Eating Pop Tarts and ice cream daily.



  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    I eat Pop Tarts and ice cream daily. I'm able to lose weight and/or maintain while doing this, without issue. My blood panels are absolutely great. Just wanted to share; you can eat what you want and hit your goals. Proceed to flame and hate. Thank you.

    no **** because you eat 4,000 calories so the ice cream and pop tarts make up a very small % of your calories.

    in someone eating 1200 or 1600 or even 2000 calories, they make up a much larger percentage of intake - and thus are more of a problem. lol

    I eat less than 2,000 cals a day and eat ice cream almost daily. Poptarts less often, but still present.

    It's called fitting them into your day. Which I do. Every. Day.

    I didn't say you can't do it. I said it's "more of a problem" meaning you need to be more conscious of the % of your diet they make up. With a 4000 cal diet, you can pretty much say "who gives a ****", unhinge your jaw, and consume.

    That could be said of ANY food, though. It's not a "problem" if you eat correction portions of foods so that they fit into your day. It's handling your business efficiently. You can't blame the foods, only the person consuming certain amounts of said foods, for weight loss inability.

    oh totally. we live in a free market capitalist society - companies can make whatever they want! I absolutely blame the person and not the food. But you have to KNOW that some foods are less healthy than others, and that knowledge hard to come by when people like the many on this board say "eat whatever you want"

    to lose weight, yes, it doesn't matter what you eat if you're under your TDEE, but that doesn't mean you're getting all the nutrients your body needs to function correctly and be healthy.

    The knowledge is hard to come by because most people don't educate themselves. Most people saying "eat what you want" on the boards are usually saying that and also saying "within your cal/macro limits" or "in moderation."

    ETA: no one is suggesting eating your whole day's cals in poptarts. People say that it's possible for weight loss to prove a point. But I don't think anyone here is advocating eating only poptarts.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    I eat Pop Tarts and ice cream daily. I'm able to lose weight and/or maintain while doing this, without issue. My blood panels are absolutely great. Just wanted to share; you can eat what you want and hit your goals. Proceed to flame and hate. Thank you.

    no **** because you eat 4,000 calories so the ice cream and pop tarts make up a very small % of your calories.

    in someone eating 1200 or 1600 or even 2000 calories, they make up a much larger percentage of intake - and thus are more of a problem. lol

    I eat less than 2,000 cals a day and eat ice cream almost daily. Poptarts less often, but still present.

    It's called fitting them into your day. Which I do. Every. Day.

    I didn't say you can't do it. I said it's "more of a problem" meaning you need to be more conscious of the % of your diet they make up. With a 4000 cal diet, you can pretty much say "who gives a ****", unhinge your jaw, and consume.

    That could be said of ANY food, though. It's not a "problem" if you eat correction portions of foods so that they fit into your day. It's handling your business efficiently. You can't blame the foods, only the person consuming certain amounts of said foods, for weight loss inability.

    oh totally. we live in a free market capitalist society - companies can make whatever they want! I absolutely blame the person and not the food. But you have to KNOW that some foods are less healthy than others, and that knowledge hard to come by when people like the many on this board say "eat whatever you want"

    to lose weight, yes, it doesn't matter what you eat if you're under your TDEE, but that doesn't mean you're getting all the nutrients your body needs to function correctly and be healthy.

    That's why you eat other food in addition.

    and in a 1,200 cal diet you've got less room for those foods after eating your pop tarts and ice cream - correct?
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    I eat Pop Tarts and ice cream daily. I'm able to lose weight and/or maintain while doing this, without issue. My blood panels are absolutely great. Just wanted to share; you can eat what you want and hit your goals. Proceed to flame and hate. Thank you.
    no **** because you eat 4,000 calories so the ice cream and pop tarts make up a very small % of your calories.

    in someone eating 1200 or 1600 or even 2000 calories, they make up a much larger percentage of intake - and thus are more of a problem. lol

    I don't see where my caloric intake came into this? When I eat less calories, I eat less pop tarts and ice cream. I don't stop all together. The point?

    how many pop tarts do you eat daily (on average)?

    2 most days. My diary's open. The last couple days are a bad example, been hitting 4 or so.

    perfect. so you unwrap one package and eat them both right?

    so does everyone else.

    in a 4,000 cal diet that doesn't make any difference.

    in a 1,200 cal diet, that same two pop tarts makes a significant difference.

    So if you on a 1,200 diet only eat 1. :) You can have your tart and eat it too. :D Moderation.

    and what do you do with the other one? have you ever heard of someone not eating both pop tarts? ever?

    I believe that is why I have zip lock sandwich bags.... Sometimes both doesn't fit into my calorie goals......
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    Alright. I've made my point here. Y'all know what I'm saying. You can agree, or not. Up to you.

  • Just2Bhappy
    Just2Bhappy Posts: 113 Member
    Here's the real problem with poptarts. They come 6 to a box but are in 3 sealed packs of two. Well two may not cut it so you open the second pack of two and then there are only 2 left so you might as well eat them.

    Generally I would rather have bakery made strudel or actual pie than a pop tart or ice cream, ice cream is awesome.

    That my problem I would most likely eat the whole box in 2 hours. That why I do not buy them, still fine tuning the self control muscle.

    This is why I don't buy them. I think it's fine if you eat them but if I buy them it's the whole box or none. lol If I could limit it too 1 a day i'd be fine with eating them daily. 1 tart not 1 package.
  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member

    and what do you do with the other one? have you ever heard of someone not eating both pop tarts? ever?

    Share! Pop Tarts are better when shared!
  • _Witsy_
    _Witsy_ Posts: 609 Member
    So much time wasted on useless arguing over comments and semantics.

    There is nothing wrong with Poptarts.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    I don't care for Pop Tarts. I don't think the pastry to filling ratio is correct. I like Toaster Strudels.
  • norcal_yogi
    norcal_yogi Posts: 675 Member
    I eat Lucky Charms every day.

    Cheers to success!! :drinker:

    yuumm! lucky charms!
  • Admiral_Derp
    Admiral_Derp Posts: 866 Member
    I eat Pop Tarts and ice cream daily. I'm able to lose weight and/or maintain while doing this, without issue. My blood panels are absolutely great. Just wanted to share; you can eat what you want and hit your goals. Proceed to flame and hate. Thank you.

    no **** because you eat 4,000 calories so the ice cream and pop tarts make up a very small % of your calories.

    in someone eating 1200 or 1600 or even 2000 calories, they make up a much larger percentage of intake - and thus are more of a problem. lol

    I eat less than 2,000 cals a day and eat ice cream almost daily. Poptarts less often, but still present.

    It's called fitting them into your day. Which I do. Every. Day.

    I didn't say you can't do it. I said it's "more of a problem" meaning you need to be more conscious of the % of your diet they make up. With a 4000 cal diet, you can pretty much say "who gives a ****", unhinge your jaw, and consume.

    That could be said of ANY food, though. It's not a "problem" if you eat correction portions of foods so that they fit into your day. It's handling your business efficiently. You can't blame the foods, only the person consuming certain amounts of said foods, for weight loss inability.

    oh totally. we live in a free market capitalist society - companies can make whatever they want! I absolutely blame the person and not the food. But you have to KNOW that some foods are less healthy than others, and that knowledge hard to come by when people like the many on this board say "eat whatever you want"

    to lose weight, yes, it doesn't matter what you eat if you're under your TDEE, but that doesn't mean you're getting all the nutrients your body needs to function correctly and be healthy.

    That's why you eat other food in addition.

    and in a 1,200 cal diet you've got less room for those foods after eating your pop tarts and ice cream - correct?

    Yeah, and that's only a problem if your deficit is/should be set at 1200 calories. (Which I dare say, arguable though it may be, isn't the majority of people in the overweight/obese/morbidly obese category.) Even then, if you wanted to eat a poptart or something comparable it's not a problem if you plan the rest of your food to hit your protein/carb/fat ratios. It all depends on how much work someone is willing to put into hitting their goals.
  • Just2Bhappy
    Just2Bhappy Posts: 113 Member
    I eat Pop Tarts and ice cream daily. I'm able to lose weight and/or maintain while doing this, without issue. My blood panels are absolutely great. Just wanted to share; you can eat what you want and hit your goals. Proceed to flame and hate. Thank you.
    no **** because you eat 4,000 calories so the ice cream and pop tarts make up a very small % of your calories.

    in someone eating 1200 or 1600 or even 2000 calories, they make up a much larger percentage of intake - and thus are more of a problem. lol

    I don't see where my caloric intake came into this? When I eat less calories, I eat less pop tarts and ice cream. I don't stop all together. The point?

    how many pop tarts do you eat daily (on average)?

    2 most days. My diary's open. The last couple days are a bad example, been hitting 4 or so.

    perfect. so you unwrap one package and eat them both right?

    so does everyone else.

    in a 4,000 cal diet that doesn't make any difference.

    in a 1,200 cal diet, that same two pop tarts makes a significant difference.

    So if you on a 1,200 diet only eat 1. :) You can have your tart and eat it too. :D Moderation.

    and what do you do with the other one? have you ever heard of someone not eating both pop tarts? ever?

    I believe that is why I have zip lock sandwich bags.... Sometimes both doesn't fit into my calorie goals......

    IF I had self control i'd stick it in the freezer for tomorrow. I'm just saying you can make it work if you really want to. I wouldn't want 1/4 my calories coming from tarts. LOL I also agree about the malnourished part, plenty of obese people who are malnourished.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I eat Pop Tarts and ice cream daily. I'm able to lose weight and/or maintain while doing this, without issue. My blood panels are absolutely great. Just wanted to share; you can eat what you want and hit your goals. Proceed to flame and hate. Thank you.
    no **** because you eat 4,000 calories so the ice cream and pop tarts make up a very small % of your calories.

    in someone eating 1200 or 1600 or even 2000 calories, they make up a much larger percentage of intake - and thus are more of a problem. lol

    I don't see where my caloric intake came into this? When I eat less calories, I eat less pop tarts and ice cream. I don't stop all together. The point?

    how many pop tarts do you eat daily (on average)?

    2 most days. My diary's open. The last couple days are a bad example, been hitting 4 or so.

    perfect. so you unwrap one package and eat them both right?

    so does everyone else.

    in a 4,000 cal diet that doesn't make any difference.

    in a 1,200 cal diet, that same two pop tarts makes a significant difference.

    So if you on a 1,200 diet only eat 1. :) You can have your tart and eat it too. :D Moderation.

    and what do you do with the other one? have you ever heard of someone not eating both pop tarts? ever?

    I only eat one if one is all that fits into my macros. I only had one yesterday as I also wanted cheesecake and ice-cream so could only 'afford' one I ate.
  • bananapancakebella
    Can someone please come to my house and make these for me?

    This thread is seriously making me crave poptarts but my gluten intolerance is cruel and I'm terrible at baking.
    I'll give you just about anything. :wink:
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    Options people know that you're arguing about freakin Pop Tarts right...and like regular rectangle shaped ones...not ones chewed into the shape of that evil killer "The Gun"

    Eat a freakin Pop Tart if you want to eat a Pop Tart...otherwise...don't. If you don't like them eat a toaster strudel...if you don't like that evil "dirty foods" fine, go eat some grass and berries.

    Sometimes it sounds like some of you people need medication, and for all of you "clean eaters" who are against all the evils of processed foods and crap...move to Colorado and chill on some natural herbs.

    Breath people...breath! It's all going to be ok.

    Also...because it's the internet and cat pictures and stuff...


    Now...someone said Sugar Cookie Pop Tarts earlier....
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    I eat Pop Tarts and ice cream daily. I'm able to lose weight and/or maintain while doing this, without issue. My blood panels are absolutely great. Just wanted to share; you can eat what you want and hit your goals. Proceed to flame and hate. Thank you.
    no **** because you eat 4,000 calories so the ice cream and pop tarts make up a very small % of your calories.

    in someone eating 1200 or 1600 or even 2000 calories, they make up a much larger percentage of intake - and thus are more of a problem. lol

    I don't see where my caloric intake came into this? When I eat less calories, I eat less pop tarts and ice cream. I don't stop all together. The point?

    how many pop tarts do you eat daily (on average)?

    2 most days. My diary's open. The last couple days are a bad example, been hitting 4 or so.

    perfect. so you unwrap one package and eat them both right?

    so does everyone else.

    in a 4,000 cal diet that doesn't make any difference.

    in a 1,200 cal diet, that same two pop tarts makes a significant difference.

    So if you on a 1,200 diet only eat 1. :) You can have your tart and eat it too. :D Moderation.

    and what do you do with the other one? have you ever heard of someone not eating both pop tarts? ever?

    I believe that is why I have zip lock sandwich bags.... Sometimes both doesn't fit into my calorie goals......

    IF I had self control i'd stick it in the freezer for tomorrow. I'm just saying you can make it work if you really want to. I wouldn't want 1/4 my calories coming from tarts. LOL I also agree about the malnourished part, plenty of obese people who are malnourished.

    OM MY GOD. Why am I not freezing some Pop Tarts??!?!?!?!?! Thank you.
  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    Alright. I've made my point here. Y'all know what I'm saying. You can agree, or not. Up to you.


    Your point was a fallacious argument. NOBODY said eat whatever you want without any regard to other nutrients. NO ONE recommended eating 1200 calories/day or eating 1/4 of your calories in pop tarts. Those were conclusion you came to all on your own.

    Including foods like Poptarts can be part of a healthy diet.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Options people know that you're arguing about freakin Pop Tarts right...and like regular rectangle shaped ones...not ones chewed into the shape of that evil killer "The Gun"

    Eat a freakin Pop Tart if you want to eat a Pop Tart...otherwise...don't. If you don't like them eat a toaster strudel...if you don't like that evil "dirty foods" fine, go eat some grass and berries.

    Sometimes it sounds like some of you people need medication, and for all of you "clean eaters" who are against all the evils of processed foods and crap...move to Colorado and chill on some natural herbs.

    Breath people...breath! It's all going to be ok.

    Also...because it's the internet and cat pictures and stuff...


    Now...someone said Sugar Cookie Pop Tarts earlier....

    That was me...ordered off Amazon...I am sooooo glad this thread was started.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member

    and what do you do with the other one? have you ever heard of someone not eating both pop tarts? ever?

    We wrap it right back up and put it back in the box. I don't feel it is appropriate when my children get their occasional pop tart that they eat both pieces. They get one and the other one goes back in the box. They have never complained about it - probably, because there are plenty of times that I will eat just one and put the other one back.
  • Just2Bhappy
    Just2Bhappy Posts: 113 Member
    Does anyone else break off the unfrosted edges and save the middle part for last? Or am I the only unreasonable freak on this post? :laugh:

    I chew them off like a squirrel and then eat the frosted center. Every. Damn. Time.

    I break them off and trash them. I only want the center.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I have never had a pop tart.....

    You're not missing much.

    I recommend eating a higher end pastry made from scratch from someone cooking with love.

    You mean like these?


    pillsbury doughboy does not equal made from scratch...:) lol

    But he is cooking with love....

    They appear to come with a small packet of love ...

    yea, and if you poke his belly button he will laugh ...weird dude....