Eating Pop Tarts and ice cream daily.



  • Tom_Jones74
    Tom_Jones74 Posts: 108
    I am just saying that I prefer to eat minimally processed foods.
    You Nazi you.

  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    and partially hydrogenated vegetable oils are found in a plethora of processed junk foods. thus the issue.

    Sounds reasonable although I think this a dosage question. The body proves to be remarkable resilient if adequate nutrition is catered for (in my opinion.)
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    Pop tart is the perfect bulking food.

    In for part 2
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    And there was a bit about a Datsun being upgraded to a Ferari too I think...

    Didn't you know, that's what happens when you put realllly good fuel in a car. It . . . turns into a different . . . car.
    With love,
    I had a special snowflake van. I kept trying the good fuel, but it ended up in the dump..... No different car for me...
  • Tom_Jones74
    Tom_Jones74 Posts: 108
    Macros, this a business or commerce forum?

    Eat healthy stuff in general, move around a bit. Have a pop tart now and then if you need to in order to get by.

    What is this so complicated?
  • LauraMacNCheese
    LauraMacNCheese Posts: 7,198 Member
    charlie sheen is jealous of you!

    ETA: also, inb4 the toaster strudel cultists arrive!


    I realize I am late with this one; but pop tarts with no icing?!?!

  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    and partially hydrogenated vegetable oils are found in a plethora of processed junk foods. thus the issue.

    Sounds reasonable although I think this a dosage question. The body proves to be remarkable resilient if adequate nutrition is catered for (in my opinion.)

    but in your example, if someone filled those 375 cal with food containing trans fats like PHVO daily, it could absolutely cause issues. the recommendation is no more than 2g of trans fats/day, which is 18 calories worth...

    a calorie is not always a calorie.
  • Tom_Jones74
    Tom_Jones74 Posts: 108
    High quality fuel will not turn your beater into a high end car.

    A high end car will not perform properly if you put low end fuel into it.
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    It rolled over...thank you. Thank you all. I never thought... /tear

    It's that sugar... grrrrrrrrrrrrrr... got to burn off that sugar by typing furiously (and logging the calories burned, of course)
  • dinosnopro
    dinosnopro Posts: 2,179 Member
    Pop tart is the perfect bulking food.

    In for part 2

    When I was bulking I could eat 8 a day, now I have to cut that in half.:sad:
  • almc170
    almc170 Posts: 1,093 Member
    and partially hydrogenated vegetable oils are found in a plethora of processed junk foods. thus the issue.

    Sounds reasonable although I think this a dosage question. The body proves to be remarkable resilient if adequate nutrition is catered for (in my opinion.)

    but in your example, if someone filled those 375 cal with food containing trans fats like PHVO daily, it could absolutely cause issues. the recommendation is no more than 2g of trans fats/day, which is 18 calories worth...

    a calorie is not always a calorie.
    Considering poptarts don't contain trans-fats, how is this relevant to the topic at hand?
  • ashleab37
    ashleab37 Posts: 575 Member
    and partially hydrogenated vegetable oils are found in a plethora of processed junk foods. thus the issue.

    Sounds reasonable although I think this a dosage question. The body proves to be remarkable resilient if adequate nutrition is catered for (in my opinion.)

    but in your example, if someone filled those 375 cal with food containing trans fats like PHVO daily, it could absolutely cause issues. the recommendation is no more than 2g of trans fats/day, which is 18 calories worth...

    a calorie is not always a calorie.
    Considering poptarts don't contain trans-fats, how is this relevant to the topic at hand?
  • Tom_Jones74
    Tom_Jones74 Posts: 108
    the perfect bulking food.

    That's a great topic in itself.

    I submit a whole chicken stuffed with horse meat, in a beer reduction.
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    I maintain my original stance that Toaster Strudel is superior, if only for the icing drawings.

    I've never seen S'mores Toaster Strudel.

    Apparently, you weren't looking hard enough



    *Gasp!* You shut right up! I think I need to go to the store. Like right now.
  • dinosnopro
    dinosnopro Posts: 2,179 Member
    charlie sheen is jealous of you!

    ETA: also, inb4 the toaster strudel cultists arrive!


    I realize I am late with this one; but pop tarts with no icing?!?!


    It's a sin. I'm pretty sure it's in the bible somewhere.
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    and partially hydrogenated vegetable oils are found in a plethora of processed junk foods. thus the issue.

    Sounds reasonable although I think this a dosage question. The body proves to be remarkable resilient if adequate nutrition is catered for (in my opinion.)

    but in your example, if someone filled those 375 cal with food containing trans fats like PHVO daily, it could absolutely cause issues. the recommendation is no more than 2g of trans fats/day, which is 18 calories worth...

    a calorie is not always a calorie.
    Considering poptarts don't contain trans-fats, how is this relevant to the topic at hand?

    Now you know Reddy isn't happy unless he's changing the subject of the thread :laugh:
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    and partially hydrogenated vegetable oils are found in a plethora of processed junk foods. thus the issue.

    Sounds reasonable although I think this a dosage question. The body proves to be remarkable resilient if adequate nutrition is catered for (in my opinion.)

    but in your example, if someone filled those 375 cal with food containing trans fats like PHVO daily, it could absolutely cause issues. the recommendation is no more than 2g of trans fats/day, which is 18 calories worth...

    a calorie is not always a calorie.
    Considering poptarts don't contain trans-fats, how is this relevant to the topic at hand?

    oh ok, see I was under the impression the point of the thread was "you can eat whatever you want and still lose weight" - if it's simply about pop tarts and ice cream, then sure, eat them as long as they make up 10-20% of your daily cal or less, as suggested by mfern123
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    charlie sheen is jealous of you!

    ETA: also, inb4 the toaster strudel cultists arrive!


    I realize I am late with this one; but pop tarts with no icing?!?!


    It's a sin. I'm pretty sure it's in the bible somewhere.

  • PrettyPearl88
    PrettyPearl88 Posts: 368 Member
    The answer to all questions like "Can I eat X?" or "Is it healthy to eat X every day??": If it fits your macros.

    Seriously. Why is that concept so hard to understand?
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    i'm going to buy pop tarts and toaster strudels this evening. i will perform experiments. but these experiments will be biased.

    I have to be honest. I've been cheating on poptarts with toaster strudels. Honestly, they are a lot better than I remember them to be (it's been almost a decade, I think, since I last had one). I still love my poptarts, but toaster strudels are a nice treat to mix in with them.