things that make you laugh at the gym...



  • TabithaMichelle85
    TabithaMichelle85 Posts: 92 Member
    I agree, I would hope that if that were me someone would do that. I really feel for her, it is hard starting out but to fall in front of everyone and being large makesnit 100 times worse. I wouldn't have thought you were picking me up.... I would think, oh thank god there is a kind soul nice enough to help me when I have hit rock bottom. You have no idea how much that probably meant to her. :-)
  • Hbazzell
    Hbazzell Posts: 899 Member
    I laugh at the butt shape I leave on the weight bench when I stand up.

    (I wipe it off, dont judge haha)
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    There's a girl at my gym who comes in for a total of 5 minutes. She comes in, lays on the ground and stretches her back on a rolled up yoga mat and then she leaves.
    Not so much funny as odd.

    I do something similar :)

    I run around the oval near my gym and then go into the gym to do stretches/abs and use the scales because I don't have them at home.

    You sound like you actually do something though. In that girl's case, she'd probably be better off buying a yoga mat instead of paying for a gym membership. :)

    edited for speeling. ;)
  • Jeneba
    Jeneba Posts: 699 Member
    There's this little old lady that comes to all the toning and ab classes at my gym. She must be in her 60s but she is always getting it. She could probably kick my *kitten*. She is always so enthuastic and always smiling. When I stand behind her in class, I can see her face in the mirror and I have to fight from laughing everytime. It's gotten so that I look forward to seeing her in class because she always makes everyone around her so happy and makes us all try harder.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    Last night on the treadmill I dropped the cap to my water bottle on the belt and it shot off.. ping!
    I waited the last 10 minutes I had to go before I got off and looked for it though. :smile:
    I can't imagine what it looked like.
  • Jeneba
    Jeneba Posts: 699 Member
    That Little Old Lady "must be in her 60's?" THIS made ME laugh: I am FOUR YEARS AWAY from 60.... I may be Little, but OLD????? :laugh:
  • mareeee1234
    mareeee1234 Posts: 674 Member
    an old man next to me on the treadmill once, singing out loud to price tag.. "its not about the money money money.."

  • MissPeppers
    MissPeppers Posts: 302 Member
    Myself.... having an image of what I am going to do in my mind, but when I look in the mirror it doesn't even remotely look like I imagined... Like yesterday I did hanging leg raises and thought I had a nice 90 degree angle.. nope.. more like 45.. or 30...
  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member
    Every time I see a person on a treadmill with a cellphone in their hand.
  • scrumhalf7
    scrumhalf7 Posts: 175 Member
    Once trained for 30 mins at gym before realising my shorts were inside out!! :ohwell:
  • scrumhalf7
    scrumhalf7 Posts: 175 Member
    I'm an *kitten* and laugh at uncoordinated people in aerobics classes. I keep it to myself, though.

    That makes me an *kitten* as well. Had a woman at circuits who ran like Phoebe off friends!
  • farmwife3815
    farmwife3815 Posts: 326 Member
    Another thing that I saw a few weeks ago is this woman, maybe in her 20's, on the treadmill. She was probably 80+ pounds overweight by my guess and huffing and puffing quite a bit, going too hard. I'm guessing she was just starting to workout. Well, she got her feet tangled up and went down hard, which wasn't funny. I happened to be walking down the isle when it happened and being the hopeless white knight I am I walked over to help her up and make sure she's OK. She eneded up being OK but said she was going to leave because she was too embarrassed to get back on. So, I told her that wasn't a good reason and that I would hop on the treadmill next to her ( I was looking for an open one anyway) for moral support. She took up the offer and got back on and finished her routine (slower though) and she's now I see here there most nights back at it. I didn't get her name, didn't talk to her at all after she got back on the treamill though.

    The funny part is when I got home and told my wife. Luckily my wife knows me and knows that I don't have the first clue about picking up women. My wife says, "Ya know, she probably thought you were trying to pick her up". I'm so clueless that it never dawned on my that I probably looked like a creeper. :grumble:

    I think it's sweet that you did that. I'm a big lady and I get embarrassed sometimes. If that would have been me, you would have made my day. Not in a creeper way, but in a way that told me not all gym guys are jerks. Props to you!! :flowerforyou:
  • tejasmh87
    tejasmh87 Posts: 91 Member
    I have a gym where I work in a very blue collar manufacturing plant and hit it 3x a week to get my 3mi in on an elliptical. There is this one very obese lady who is in there too and is always in jeans and some Tshirt. It never fails that she pep talks to herself and shakes her butt to the music. Well, all of her jiggles to the music.
    What is so funny about the whole thing is she gives the mirror a hard stare as if she's gonna lunge out and tear the reflection to pieces. She looks genuinely ticked off! Then she starts laughing at herself and is happy again. I swear she must think that Jillian Michaels is yelling at her or something- too much Biggest Loser??? :D

    And that.... was me yesterday :)
    I am a doofus- but I am a shrinking doofus!
    I am sure I am the entertainment at the gym at any given time. HAHAHA!
  • WendySPWarren
    WendySPWarren Posts: 63 Member
    Not funny, more just confusing than anything..

    I'm at the gym and a girl comes in, goes on the treadmill for 5 mins and walks off. So far, no biggie. I understand that sometimes people just like to get in a very quick jog because they can squeeze it into their timetable. Frankly, a 5 min walk/jog is better than nothing, so the teeny workout doesn't phase me.

    But then...
    I go to the female changing rooms and see her, full makeup, hair done, super high heels. No shirt, no pants. Just Lacey undies and a push up bra, all matching. (To all you men out there: Please do not confuse this as jealousy or insecurity: You don't want to see another guys stamding around in a lacy transparent banana hammock, its the same thing.)
    I hit the showers. I come out, she's still just standing there in her bra and undies, the same as before, casually applying furthur makeup.

    .... I don't even. :s
    Anyone who has worn Lacey undies and a push up bra to the gym only makes that mistake once.
    For the guys out there, think of the lacey undies as being a bit like vigorously rubbing a dry loofa on your five o'clock shadow until your cheeks are red and possibly bleeding from little bits of hair being gradually torn out. the push up bra I guess would be a bit like doing star-jumps naked with a boner.

    Why was she just standing around?
    And what's with doing that in a change room full of people who are statistically unlikely to appreciate it? Maybe it's just me, but I usually get naked in the changing rooms, not because I'm uncomfortable with my body (former nude model), but out of respect for the other women in there who might not be comfortable with theirs.

    Last off, matching undies and bra with 6 inch stelletos in the middle of the day? ****. No one bothers with that unless they are really trying to impress someone special. I can't even begin to imagine how sucky the rest of her day will be if she has to walk around campus in those heels for another 6 hours.

    So... Yeah. That's my funny/confusing tale of a woman who spent 5 mins on cardio and 20 mins alone in the change room dressed like a Victorias Secret maniquine.
  • WendySPWarren
    WendySPWarren Posts: 63 Member
    And something I legitimately did find amusing: A morbidly obese Asian guy lazilly pedeling on the bikes, while completely focused on beating the current boss on his DS.
    I mean, good on him for making the choice to sign up, and kudos to him for taking the incentive to make some changes to his lifestyle, but oh dear.. I just... Ah. Oh dear.
  • CandiceScott69
    CandiceScott69 Posts: 81 Member
  • SquidgySquidge
    SquidgySquidge Posts: 239 Member
    The comments about girls wearing make up in the gym are annoying.
    I wear make up and yes I put it on specifically to go there - the reason is that I have always had bad skin and I feel very uncomfortable leaving the house without make up.

    I don't do it to get guys to look at me - I would die from embarrassment if I thought a guy was looking at me in the gym.

    Some girls will go to the gym to pick up guys, yes - but not everyone wearing make up is there for this reason.

    Just an FYI :smile:
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    Every time I see a person on a treadmill with a cellphone in their hand.

    There's a woman I see about once a week. She gets on the treadmill and calls her friends and talks so loudly I have to turn my music up. However even yakking for an hour on the phone, she can still walk faster than me. :smile:
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    The comments about girls wearing make up in the gym are annoying.
    I wear make up and yes I put it on specifically to go there - the reason is that I have always had bad skin and I feel very uncomfortable leaving the house without make up.

    I don't do it to get guys to look at me - I would die from embarrassment if I thought a guy was looking at me in the gym.

    Some girls will go to the gym to pick up guys, yes - but not everyone wearing make up is there for this reason.

    Just an FYI :smile:

    If you have bad skin, wearing makeup while you're sweating will make things worse you know.
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    Not funny, more just confusing than anything..

    I'm at the gym and a girl comes in, goes on the treadmill for 5 mins and walks off. So far, no biggie. I understand that sometimes people just like to get in a very quick jog because they can squeeze it into their timetable. Frankly, a 5 min walk/jog is better than nothing, so the teeny workout doesn't phase me.

    But then...
    I go to the female changing rooms and see her, full makeup, hair done, super high heels. No shirt, no pants. Just Lacey undies and a push up bra, all matching. (To all you men out there: Please do not confuse this as jealousy or insecurity: You don't want to see another guys stamding around in a lacy transparent banana hammock, its the same thing.)
    I hit the showers. I come out, she's still just standing there in her bra and undies, the same as before, casually applying furthur makeup.

    .... I don't even. :s
    Anyone who has worn Lacey undies and a push up bra to the gym only makes that mistake once.
    For the guys out there, think of the lacey undies as being a bit like vigorously rubbing a dry loofa on your five o'clock shadow until your cheeks are red and possibly bleeding from little bits of hair being gradually torn out. the push up bra I guess would be a bit like doing star-jumps naked with a boner.

    Why was she just standing around?
    And what's with doing that in a change room full of people who are statistically unlikely to appreciate it? Maybe it's just me, but I usually get naked in the changing rooms, not because I'm uncomfortable with my body (former nude model), but out of respect for the other women in there who might not be comfortable with theirs.

    Last off, matching undies and bra with 6 inch stelletos in the middle of the day? ****. No one bothers with that unless they are really trying to impress someone special. I can't even begin to imagine how sucky the rest of her day will be if she has to walk around campus in those heels for another 6 hours.

    So... Yeah. That's my funny/confusing tale of a woman who spent 5 mins on cardio and 20 mins alone in the change room dressed like a Victorias Secret maniquine.

    Nope, it's jealousy. Just because YOU don't wear nice matching undergarments doesn't mean others don't. I always wear matching undergargments, and some people work in corporate environments where stilletos are normal attire for a professional, stylish woman and I think going barefoot in a public restroom is gross. Maybe she is doing her makeup in her skivvies because she doesn't want to get anything on the front of her shirt or its too humid in the changing room and she doesn't want to sweat in her business suit (I know that'd be the case in my gym).