Can't BELIEVE this guy said this about a size 8 / Medium!



  • SwimFan1981
    SwimFan1981 Posts: 1,430 Member
    real men like curves only a dog likes bones.....

    any boy can drive a straight line only men can drive a curvy road.....

  • caseythirteen
    caseythirteen Posts: 956 Member
    While it was a bit rude to say - he is entitled to his opinion. He likes the smaller frame petite woman. What's the big deal? How is it disresepectful to women? Some guys like small, some do not care, some like bigger women.... we all like different things.

    Now.... he may change his mind after he's with her a while and if she gains weight he'll realize weight is a number and he loves her and that's what matters. But in the dating setting - physical attractiveness goes a long way.... he is attracted to smaller women. So be it.

    FTR I find what he said rude and I would've been taken aback by his comment. But again - his right to feel how he feels about size/weight.
    Agreed. Every has the right to their opinion. Fortunately, I also have the right not to agree with it people who have opinions like that (the guy mentioned in OP). It's what makes the world go round. Well, that and all kinds of sciency stuff.
  • MrsSardone
    MrsSardone Posts: 194 Member
    I find most guys have no idea what womens sizes mean.

    The guy was just trying to be funny. If I were her I would've put him on the spot and been like "Hey! I'm an 8! Are you trying to say I'm not an appropriate size for marriage?"
  • Ajellyfish77
    Ajellyfish77 Posts: 36 Member
    WHAT AN ABSOLUTE JERK! I am SO sorry to your friend that she had to tolerate such rude disgusting behavior. I feel bad for this man's poor wife also! Women are PEOPLE! Our bodies are instruments not ornaments! He is just...EW!
  • Ajellyfish77
    Ajellyfish77 Posts: 36 Member
    I bought two gigantor bags of candy on clearance at Target after Halloween and then grabbed a candy bar while I was waiting in line to check out. The cashier commented " are you sure you need to get that candy bar when you are buying all this other candy already?" I told him "I like to eat my feelings'" in a fabulous deadpan. LOL The kids didn't know what to say after that.
    This...made my day! HAHAHAHAHA! THANK YOU!
  • I would have asked him if he found Marilyn Monroe attractive.

    She was a 10, by the way.

    And did anyone care if she could act? No. All they cared about was whether she was in focus.

    She was a 14 in her time. btw; I inherited several spectacular designer cocktail dresses from her time; they are all labeled size 10 or 12, and they are all too small for me, a TODAY'S size 4.

    I believe this completely--she was a gorgeous woman, but there is no way her body was the same as today's size 12 or 14. It does go to show, however, that a number doesn't really mean anything.
  • highheeldiva01
    highheeldiva01 Posts: 1,206 Member
    LOL come on give me a break guys.... mexican ladies have curves..... im never gonna b a size 2 with this booty and chest LOL .... i have to stick up for the curvy girls!!! JLO is not a size 2!!!

    Sticking up for a body type doesn't mean you have to put down another one.

    Body shaming is NEVER okay.

    my apologies i'm sorry :( please forgive me i was not trying to be mean :D
  • _Witsy_
    _Witsy_ Posts: 609 Member
    Why is this whierd creep defending the jerk described in the OP? There is NO excuse for going around with the intention of hurting others - doing that makes you a bad person, cut and dry. If you subscribe to the same ideals as that insensitive imbecile, you're a bad person, too, and it will come back to haunt you. Enjoy.

    It is more of saying...why on earth would you let some random stranger you don't know get you this upset?


    If you don't know the person or know the intent of their comment, then don't spend time making it up in your head. As far as anyone knows, the dude just has a serious lack of knowledge of what is humorous to others.

    Working in are NOT the moral police. You do NOT have a right to say something about a comment like that. Now you see someone hit someone else...yeah say something. But a stupid ignorant comment like this>? Nahh I got bigger fish to fry.

  • I bought two gigantor bags of candy on clearance at Target after Halloween and then grabbed a candy bar while I was waiting in line to check out. The cashier commented " are you sure you need to get that candy bar when you are buying all this other candy already?" I told him "I like to eat my feelings'" in a fabulous deadpan. LOL The kids didn't know what to say after that.

    Hilarious response! I hate when cashiers make comments about purchases--positive or negative! I don't think I would have been so nice about it! LOL
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,035 Member
    While it was a bit rude to say - he is entitled to his opinion. He likes the smaller frame petite woman. What's the big deal? How is it disresepectful to women? Some guys like small, some do not care, some like bigger women.... we all like different things.

    Now.... he may change his mind after he's with her a while and if she gains weight he'll realize weight is a number and he loves her and that's what matters. But in the dating setting - physical attractiveness goes a long way.... he is attracted to smaller women. So be it.

    agreed! He likes what he likes and he's entitled to his opinion- without being actually married he has no REAL idea how he would feel if his wife gained weight- but he was TRYING to be funny, and my guess was he has no real idea of what a size 8 looks like- men rarely do . . . hell women rarely do
  • ekaustin7
    ekaustin7 Posts: 185 Member
    It was at least quick-witted?

    I had an ex tell me once that I was "only allowed to gain weight 2 or 3 times in our 'life together'" (referring to when I popped out his kids). Needless to say, that relationship didn't last.

    I was, and still am, out of his league looks-wise. He still calls to ask "how I'm doing". Douche-canoe.

    Douche-canoe=my new favorite phrase....

    Likewise. I'm partial to "*kitten* hat" as well. :smile:
  • Kimmykakers
    Kimmykakers Posts: 17 Member
    i was going to say the same thing
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,078 Member
    How can he divorce his girlfriend?
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,035 Member

    real men like curves only a dog likes bones.....

    any boy can drive a straight line only men can drive a curvy road.....

    Why is it NOT okay for the man to "bash" a size 8 but its ok for you to "bash" a smaller size?
  • apnovack
    apnovack Posts: 40
    Sounds like a guy who needs a girl on the smaller side so some part of his anatomy or another will potentially look big in comparison.

    Ha! probably! What an idiot!
  • wmstormvet
    wmstormvet Posts: 145
    Rude thing to say, but I feel more sorry for his wife than your coworker, to be honest.

    I completely agree! I can't imagine what he would have said to me at a size 14. What a ****!
  • happyheart15
    happyheart15 Posts: 383 Member
    I haven't read the whole thread, but the store must be LuluLemon.
  • While it was a bit rude to say - he is entitled to his opinion. He likes the smaller frame petite woman. What's the big deal? How is it disresepectful to women? Some guys like small, some do not care, some like bigger women.... we all like different things.

    Now.... he may change his mind after he's with her a while and if she gains weight he'll realize weight is a number and he loves her and that's what matters. But in the dating setting - physical attractiveness goes a long way.... he is attracted to smaller women. So be it.

    FTR I find what he said rude and I would've been taken aback by his comment. But again - his right to feel how he feels about size/weight.
    Agreed. Every has the right to their opinion. Fortunately, I also have the right not to agree with it people who have opinions like that :laugh: (the guy mentioned in OP). It's what makes the world go round. Well, that and all kinds of sciency stuff.
    Okay, I don't think either of you are understanding the implications of his comment at all. When men reduce their relationships with the women in their lives to the size of their pants, they are also dehumanizing us and belittling our contributions. A woman is not a THING that comes in the shape or size you prefer, and she certainly does not earn herself a place amongst divorcees simply for putting on a few lbs, especially as she ages. FACT - as women get older, their ideal weight goes up. Some men will have to learn to deal with that or spend their older years alone (and pathetic).

    I can understand a morbidly obese partner putting stress on a relationship - at that point, it's not about appearance anymore, it's actually a health issue and a burden. Waxing and waning between a size 4 and a size 8 is SO NORMAL for MOST women post-childbirth. If a man can't respect that, he doesn't deserve to HAVE a wife.
  • 4_Lisa
    4_Lisa Posts: 362 Member
    odds are that if he's that shallow, the girl he's with is likley the same... being a plus size most of my life I find people like that are usually super unhappy. I'd rather be fat and happy than skinny, shallow and miserable. (however now I would rather be fit and happy) ...
  • Why is this whierd creep defending the jerk described in the OP? There is NO excuse for going around with the intention of hurting others - doing that makes you a bad person, cut and dry. If you subscribe to the same ideals as that insensitive imbecile, you're a bad person, too, and it will come back to haunt you. Enjoy.

    It is more of saying...why on earth would you let some random stranger you don't know get you this upset?


    If you don't know the person or know the intent of their comment, then don't spend time making it up in your head. As far as anyone knows, the dude just has a serious lack of knowledge of what is humorous to others.

    Working in are NOT the moral police. You do NOT have a right to say something about a comment like that. Now you see someone hit someone else...yeah say something. But a stupid ignorant comment like this>? Nahh I got bigger fish to fry.

    I never said I'd personally say anything, nor did I say it would offend me to the degree it offended the coworker in the OP. But this is the internet and an opinion thread, so I am sharing my opinion on the GUY WHO SAID IT. What I said was that people who go out of their way to hurt others are bad people. I didn't say I was upset, I said I find it strange that someone would actually defend another person's bad behaviour. Thinking it wasn't enough of a big deal to cry over is one thing, but DEFENDING someone else's sh*ittiness makes you sh*itty, too.