Eating Pop Tarts and ice cream daily.



  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,735 Member
    pop tarts are not on the menu for me this month, but i will be buying some Red Velvet pop tarts at the store tonight.

    i think i'm going to make a fortune selling them to MFP'ers. :wink:
  • melsmith612
    melsmith612 Posts: 727 Member
    OP you must have missed my response to the other pop tart thread last week regarding beaver secretions being used as "natural" strawberry flavoring. Hope you're a bigger fan of the brown sugar cinnamon variety. :drinker:

    isn't that raspberry, not strawberry?

    Raspberry, strawberry, vanilla, etc. Clearly beavers are very talented in the flavor sac region.
  • ZoeLifts
    ZoeLifts Posts: 10,347 Member
    op, this thread is dangerous to the average person who is struggling with their weight. u run 30 miles a week and lift weights so u can get away with these kind of snacks. the average moderately active person trying to loose weight cant do this. it would be more responsible to post why you are able to eat 800cal snacks daily. Are u just showing off?

    This is 100% false. I am currently sedentary (recovering from surgery), and I eat ice cream and other snacks daily also. I fit them into my calorie allotment for the day, and I'm still losing.

    The OP's point is that you don't have to demonize food that you enjoy eating to be successful. He didn't say that one should eat junk all day every day. It's not an "all or nothing" thing here.
    u r right. but this site is to help people who have problems eating too much. people who lack self control with food. i like to have a couple of beers after work. would it be responsible for me to post that on an alcoholics wed site. no. we all know about calories in vs. calories out. but people struggle with that. this post is not helping anybody.

    This site is called My FITNESS Pal, not my diet pal, or my weight loss pal, my FITNESS pal. There are people here that are bulking, maintaining, cutting, training, just getting started, and don't even track anymore, just participate in the forums, etc. This site is not just for those who eat too much.
  • JUDDDing
    JUDDDing Posts: 1,367 Member

    When you can eat real strawberries and actually KNOW what you're putting in your body? And if you absolutely want to eat a poptart, since yes cravings are normal, eat one. But I really don't think you should be putting that into your body every single day.

    I see what you mean. :(

    Dried apples!? Dried pears!?

    It's a freaking _strawberry_ poptart...

    I'm switching to toaster strudel as of right now...
  • Admiral_Derp
    Admiral_Derp Posts: 866 Member
    op, this thread is dangerous to the average person who is struggling with their weight. u run 30 miles a week and lift weights so u can get away with these kind of snacks. the average moderately active person trying to loose weight cant do this. it would be more responsible to post why you are able to eat 800cal snacks daily. Are u just showing off?

    This is 100% false. I am currently sedentary (recovering from surgery), and I eat ice cream and other snacks daily also. I fit them into my calorie allotment for the day, and I'm still losing.

    The OP's point is that you don't have to demonize food that you enjoy eating to be successful. He didn't say that one should eat junk all day every day. It's not an "all or nothing" thing here.
    u r right. but this site is to help people who have problems eating too much. people who lack self control with food. i like to have a couple of beers after work. would it be responsible for me to post that on an alcoholics wed site. no. we all know about calories in vs. calories out. but people struggle with that. this post is not helping anybody.

    Given that it has provided the opportunity for knowledgeable people to explain that moderation combined with exercise is a much more successful path than blatant restriction....yeah, it helps anybody who cares to actually read the information given.
  • babydiego87
    babydiego87 Posts: 905 Member
    breaking news, you can still eat crap within your set calories :yawn:

    Was this found on CSTV? (Common Sense Television) :) Well anyway...true dat!
    All this thread has done is remind me I have 340 remaining calories left after dinner. Wine or chocolate? Decisions decisions :drinker:
  • SuperSexyDork
    SuperSexyDork Posts: 1,669 Member
    but why do that? why replace necessary nutrients with sugar and why feed your sugar addiction at all?

    Maybe the OP doesn't HAVE a sugar addiction ...

    oh she surely does or she wouldnt eat that stuff everyday

    So why feed yourself Girl Scout cookies and McDonald's Angus Burgers?

    You don't have to have an addiction to something to enjoy it. Right?

    Also, from looking at your diary you consume a moderate amount of alcohol close to daily. Does that make you an alcoholic?
  • RandiLandCHANGED
    RandiLandCHANGED Posts: 630 Member
    op, this thread is dangerous to the average person who is struggling with their weight. u run 30 miles a week and lift weights so u can get away with these kind of snacks. the average moderately active person trying to loose weight cant do this. it would be more responsible to post why you are able to eat 800cal snacks daily. Are u just showing off?

    I'm actually on a campaign against othorexia. Which I had fallen victim to while loosing weight.

    Orthorexia is a friggin' epidemic. Hearing "EAT CLEAN OR YOU'LL NEVER GET ABS" literally makes me eye twitch.
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,735 Member
    op, this thread is dangerous to the average person who is struggling with their weight. u run 30 miles a week and lift weights so u can get away with these kind of snacks. the average moderately active person trying to loose weight cant do this. it would be more responsible to post why you are able to eat 800cal snacks daily. Are u just showing off?

    This is 100% false. I am currently sedentary (recovering from surgery), and I eat ice cream and other snacks daily also. I fit them into my calorie allotment for the day, and I'm still losing.

    The OP's point is that you don't have to demonize food that you enjoy eating to be successful. He didn't say that one should eat junk all day every day. It's not an "all or nothing" thing here.
    u r right. but this site is to help people who have problems eating too much. people who lack self control with food. i like to have a couple of beers after work. would it be responsible for me to post that on an alcoholics wed site. no. we all know about calories in vs. calories out. but people struggle with that. this post is not helping anybody.

    re-read this thread from the beginning. i think you will find that there is a very positive message running through it that is being reinforced by 98% of the respondents. newbies will see that message as well. for many of them, it will help them see that they don't need to demonize certain foods. in fact, those foods can be enjoyed in moderation while losing weight.

    2 pop tarts = 400 calories. that can easily be fit into anyone's diet once or twice a week. if they want pop tarts, the message here is they can have pop tarts. just don't eat a whole box of 12 or 16 in one sitting.
  • micheleb15
    micheleb15 Posts: 1,418 Member
    I got flamed in a thread apparently for my love of Pop Tarts the other day, it is nice to see I have friends among the masses!!! Red Velvet Pop Tarts are my go to but I am trying to track done the last of the Pumpkin Pie pop tarts but I am thinking I might have to turn to Amazon to give these bad boys a try.... Chocolate chip cookie dough though is running a close second to the Red Velvet....

    ^^This guy right here has the results to back it up, just like the OP.

    Apparently you can lose over 311 lbs and not deprive yourself of poptarts!

    Fine, I'll be the guinea pig and eat nothing but pop tarts and gummi bears for the week while staying in my calories and see if I still lose.....I'm only doing it for everyone here though. Not because I want to... :)
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    op, this thread is dangerous to the average person who is struggling with their weight. u run 30 miles a week and lift weights so u can get away with these kind of snacks. the average moderately active person trying to loose weight cant do this. it would be more responsible to post why you are able to eat 800cal snacks daily. Are u just showing off?

    This is 100% false. I am currently sedentary (recovering from surgery), and I eat ice cream and other snacks daily also. I fit them into my calorie allotment for the day, and I'm still losing.

    The OP's point is that you don't have to demonize food that you enjoy eating to be successful. He didn't say that one should eat junk all day every day. It's not an "all or nothing" thing here.
    u r right. but this site is to help people who have problems eating too much. people who lack self control with food. i like to have a couple of beers after work. would it be responsible for me to post that on an alcoholics wed site. no. we all know about calories in vs. calories out. but people struggle with that. this post is not helping anybody.

    I say this as someone used to binge and hide junk food in my house that being able to still enjoy the food I used to binge on as part of a reasonably balanced diet instead of an attitude of, "I must never eat chips again" worked. Expecting people who have problems with self control to give up their vices cold turkey is a recipe for complete failure for most folks. It just is not realistic at all.

    Self control can and SHOULD be taught and learned. Without actually learning it, success is short-lived anyway.
  • vashnic
    vashnic Posts: 93
    Mmm, flour sugar fat natural and artificial flavors. :love:

    This thread is dangerous to my productivity at work when all I can think about now is going out to buy boxes of them. :sad: :sad: :sad: Absolutely need to try the red velvet kind!
  • ZoeLifts
    ZoeLifts Posts: 10,347 Member
    I got flamed in a thread apparently for my love of Pop Tarts the other day, it is nice to see I have friends among the masses!!! Red Velvet Pop Tarts are my go to but I am trying to track done the last of the Pumpkin Pie pop tarts but I am thinking I might have to turn to Amazon to give these bad boys a try.... Chocolate chip cookie dough though is running a close second to the Red Velvet....

    ^^This guy right here has the results to back it up, just like the OP.

    Apparently you can lose over 311 lbs and not deprive yourself of poptarts!

    Fine, I'll be the guinea pig and eat nothing but pop tarts and gummi bears for the week while staying in my calories and see if I still lose.....I'm only doing it for everyone here though. Not because I want to... :)

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member
    Pop Tarts and ice cream!!!!! My kind of thread!


    And to the criticizers, please, just go over there and continue not eating "junk," cause that just means there's more for those of us who want it.

  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    We only have boring flavoured pop tarts in the UK, no cinnamon or red velvet ones :sad:
    Not true. The first place I saw Red Velvet PopTarts was in a mall in Leicester in January. There was an "American food" store of some kind, and they had an entire wall of PopTarts in various flavors, including Red Velvet. Since we were on our way home after being out of the States for six months, we didn't buy any--but that's how I knew to look them up when I got home.

    Sadly most places in the uk do not have an "American Food store" Those babies doesn't even appear on Amazon :cry:
  • NavyKnightAh13
    NavyKnightAh13 Posts: 1,394 Member

    ....... quietly leaving while the haters are coming in.

    Honestly, I eat ice cream (just not bowlfuls) and some of the malt eggs (no judging, when easter time is the only I can get them) and some other unhealthy foods because I couldn't go without them. If people can eat clean and lose, terrific, congrats!!!!! But I will stick to still have my bad foods in moderation!!!!!!
  • lacurandera1
    lacurandera1 Posts: 8,083 Member
    Geez< i go the post office and this thread explodes.
  • baptiste565
    baptiste565 Posts: 590 Member
    op, this thread is dangerous to the average person who is struggling with their weight. u run 30 miles a week and lift weights so u can get away with these kind of snacks. the average moderately active person trying to loose weight cant do this. it would be more responsible to post why you are able to eat 800cal snacks daily. Are u just showing off?

    This is 100% false. I am currently sedentary (recovering from surgery), and I eat ice cream and other snacks daily also. I fit them into my calorie allotment for the day, and I'm still losing.

    The OP's point is that you don't have to demonize food that you enjoy eating to be successful. He didn't say that one should eat junk all day every day. It's not an "all or nothing" thing here.
    u r right. but this site is to help people who have problems eating too much. people who lack self control with food. i like to have a couple of beers after work. would it be responsible for me to post that on an alcoholics wed site. no. we all know about calories in vs. calories out. but people struggle with that. this post is not helping anybody.

    I say this as someone used to binge and hide junk food in my house that being able to still enjoy the food I used to binge on as part of a reasonably balanced diet instead of an attitude of, "I must never eat chips again" worked. Expecting people who have problems with self control to give up their vices cold turkey is a recipe for complete failure for most folks. It just is not realistic at all.

    Self control can and SHOULD be taught and learned. Without actually learning it, success is short-lived anyway.
    again u r right. but some people cant control themselves, that is why there is a site like this. food addiction is real. i just hate the show off on this site. Oh look at me i got a six pack, oh look at me i bench 400lbs. oh look at me i run marathons. just my 2 cents. good luck on ur fitness journey.
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    op, this thread is dangerous to the average person who is struggling with their weight. u run 30 miles a week and lift weights so u can get away with these kind of snacks. the average moderately active person trying to loose weight cant do this. it would be more responsible to post why you are able to eat 800cal snacks daily. Are u just showing off?

    This is 100% false. I am currently sedentary (recovering from surgery), and I eat ice cream and other snacks daily also. I fit them into my calorie allotment for the day, and I'm still losing.

    The OP's point is that you don't have to demonize food that you enjoy eating to be successful. He didn't say that one should eat junk all day every day. It's not an "all or nothing" thing here.
    u r right. but this site is to help people who have problems eating too much. people who lack self control with food. i like to have a couple of beers after work. would it be responsible for me to post that on an alcoholics wed site. no. we all know about calories in vs. calories out. but people struggle with that. this post is not helping anybody.

    I say this as someone used to binge and hide junk food in my house that being able to still enjoy the food I used to binge on as part of a reasonably balanced diet instead of an attitude of, "I must never eat chips again" worked. Expecting people who have problems with self control to give up their vices cold turkey is a recipe for complete failure for most folks. It just is not realistic at all.

    Self control can and SHOULD be taught and learned. Without actually learning it, success is short-lived anyway.
    again u r right. but some people cant control themselves, that is why there is a site like this. food addiction is real. i just hate the show off on this site. Oh look at me i got a six pack, oh look at me i bench 400lbs. oh look at me i run marathons. just my 2 cents. good luck on ur fitness journey.

    I didn't read this as a show-off kind of thread, though I think the OP could've been phrased a bit better. I, and most others here, read it as an attempt to offer some help to those struggling to try to be "perfect" in their diet all the time instead of just being reasonable and consistent. Perception is everything.

    Thanks. Good luck to you too.
  • Jonesie1984
    Jonesie1984 Posts: 612 Member
    I love how people can see that the OP has lost 158 FREAKING POUNDS, and then on top of that see people like Sara, SideSteel, 1CG, etc. who look amazing, and still debate the point.


    THIS. Why start things you can't keep up? People are going to eat sweets again, totally restricting yourself is PROVEN NOT to work! People rebound and binge.. duh.. Plus I will def be eating cookies, cupcakes and ice cream so why tell yourself to never have them? OP Congrats on all your weight loss! Super inspiring :drinker: