Where's the evidence re: aspartame, msg, carbs, gmo etc?



  • judydelo1
    judydelo1 Posts: 281 Member
    I can only assume this exact debate happened about 40-50 years ago about smoking. Probably not over the internet though (maybe through text message?).

    The fact is there isn't a lot of research out there, because there isn't a lot to research. Just like smoking, drinking a diet soda isn't going to kill you. Drinking a diet soda a day for 20-30 year? Who knows.

    The "well I drink diet coke everyday, and I'm fine" argument doesn't really work. My grandma smoked everyday of her life, and she lived into her mid 80's. Does that mean cigarettes aren't harmful???

    Exactly! ^^^^^^^

    Well, except for the text message part, lol. It's a comparatively new thang. Below is what I found with a quick search.

    "The design of dedicated SMS (Short Message Service) alphanumeric communications began in 1993, but commercial use was minimal in 1995, and was still comparatively slow by 2000, when the billing systems were standardized. It was not until the proliferation of text-capable cellphones in 2001-2004 that the messaging phenomena reached its current levels."

    Where'd you get your research from?
    I thought you were making a joke when you said people text messaged 40 or 50 yrs ago. And then said, "probably not over the Internet" because not only is text messaging only available in the last decade so is home Internet. Without even researching this, I can tell you for a 100% fact that the info she stated is correct because I remember it and experienced it. My husband got a a new job as a head hauncho for AT&T cell phone company in 1995, I remember bc I was pregnant. That year very few people had cell phones in fact the only ones that I knew personally who had one were myself and my husband. I didn't have a single friend who had one. There were a few cell phones you saw people have prior to that, but they looked not like the phones you see today and it was only business men. They were the size of a brick. I think I saw one or two ever. A few of my friends had car phones in the late 1980s but again that was only two of them. Most of us used pagers to communicate with in the early 1990s - 2000.. In 2001 I divorced my hubby and got a cell phone for the first time, many of my friends were starting to get their very first cell phones also. There was no text feature. In 2002, I got a second cell phone and it was the first time I had seen text messaging. I still remember where I was and who my first texts went to. We all thought it was SOOO cool. Now I hate texting. Anyway, this information is 100% fact based on my personal experiences.

    In 1998 Internet in homes were just starting to really get popular. The first time I bought a computer and got Internet was in 2000.

    I had one of those clunky car phones when I was a sales rep with SNET (now ATT) yellow pages!! It was a handset with a curly handset cord attaching it to the base. The base was attached to a zipper bag. It was the size of a small bible I'd say. It plugged into the lighter port in the car. That was between 1984 - 1988. I'm fuzzy on when I got my first cell phone but it was much later.

    Cell phones have become such a part of everyone's life for better or worse . . . all within such a very short time.
  • _Lori_Lynn_
    _Lori_Lynn_ Posts: 460
    I can only assume this exact debate happened about 40-50 years ago about smoking. Probably not over the internet though (maybe through text message?).

    The fact is there isn't a lot of research out there, because there isn't a lot to research. Just like smoking, drinking a diet soda isn't going to kill you. Drinking a diet soda a day for 20-30 year? Who knows.

    The "well I drink diet coke everyday, and I'm fine" argument doesn't really work. My grandma smoked everyday of her life, and she lived into her mid 80's. Does that mean cigarettes aren't harmful???

    Exactly! ^^^^^^^

    Well, except for the text message part, lol. It's a comparatively new thang. Below is what I found with a quick search.

    "The design of dedicated SMS (Short Message Service) alphanumeric communications began in 1993, but commercial use was minimal in 1995, and was still comparatively slow by 2000, when the billing systems were standardized. It was not until the proliferation of text-capable cellphones in 2001-2004 that the messaging phenomena reached its current levels."

    Where'd you get your research from?
    I thought you were making a joke when you said people text messaged 40 or 50 yrs ago. And then said, "probably not over the Internet" because not only is text messaging only available in the last decade so is home Internet. Without even researching this, I can tell you for a 100% fact that the info she stated is correct because I remember it and experienced it. My husband got a a new job as a head hauncho for AT&T cell phone company in 1995, I remember bc I was pregnant. That year very few people had cell phones in fact the only ones that I knew personally who had one were myself and my husband. I didn't have a single friend who had one. There were a few cell phones you saw people have prior to that, but they looked not like the phones you see today and it was only business men. They were the size of a brick. I think I saw one or two ever. A few of my friends had car phones in the late 1980s but again that was only two of them. Most of us used pagers to communicate with in the early 1990s - 2000.. In 2001 I divorced my hubby and got a cell phone for the first time, many of my friends were starting to get their very first cell phones also. There was no text feature. In 2002, I got a second cell phone and it was the first time I had seen text messaging. I still remember where I was and who my first texts went to. We all thought it was SOOO cool. Now I hate texting. Anyway, this information is 100% fact based on my personal experiences.

    In 1998 Internet in homes were just starting to really get popular. The first time I bought a computer and got Internet was in 2000.

    ha i remember those days. When i first saw text messaging i thought, "This is dumb, why not just call them?


    Haha, YES, that is the first cell phones i was talking about. Haha! I loved text messaging back in the day, because I remember thinking "wow, I can talk to my friends at work and no one knows, lol". Now it is so overused that I hate it. People use it and use. After about ten texts I think, okay, it's time to call me.
  • _Lori_Lynn_
    _Lori_Lynn_ Posts: 460
    I can only assume this exact debate happened about 40-50 years ago about smoking. Probably not over the internet though (maybe through text message?).

    The fact is there isn't a lot of research out there, because there isn't a lot to research. Just like smoking, drinking a diet soda isn't going to kill you. Drinking a diet soda a day for 20-30 year? Who knows.

    The "well I drink diet coke everyday, and I'm fine" argument doesn't really work. My grandma smoked everyday of her life, and she lived into her mid 80's. Does that mean cigarettes aren't harmful???

    Exactly! ^^^^^^^

    Well, except for the text message part, lol. It's a comparatively new thang. Below is what I found with a quick search.

    "The design of dedicated SMS (Short Message Service) alphanumeric communications began in 1993, but commercial use was minimal in 1995, and was still comparatively slow by 2000, when the billing systems were standardized. It was not until the proliferation of text-capable cellphones in 2001-2004 that the messaging phenomena reached its current levels."

    Where'd you get your research from?
    I thought you were making a joke when you said people text messaged 40 or 50 yrs ago. And then said, "probably not over the Internet" because not only is text messaging only available in the last decade so is home Internet. Without even researching this, I can tell you for a 100% fact that the info she stated is correct because I remember it and experienced it. My husband got a a new job as a head hauncho for AT&T cell phone company in 1995, I remember bc I was pregnant. That year very few people had cell phones in fact the only ones that I knew personally who had one were myself and my husband. I didn't have a single friend who had one. There were a few cell phones you saw people have prior to that, but they looked not like the phones you see today and it was only business men. They were the size of a brick. I think I saw one or two ever. A few of my friends had car phones in the late 1980s but again that was only two of them. Most of us used pagers to communicate with in the early 1990s - 2000.. In 2001 I divorced my hubby and got a cell phone for the first time, many of my friends were starting to get their very first cell phones also. There was no text feature. In 2002, I got a second cell phone and it was the first time I had seen text messaging. I still remember where I was and who my first texts went to. We all thought it was SOOO cool. Now I hate texting. Anyway, this information is 100% fact based on my personal experiences.

    In 1998 Internet in homes were just starting to really get popular. The first time I bought a computer and got Internet was in 2000.

    I had one of those clunky car phones when I was a sales rep with SNET (now ATT) yellow pages!! It was a handset with a curly handset cord attaching it to the base. The base was attached to a zipper bag. It was the size of a small bible I'd say. It plugged into the lighter port in the car. That was between 1984 - 1988. I'm fuzzy on when I got my first cell phone but it was much later.

    Cell phones have become such a part of everyone's life for better or worse . . . all within such a very short time.
    LOL, yes! I remember those. My boyfriend had one, it was 1988 or 89 that I dated him, lol. I thought he was sooo rich, because he had one. Remember when answering machines came out? Was that about 1977? NO one could believe how cool those were. And then the "caller ID" lol. Somewhere in 1990 something.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    Im curious how come you're so pro all of these chemicals...? Every time I see someone comment about avoiding these ingredients in food, wouldnt ya know it Acg67 is the next poster saying "Why would you want to avoid these things? Theyre not bad for you at all!"

    Whats up with that? Why does it bother you so much when people want less chemicals in their food choices? I said in another thread that I want to eat cleaner, you told me there's dirt on my carrot! Whats up with that?! Dirt on my carrot bothers me less than msg in my everything else... and Im not saying I never eat chemicals... Im just trying to eat less of them wherever I can cut out the obvious ones...

    Its just like you're Pro chemicals.... kinda wierd really. Like youre the chemical police or something...

    I don't think it's about being "pro chemical" but more of "anti misinformation".

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    The purpose of this thread is simple, if you think aspartame, msg, carbs, gmo foods, animal protein etc etc are bad for you, simply post a few links to the human studies that show it is bad for you. This is not for conspiracies on why there is no evidence something is harmful, simply present some of the current literature that shows that it is.

    With all the people here who climb out the woodwork to tell people how bad something is, surely there is evidence that those people are basing their conclusions on.

    Note: This is not saying that if there is no evidence something is bad for you, that it is good for you. Just at the present time, there is no evidence to warrant the fear mongering over such substances.

    lol you're posting this because you know they don't exist by and large, and thus, you don't believe the people who support these positions.

    that's fine for you.

    meanwhile I won't blindly put my faith in corporations, pharmaceutical companies, lobbyists and the government to tell me what's healthy and what isn't.

    simple as that. personal preference.
    Beachbody isn't a corporation?:laugh:

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • judydelo1
    judydelo1 Posts: 281 Member
    I can only assume this exact debate happened about 40-50 years ago about smoking. Probably not over the internet though (maybe through text message?).

    The fact is there isn't a lot of research out there, because there isn't a lot to research. Just like smoking, drinking a diet soda isn't going to kill you. Drinking a diet soda a day for 20-30 year? Who knows.

    The "well I drink diet coke everyday, and I'm fine" argument doesn't really work. My grandma smoked everyday of her life, and she lived into her mid 80's. Does that mean cigarettes aren't harmful???

    Exactly! ^^^^^^^

    Well, except for the text message part, lol. It's a comparatively new thang. Below is what I found with a quick search.

    "The design of dedicated SMS (Short Message Service) alphanumeric communications began in 1993, but commercial use was minimal in 1995, and was still comparatively slow by 2000, when the billing systems were standardized. It was not until the proliferation of text-capable cellphones in 2001-2004 that the messaging phenomena reached its current levels."

    Where'd you get your research from?
    I thought you were making a joke when you said people text messaged 40 or 50 yrs ago. And then said, "probably not over the Internet" because not only is text messaging only available in the last decade so is home Internet. Without even researching this, I can tell you for a 100% fact that the info she stated is correct because I remember it and experienced it. My husband got a a new job as a head hauncho for AT&T cell phone company in 1995, I remember bc I was pregnant. That year very few people had cell phones in fact the only ones that I knew personally who had one were myself and my husband. I didn't have a single friend who had one. There were a few cell phones you saw people have prior to that, but they looked not like the phones you see today and it was only business men. They were the size of a brick. I think I saw one or two ever. A few of my friends had car phones in the late 1980s but again that was only two of them. Most of us used pagers to communicate with in the early 1990s - 2000.. In 2001 I divorced my hubby and got a cell phone for the first time, many of my friends were starting to get their very first cell phones also. There was no text feature. In 2002, I got a second cell phone and it was the first time I had seen text messaging. I still remember where I was and who my first texts went to. We all thought it was SOOO cool. Now I hate texting. Anyway, this information is 100% fact based on my personal experiences.

    In 1998 Internet in homes were just starting to really get popular. The first time I bought a computer and got Internet was in 2000.

    I had one of those clunky car phones when I was a sales rep with SNET (now ATT) yellow pages!! It was a handset with a curly handset cord attaching it to the base. The base was attached to a zipper bag. It was the size of a small bible I'd say. It plugged into the lighter port in the car. That was between 1984 - 1988. I'm fuzzy on when I got my first cell phone but it was much later.

    Cell phones have become such a part of everyone's life for better or worse . . . all within such a very short time.
    LOL, yes! I remember those. My boyfriend had one, it was 1988 or 89 that I dated him, lol. I thought he was sooo rich, because he had one. Remember when answering machines came out? Was that about 1977? NO one could believe how cool those were. And then the "caller ID" lol. Somewhere in 1990 something.

    40 - 50 years ago I was between the ages of 7 & 17. We had one phone in our home until I was a teenager. Then I got a princess dial phone . . . remember those!!? My friends thought I was soooooo coooool. The main phone that was in our home during my entire upbringing was a big, black rotary dial desk phone that sat on a special table with a chair next to it. I can remember the way the HEAVY handset felt in my hand. Sigh. This sub-thread has really brought me back lol.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    The purpose of this thread is simple, if you think aspartame, msg, carbs, gmo foods, animal protein etc etc are bad for you, simply post a few links to the human studies that show it is bad for you. This is not for conspiracies on why there is no evidence something is harmful, simply present some of the current literature that shows that it is.

    With all the people here who climb out the woodwork to tell people how bad something is, surely there is evidence that those people are basing their conclusions on.

    Note: This is not saying that if there is no evidence something is bad for you, that it is good for you. Just at the present time, there is no evidence to warrant the fear mongering over such substances.

    I'm surprised nobody has commented on this human study that I posted. Did you read it?

    Monosodium glutamate (MSG) intake is associated with the prevalence of metabolic syndrome in a rural Thai population.
    Insawang T, Selmi C, Cha'on U, Pethlert S, Yongvanit P, Areejitranusorn P, Boonsiri P, Khampitak T, Tangrassameeprasert R, Pinitsoontorn C, Prasongwattana V, Gershwin ME, Hammock BD.
    Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen, 40002, Thailand. ubocha@kku.ac.th.
    Epidemiology and animal models suggest that dietary monosodium glutamate (MSG) may contribute to the onset of obesity and the metabolic syndrome.
    Families (n = 324) from a rural area of Thailand were selected and provided MSG as the sole source for the use in meal preparation for 10 days. Three hundred forty-nine subjects aged 35-55 years completed the study and were evaluated for energy and nutrient intake, physical activity, and tobacco smoking. The prevalence of overweight and obesity (BMI ≥ 25 kg/m2), insulin resistance (HOMA-IR >3), and the metabolic syndrome (ATP III criteria) were evaluated according to the daily MSG intake.
    The prevalence of the metabolic syndrome was significantly higher in the tertile with the highest MSG intake. Further, every 1 g increase in MSG intake significantly increased the risk of having the metabolic syndrome (odds ratio 1.14, 95% confidence interval-CI- 1.12 - 1.28) or being overweight (odds ratio 1.16, 95% CI 1.04 - 1.29), independent of the total energy intake and the level of physical activity.
    Higher amounts of individual MSG consumption are associated with the risk of having the metabolic syndrome and being overweight independent of other major determinants.
    So what was the dosage?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    I also spoke with a chiropractor recently who stated that he can tell, by their bad bones, the people that drink diet soda.
    Honestly, unnatural or processed foods are not going to be the best for us. This makes sense to me.
    Will it hurt every single person in the long run? Maybe not... but to say it is completely harmless to me seems a bit ignorant.
    Articles aren't scientific evidence.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • volume77
    volume77 Posts: 670 Member
    my eyes hurt
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    my eyes hurt

    have you tried ketone drops?
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    Just the fact that aspartame turns into formaldehyde is enough for me to keep it away from my famiily.
    You should look into citrus fruits and tomatoes then too. See what happens when they break down into formaldehyde.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    Chronic inflammation is a key feature of insulin resistance and obesity(TLR4 is important to modulating insulin resistance))[1]

    The saturated fatty acid (SFA) palmitate induces insulin resistance in cultured skeletal muscle cells, which may be related to NF-kappaB activation. Collectively, these results demonstrate that SFA-induced NF-kappaB activation coincides with insulin resistance and depends on FA chain length.

    So now we have NF-kB linked to insulin resistance. Chronic high levels of glucose can lead to insulin resistance. NF-kB is also linked to simple carbs. [3]

    A 3 months study comparing a paleo diet to a diabetics diet concluded the paleo diet improved glycemic control. [4]

    A diet that has lower GI foods lowered lower inflammation to a greater degree compared to an isocaloric diet with a higher carbohydrate and lower protein content although the weight loss was the same.[5]

    Funny how last year you guys where bashing paleo because there was no "evidence," here it is now. I got many more paleo studies if you want them.

    2. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18957619
    3. http://diabetes.webmd.com/news/20071126/refined-carbohydrates-up-diabetes-risk
    4. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19604407

    You don't have to eat hardcore paleo to up your protein intake and moderately reduce carbohydrates, with an eye to glycemic loads.

    I am not promoting the paleo diet. My point is how HIGH GI foods can lead to cellular inflammation.

    If you eat too much of it, maybe. In small to moderate quantities in context to a balanced diet, I don't think they're that much of an issue. I've been using myself as a guinea pig here :) because a great deal of replacement starches for celiacs are higher GI. It's why people gain weight when they go GF and eat them, just like I did. I've lost weight through moderating them, but not completely eliminating them.

    I'd agree but some of these guys preach eating ice cram everyday.
    They do it because they are jerks. They know EXACTLY what they are doing when they brag about that. They are rubbing it in the faces of those who struggle to lose. They know that the majority of people here are hurt, are suffering, are overweight, or are obese, uneducated on health and nutrition, are sick, are depressed about their current condition and are wanting to change. Wanting to learn. They make sure YOU KNOW, THEY CAN and YOU CAN'T so what is wrong with YOU and how cool are they? It is very immature and very rude. It's as if they are in junior high. Like I said, they know what they are doing. Why do they think we care? What is the purpose of getting on MFP and saying, "look at my six pack and I eat ice cream every day." It's like me sitting outside of an AA meeting with a beer on a hot day and making slurping noises as I drink it, holding it up to the member saying, "I do this every day, but in moderation and I'm not an alcoholic". I CAN, you can't ;) just making sure you all know. But hey, I do it in moderation and I STILL am not an alcoholic. " Or more in comparison would be to go to an AA forum online and post I drink wine every night with dinner and am not an alcoholic. Just childish! Just cruel and completely stupid.

    Truth is they never really experienced obesity. They really had nothing to push through or fight for to be where they are at today.
    Ask these people anything about the psychological aspect of weight loss. How do you take someone severely obese and get them in to shape? They wouldn't know where to begin. They never been there.
    I have.

    I eat waffles and pop-tarts everyday.

    Your opinion is invalid.

    If anything it should prove how ridiculous "clean" eating is.

    That "psychological aspect of weight loss" is built around the eating aspect of fitness. You have an industry guilting millions into removing a whole macro nutrient. That same industry has created a totally acceptable form of ED and I don't mean Erectile Dysfunction. If you don't eat certain foods you're not "dedicated" or "hardcore" enough.

    When I started 5 years ago, I thought things were bad. I was wrong, things are worse now. So, I can see why many foster resentment, just like the person you quoted.
  • chkn_WANG_Train
    It all depends on what you want to put in your body really... the only thing on here that we probably wont eventually be able to choose is the GMO part.... as they spread and pollinate onward and forever contaminating our nutrient mother earth.

    I catered an event in Santa Monica where a bunch of people provided research and personal testimonies behind the industry and the medical studies... and it was even more horrifying that I imagined..... and eventually it wont be an option! I hate to sound dramatic but dun dun ..... I found this article below, but most of the research you have to remember is done by the groups that modify our foods, so they usually expose the success of short term studies and discard the long term studies.... because they aren't good. Not to mention how these companies steal land and farms right out from under peoples feet essentially....

  • cchamil1985
    cchamil1985 Posts: 74 Member
    We are looking at a generation that can't even conceive of a time when there were no cell phones, no text messaging, and no internet. Constant communication is so ingrained into the human experience of this generation that they cannot comprehend what it would be like to not have that connection. Scary.
  • volume77
    volume77 Posts: 670 Member
    If I ever live to be 100 ill start from the beginning and read the whole thread.
  • wnbrice
    wnbrice Posts: 244 Member
    I think its more an obsession of the WHY. Without the WHY then observations hold no water for some people.

    I am all for scientific experimentation, love it. However I am also a person who understands incentives. Once you get an understanding of incentives it becomes a lot easier to see why things are done the way they are.
  • volume77
    volume77 Posts: 670 Member
    I drink diet soda errrrrryday. Am I guna die?????
  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member
    I drink diet soda errrrrryday. Am I guna die?????

  • TheFitVeganMaMa
    Has anyone seen the movies or read Forks Over Knives or Genetic Roulette? I think you'll find your evidence there. Dr. Mercola and and The Institute For Responsible Technology are two more reliable source that deserve a google search!!!
  • caribougal
    caribougal Posts: 865 Member
    Has anyone seen the movies or read Forks Over Knives or Genetic Roulette? I think you'll find your evidence there. Dr. Mercola and and The Institute For Responsible Technology are two more reliable source that deserve a google search!!!

    Actually, Forks Over Knives has been thoroughly debunked. http://rawfoodsos.com/2011/09/22/forks-over-knives-is-the-science-legit-a-review-and-critique/

    Mercola often gets warning letters from the FDA over false claims about his products on his website. When I was in the vaccine field, we constantly dealt with the fallout from Mercola (and good old Jenny McCarthy). He would post very misleading info on his site, patients would call their doctors in fear or refuse vaccines based on misinformation. Some of what he posts has shreds of truth to it, but often it's distorted or presented in a biased way. Doesn't mean to disregard him... just means that if you read something on his site that interests you, do your research as well. He has an agenda, and he's made a lot of money from that agenda. Again, doesn't mean he's always wrong... just means he's not a reliable source for the full picture.


    I don't know much about IRT.
