Eating Pop Tarts and ice cream daily.



  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    Nope. We are. According to 1 Peter 5:8: Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.

    Back the fudge up..

    Are you saying that God hates beer?

    Nooooo .. saying peter thinks god hates beer. We know god's a partier ...
  • lina1131
    lina1131 Posts: 2,246 Member
    The only thing I got out of this thread is that there are red velvet pop-tarts. Must. Find. :sad: :sad: :sad:
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    I rarely eat deserts of any kind. Don't feel bad, it was by choice. Once I gave them up for years, I tried eating them again but most tasted disgusting, and this is coming from someone who loved cheese cakes and chocolate ice cream from birth.
    Congrats on finding something that works for you!
    Meanwhile, the rest of us will continue to enjoy our Pop-tarts :smile:
    This is all very confusing for me. I've eaten probably thousands of PopTarts in the course of my life, and I don't think a single one was for dessert. Breakfast, between-meal snack, study aid, on-the-bike fuel, post-run recovery, before-bed mop up of leftover calories: yes. Dessert: no.

    Do people really eat them for dessert? Is this new?
    They're kind of a versatile, all-occasion type thing. Taking context and dosage into consideration, of course.
  • lacurandera1
    lacurandera1 Posts: 8,083 Member
    Mag! The party is complete! Tom leaves and *gasp* you got your wish!

    Confetti everywhere!
  • Tom_Jones74
    Tom_Jones74 Posts: 108
    Just want to record your perfect diet and exercise history for posterity?

    Who said I had a perfect diet and exercise history? I never did.

    Are you bothered by the thought of me having a perfect diet and exercise history? If not, why the snide comment?
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    Mag! The party is complete! Tom leaves and *gasp* you got your wish!

    Confetti everywhere!

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Tom_Jones74
    Tom_Jones74 Posts: 108
    Mag! The party is complete! Tom leaves and *gasp* you got your wish!

    Confetti everywhere!

    No, I think I might set up shop here.
  • majope
    majope Posts: 1,325 Member
    I rarely eat deserts of any kind. Don't feel bad, it was by choice. Once I gave them up for years, I tried eating them again but most tasted disgusting, and this is coming from someone who loved cheese cakes and chocolate ice cream from birth.
    Congrats on finding something that works for you!
    Meanwhile, the rest of us will continue to enjoy our Pop-tarts :smile:
    This is all very confusing for me. I've eaten probably thousands of PopTarts in the course of my life, and I don't think a single one was for dessert. Breakfast, between-meal snack, study aid, on-the-bike fuel, post-run recovery, before-bed mop up of leftover calories: yes. Dessert: no.

    Do people really eat them for dessert? Is this new?
    They're kind of a versatile, all-occasion type thing. Taking context and dosage into consideration, of course.
    This changes everything. I have to go off and ponder.
  • sassafrascas
    sassafrascas Posts: 191 Member
    op, this thread is dangerous to the average person who is struggling with their weight. u run 30 miles a week and lift weights so u can get away with these kind of snacks. the average moderately active person trying to loose weight cant do this. it would be more responsible to post why you are able to eat 800cal snacks daily. Are u just showing off?

    There are also Threads that Claim Cardio is pointless, and that people can just sit on there buts and still lose weight. If you cant read and use good judgement on what is right for you then, there is no forum you should be reading. Otherwise you could assume that the best way to lose weight is to sit on the couch eating pop tarts and ice cream 3 times a day. I am struggling with my weight and I have no plans of buying box of pop tarts.(today, tomorrow maybe) People need to use common sense .
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    Mag! The party is complete! Tom leaves and *gasp* you got your wish!

    Confetti everywhere!

  • Tom_Jones74
    Tom_Jones74 Posts: 108
    Do people really eat them for dessert?

    Doubtful, it's a morning food.
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    I eat Pop Tarts and ice cream daily. I'm able to lose weight and/or maintain while doing this, without issue. My blood panels are absolutely great. Just wanted to share; you can eat what you want and hit your goals. Proceed to flame and hate. Thank you.

    no **** because you eat 4,000 calories so the ice cream and pop tarts make up a very small % of your calories.

    in someone eating 1200 or 1600 or even 2000 calories, they make up a much larger percentage of intake - and thus are more of a problem. lol
    thank u for posting some sanity!
    Congratulations are in order. You may be the first person in the history of MFP to have said that.
  • lacurandera1
    lacurandera1 Posts: 8,083 Member
    Confetti anyways! Most people have more than one internet capable device at their fingertips.

  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member
    Just want to record your perfect diet and exercise history for posterity?

    Who said I had a perfect diet and exercise history? I never did.

    Are you bothered by the thought of me having a perfect diet and exercise history? If not, why the snide comment?

    Sorry...Nothing constructive to add..I am at work and need a volunteer to post a picture of the Carlton dance for my post.

    "It's not unusual to feel everyone..."
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I eat Pop Tarts and ice cream daily. I'm able to lose weight and/or maintain while doing this, without issue. My blood panels are absolutely great. Just wanted to share; you can eat what you want and hit your goals. Proceed to flame and hate. Thank you.

    no **** because you eat 4,000 calories so the ice cream and pop tarts make up a very small % of your calories.

    in someone eating 1200 or 1600 or even 2000 calories, they make up a much larger percentage of intake - and thus are more of a problem. lol
    thank u for posting some sanity!

    I was cutting on less than 2,000 a day, and ate ice cream every day and pop-tarts every now and again...again...your argument is invalid.
  • lacurandera1
    lacurandera1 Posts: 8,083 Member
    Just want to record your perfect diet and exercise history for posterity?

    Who said I had a perfect diet and exercise history? I never did.

    Are you bothered by the thought of me having a perfect diet and exercise history? If not, why the snide comment?

    And, me, bothered? Nope. Not bothered at all by someone who doesn't even have pictures who just joined this place. Wouldn't be bothered, either, if you looked like a Greek god. I asked a legitimate question. You acted high and mighty about your diet and exercise regime THROUGHOUT your life and I asked what your goals were. I notice you didn't answer.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    I eat Pop Tarts and ice cream daily. I'm able to lose weight and/or maintain while doing this, without issue. My blood panels are absolutely great. Just wanted to share; you can eat what you want and hit your goals. Proceed to flame and hate. Thank you.

    no **** because you eat 4,000 calories so the ice cream and pop tarts make up a very small % of your calories.

    in someone eating 1200 or 1600 or even 2000 calories, they make up a much larger percentage of intake - and thus are more of a problem. lol
    thank u for posting some sanity!
    Congratulations are in order. You may be the first person in the history of MFP to have said that.

    Awwww thanks buddy. (... he can't read this because he's got me on ignore... :sad: )
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Do people really eat them for dessert?

    Doubtful, it's a morning food.

    I eat them for dessert when I have them in an ice-cream sammich.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    I eat Pop Tarts and ice cream daily. I'm able to lose weight and/or maintain while doing this, without issue. My blood panels are absolutely great. Just wanted to share; you can eat what you want and hit your goals. Proceed to flame and hate. Thank you.

    no **** because you eat 4,000 calories so the ice cream and pop tarts make up a very small % of your calories.

    in someone eating 1200 or 1600 or even 2000 calories, they make up a much larger percentage of intake - and thus are more of a problem. lol
    thank u for posting some sanity!

    I was cutting on less than 2,000 a day, and ate ice cream every day and pop-tarts every now and again...again...your argument is invalid.

    nope. anecdote is an anecdote. :smile:
  • sassafrascas
    sassafrascas Posts: 191 Member
    Here's the real problem with poptarts. They come 6 to a box but are in 3 sealed packs of two. Well two may not cut it so you open the second pack of two and then there are only 2 left so you might as well eat them.

    Generally I would rather have bakery made strudel or actual pie than a pop tart or ice cream, ice cream is awesome.

    That my problem I would most likely eat the whole box in 2 hours. That why I do not buy them, still fine tuning the self control muscle.