service and if this guy intentionally insulted this employee she has the right to ask him to leave the store as no one has the right to belittle or degrade anyone for any reason. On the other hand, I am sure if he knew this woman was a size 8 he would have been embarrassed...most men have no clue as to women sizes so saying what he did was just his ignorance.
    I on the other hand would have totally been pissed, I have never been an 8 even when I was 120 lbs, so to consider an 8 medium sized is nuts unless you are in China or somewhere where the majority of people are petite and the largest sizes are a 10 or 12.
  • Seajolly
    Seajolly Posts: 1,435 Member
    isn't 8 a large though?

    It is a medium in my store, if you read the original post. My co-worker told him that a 4 is an extra-small and 6 is small.
  • Pepper2185
    Pepper2185 Posts: 994 Member
    The guy made a joke.

    Not a big deal.

    And if he does prefer smaller women, who cares?
  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    This is why I couldn't work in customer service. I would have laughed and responded 'yes, right along with those with thinning hair'.
    Even if it wasn't thinning a quick glance to his hairline would have given him something to think about.
    It may be immature but I am from the school of 'you started it'.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    Whew! NOW I know why I'm divorced!

    I was so confused allllll these years.
  • Bridget0927
    Bridget0927 Posts: 438 Member
    As the creator of the ManCandy thread I have to chime in- fun to look at, not what I base my relationship/partner selections on. I've dated all types- none of whom were based on looks/body. I could show you the pics to prove it. :-)

    ETA: NOOONE of them were wealthy. Apparently, I'm a moron.

    Not a moron, thats how all ladies should be IMO
    The superficial one (like the guy this post is about) give the rest of us a bad name
  • SwimFan1981
    SwimFan1981 Posts: 1,430 Member
    The guy made a joke.

    Not a big deal.

    And if he does prefer smaller women, who cares?

  • Laura_Ivy
    Laura_Ivy Posts: 555 Member
    LOL Really? Just be thankful that you are not with the douche bag. His poor partner! :laugh:
  • shinesunfish
    shinesunfish Posts: 93 Member

    This woman is clearly mentally deranged (I spent an afternoon reading her other articles, not just this one.) This discussion reminded me of this.

    I'm surprised at the amount of people who don't seem to understand that a vague situation stuck in the OP's mind, and she wanted to open up a discussion about it. I'm also surprised at the amount of women who think that "some people prefer petite women," so this way of thinking is okay. Of course everyone has a certain body type they are attracted to - some men like petite women, some like athletic girls, some like chubby girls, some even like obese girls. The problem comes when men FETISHIZE a woman's body, and think of it as a status symbol like a nice car or expensive suit. Having a thin or small girlfriend does not reflect on YOU as a man, it reflects on HER as a woman. There is something very abnormal with a man who is excessively controlling about a woman's weight, and it can be a tool to continue an abusive or domineering relationship.

    I suspect a lot of the backlash from this post comes from an oversensetivity by thin or fit women from the "real women have curves" camp. I totally understand and agree that body shaming is wrong in all forms. But you have to understand that larger women are overzealous about this particular topic because society as a whole swings the other way. It's like a white person complaining about racism - it's bad when it happens, but it's generally minor when compared with racism against minorities.

    I've noticed that most men, even extremely not sexist men like my husband or brother, get super defensive when talking about misogyny. Nobody is saying that YOU are sexist. But think about this: when you picture your ideal future, and you imagine who you'll be with in that future, are you picturing a body, or a person? Because I can tell you, most women are picturing a person. That's the reason there are about 5 female celebrities for every 100 male celebrities who don't conform to standard beauty ideals. And that, my friends, is misogyny. The fact that more important than female athlete's abilities, or female singer's voices, or female politician's ideas, are her hair, clothes, and figure is misogynist. The fact that a man felt completely okay stating that he would "divorce" his future wife if she gained an arbitrary size - to a complete stranger - is misogynist.

    It's possible this guy was just making a joke (even though the OP suggests that he was not.) It's even more possible that this guy was just a jerk. But until we start identifying misogynist societal trends, we will never progress past this point. Sorry to get on a rant, but I feel like a lot of people were sort of missing the point of this thread.
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    This is why I couldn't work in customer service. I would have laughed and responded 'yes, right along with those with thinning hair'.
    Even if it wasn't thinning a quick glance to his hairline would have given him something to think about.
    It may be immature but I am from the school of 'you started it'.


    As to the rest of the thread......I still think he was joking. I wasn't there and don't know him obviously but I have to think it was a joke

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  • Doctorpurple
    Doctorpurple Posts: 507 Member
    IGNORE. He was obviously a jerk and doesn't not deserve extra thought. Plus men don't really understand women's sizing. I'm a size 2-4 but my husband finds women my size or larger attractive. But he doesn't really understand sizing because he finds a girl about size 8 attractive but when I tell him she's a size 8 he is shocked of "how large" that is. That is because he is used to me ordering size 2 most of the time. In reality size 2 and size 8 is not that different as what people make it out to be.
  • Laura_Ivy
    Laura_Ivy Posts: 555 Member
    I understand but this should state both men AND women because I see women posting pictures of guys with huge *kitten* muscles and hot bodies on facebook all the time and it kind of grosses me out but whatever, it's their life! If a person is willing to put up with a douche bag that puts a weight requirement on her than that is her problem,ya know?

    This woman is clearly mentally deranged (I spent an afternoon reading her other articles, not just this one.) This discussion reminded me of this.

    I'm surprised at the amount of people who don't seem to understand that a vague situation stuck in the OP's mind, and she wanted to open up a discussion about it. I'm also surprised at the amount of women who think that "some people prefer petite women," so this way of thinking is okay. Of course everyone has a certain body type they are attracted to - some men like petite women, some like athletic girls, some like chubby girls, some even like obese girls. The problem comes when men FETISHIZE a woman's body, and think of it as a status symbol like a nice car or expensive suit. Having a thin or small girlfriend does not reflect on YOU as a man, it reflects on HER as a woman. There is something very abnormal with a man who is excessively controlling about a woman's weight, and it can be a tool to continue an abusive or domineering relationship.

    I suspect a lot of the backlash from this post comes from an oversensetivity by thin or fit women from the "real women have curves" camp. I totally understand and agree that body shaming is wrong in all forms. But you have to understand that larger women are overzealous about this particular topic because society as a whole swings the other way. It's like a white person complaining about racism - it's bad when it happens, but it's generally minor when compared with racism against minorities.

    I've noticed that most men, even extremely not sexist men like my husband or brother, get super defensive when talking about misogyny. Nobody is saying that YOU are sexist. But think about this: when you picture your ideal future, and you imagine who you'll be with in that future, are you picturing a body, or a person? Because I can tell you, most women are picturing a person. That's the reason there are about 5 female celebrities for every 100 male celebrities who don't conform to standard beauty ideals. And that, my friends, is misogyny. The fact that more important than female athlete's abilities, or female singer's voices, or female politician's ideas, are her hair, clothes, and figure is misogynist. The fact that a man felt completely okay stating that he would "divorce" his future wife if she gained an arbitrary size - to a complete stranger - is misogynist.

    It's possible this guy was just making a joke (even though the OP suggests that he was not.) It's even more possible that this guy was just a jerk. But until we start identifying misogynist societal trends, we will never progress past this point. Sorry to get on a rant, but I feel like a lot of people were sort of missing the point of this thread.
  • leantool
    leantool Posts: 365 Member

    This woman is clearly mentally deranged (I spent an afternoon reading her other articles, not just this one.) This discussion reminded me of this.

    I'm surprised at the amount of people who don't seem to understand that a vague situation stuck in the OP's mind, and she wanted to open up a discussion about it. I'm also surprised at the amount of women who think that "some people prefer petite women," so this way of thinking is okay. Of course everyone has a certain body type they are attracted to - some men like petite women, some like athletic girls, some like chubby girls, some even like obese girls. The problem comes when men FETISHIZE a woman's body, and think of it as a status symbol like a nice car or expensive suit. Having a thin or small girlfriend does not reflect on YOU as a man, it reflects on HER as a woman. There is something very abnormal with a man who is excessively controlling about a woman's weight, and it can be a tool to continue an abusive or domineering relationship.

    I suspect a lot of the backlash from this post comes from an oversensetivity by thin or fit women from the "real women have curves" camp. I totally understand and agree that body shaming is wrong in all forms. But you have to understand that larger women are overzealous about this particular topic because society as a whole swings the other way. It's like a white person complaining about racism - it's bad when it happens, but it's generally minor when compared with racism against minorities.

    I've noticed that most men, even extremely not sexist men like my husband or brother, get super defensive when talking about misogyny. Nobody is saying that YOU are sexist. But think about this: when you picture your ideal future, and you imagine who you'll be with in that future, are you picturing a body, or a person? Because I can tell you, most women are picturing a person. That's the reason there are about 5 female celebrities for every 100 male celebrities who don't conform to standard beauty ideals. And that, my friends, is misogyny. The fact that more important than female athlete's abilities, or female singer's voices, or female politician's ideas, are her hair, clothes, and figure is misogynist. The fact that a man felt completely okay stating that he would "divorce" his future wife if she gained an arbitrary size - to a complete stranger - is misogynist.

    It's possible this guy was just making a joke (even though the OP suggests that he was not.) It's even more possible that this guy was just a jerk. But until we start identifying misogynist societal trends, we will never progress past this point. Sorry to get on a rant, but I feel like a lot of people were sort of missing the point of this thread.
    you are analytical and clear sighted, thanks for a sane response.:drinker:
  • KodAkuraMacKyen
    KodAkuraMacKyen Posts: 737 Member

    Reading that article made me sick. A big difference in my thinking from the lady who wrote is that I'm fitter, thiinner and happier than I've ever been and that's thanks to ME.