things that make you laugh at the gym...



  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    As for stuff that makes me laugh at the gym... I happened to notice this regular at my gym who does a crazy *kitten* backwards crab walk. They say it's good exercise but it just looks dangerous as hell :laugh: Kinda like this but worse CRABCORE.gif
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    There are two women at the gym who do what I can only describe "Interpretive Elliptical"! They'll wave their arms dramatically one-at-a-time in large, fluid circles, toss their head from side to side, point upwards and then swing their arms around again. It is ludicrous!

    (I don't laugh at those ridiculous girls who make-up and dress specifically for male attention; they're just too idiotic to give that much attention to.)

    That would be me dancing to the songs on my ipod...I lip synch too
  • tpittsley77
    tpittsley77 Posts: 607 Member
    This guy walked into the workout room at my Y one evening. In the middle of the walkway, in front of everyone in the gym, he begins stretching out. Now he isn't doing normal stretches. He does some crazy ridiculous stretches. At one point, he stands on his right leg, bends at the waist to touch the floor, while swinging his left leg out behind him. The problem for him, is that he has NO balance to be attempting this move. He is about to touch the floor (at least thats what I assume he was attempting) when he lost balance, and toppled over to the right. Like a tree falling down. I have never seen SO many people attempting to stifle their laughter at the same time!
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    The people that pay for a personal trainer and do a set, walk for 5 minutes, do a set, talk for 5 minutes. It would be great if they were talking nutrition or workouts, but the one at my gym on Sunday was talking about movies and what she did the night before. If you are paying top dollar for a trainer ( and unfortunately, the trainers at our gym are top dollar) work hard and get your money's worth
  • icimani
    icimani Posts: 1,454 Member
    People who circle the gym parking lot looking for the closest parking space. Walk a few steps, will ya? You're headed into the gym. Think of it as a warm-up.

  • When I'm in the "freestyle" area of the gym doing kettlebell swings, and some *kitten* decides that they should plonk a bench about 2 feet in front of where i'm standing... when the area is massive and not at all busy... they soon shift when i start swinging ;P
  • drchimpanzee
    drchimpanzee Posts: 892 Member
  • NicholeElizabeth92
    NicholeElizabeth92 Posts: 186 Member
    The girl on the tredmill that walks at 1.5 miles per hour in jeans and a flannel shirt while reading a romance novel and leaning on the handel bars.

    Also the guys that gives girls funy looks when they walk into the weight room and then the look on their face when they see how much they are lifting :)
  • PoshyChristine
    PoshyChristine Posts: 12 Member
    ...the older guy who makes it a point to post up on the recumbant bike and people watch..... Same guy, same bike, same time, every day. It expends alot of calories to people watch.
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,779 Member
    Y'all were probably laughing at me on the treadmill yesterday. I sometimes listen to classical music while doing C25K. Yesterday I was listening to Tchaikovsky's Overture of 1812 and it wasn't until the cool down portion of my C25K that I realized that I had been conducting the orchestra the entire time.
  • VpinkLotus
    VpinkLotus Posts: 849 Member
    I make up little nick names for all the people I see in the gym. (just in my head, obviously I don't say it to them..) There is a guy I call "Happy feet." He wears these neon shoes that I am assuming are some type of weight lifting shoe? They really don't seem to fit his personality. Makes me giggle...
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    People who hang on for dear life on the treadmills, even while running. I fear walking behind them. If they would start out walking/running slower, their balance would improve and they wouldn't have to hold on like that. Drives me nuts.

    The 'big' guy who runs on his tiptoes and holds the treadmill while he does it. He doesn't look like he's been doing it for long, as in he doesn't 'look' fit at all. I don't know if he's doing it on purpose or not, but it makes me crazy and I can't concentrate on my own running. I have to block him out. I do give him credit for being there and doing something though!

    The orange women/girls in their grossly too tight clothing. Some might only weigh 110lbs but the clothes are so tight and short that 'stuff' is squished out in all directions. It's nasty! Can't they see themselves in a mirror? Yuck. They would look thinner and sexier in something that actually fit.

    Maybe I shouldn't have posted those since they don't actually make me laugh, I feel sorry for them. Well, ok the Oompa Loompa Ladies are kind of funny. I said it.
  • mswanger09
    mswanger09 Posts: 863 Member
    The girls who show up in their velour track suits or their super short/tight shorts with their makeup all done and their hair down/teased. I'm just like really?? You look so ridiculous!! I can't help but laugh. Actually, not too long back, there was a girl wearing a short/tight leopard print skirt on the eliptical!! Can we say desperate?!

    I think those girls look hot.

    Hearing women complain about other women at the gym amuses me.

    Never once have I heard a guy give two poops about what another guy is wearing at the gym.

    I think it's you with the insecurities.


    No. It bothers me too, but not becuase I am insecure. They only bother me in the locker room when I have to pee. They stand and talk in front of the door to the bathroom and then stand at the sinks doing their hair and makeup or taking pictures. If they got out of the way, I don't think I would notice them. I don't see they in the GYM area at all though, so I am really not sure what they do with their time, if they ever leave the locker room.

    I completely agree with you. There are some girls who spend 10-15 minutes fixing their hair and make-up. And the amount of hair spray that they use is just nuts! I get wanting to look good, but some of them take it too far.

    One girl is my hero, she is in amazing shape and comes in very well dressed, nice make up, hair looks good. First thing she does after putting her stuff down, takes her make up OFF!
  • sammniamii
    sammniamii Posts: 669 Member
    Also the guys that gives girls funy looks when they walk into the weight room and then the look on their face when they see how much they are lifting :)

    OMG - yesterday me & my friend scored the last bench in the free weight area, so we were sharing till another freed up. EVERY single guy in the area stopped dead for a min to stare at us as we started. All but 1 dude just shook it off and when back to their workouts, but the guy on the Smith machine next to us. He kept staring and when his friend joined him, I heard him whisper to him "Why are they doing that?" at me & my friend (we are both women and neither small :D ).

    Kool part... his friend did a double take at him and asked him (loud enough for most people to hear) "Why are you doing it?"

    I almost dropped the dumbbell on my head trying NOT to laugh at the 1st dude.

    **edited cause I can't speel**
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    Okay I got a chuckle this morning about the guy who seemed to forget that the windows around the pool were transparent in BOTH directions, and he was checking me out so hard he turned his whole body to watch me walk away. Um, hello, I can see you creepin' dude!
  • bokodasu
    bokodasu Posts: 629 Member
    I don't really laugh at the gym, but I do smile a lot. I'm totally a sucker for a grandma in a velour tracksuit, with the matching head-and-wrist-bands and everything, and my gym has a pretty good selection of them. The track runs around the outside of the cardio room, so every time one speedwalks past me I want to pump my fist and yell, "yeah, you go! Wooo!" but I wouldn't want to make things awkward.

    The other thing is that if I have a day off work sometimes I think, oh, I'll sleep in a little bit, but somehow I never remember what a bad decision that is until I get to the locker room. And then I run into the water aerobic ladies and you just have to laugh because there isn't really any other option. There are maybe 10 on any given day, but it feels like at least twice that many - they all descend en masse and set up giant intricate camps of towels and toiletries on the benches, flinging bathing suits around and loudly describing the details of their last poop. They're hilarious. I hope to have that much awesome when I'm 80. (Know how I know they're 80? Because when you're 80 and at the gym, you introduce yourself by saing, "My name's Betty, I'm 80! I'll be 81 in May!")
  • Winks0118
    Winks0118 Posts: 25
    Y'all were probably laughing at me on the treadmill yesterday. I sometimes listen to classical music while doing C25K. Yesterday I was listening to Tchaikovsky's Overture of 1812 and it wasn't until the cool down portion of my C25K that I realized that I had been conducting the orchestra the entire time.

    I can't do anything more on the treadmill oter than trying not to fall off. I give you props for being able to conduct an entire orchestra while you're on the treadmill. lol
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    Yesterday, I saw two young woman at the gym holding little 2-3 pound dumbbells and waving them around with no particular form while they chatted. I wanted to ask where they got their routine from and which muscles were they were working. It seriously made no sense.
    Yea right, and I laugh at native English speakers who can't spell 'women', I want to ask them where they got their education from and which part of their brain are they using.
    Seriously people, stick to your own routine rather than judging others.

    It was a typo, lighten up!
  • seena511
    seena511 Posts: 685 Member
    kind of laughing right now at all the people posting "well you shouldn't judge people...but i saw this really funny thing at the gym too!"

    uncoordinated people are always funny. i have to laugh at myself when i forget the routine during turbo kick and go one way when everyone else goes the other way. i'm sure i'm pretty funny playing racquetball too...trying to work my tennis skills on a much smaller scale, and there's lots of jumping and kicking and arm flailing as well.
  • seena511
    seena511 Posts: 685 Member
    Y'all were probably laughing at me on the treadmill yesterday. I sometimes listen to classical music while doing C25K. Yesterday I was listening to Tchaikovsky's Overture of 1812 and it wasn't until the cool down portion of my C25K that I realized that I had been conducting the orchestra the entire time.

    I can't do anything more on the treadmill oter than trying not to fall off. I give you props for being able to conduct an entire orchestra while you're on the treadmill. lol

    sometimes i try to dance to a cool song...can't really shimmy my hips while running. never ends well.