What makes a girl intimidating?



  • Jerrypeoples
    Jerrypeoples Posts: 1,541 Member
    guys never approach me. a lot of people say my looks are intimidating. not being cocky, just honest :/ how am i supposed to find a boyfriend

    hi...you like peanutbutter?
  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    I've been told that I'm intimidating, mostly by my people I work with. Reasons such as a position of authority, self-confidence, being outspoken, and wit have all been cited. But we all know it's my amazing rack.
  • yokurio
    yokurio Posts: 116 Member
    guys never approach me. a lot of people say my looks are intimidating. not being cocky, just honest :/ how am i supposed to find a boyfriend

    You found me!

    But seriously, I'm not intimidated by anyone. I personally am at a point in my life where I don't know if I want to approach someone and get caught up in a relationship. I'm having fun finally being single and getting to know myself. Meeting someone would just screw up my time with my 3rd favorite person in the world (i have 2 kids), which is me! =-)
  • Jerrypeoples
    Jerrypeoples Posts: 1,541 Member
    My husband told me it was my attitude. I come off as a ***** a lot, I dunno why...but whatever. I'm the type that I don't care if I offend someone, I speak the truth and I speak what's on my mind.

    thats all well and good but i equate that to basketball terms. teams that press do not like to be pressed, therefore people who like to keep it "real" and truthful do not like to hear it themselves or play it off as others are jealous
  • Stronger_Diva
    Stronger_Diva Posts: 149 Member
    Like others said it's the fear of rejection, cause guys like to have odds presented to them or calculated by them for any given situation. If the odds are low due to girl being hot or giving the "l will stab you in the eye with my highheel if you talk to me" look, then you start to submit to the fear of rejection and just give up.

    I use to be like that very young around girls I'm interested in, until in college I figured what the worst that could happen? so now I just walk up and say hi and try to interject humor into the approach.

    That is beautiful! That's what I love about my Husband the most, his confidence. :) Guys, have this and you will do well in the "pick-up" department.
  • ARDuBaie
    ARDuBaie Posts: 379 Member
    Let's see....

    A few years back, I was in a car accident. Car near totaled and I in a neck brace. Boyfriend calls and ask if I could come see him. He lives about 3 hours away. I tell him I can't because I am in a neck brace and my car is in the shop. "How can I help you if you don't tell me that you are hurt?" he says.

    Next month, brace now off, I slip in the tub and fractured three ribs. In lots of pain and on pain medication. Figure I will call boyfriend to let him know I am hurt even though I am perfectly able to take care of myself. Boyfriend gets sulky and keeps the conversation short.

    Two weeks later, boyfriend calls and says that our relationship will not work. He needs...... a strong woman.

    Now, what the hell am I? I get through a car accident, not calling him only to get yelled out about not calling him. So I call him the next time I am hurt and he gets all sulky on me. Says he needs a strong woman.

    I have sky dived, breezed horses, raced cars, skied, mountain biked, etc. and he doesn't see me as being strong???!!!

    I think the problem was that I was too strong for him and intimidated him. He's a wuz in my book.

    I give up.
  • ashmariehay
    ashmariehay Posts: 35 Member
    One of my favorite quotes:

    "There's something about a woman who wants you but doesn't need you" :heart:

    ^^^ THIS <3
  • hrshygrl00
    hrshygrl00 Posts: 66 Member
    A phallus.

    :laugh: :laugh:
  • Jerrypeoples
    Jerrypeoples Posts: 1,541 Member
    if she has more farkle chips than i do
  • HealthWoke0ish
    HealthWoke0ish Posts: 2,078 Member
    If she is a psychopath wielding a gun.

    Nah, because I'm cool as a cucumber and also wielding a gun. #slowissmoothandsmoothisfast #Iwon'tmiss
  • Alex_is_Hawks
    Alex_is_Hawks Posts: 3,499 Member
    intimidating? Me? BWAHAHAHAHA...not a chance.

    however that being said, I've been told that I am very very intimidating. I think mostly it's because I'm deaf (yes esclo and skully, I'm pulling THAT excuse again).

    essentially, I'm that girl at the bar, lounge, grocery store, library, coffee shop,.....that you approach from behind, clear your throat and say hi....

    and I don't even know you are there.....

    I'm currently in a new relationship with a wonderful wonderful man. He said just this past weekend, that he was glad he worked up the nerve to talk to me. As he was certain I wouldn't give him a second of my time.....I was dumbfounded.

    He then went on to say, the minute he said Hi, and I responded back with a Hi and a big smile, he knew things would be just fine.

    sometimes, you have to just go for it.

    oh and make sure they know you are there. if you are going to be too intimidated, they may not even know you were talking to them.

    true story
  • galenofedgewood
    galenofedgewood Posts: 146 Member
    I've never been too intimidated in making the first move on a woman. But that's because I'm so oblivious to things as such, I don't normally notice if anyone is looking my way and showing interest. Ha! Just ask my wife! She swears that I'm constantly being hit on or stared at. /dunno
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,311 Member
    So, its normal for guys to be afraid to approach a girl. Guys, just curious, what makes some girls more intimidating than others?

    Its not the girl that is intimidating, it is one's own fear of rejection that is intimidating.

    That's hard to overcome and true. I know for myself it was this 1000X's But it was all caused by low self esteem/Self worth. Even though I had no trouble talking to women and I have an outgoing personality I always felt terrified to take that assertive line.

    Once I realized I was worth something to myself and stopped worrying about what others thought (Much easier to say than do) And realizing that you only get one life to live being assertive and taking what you want when you see it just comes naturally.
  • Nutella91
    Nutella91 Posts: 624 Member
    guys never approach me. a lot of people say my looks are intimidating. not being cocky, just honest :/ how am i supposed to find a boyfriend

    hi...you like peanutbutter?

    why not
  • rob1976
    rob1976 Posts: 1,328 Member
    I'm only intimidated by "women" that are so cut that they look like they lifted so hard their penis fell off. And, even then, it's not so much intimidation as it is me just not finding that attractive.

    @Alex > I know sign language :wink:
    Just ask my wife! She swears that I'm constantly being hit on or stared at.
    Mine does, too. I don't see it...ever...
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,311 Member
    I've never been too intimidated in making the first move on a woman. But that's because I'm so oblivious to things as such, I don't normally notice if anyone is looking my way and showing interest. Ha! Just ask my wife! She swears that I'm constantly being hit on or stared at. /dunno

    This too for me I got ZERO skills.
  • shinesunfish
    shinesunfish Posts: 93 Member
    I know this was meant for guys, but as a girl I used to be really intimidated by girls who were super attractive - or more like, high maintenance looking? Great hair, makeup, expensive clothes. That used to read as "mean" to me. It's funny that women are so pressured to look a certain way, and then immediately judged by it. Men are too, but I find that men are more easily forgiven for their appearance once they open their mouths. Maybe women are just more forgiving then men in this way?
  • Stronger_Diva
    Stronger_Diva Posts: 149 Member
    How intimidating a girl is usually comes down to how good or bad the last girl before that responded. It's kind of hard to feel motivated to approach a girl when the overwhelming majority of them seem completely uninterested in you just because of the way you look. It sucks but most women are pretty dismissive unless a guy is super good looking or falls in to whatever nonsense category of attractiveness she has thing for.

    Really? I think you're quite attractive! Real women love beards ;-) You'll find the right girl, don't worry.
  • Jerrypeoples
    Jerrypeoples Posts: 1,541 Member
    guys never approach me. a lot of people say my looks are intimidating. not being cocky, just honest :/ how am i supposed to find a boyfriend

    hi...you like peanutbutter?

    why not

    jiff or skippy?
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    I have been told several times that I am intimidating and this surprises me. I am the least intimidating person I know because I am actually very shy! :laugh:

    Good question OP, I'd like to know.